Name a combat system that more perfectly blends together fast pace, depth, fluidity and variety

Name a combat system that more perfectly blends together fast pace, depth, fluidity and variety.

Attached: kh2 combat.gif (500x281, 912K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Pic not related btw haha

>depth and variety

DMC is dogshit.

Attached: 1535805892954.png (2742x2298, 1.08M)

>one second gif of a single attack animation
You could at least put more effort into your bait than that. KH3's is leagues above this shit.

>Kingdom Hearts
>depth and variety

Kid Icarus Uprising

I liked Darksiders 2 combat, but hated the RPG stuff.

im playing 2fm rn and that was the pic i have on hand

kh3 suck dick

Attached: PCSX2-2019_04_20_49.jpg (1920x1017, 168K)

God Hand


Now go back to your r1 simulator, Frombabby.

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Ninja Gaiden you fucks

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Finally user with taste

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Wow look at all this shit that doesn't matter because you can jut mash X to win all your fights.

>e-celeb opinions
Try not being a literal NPC.

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not an argument

Attached: kh3 do nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

>R1 simulator
At least play the game first before you shitpost about it retard. You look like a god damn fool.

you're coping

Attached: DMCuck fight Lingeringchad.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

I think KH3 is better than KH2FM as well but there aren't any good bosses yet that take advantage of how good it is, just like how KH2 was pretty meh at first outside of like 1 good side boss.

Dark Inferno for example can be beaten with one hand.

Zone of The Enders 2nd Runner. Bonus that it's a flat out upgrade to the system from the 1st game.

Why do you bait people?

replying to yourself

The mechanic of kh3 are unsalvageable and poorly programmed guard is not even consistent

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Holy fuck Roxas is amazing, how can you hate this?

I'm not sure who's worse, KH2 fags or Meleefags. Both are the most insufferable autistic elitist faggots who take a literal baby's game way too seriously and smell like shit.

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Did they update how attractions work during boss battles? I don't remember getting a single one on a human sized enemy besides the pirate ship I used to juggle murder Aqua.

Meleechads and 2FMchads have always been right, about everything. The elitism and volatile criticism stems from a love for good gameplay that the brick wall that is casuals can't comprehend. Everyone whose played a video game more than once can feel good gameplay; the depth, the nuances, the raw mechanics of how a game works and functions. Nobody except diehard passionates of the medium go into vocal/written detail about it, but it's something that everyone can feel on a surface level. Melee had good gameplay, Brawl didn't, and everyone felt it. KH2 had good gameplay, KH3 did didn't, and everyone felt it.

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This a Barry thread?

nothing deep about sekiro and there's no variety

I can ignore all those mechanics because mashing X works better. Stay mad KH autist fag.

>fast pace, depth, fluidity and variety
Could you define those qualities?
Because from what I see
fast pace means mashing,
depth is just a buzzword without meaning,
fluidity is just a buzzword without meaning,
variety is having more than just one option.


also related

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Nothing deep about Kingdom Hearts and there's no variety

Every KH thread is a barry thread

KH2fags because meleefags can actually compete and socially interact with each other and don’t worship the fucking kingdom hearts story

Get off beginner mode kid. Go against a group of hot rods and/or crimson jazz and/or dancers and/or living bones, dragoons, sorcerers, literally any boss etc with only basic attacks and you'll get fucked. Every fight is a blast. Even Shan Yu goes HARD on level 1 mode. You are just another DMCuck/frombabby casual who will never get how good is 2FM (literally action game perfection).

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>worship the fucking kingdom hearts story

>Fast pace
Consistent 60 FPS, fast and responsive animations
The extent of game knowledge and physical skill needed to succeed in an encounter
Agreed here, could easily be combined into fast pace
The number of different mechanics and systems available to you to use in battle THAT ARE VIABLE

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>guarded too early
b-but its the games fault i'm bad!!

the guard connected then randomly stopped, get glasses

Not a defence.

>Consistent 60 FPS, fast and responsive animations
KH2 didnt even have 60fps till it got ported to ps4 and 60 fps causes a ton of bugs that dont exist in the original.
>The extent of game knowledge and physical skill needed to succeed in an encounter
You can beat every encounter in KH2 by mashing X except for a handful of completely optional bosses.
>The number of different mechanics and systems available to you to use in battle THAT ARE VIABLE
90% of the option in KH2 are rendered obsolete in favor of mashing X.


You guarded too late

DMCV and God Hand

>look at me mommy I can play a kid's game on the hardest difficulty

Attached: soywowPNG.png (120x120, 7K)

DMC has neither hitstun decay like actual fighting games nor Revenge like KH, even the JUMP has iframes, it's trash.

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Sup faggot?

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Otagi 2

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>Press triangle to put the coins in the chest
>Mash X to hit boss
>repeat a few more times until you win
You were saying?

