Anthem and BF5 sold like shit. Battlefield Firestorm population extremely low already. What went wrong?
Would you forgive DICE if they made Bad Company 3?
Anthem and BF5 sold like shit. Battlefield Firestorm population extremely low already. What went wrong?
Would you forgive DICE if they made Bad Company 3?
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>kill off the old squad and bring in 4 female leads
No thank you.
Considering how well remastered games sell why don't they just remaster Battlefield 3 or something, fix the problems it had, add some new maps, and release that?
Good. Both studios died years ago and are running on borrowed time
i doubt neo dice could capture what made BC2 great
>What went wrong?
is this question supposed to be as if someone ever had to think about it without already knowing the answer
>Would you forgive DICE if they made Bad Company 3?
Fuck no, they still have no idea what made BC2 so favored among most players. An attempt at another one will just result in another BF in the same vein as the most recent ones with all kinds of fuckery. And with some creepy feminist SJW types in charge of decision making which led to trash like BFV, they'll never make something good.
Bad Company BUT GET THIS
I think the sad part is that, while they certainly deserve to be dismantled, they really don't NEED to be. Would it be so difficult to reach out to old talent and focus on making good games over making political statements?
I'm not even saying to be a fedora tipping centrist. Just, and just as an example, don't retcon your antagonistic theocratic dragon age race in to a beacon of diversity.
What made the old ones so much fun? I remember buying a physical disk(s) of the game for like 5 bucks way back when and had so much fun with it.
>sells millions
>still consider a failure
This industry is cancer.
>What went wrong?
Gee I wonder. Might have had something to do with making alterations to a long established franchise to cater to an entirely different subset of potential customers then telling your primary consumer group to get fucked when they voiced concerns about such drastic changes.
But I'm not an expert or anything.
Oh and Anthem failed because it was a shit game. The industry should probably do a case study on it to outline what not to do when making a video game.
Nostalgia. Its memorable because the destruction thing was brand new and innovative. If they made BC3 I dont think people would like it as much.
>Spend years making a next-gen engine
>Hand over said engine to the publisher on a silver platter
>Get dismantled
They died when they made bc1 fuckin newfag faggot OP.
You basically described what they tried to do with 4. Unfortunately V is such a piece of shit that they really need something great to bring everyone back.
Why not just make smaller scope games? Does everything have to be mega AAA?
Literally nobody cared about BF before BC you retard bitch.
Im 100% sure that a BC3 would have an all-female crew
So nah
That's what you get for ruining the resurgence in WW2 games. All anyone asked is just make a WW2 game with no strings attached.
It had soul unironically.
underage consoletard detected
>Would you forgive DICE if they made Bad Company 3?
They don't understand why people liked BC in the first place, they have no hope of making a good BC game ever again.
The fact that they keep touting "improved destruction" for systems that are visually superior but massively less intuitive and responsive is also proof of this, though it is ultimately just another symptom of recent Battlefield games valuing aesthetics over gameplay.
Throughout the entire existence of the series, all the way back to BF1942, the overwhelmingly favorite maps of each game were ones that were explicitly designed to not have aircraft (with very few outliers such as Wake Island).
When the map is designed with infantry/ground vehicles as the focus (helicopters welcome), DICE's map design team actually gets to shine and they make great stuff. When they have to kowtow to jets, the game gets two or three maps that become the fan favorite, and they are almost always ones without aircraft.
Bad Company 2 is a game in which every single map is exactly that. No jets, little to no big empty expanses of land. This one simple thing - no jets at all - was the incidental cause for a number of other things in the game being designed without a massive handicap of being required to accommodate planes.
Similarly, BC2 is still the game with the most accurate weapons. Every other BF's guns are hideously inaccurate, some even if you dive prone and sight up. In BC2, an AR could plink a guy from 200m away as long as you were standing still and sighted up, you didn't need to go prone and you weren't completely helpless against someone using a sniper rifle if you were beyond 25m. "Suppressing fire" worked not because of some blurry screen gimmick, but because those snipers were actually threatened by bullets that would reliably land on target.
There was also the fact that BC2 had the best class balance in the series, almost entirely because of which class got which weapon. The medic getting the LMG and the ammo guy getting the grenade launcher somehow worked out perfectly. Everybody getting access to C4 and the Tracer Dart was also a very good idea, allowing each class an effective means of general teamwork and anti-tank/anti-structure explosives.
