Why can't more games have deep and well written characters?
Why can't more games have deep and well written characters?
How about games with characters who I want to FUCK?! I WANT TO FUCK MAX!
Deep as a puddle.
because the market is driven by 12-to-year-17-olds who want a break from schoolwork (ie. no reading, no thinking)
Also, nothing you did matters.
>Also, nothing you did matters.
How not?
The ending is a binary choice between either a town full of assholes or the biggest asshole you encounter in the entire game who you are forced to love
How about you posting a Picture that's related to your statement OP?
this game is shit. Where are all of you tasteless faggots coming from lately
>well written
back to tumblr
i can't stress it enough
just leave and stay there
I mean, i’d go so far as to say it was mediocre, but its use of 2013-era “memes” was cancer
By that measure the entirety of your existence is purposeless, you're going to die regardless of what actions you take.
Why bother?
pic unrelated
Damn, way to deflect from the conversation. r/im14andthisisdeep
>Yes 100%
GOTY cannot even approach an accurate description of the level of masterpiece that Snake Eater was
Name 1 (one) game where the ending matters.
That would be a good observation, user, if not for that.
They're all waifufags, trannies or spergs...they'll kill themselves in due time
Ehhhhh, it was “ok”. For the sake of playing Devil’s Advocate: The concept was somewhat promising, however, the execution and the genre which the studio chose to execute it within were both ultimately equally abysmal.
The Torture Room scene were it subtly reveals that everyone is a double agent & spy against Volgin was fucking mindblowing
waifufags have better taste than this though. Girls from LiS are ugly and poorly written
Plus the studio was gay, and its name is also gay.
>Girls from LiS are ugly
Shoot yourself in the head, retard.
also a decent chunk of them are either total bitches or raging lesbos
How deep is she?
At least 8 inches I hope.
>the Unity Engine
Ew, Max is a virgin and that isn't changing any time soon, creeper.
I love you
Max Caulfield’s only character progression is if she abandons her literal gay teen romance fantasy with the ungrateful bitch, who only wants her because her other girlfriend died and now wants to suddenly hook up with her platonic childhood friend out of nowhere because of emotional shellshock, and then saves her city, and even then, no one even thanks her for it, because the dumb time travel mechanic made it so no one knows the town was ever going to be destroyed by an ecological cataclysm.
The game being western and obvious sjw propaganda I must admit the girls aren't half bad
bay will always be the worst, literal clown world ending in a game
Max is decent. Chloe is...uhhhh...idk, I plead the fifth. Kate Marsh is a solid 8/10, however she is waiting ‘til marriage (aside from being a rape victim as per the game’s “story”) so...fuck.
Love you too user
Yes because sacrificing a thousand people over the person who has abused you over the course of the entire game and dragged you along for a criminal investigation which’s Resolution was obvious from the getgo and aggressively refused to involve “corrupt” law enforcement who previously displayed kindness to you and hostility towards the drug dealer who harassed you is objectively the best choice.
Kate is objectively the best part of what is otherwise an extremely mediocre experience
>killing your childhood friend who was always there for you just to save a few junkies who you don't even know and wont thank you for it
Wowser, you're cold.
>uses a generic teenage female art student as an example
Those aren't even deep in real life
Ride or die bitch. Sorry you’re friendless, but I would kill for my friends. I would MURDER a LOT of people for my friends and family.
You’d be subjecting every other person you wasted your time saving to death, also, said childhood friend is one of those junkies, who you never actually got clean, and you’re saving her life, and also condemning the shattered remnants of her family to oblivion as well. Flawless logic, Anons.
Arcadia Bay deserved to get purged. Not even Max and Chloe manage to top the town's level of degeneracy.
PERsonally, I believe you guys are missing the point entirely. The issue is not that your ship is objectively superior to everything else. It’s that DOTNOD are shitty writers, and should’ve provided a means to create a third option provided certain criterion were met, y’know, like in a fucking good game.
But user: They are part of its degeneracy.
This, it was full of pedo teachers, homeless and drug addicts.
Is she a board?
>true, but I mean, that’s every city in America
>literally supporting a trolley dilemma
Jesus Christ I thought people said Yea Forums was intelligent
>Why can't more games have deep and well written characters?
It's all Carmack's fault
I have literally said in another reply that the dilemma itself is retarded.
>Ok, Max. Go fuck your selfie!
Before the Storm was garbage I never finished it
Fuck you.
