Let's cross the fine line between Yea Forums and /pol/
Or is it one and a same? Lol
One and the same. It used to be the fault of the right in censoring video games, but now it is the fault of the left. Hating on the left is /pol/-like.
Based fuck trannies
>if you aren't a tranny, you are a nazi
And yet tons of other stages still has the shitty flag
>when you're a mentally ill manchild buying products from a company based in a country that chemically castrates trannies
It's like if you were jewish and decided to buy art from hitler during ww2
trannies should kill themselves
It's almost like this is a lie, a shitpost designed to piss people off or create hatred. Deliberate lying and shitposting on Yea Forums? It's more likely than you imagine.
Well it does say they do not want sexual based content in an E10+ RATED GAME.
Is everyone going out of their way to find the tweet to make threads on it? I've seen screencaps with varying degrees of hiding the name, some retard leaving their own name in it, and people just screencapping the whole damn page.
>Censorship is good if it happens to bad people
>n-no wait
And politics.
So Nintendo censored a game and you have no qualms about it?
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
It's political garbage. Transpeople are also divisive as fuck, and Japan is a very conservative country. That's why it was deleted. Now if they can get rid of those other political stages, that'd be great.
User made content that forces politics (especially identity politics) has no place in a party fighting game.
Its because politics do not belong in video games. Video games are for everyone, not just the left, and not just the right. Everyone.
Don't mind me, just stealing dialogue for my up and coming graphic novel. Thanks lads.
Only one of the flags got deleted, retards. This was probably a mistake they’re going to address. They let this shit fly in splatoon 2.
Also, who does this person think she/he is? Sakurai works his ass off to make something for people to the point where be becomes sick, only for people like this to shit all over him because, "Oh! They censored my stage!" Amateurs...
shut up rabbit and start stripping
>puts on cheap wig
>changes camera angle
Looks like the penis detection bot works.
Lol. Either Nintendo has rules for the shit they host in their level maker or they don’t. You can arrange furniture in animal crossing in swastikas all you want.
I’d be ok with anything goes, but this is where we are now.
>it's okay to censor things I don't like
>*porn game gets censored*
Yea Forums is fucking retarded
5 months is nothing
>no censorship
>dabs on trannnies
I take it back, I'm gonna play with my switch again
>use redtube tags like "trans" in your stage name
the central region of the political scale is a barren wasteland because of the "if you're not with me, you're against me" mindset that developed during the 2015-2016 POTUS campaigns
Also he started above 30 so he will never look feminine in the slightest.
Not to mention that he is bald and fat.
Look, i jus put a wig! Am i not strong and brave?
Porn games contribute more to society than people with mental illness. Whodathunk.
Stage where someone dabs on a tranny flag when?
is only an online sharing banning I believe
no, but it's definitely funny when the people who are pro-censorship get what they like censored.
porn addiction is literally a mental illness
I mean I hate fags and trannies too, just calling a ball a ball and a strike a strike
>thinking that the old dinosaurs at nintendo would allow that flag.
kek they probably still have some slaves in their houses.
But Yea Forums is the opposite. It's the trans-folk retards who claim that everything needs to get censored to fit their taste. Yea Forums will just call it shit, but I've never seen calls to censorship on Yea Forums.
>celebrating mental illness with a flag.
What a world. Video Games.
>theres a rule for no political statement for sharing
>mentally ill freak breaks it
>get confuse by how rules are actually enforced
The CoC works both ways, tranny.
>get all sorts of games censored
>but then their shit also get censored
Hey I'd be fine living in a world where every community stage was left up, but it's funny to see pro-censorship/moral curation/whatever you want to call it people get what they deserve and then act surprised. Creatives should be left to make whatever they want.
Based Nips
Works both ways, fuckface, if our shit gets censored, why should your shit not also be censored? Oh wait, "right side of history", right?
Imagine shooting all sorts of people with your gun, only to have your gun grabbed out of your hand and aimed right at you. Trannies deserve nothing less.
We got em'
>Trans Rights Now
Are they implying that trans people don't have rights? What the fuck rights are they asking for?
This. The only LGBT right they didn't have for the longest time was the right to marriage, but they got that, didn't they? They can cut their dick off, they can go on hormones, what the fuck is the law prohibiting them from doing?
eh it's kind of like a mindless platitude they spout. by "rights" they mean "don't say anything mean to me ever".
This is yours people fault.
Don’t forget that any time someone says they’re centrist they get shit on by both sides until they’re forced to pick one
There’s literally a fucking subreddit community dedicated to making fun of people who are centrist
No one has that right.
Ah, the age old fascist regime of "Restricting the rights of those I don't like but it's not real fascism because I'm a minority so inherently better." Hey, isn't that what the Nazis did?
See, the trick there is to not give a shit about what other people think about your opinions.
>Nintendo removes tranny flags because they're against their "no politics" policy
>retarded Yea Forumsermin and twitter hambeast blow it out of proportions
>Nintendo decides to allow it in an attempt to avoid more controversies and bad press
I can see this coming because you faggots always overreact like the idiots you are.
Based birb
What do I say if I don't really know or care about my political standing but would rather just be asked about any given topic? Everything seems to be Team A and Team B these days but I know neither team is a perfect fit.
you give Yea Forums way too much credit. were aren't that relevant.
Fucking based
They aren't going to ban you for making the stage, they just won't allow it to be hosted on their servers.
Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences
>What do I say if I don't really know or care about my political standing but would rather just be asked about any given topic?
That's called being a reasonable human being and it's forbidden. How dare you not label yourself so I can easily make baseless assumptions about your political beliefs, demonize you, and dismiss everything you think without hearing anything you have to say! We can't discuss topics, we just need to argue about labels!
Jesus christ, this is what decades of mental health defunding does to a society huh
No you have to pick a side, if you don’t youre a NAZI
If you don’t pick the side that is mainstream you’re a NAZI. Celebrities are left leaning so you should be too!
What? You like ideas on both sides? Y-You RAPIST NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST REEEE
>censorship is okay as long as it's something I don't like!
what did Yea Forums mean by this?
I don't see a problem with removing politically charged imagery from a game.
If lewd stages have to be censored I am OK with other censorship.
shut it tranny
>Try to turn the world into your safe space and get everything you don't like censored
>also proceeds to try and make fun of people who go their shit censored
>Proceeds to act like a piss baby when censored themselves
don't act like there isn't something that we can all agree needs to be removed from the world.
not your personal army
if I can't have my lewd, they can't have their awful flags. seems fair.
It's like going to a restaurant and handing out flyers to all the people at the tables, you don't have a "right" to do that
It’s more than likely a violation because the word ‘Trans’ is in the fucking title. Also it’s good to let these abominations get a taste of their own medicine.
The meant to type Trans Right Now as in the future they will be Dead Right Then