>Consistent 60 FPS, fast and responsive animations
By your definition a turn-based game with good FPS and increased speed of animations is fast paced. I guess you mean, the amount of actions per second performed.
>The extent of game knowledge and physical skill needed to succeed in an encounter
KH has none then. Well, you sure need two arms with thumbs and index fingers or a special controller for diasbled but that's about it.
>The number of different mechanics and systems available to you to use in battle THAT ARE VIABLE
Most of KH options are irrelevant or situational.

So, KH combat is pretty shallow, slow and repetative compared to most of the competitieve fighting games or dedicated "character stylish action" ones.

>becomes impervious to physical attacks
No more responses from me Mr. Troll-y Man Who Hasn't Played The Game Or Is Just Being Obtuse :^)

He is just shitposting because 2FMchads made fun of his sandbag simulator, don't reply.

Attached: DMCuck fights larxene.webm (854x480, 2.2M)

God KH2fags are obnoxious. Luckily there aren't actually that many of you. Even this thread is yet another autistic copypasta.

>Put spell on shortcut X
>Mash X to cast spell to kill boss
You were saying? : ^ )

You are just moving the goalpost now.

Well obviously, maybe I'm kind of weird if I find it strangely interesting to respond to those kinds of posts to see what kind of stretch of logic can come next.

I can't. Too bad all the square combos are garbage though. We all know nobody actually used them

Hey, the bouncing launcher on square is dam good.

Are you talking about KH2? Horizontal Slash is the strongest repeatable normal hit in the game.

Attached: Key_Cute.png (325x360, 109K)


>you can finally choose a support role
>this is bad
>Play game on easiest difficulty
>complain game is easy
>Overlevel before engaging in content
>complain content is too easy

underrated post

because that is all Barry can do.

Bait, flaseflag, and ban evade

for falseflags

and is his cherrypicked shitposting

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1030, 161K)

>barry is STILL trying to falseclag and get khchads to hate dmcchads


These are the retards coming into action game threads and downgrading quality of discussion, fuck off to your contaminant board

LMAO Kingdom Hearts has the most repetitive gameplay in all of action games. Sodapoppin didn't even finish the game because it was too repetitive.


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>LMAO Kingdom Hearts has the most repetitive gameplay in all of action games.

even worse than FFXV's Hold O to win combat?

inb4 one of Barrys cherrypicked webms of him sucking on purpose is posted as an "counter argumnet"


Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

Calling others triggered isnt an argument.

Attached: DMC 'combat'.webm (1920x1080, 2.65M)

Sodapoppin is a faggot casual who skipped DMC1 and couldn't even finish DMC3 on normal mode.

i like bayonetta

No one ITT cares about or mentioned that game other than you, go talk about it with your /vg/ friends.

how much money have you donated, dont lie to me i can feel the musty breath from here

I've been playing God Hand on Hard mode and holy shit is it punishing. The key is countering with charged punch to launch for crowd control, but the timing is tough as hell.

If you're really having trouble try to kite the enemies so they'll fight 1-on-1. Stage 1-1, 1-4 & 1-5 are the hardest stages in the first half of the game (next to the Stooges) due to your crap moveset. Save your unleash for the demon and use La Bomba against groups. Don't be afraid to run away from the last group of enemies that spawn at the door.

Learn to spam High Side Kick near a wall. This stunlocks a good deal of enemies in the first half of the game, and after Stage 4 becomes the best method of dealing damage against launchable enemies outside of Roulettes/unleash, even in New Game+.

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Does "fast pace" means "mash a single button"?
Does "variety" means "this combo has many unique animations"?

meant for

KH2 allows and encourages you to optimize your strings in a manner almost like a fighting game, and there are many different permutations as to what's optimal. Do you go for pure damage per string? Are you going to trigger a counter with one string, two, or pause? Which counter will you provoke? Is it better to provoke quickly and counter with Reflect? Are you using ground? Air? Magic? A combination? Which spells?

Contrast with DMC, where the optimal tactic is JCed Hammer//Killer Bee spam and DT explosion when its available.

Attached: dmcuck brainlet.jpg (1026x508, 78K)

Good tips. I got the HSK spam move down already. Holy shit that tech is satisfying to pull off.

>Sekibros and DMChads unite to make fun of KHincels

Attached: 1550111740847.gif (340x388, 2.98M)

Based 2FMchad dropping pure knowledge for multiple games.

Cringe DMCbabby.

Attached: this_hurts_the_dmcuck.jpg (400x400, 30K)

As far as combos go DMC 3 has stun values

60 stun/60 knockaway for DT'ed Sloths and Lusts and other enemies have less.

Shotgun glitch is used to bypass the value somewhat by placing a decimal point that goes over the 60 value. Other than that you still have to follow this mechanic and every attack has its own value.

It makes something like this combo much more impressive since its built around the stun launching mechanic and also hard af to do mechanically.