It was Kino
I loved it but I really don't blame you
Should Deck Nine take over the LiS franchise? Before the storm is better than LiS 2 at the moment.
have sex and play MGS2 brainlet
Chloe did not need an origin story, she explained herself in Season 1. And I liked the concept of Rachel Amber being a manipulative bitch who kinda deserved it and in which the rumors spread about her had a degree of factual basis, not someone who actually loved Chloe, who she left for Frank (their drug dealer), by any stretch of the imagination, which Before the Storm completely retcons.
If you're a waifufag incel, choose BAE
If you're a true incel, choose BAY
If you can get laid...don't fucking play this game
There case closed.
I read the tabs every time, but this is the first time I noticed the URL. Nice touch
W o a h
Fuck those niggers. Bros before hoes my dude
>my point is that some of them are also your bros and that this binary itself is retarded and proof of this game’s bad writing, so you’re missing the point, retard
I gagged when I saw that in-game
Fucking same
Ashley gives me a raging boner everytime I see her
You prefer Kate?
whomst? the VA? because I think it’s spelt without the “e”
>Why can't more games have deep and well written characters?
Because most writers that can write do books rather than video games.
this is not epic
Fuck I meant Rachel Amber
this user is fucking enlightened beyond belief
understandable, have a nice day
low key same
Deus Ex
Invisible War
Human Revolution
Kate was depressing but Max was straight up shocking
>Invisible War
Alright because you were intelligent enough to at least mention HR you get a momentary pass.
Somehow I just can't feel sexually attracted to Max as cute as I think she is, not even Chloe either
The Invisible War ending choices were quite significant which is why I included it, even though the game was dumbed down in every other aspect.
I can’t feel sexually attracted to Chloe due to brown noting her as a lesbian, regardless of whether that’s the case.
Ah, fair.
They're both Bi but the only male love interest for Max is a quivering faggot and the only guy Chloe showed any interest in turned out to be a complete psycho
someone redpill me on this qt
is she pure?
Raging lesbian, take that for what you will
Have sex.
*Bi, but only make love interest is a nerd constantly called a “beta” by other “dudebros” who goes berserk against the secondary antagonist on a singular occasion and who you can optionally make out with once, but at that point why even bother, as the female love interest is way more developed
I wish I could, pure friend.
Max is for ______ing
Based and katepilled
Have sex.
literal tumblr tier writing
plz go back to /vg/ containment
You mean hella deep characters?
You first.
>He thinks girls with grandma hair look sexy
What a disappointing video game it turned out to be. It could've been better if they added more side character interactions. I want to know more about Victoria's past, I want to explore Nathan's fucked up head, but it had to turn into a fucking subpar crime solving mystery that nobody asked for.
I like Snake Eater, but the writing was pretty fucking trash. If not for the gameplay being amazing, it would be my least favorite out of MGS1-4
Fuck you god dammit
Cause the standard of video game writing is trash like MGS and Uncharted. When a good written game comes out no one gives a shit about it's story because "gamers" are too stupid to understand them.
>When a good written game comes out no one gives a shit about it's story because "gamers" are too stupid to understand them.
That's exactly why LiS and LiS BTS are hated here, Yea Forums is too dumb to appreciate the complex narratives and rich contextual backgrounds.
LiS is /v-core though, albeit for the wrong reasons
didn't this bitch kill herself
[caughs in taffer]
Ahem... the user asked you to mention a game where the ending matters and you specifically listed three games where the ending absolutely does not matter at all.
-In Deus Ex you choose between Helios, Illuminati and Dark Age but it doesn't matter because the developers of Invisible War merged all three endings into one clusterfuck canon.
-In Human Revolution you choose between Sarif, Taggart, Darrow or Destroy but it doesn't matter because the developers merged all three endings into one clusterfuck canon for Mankind Divided.
-Invisible War has no sequel so none of the endings matter.
>merged all four endings into one clusterfuck canon for Mankind Divided.
I'd go into Chloe so hard
That's the worst written part of BtS imo. The character was written like he had been in a relationship with Chloe and neither of them were particularly interested, and he was just lazily attempting to keep it together by occasionally suggesting things they could do together. Then out of nowhere he's one chroloform short of shackling himself a basement dungeon wife.
Was he a bigger loser than Warren?
Probably not because he does what he does because he's insane. Warren is sane but just pathetic and clueless.
>not wanting to fuck Chloe in front of Max and make her watch as her beloved blue haired dyke moans and gets orgasms much harder than their pussy rubbing ever will
Probably because shallow garbage like Life is Strange sells well and is critically praised, so there's no incentive for anyone to ever make deep and well written characters.
