*unfucks his shit*
*unfucks his shit*
*wife gets blacked*
I wouldn't go THAT far...
Unironically looks worse than his snaggle tooth look
It looks like one of those photo app edits. While looking like an AI stitched your face together is an improvement over what he originally had, I'd still not pay the $30k he did for the look.
Are you fucking kidding.
the six million dollar centrist cuckblob
le faceapp face
He looks so nasty. I can see why has has a closet tranny fetish
adam sandler's fat retarded cousin.
Please don't post it
Not that user, but those """"""""perfect""""""" white teeth creep the shit out of me. Literally soulless.
It looks like it's photoshopped
>both phone posters
>both same time
Jesus christ can we please disable phone uploads
Did he watch?
He looks "better", but now all on him looks so fake its odd.
he confirmed himself he is a furry and bisexual (i think he is 100% gay though). total sexual deviant.
I thought that was Dunkey
Why is this though?? I feel the same exact for some reason. There's something extremely uncanny about it and I honestly can not pinpoint what it is. Driving me insane.
Boogstosity is so fucking disgusting
>he got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly waddled away
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal
It's because they're perfect and NOBODY naturally has perfect teeth. Imperfections add character and usually some charm. Having them the same colour as your shitter and 0 imperfections is just insanely unnatural.
Jesus. I know she was using him for money, but how did she last so long.
what the fuck?
>pays for dental implants
>gets them coke white instead of a more realistic shade
If you lose your real teeth your skull will begin to deteriorate where they used to be. He'll eventually have that sucked in mouth look that homeless people have.
I have seen this before, but i dont know if its pasta or based in some real shit.
god that looks like you would be sore for fucking weeks
pic somewhat related
This probably and also the fact they might be too big for him. (example is they're impairing his speech)
>have to pay to lose weight
Literally pathetic. can't believe you guys look up to him.
Punished Woogie Oogie
That's only natural though. Everyone should let their wife get BLACKED at least once.
what happens when you buy beauty instead of working for it.
This. Dentures and natural teeth, even teeth which had braces and got straightened, still have minor imperfections and shit. The feeling you have is literally what you said - uncanny. It's a phenomena where humans are just naturally freaked out by shit that is ALMOST human but not quite - either it's too perfect or it's just not right enough. It's like when you see decent CGI humans - you can usually forgive CGI that looks really good or really shit but if they're not cartoony enough and they look JUST off enough, you'll be less comfortable with it.
Nice villain origin story.
If you have really bad teeth, it's better to just wait for them to be able to regrow human teeth naturally in the future. That looks like a literal gore scene and probably the most painful thing in existence.
how long can you last?
Being a fat fucking greasy slob with perfect "teeth" is an offputting look.
Not many people do anymore after seeing how shitty he is via twitch. He's extremely passive aggressive and insults people frequently. Also, his weight loss surgery caused his head to be huge for some reason. Like his head looks like the same size as his body now. I'm guessing that's from your body shedding too much too quickly so the other parts of your body couldn't do the same.
how come whenever he cries there are no tears?
Pog baby
>be born
>teeth on bottom row are perfect but top row has the two front teeth overlapping each other
>get braces
>wisdom teeth come in
>top row is fixed but now bottom row has one tooth in front of the others
>americans spend $8000 to keep their teeth fucked up
>Pays for fake teeth
>Pays for gastric bypass
>Lives from patreon and pity donations
Has this guy actually put effort in something in his entire life?
Imagine that head between your legs.
That poor fucking bed. Also he lasts 10 seconds before being completely worn out lmao.
i have one, it wasn't that painful at all
He's managed to edit videos and upload them to youtube.
let's dispel this fiction
Keep sayin it
>my responses are limited, you must ask the right questions
>wait for them to be able to regrow human teeth naturally in the future
you really think the public would have access to this? there's no money in that. just like the hair loss industry, even cancer. There's cures, we just don't get them.
Wtf is that picture
>get gastric bypass surgery
>wife leaves
Look like a tranny vagina
What is this procedure? All teeth removed and replaced with metal?
can you at least tell them to make them kinda yellow, thats fucking unnaturally white
Maybe, but something to be better and feel better i mean. He seems like a lazy fuck, there is no other way you can get so fat and with rotten teeth.
I just read that they're working on human teeth regrowth via stem. The only problem they're having is trying to get it to grow to specific sizes.
it's the "i spent my entire life only drinking mountain dew and i need to pretend like i take care of myself" procedure
It's a gross look and I feel like MundaneMatt has it too although i don't know the condition of Matt's teeth
irl faceapp
Replaced with porcelain veneers most likely.
You cheated not only the gums, but yourself.
You didn't brush.
You didn't floss.
You took a shortcut and gained nerve damage.
You experienced a local anesthesia
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
It's sad that you dental know the difference.
Because his life span was increased, imagine taking care of a literal manchild with the only hope is that when he dies he leaves you all his money. Once he got that surgery she broke
maybe because you are used to his old face. its a really jarring change.