>most optimal strategy in every end-game encounter is to mash X until their revenge value gets triggered, dodge/guard their attack, and repeat (and unlike proper action games, there's no rankings or incentives to be stylish)
>no pause combos or any kind of directional or multi-button inputs
>most of your "abilities" are passive upgrades, including making your X combo more and more flashy
>sliding dash makes spacing a non-factor
>speedrunner fanboys treat "revenge value" as some amazing feature when it's in a metric shitton of games (even as far back as A Link to the Past)
>if anything KH2's hyper-reliance on revenge value-driven AI makes the combat less dynamic and more repetitive (you're a slave to the boss's pattern)
>healing is fast and low-risk so the only way to challenge the player is to have them die in 1-2 hits
>action RPG where the "best way to play the game" is to ignore the RPG elements entirely (and leveling is linear outside of a mostly pointless choice at the start of the game between offense/defense/magic)
>unlike other action RPGs like Bloodborne, the level design is incredibly flat
>most of the story content is incredibly boring, have to play for dozens of hours until you get to end-game
>the vast majority of basic enemy encounters are a joke even on Critical
>rejects the simple and clean style of KH1's story in favor of being a poorly written shounen anime

Decent game but it has a ton of issues and doesn't stack up to proper action games. Which is why most smart fans call KH2 "the best action RPG" and not "the best action game" because the former has a lot less competition than the latter. In reality KH2 is not much deeper than, say, Ys Origin. If anything Ys Origin is what would happen if KH2's end game content was the entire game and it cut away most of the bloat.

Ebin combo vids like the one you posted are never optimal whether for killing enemies or building style gauge. That's the problem with DMC, its mechanics amount to meaningless fluff in the face of just spamming the few good attacks like in webm related. I used to be a DMCuck but after playing KH2/NG/God Hand I grew out of obsessing over dumb combo videos and learned actual depth that action games can provide.

Attached: DMC4 'combat'.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

This is the DMCuck who is still suffering PTSD from getting pleb filtered by revenge values and blown the fuck out by 2FMchads in this thread.

He is Barry-tier of mentally ill, don't feed him (You)s.

Based af.

Attached: DDD_sora_dab.png (1088x720, 1.4M)

DMC has depth in different places.

I only care about the combo scene anyways.

Also this is just DMC 3 which is the most simplistic DMC as far as variety goes.

E&I shot placement between attacks to slow enemy fall, non-charged dt explosion which does 0 stun/0 knockback but a good way to slow descent just before enemy reaches the ground to re launch, using helm breaker to get close to the enemy but cancel it out with shotgun JC to have enough height to relaunch again (with enough shotgun shots + final helm breaker reaching the values to relaunch).

DMC 4 got rid of stun values but added in inertia mechania, lucifer glitch, and some other small ones like frost glitch.
Just small details that I really like.

Attached: giphy (1).webm (640x360, 1.64M)


Attached: Oni combat.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

Also to explain the 10 second webm i posted:
Rising High Time, JC it during the ascend into Ebony and Ivory Shot

Land, Yamato combo 1st hit to slow Frost's descend and bring Dante closer to Frost for a second Rising High Time.

Interrupt it again but JC into aerial block this time

Prop Shredder into Reversed Air Trick, then E&I shot into Ecstasy and JC that into a normal Air Trick

Yamato Aerial Rave into Climax (JC in necessary) then JC into E&I shot

Frost floats due to being hit by the shot, hitting the climax pins and ricochets downwards diagonally and draggin Dante along with it, because overlapping hitbox.

Another E&I shot then JC into Ecstacy and jumpcancel again

Continue the jump this time to ascend with the frost, E&I shot, rainstorm JC into E&I shot again, Jealousy, JC into another E&I shot, then JC into another Ecstasy

JC this Ecstasy the moment it hits the enemy to activate the Ecstasy Glitch (variation 1), into a rainstorm and hold it to maintain height, at the same time switch to Lucifer+SM and use bondage.

E&I shot when the Frost falls slightly below the pins and use fireworks, JC the fireworks into Jealousy while the enemy is being knocked back to freeze the Frost in the air.

The 2 pins earlier goes behind the frost, Dante at the same time skystars forward. Due to the hits accumulated earlier from Fireworks, Jealousy, and E&I shots, the hitcount is well over 16 hits, giving Dante's rose an hitbox on his head. Dante touches the Frost, activating the said hitbox and sends the Frost flying.

Before Frost actually flies up, Dante cancels his skystar with a JC into another Ecstasy to detonate the pins from bondage earlier, sending the frost flying forward in a pinball fashion.

Using the recovery frames of the previous Ecstasy, Nino buffers it into a Reversed Ecstasy, with the rose thrown the other direction collide perfectly with the frost that's being sent to the same direction, sending it upwards again.

The second Ecstasy then is buffered into another Reverse Ecstasy. And this Ecstasy, due to being extremely low height, lands before the rose is thrown, activating Ecstasy Glitch (variation 2) Since, the three Ecstasies were buffered, it means that you can only control the height of the last Ecstasy by altering the height of the first one... And you must land cancel the last one.

Dante lands, then switches to Darkslayer. Frost lands as well. Due to Darkslayer's animation making Dante extends lucifer glitch's hitbox (or Frost raising its hitbox from getting up), the style change animation ends up killing the Frost.