>game breaks the 4th wall
Game breaks the 4th wall
>Game pretends it's clever by messing with your savefiles
>Game pretends to be "deep" by killing lots of characters.
that's prolly a developer venting.
Red Dead Redemption 2
Mass Effect 3
Halo Reach
>Game constantly has characters saying "This isn't a game"
Name 5 games that do this.
how is killing characters pretending to be deep
Bravely Second is the only one I have in my mind
The first Nier
>something serious is going on and a character isn't taking it to heart
any time I hear this shit I instantly get knocked out of giving a fuck. The only time it's ever funny is some point later it comes to fruition that it actually is a game or anime and the characters also stop taking it seriously and it just becomes fun. but that's never happened
Is Bravely Default worth playing? It looks like a generic JRPG.
It's not supposed to be funny.
undertale, automato
Its pretty much just FF5 if it were remade in the same fashion as FF3
Bravely Default is pretty fun, but the second half of the game overstays its welcome in both gameplay (which becomes repeating the same couple fights four times in a row) and narrative (which becomes the characters doing dumb shit four times in a row for poorly established reasons).
It's worth going through, I'd say, and Bravely Second improves on some of its shortcomings.
>make a fourth wall breaking joke
>it's not intended to be humorous
alright mate
I'm still disappointed over how drastically the music changed between games. Revo simply can't be replaced
>Red Dead Redemption 2
Are you fucking retarded? A lot of the deaths were pretty natural and they had to be consistent with Red Dead Redemption 1 you fucking nugget. It's a prequel after all and only a few of the gang survived as told by John Marston.
Why just 5? Let's do 15.
Eternal Darkness
He can't answer because he's talking out his ass
H-heh... Yeah... Definitely thinking about 2B...
>Game invites you to turn it off
reset the computer
banjo kazooie
Mother 2 if you have a poorly patched bootleg cartridge
Like others have said, It's pretty fun for the first half. Play at least up to lvl 50, then watch the rest of the important bits on Youtube.
Bravely Second has much better pacing, albeit the story overall isn't as strong and some of the newer classes are either too complicated or too situational, but nevertheless I still recommend them both.
But FFV Is still better than both of them
In the case of Danganronpa it has a purpose. The characters are trapped in a VR simulator and (with one exception) don't know it
That's not breaking the fourth wall,
It would be breaking the fourth wall if after saying that the characters looked at the camera and then said
"Well, this IS a GAME" or some shit like that.
The characters would have to directly reference the audience, the medium or their own fictional nature for it to be actually breaking the fourth wall.
Saying something "Isn't a game" is a fairly common phrase if someone isn't taking something seriously.
Hey you...
I’m talking to you...
isn't that written for 9s though?
>no one in the thread talks about OP
That isn't breaking the fourth wall unless you're one of those that believes it's supposed to be "kill" based on information that isn't even in the game.
You better wash your neck.....
>unless you're one of those that believes it's supposed to be "kill"
There's no believing about it, that's what it is supposed to be because he's killed her before.
That's nonsense. Are you talking about the timeloop shit at the end? From the context it was obviously referring to his romantic crush on 2B.
I’m still waiting...
the "kill" shit is the most pathetic thing ever. it's the most on the nose jab on the waifu faggotry on the game and they try to sidestep it with
fuck I hate to use the word but that's some genuine, unironic coping with the fact you just got dabbed on.
Dude, there's no consensus on it.
>game kills off character thinking it would cause emotional response on the player but it doesn't work because said character wasn't well written in the first place
no need to name drop, its literally every AAA game
What is the Evangelion Episode 25 and 26 (of the TV series) of Video Juegos?
Is that supposed to be a third person you?
Doki Doku Literature Club. The entire story falls apart if you don't care about its generic moeblobs.
yeah sorry im just so mad and just woke up I just rambled on. to summarize: 2b was made sexy. waifufags obsess over her. waifufags got owned. waifufags make some bullshit theory about it being "kill"
Get a load of this idiot.
G-good joke user...
Is this a reference to something?
Please user, you're spooking me.
I don't think that's the case at all. It's people wanting as much "depth" and meta bullshit as possible - psuedo-intellectuals. They want it to be a hint to a "hidden truth."
You mean like all the mind fuck stuff shinji goes through? Porcupine theory and all that? "Congratulations"?
I'd say MGS2 when you get to GW core. Maybe LISA?
How did Halo Reach do its deaths badly? not Kat's
oh look at me i'm so above it all the games aren't clever they're just pretending to be clever bluh bluh bluh
Yes, as in
>what're you when you're alone, what will you be if you base your identity around one aspect of your life, change your perspective, congratulations, thank you all
Have sex.
>game has perma death mechanic that you don't find out about until after your favorite character in the game has died
It's okay, user. I had to stop and fap multiple times, no matter which character I was playing as.
YoRHa units are literal perfect humans. Fucking Automata
None of what you said makes absolutely any fucking sense whatsoever.
He's saying that the OP scene was taking a jab at the horny fans who wanted to fuck B2. The fans in response tried to deny this by suggesting **** meant "kill" using increasingly contrived reasoning.
what does Yea Forums think about the stanley parable?
So it's 4th wall breaking simply because you are projecting? Got it.