1. No jets resulted in good map design for EVERY map
2. Weapons were actually accurate and not an RNG shitshow
3. The class design was the best.
I loved this game
The more it costs to make, the more it needs to sell to be considered successful from an economic standpoint. Most entertainment industries have similar issue. For example, a movie that costs $150 mil but only brings in the same amount is a failure.
>But I'm not an expert or anything.
You're really not, because anyone that thinks that the female soldiers you barely notice in multiplayer are the reason BFV failed (a game which mind, HEAVILY scaled back the cosmetics people were complaining about pre-release and has a campaign where you can play as a nazi tank commander, mow down hundreds of americans, and ultimately suffer a sympathetic, tragic end ) is utterly blinded by their politics.
DICE and Bioware have been getting mismanaged pretty hard. They're both getting their games rushed through the grinder with unreasonable expectations and timeframes. BFV literally wasn't done on release, neither was Battlefront 2. Anthem was also horribly managed, with bizarre instructions like making it frostbite when bioware clearly had no fucking idea what to do with Frostbite and making it "un-memeable," which apparently translated to them as making the game as boring as possible.
>Anthem was also horribly managed, with bizarre instructions like making it frostbite when bioware clearly had no fucking idea what to do with Frostbite and making it "un-memeable,"
The most fucked up part is how the few guys on the team who DID know how to work with Frostbite got poached by some other EA team, leaving the Anthem devs just as shit out of luck as the Andromeda team who also had no idea how to work that bloated shit engine.
>some other EA team
The FIFA team, to be specific.
No, because they quote "Don't even know why people liked Bad Company"
>because anyone that thinks that the female soldiers you barely notice in multiplayer are the reason BFV failed
I definitely do when they start howling like a witch, also when playing as the tanker class because they force you to play as a female.
People sure like to blame EA for everything huh? Sometimes the actual devs are the problem.
I'm a little offended that Ghost Games is not mentioned failing with the rest.
>Ghost Games
These 3 are the holy trifecta of garbage EA studios making garbage EA games.
For the first one? Fun characters in a SP campaign that had effort put into it but wasn’t taken seriously paired with a multiplayer that had a massive amount of effort put into making the maps fun to play.
For the second? The same minus the single player stuff.
How can someone be so stupid to not understand success is relative
Do you think the conversation at 1:49 would cause controversy today? It was a different time.
>Good design on every map
Harvest day and isla inocente were fucking terrible maos. Especially harvest day, what a shitty fucking map
>Make bad game
>Make another bad game
>Keep making bad games
completely unexpected outcome honestly
Not him, but I think they were only bad relative to the rest.
i think you mean spend years making a shit engine
is there a valid source for this other than some youtube video?? bioware needs to be put out of its misery, but i want real facts not some baseless speculative video made for monetization.
EA is at fault for its investors strongly pushing for "monetization" in every game so that every game matches FIFA's "this makes a billion dollars a year, where's your version of that". If the devs just bend over to that demand, their game is shit right out of the gate; you'd need a dev like Respawn cleverly making a money machine like Apex while they work on more core games like Titanfall and Fallen Order.
However, DICE has always been a rather shit developer, but they get a lot of praise because they are one of the few that actually make combined arms FPSes at that particular scale (not unlike Bethesda being one of the few making something like Elder Scrolls). That gives them an extra large presence and unwarranted praise.
Wasn't Harvest Day in the last DLC map pack? Their map design got worse and worse with each VIP Map Pack, like the skeleton team working on them got smaller and less skilled as more were pulled away to new projects. The stock game's maps and the first bunch of VIP Maps were fantastic in comparison.
The devs are owned by EA you moron.
You are literally retarded.
While I wouldn't be suprised if they would kill DICE and Bioware like they killed so many studios before I just realised, what other studios do they even have?
They killed so many I can't think of any other significant studio besides these two EA still has.
Are seriously just going to turn into sports game only publisher at this point?
I guess there's still Respawn but it's not like normalfags care about them and anyone who cares about them isn't very happy with their relationship with EA.
>Not make 2 with all the stuff they cut
>mfw respawn is literally the only competent EA studio
You make Titanfall 3 or you die, you faggot EA
Based. I hope they both die and every employee is let go and never able to find work again.
>what went wrong with Anthem
Because it's boring as shit, and Bioware spent years working on a mediocre game. Looks pretty though.