LiS isn't shallow at all, did you even play it or did you just watch some fag youtuber rip on it for 10 minutes and decide you knew everything about it?
>Life is Tumblr
Neck yourself already. I promise that I'll pay for your shitty funeral.
Played through to completion. It's terrible.
Chloe is a shitload better, designwise and characterwise, in before the storm.
like, she's almost a different character, i didn't even romance Rachel the thot.
Chloe is garbage in both games.
keep saying it
Playing before the storm really make you see Frank in another way.
he was right for being pissed at Chloe at the start of Lis.
>Named Eliott
>actually look like eliott rodger.
Ah, the thinking man choice.
What are some other good comedy games like life is tumblr?
LiS is love, LiS is life
I want to shave Max's bush and eat her pubes off the carpet.
They are so skinny.
I bet they are tight as hell.
It doesn't retcon anything.
BtS finishes before Rachel starts going out with Frank, there's a hole of 2 years from BtS and the original LiS. The relation between them it's not even suggested in the game.
I like webms where Rachel forces Chloe to do lewd things with men for drugs.
christ almighty
Im scared to ask about "Furcadia", but hit me anyway
Kate is the best because she is the most pure and lovable.
>unironically uses "shallow" as criticism
>"pure and lovable"
>sucked like 15 dicks at a party one after the other
>probably 1/3 of them came in her mouth
>at least one or two of them was probably a black guy
I like Kate, but Pricefield is the only wholesome relationship in LiS.
You misspelt "Maximum Victory".
>making up tales from your own sick imagination
user, the game only said "making out"
Chloe does NOT deserve a cute Max gf.
user, please
Managed to save her first time.
>making up tales from your own sick imagination
Explain this then
It's heavily implied that Kate did more than just "make out".
Obviously dialog from Victoria saying "yeah lol kate totally sucked 15 cocks what a skank" would be out of place within the context of the game, just the same as the stuff in the Dark Room never gets more rapey than "taking photos".
She does, fuck off.
Kate is all that is good and right in Arcadia Bay
>Here Max, dress up like my dead girlfriend.
>Hey Max, let's have an intimate moment in the pool. Nevermind, I wish Rachel were here.
>Hey Max, check out my cool junkyard hideout. I miss Rachel.
>Hey Max, did you know Rachel was my angel?
>Hey Max, use your badass time powers to find that bitch Rachel so her and I can take off to California.
>Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, Rachel.
Chloe only deserves a cheating slut like Rachel. Pure and sweet Max belongs with someone who will love and appreciate her like Victoria.
>"blah blah blah i'm a retard"
>"max and victoria 4 ever"
Ah, that explains the first part of your post.
What a fucking moron.
Kys yo momma
The only moron here is (You) thinking Chloe gave a shit about Max besides exploiting Max's powers to help her find Rachel. You absolutely know that if they had found Rachel alive then Chloe and her would have buggered off without Max or third wheeled Max so hard that she'd eventually get fed up and leave on her own. Remember that Chloe learned her master bitch manipulation powers from Rachel and was only stringing Max along (pool scene, kiss dare) to get Max to do what she wanted.
Reminder that Chloe is Max's only friend and is responsible for bringing her out of her shell, giving her confidence and making her into the person she is at the end of LiS.
Let's be honest Rachel would have ditched Chloe to suck one million and more cocks in LA. Bitch loved cock so much she literally died for cock. Rachel will manipulate every guy in LA by sucking their huge cocks to gain 1-ups in whatever industry (Porn) she desires to be in.
>Chloe is Max's only friend
They stopped being friends once Kate's cocklust reached overload levels and she started spending all her time in her dorm sucking dicks instead of drinking tea.
You're not wrong.
because they're written as badly as LiS characters.
>The town is shit, bad people occupy it, its full of degenerates.
Why do I always see these flimsy excuses from Chloe apologists, as if somehow implying that she is a better person than them or more deserving to live than them? Even then Arcadia Bay just had normal people all around, a negligent principal and a pair of corrupt rich assholes doesnt put tens of thousands of people under the death sentence. Never mind the whole "escape from responsibility" thing if you save Chloe, I doubt she even thought of checking if her mother was alive before abandoning her, or Max for Warren(but who cares for him, really).
Well played, Square Enix.
Writers cost money, mang. Costs makes shareholders unhappy.
If there's one person in Arcadia Bay who would dab it's Brooke
i like MGS3 but i think MGS2 with Raiden is better
Is the designated vidya lesbian thread?
it's not deep but lighthearted enough
hell yes
based. fuck dykes and fuck jannies