Why don't people with dentures get them stained slightly at least? It looks weird having florescent white teeth all touching so close together they look like one unit.
imagine the smell
teeth aren't meant to be perfectly uniform and perfectly white
Holy fucking shit that's disgusting
Kinda like anime character teeth but larger. It's weird.
>When i lose weight we'll be able to have sex
>I'm leaving you
What kind of anesthetics did they use on you?
Also fuck off Boogie, die already you fuck.
yeah i had a retainer when i was a kid, and then my wisdom teeth came in and fucked everything up
You know what, that surgeon deserves whatever they get paid. Remember to floss lads.
She was probably banking on some life insurance when he was on pace to drop dead well before 50, and when he took the easy route of surgery instead of diet and exercise like a non-mentally I’ll person might do, she bailed because the thought of wiping his ass for much longer probably made her suicidal.
Oh, and he emotionally abused her for years to keep her self esteem low enough to stay with him. Boogie is an enormous piece of fucking shit and an admitted mentally ill Yea Forumstard. Can’t wait until he commits suicide.
>Tfw you're on a diet and exercising properly to stay healthy instead of needing niggas online to keep your disgusting bloated husk of a body clinically alive.
>GF is sporty and exercises with you and isn't wiping your ass for money
>Teeth are where they should be with proper brushing and treatment, drink milk and take vitamin D pills for strong bones
Its like that episode of Friends where Ross left the teeth whitening paste on for like a full day and he had a date the next day and had too keep covering his mouth when he talked and then the girl had a black light in her apartment which cock blocked him.
My teeth are fucked up like that too. My two front teeth have huge holes in them. Luckily nobody notices, I have a thick mustache that hides that nasty shit well.
>vitamin D pills
Nigger detected.
general anesthesia, was asleep the whole time. they prescribed painkillers for after but i didn't need them.
they look like ancient archaeological artifacts dug up after resting in the ground for thousands of years
imagine that being inside your fucking face
I talked to his wife before (since she's also a fan of Alkaline Trio) and i'm prettyyy sure she has a fetish for men relying on and needing her. That might have something to do with it too.
Now if only he could replace his arteries.
Maybe she knew gastric bypass isn't a permanent fix and can actually be a health risk in itself when you're unable to absorb vital nutrients as well as you could with a normal system. Or maybe she just wanted the money and was sick of his constant bitching.
let's get this out onto a tray
Oh they notice user.
jerry get ipad
You really should get them fixed, man. That shit is a potential ticking bomb. If they start to rot, it can spread to your blood and that potentially means death.
Am I the only one who thinks milk is the most disgusting thing ever?
What is that? French fry nubs that were dipped in donut glaze?
Vitamin D prevents depression.
Maybe so but boogie still gaslighted that bitch so she wouldn’t leave his fatass.
he's still ugly and fat as fuck
Would you like that big head of his between your legs?
GTFO you bloody normie
You can get enough vitamin D by standing outside for a while if you are white.
Only people who stay inside all day and niggers who live in cold climates develop vitamin D deficiency.
On a similar note, are you getting enough zinc?
They drill those metal things into your bone and then they put the fake teeth like legos in there
why the fuck is something so inane and irrelevant making the rounds on the internet like this, just fuck off already.
I don't understand why people shit on him for getting dentures, I mean, sure, he shouldn't have left his teeth get so bad that he had to get them replaced, but it already happened, what do you want him to do, keep his mouth full of missing and rotten teeth?
Unironically looks good. Haven't seen boogie in a while. Teeth look like that "perfect hollywood" look and looks weird for sure but as time goes on Im sure they will look more normal as they get less white. Reminds me of stevo
What's wrong with D? D3 with some K2 is pretty good
A lot of people I know think milk is disgusting and much prefer a clear type drink. I love raw the local cow milk and goat milk I get, except the times you can tell the animal ate something they weren't supposed to like weeds and made the milk taste weird.
He was a piece of shit to her, boogie is not that nice like in his youtube videos.
He's only *unfucked* his shit by throwing money at it. He threw money at an easy and lazy way to lose weight and he's just thrown money at a way to fix his fucked up teeth.
You need to change your mindset and become more mentally strong to actually unfuck your shit. Hopefully these things give him the confidence and motivation to do so, but I have my doubts.
>has to literally get his stomach cut smaller to stop himself from eating to death.
>Despite this no one lives even moderately much longer post surgery giving me about 5 more years at best.
>Has absolute garbage opinions on politics and despite having pools of money is ignorant as they come.
Yeah he unfucked himself alright.
Am I the only one that's not disgusted by this? It's just a bunch of teeth.
>Cinco food tube prerequisite
Taking vitamin D pills also help with muscle growth.
This will always be relevant in these threads
To be fair with the latter there's no way to unfuck your teeth without just throwing money at it. You can't just naturally grow new ones like you can lose weight by dieting and exercising.
No, there are like a billion niggers in the world.
As Dentistry student, drilling and installing those titanium post is actually satisfying when you do it properly. kinda like beating a boss in a Fromsoft game
What took so long?