The monetization aspect its always EAs fault true but they gave Bioware 6 years to make a game and they couldnt get their shit together that whole time. Anthem is shit and the first thing people do is blame EA and paint Bioware as innocent victims when they are garbage too. That has always annoyed me.
DICE has been dead ever since 2142.
I couldn't care less if they shut it down.
Same for Bioware, so they can stop pretending they were any good.
>EA kills dice and bioware
>all they have left is respawn and whoever makes the fifa and madden games
I guess that's good enough for EA, it's not like their other games make as much money.
>Ghost Games
I forgot need for speed was still a thing
that franchise just doesn't have impact it used to
Same goes for Andromeda.
It was in development for 5 years, and most of that was wasted trying to make procedural created worlds. 4 fucking years was wasted trying to make it work, then they just slapped Andromeda together as we know it in like 15 months. Bioware is being run by retards these days.
With how fast Apex is dying I am not so sure. Even Dizzy went back to Fortnite.
I really hope the lose the NFL license. Madden and Fifa are literally the only games keeping EA alive.
it's that bad? well they still have that star wars game coming out, if that flops then they're next on the chopping block
>what other studios do they even have?
popcap games is still making tons of money
but ea makes by far the most money with their own studios developing FIFA, ea Vancouver and ea Romania in this case
They'll just acquire new studios and repeat the cycle.
>beta male virgin protagonist
Shoulda had romances BioWare
Yeah, I keep reminding my friends about that whenever they bring it up.
They wanted to copy No Man Sky. Thats how far Bioware is lost these days. Where did the OG devs go?
And now because it flopped it will look like there was no demand for more WW2 games. If they had just made a good one it would have sold like hotcakes.
Except this time it's a good thing.
They honest to god sound like a group of college kids trying to do a group assignment
I play a lot of battlefield. What pisses me off about it is that underneath a lot of bullshit is a genuinely fun game. The core basics of it are fundamentally sound. But the game is butchered in so many aspects it really taints the experience.
1.) they have not added a single map since launch. This just unacceptable and I don’t have much more to say about it. Utterly unacceptable when the game launches with 6.
2.) glitches out the ass. My biggest gripe is that if you pause the game during respawn occasionally when you go to fire you weapon after spawning (R2/right click) it pulls up the friends list, which you can access IN THE PAUSE MENU using R2/right click. This is highly annoying when trying to shoot an enemy for the first time since respawning, only firing one bullet, then losing all control and vision of your character for a solid 3-4 seconds. This is the most annoying of maybe 10 glitches I encounter regularly.
Go woke, get broke
>DICE Stockholm fucks up bad
>Better shut down DICE LA that actually tries to fix the games
Fuck Bad Company and fuck Dice.
You underestimate how much money they make with FIFA, it's THE highest grossing console title EVERY month and it's among top 10 highest grossing pc games, that includes initial sales and microtransactions
They could close every other studio besides their in-house studios and it would barely make a difference
>And with some creepy feminist SJW types in charge of decision making which led to trash like BFV, they'll never make something good.
I like this revisionist portayal of David Goldfarb as some beacon of conservatism.
fuck swedes and their mental illness
We need to kill hues and Eupoors then to finally end EA.
Because Bad Company was trash.
Their games are just pure shit and miserable to play, especially lately. I seriously hope they go under and never come back.
>unironically linking to TheQuartering
Fucking kill yourself.
I like BFV it is fun. I actually prefer Firestorm 4 man squad over any other "royale" type mode.
It is a shame the game got buried under all the political hoo-ha and bad messaging from the devs. I wish game developers didn't feel the need to pander directly to radical SJW types because it annoys even vanilla liberals. It used to be understood you didn't politicize entertainment because it hurt your business one way or another and there was nothing to gain from it.
He is our guy. Eat shit kotaku tranny.
If by "woke" you mean "the people who are in charge clearly don't know what the fuck they are doing and the code monkeys are too scared to stand up for themselves thus resulting in major failures" then yes. Go woke, get broke.
Shouldn't you be crying at videos of red haired feminists incoherently screeching?
Both sides are equally blind. EA for pandering, and the ea haters for not caring about the gameplay as long as it has pandering.
At this point, I'm under the impression that all the hate is just based on EA existing. No matter how good the game is, it will never please them. They'll just latch into every little thing and blow it out of proportion to trick everyone else into hating it.