My dad's a dentist, and I used to clean and disinfect the trays and instruments he used during work. Sometimes, a rotten tooth would be on those trays and I threw them in the trash. They smell godawful, but you get used to it pretty quickly. Have seen worse than Boogie's teeth.
>tfw teeth are fuck
>cant get them fixed because poorfag in a third world country (america)
That is true.
Totally forgot to post SALAD DODGER in past Boogie threads because all I can think of is his teeth now
>be depressed
>get vitamin D levels checked
>extremely low
>start taking vitamin D supplements and going outside a bit more
>check levels again after a few months
>they're normal
>still depressed
Fuck this shit
>boogie looks better than I do now
i think there are some programs where you can get students to work on you. better than nothing i'd say, if you can get it.
>just hit the 300 pound mark
I’m not going to make it anons
he beat her up?
That only happends when you have no teeth to clamp down on when you close your mouth. It won't happen to him
>except the times you can tell the animal ate something they weren't supposed to like weeds and made the milk taste weird.
I'm going to be fucking sick.
depression goes deeper than that silly. don't expect to just do something and make it "go away". it knows you're coming. it knows your plans.
She was probably a feeder.
Yes some people get off to seeing you destroy your body.
those are post for a set of teeth. then they screw in an abutments that are has adjustable angle and height. what it in YT.
>tfw you're so fat your eyes get bruises from trying to stay open
The giant black holes are totally normal.
I think the fact that everything in his mouth looks perfect except for the overbite is causing an uncanny valley look
Nigga you must look extra super duper fucked up then.
Thanks for the money dummies!
>drinking milk gives you strong bones
People still believe this myth? lol
go see a dentist if you think those are normal
>and probably the most painful thing in existence.
You know that anesthesia exists right?
Have you never been locked in the box? It's where you wake up through the surgery but can't move anything.
Well yeah but as far as I'm aware you can't smell images.
I know they're not normal, I just don't see what's so disgusting about them.
Did he just break his switch, lmao
Good luck unfucking his terrible personality and mental illnesses
i used to work at a skating ring and that reminds me of working on roller blades.
braces gave me TMJ and i cant learn how to drive because I fainted twice over two years due to the nerve reflex in my throat
What happened to Dunkey?
Are boogie threads allowed now? Mods used to delete this shit asap but they always reach bump limit recently
Not really, when you see and smell feet that are rotted by diabetes then stuff like this don't faze me.
Christ, that fucking sucks. I'm sorry, user.
>comparing some menial task with the hardest game known to man
lmfao dude you need some adversity in your life once in a while
hes such a fucking cuck and his he just copies other videos to.
He fucked a 19 year old after she left
A prostitute?
You Just Know.
Don't think so. Someone he met online, if he's to be believed anyway.
Surely that's enough to buy a new battlewagon.
Sorta. She's from a sugar daddy site. Btw they didn't have sex like the user claimed.
Yeah it's just this. He does look better now, especially if you see the bag full of his old teeth and realize what bad shape he was in. Kind of glad for him.
keep saying it
I'm said user. Remember him saying something like that on H3's podcast
She has a video up exposing the whole thing. He got super mad too when she reminded him that this was her job and tried berating her for doing that line of work.
In Boogie's case they'll brown in weeks.
This, uncanny valley less natural than face-app tier.
If only they prevented retardation too, maybe you'd be a normal person.
Nothing, anons are fucking stupid and dont do their due diligence anymore and take everything at fucking face value
keep sayin it
>only retards try to fix or prevent depression
fingers look the same though and moles can appear at random
I was calling you retarded, because you think Vitamin D prevents depression, you troglodyte.
>what is concealer?
could easily be a spot of shit from the shitskin she's fucking
reach harder and you might dislocate your shoulder
Heres the full 8 minute video
cope, concede, kneel.
>NOBODY naturally has perfect teeth
*blocks your path*
How old is this guy anyway? His hair is very visibly greying.
Come on, guys. We're all fucking men here. Pull yourselves up by your fucking bootstraps. In addition: lift, deradicalize, and have sex
>nice dentures granpa.png
kys boogie you disgusting fat fuck
Honestly he's not too greasy. fat, yes. Greasy? not particularly.
It helps improve your mood.
I think you need some because of how mad you are.
And yet most people with bought beauty look better than you ever will
Two decades late
He should had just killed himself
Its too late to get his life back on track
He barely has one left anymore
>your mind on mental retardation
That image is the biggest cope I've seen
there's no way in hell Steve O has 100% natural teeth, he must have half of them out of his skull over the course of career
>Niggers have vitamin D deficiency
I've never seen niggers depressed to the point of having suicidal tendencies. Would be nice if they do.
I know nothing about him but who gives a shit how someone loses weight or something if they get the end result?
Yeah I got your vitamin D right here.
He probably is better off having those out
I'm not a radical of anything
>have sex
I don't want to.
>giving me about 5 more years at best
Hi boogie
It's not, Boogie is now living proof that it's possible to radically improve yourself..
Uh what the fuck happening here? Are you telling me rich people get metal fucking studs drilled into their skulls?