>Dice is going to die before Bioware
good fucking lord this timeline
>it's been 13 years since a Battlefield had mod tools
Fault is with both parties.
it used to be a taboo to push politics through escapist media. now it's encouraged and we've experienced first hand why the older generations eschewed the practice. Most creative people are leftwing, because they're weak and pathetic people. they adopt the politics of females because they like females they want to be dominated. Rightwing creatives are very rare because creative pursuits are overwhelmingly naive pursuits.
Wow, diversity hires and pandering to SJWs with your military shooter franchise isn't conducive to successful business? I never would've guessed
If Firestorm was free to play at launch it would have been a success. All momentum now lost.
Most of them ran like all the demons of hell were after them as soon as EA bought Bioware.
that would sell really well if you get game over sex scenes whenever they lose to enemy soldiers
>be bioware
>get sold off to EA by the doctors for loadsamonie (for them)
>realize EA is shit and you don't want to even try anymore and objectively speaking making EA suffer is good
>just churn out shit games while cashing in your salary from EA and sabotaging/doing nothing for projects
Still hoping DICE would return with a good battlefield game, but after 3 shit titles I am not so sure anymore.
It would fly because its legit well written.
I work as a mid to ultra high end pool repair technician where you have white contractors who sell the gig and Mexican contractors working together all the time. after months working on a 10 million dollar pools together where you cant afford to fuck up they start to have friendships that defy the opinions they have privately.
Lots of correction on geography or nationality because the"Mexican laborers" are actually "anyone with a tan" from a wide variety of places, everyone just ignores it. They say off color things or comment in Spanish but are overall patient with each other, playing it off and changing the subject. by the end of the long jobs, conversations are relatively normal and personal brought prejudices virtually never come up and would instead be awkward moments like the BF2 conversation
And another one bites the dust.
can i just say FUCK AIRCRAFT
i got origin access for free and tried out bf1
>literal only counter is if they stick around within a pretty fucking close radius of an aa gun you man
>if it goes down it takes like 5 minutes to come back up
>if the aircraft doesn't straight up go down, it can just fly away
>literally heals while flying, no need to land and repair
there was also some fag camping in basically his spawn on a mountain with a tank with flechette rounds just sniping across the map farming free kills, hit him with an at weapon for like 15 damage, he runs until he gets back to full hp and then goes back to repeat the same thing
i can't fathom how people enjoy this unskillful bullshit. maybe because you can do shit like tankfag did to compensate for your inability to aim in real fps games?
>Sometimes the actual devs are the problem
Yeah, and why do you think older, talented devs left?
Pretty sure the most played maps on BF1942 all had planes aside from Berlin and Stalingrad.
I’m going to miss Battlefield, but hopefully this makes older titles more populated like BF3
I didn't know that the lead designer of frostbite since its beginning was a diversity hire.
>scoping in on an enemy and quickly switching to the tracer dart for a quick easy tag
>watch as engis with Gustavs behind a hill initiate a fucking poor mans artillery strike
God I miss Bad Company 2
Why do Canadian and European developers always make such garbage vidya?
>EA were the rEApers all along
I wonder if Bioware realizes the irony
>i'm a piece of shit on purpose guys, fuck ea haha
I hope they all get fired.
Good, DICE's quality has nosedived after 2142 and ME1
Battlefield should be more like CoD, vehicles and big maps are shit.
Give my 16 player servers on small CqC map,Esport would finally take off and i'd show my epic skills.
>mirror's edge was the last game they made on unreal
hahahaha frostbite was a fucking MISTAKE
Have sex.
>El Alamein
>Market Garden
>Coop Bocage
>Coral Sea
>Iwo Jima
All of these were pretty popular and had planes.
The online was fun as hell too.
>Dragon Age IV Tevinter cancelled
>director proudly proclaims that Dragon Age IV Social Justice Online Edition is a go
Yeah, fuck that, I wanted Tevinter.
The power of Frostbite
Have sex with me
>literally make the campaign more bland in bc2
How the fuck do people enjoy that shit?
BFV is the game that's done everything wrong. I don't trust the people that made it to make BFBC3.
>woke broke
>knife kill animations
>2.5 tickrate
>anti-white racists
i just can't understand how you niggers enjoy needing multiple friends to coordinate taking out a vehicle being piloted by a single dude that can rack up dozens of kills with complete and total ease
if vehicles were a multi person effort maybe it'd be fine, but the driver gets to also be the main gunner sooo
and you can literally repair inside the vehicle instead of having to hop out
shit games.
Meant to say coop Gazala
> Anthem and BF5 sold like shit
Stop lying, you dirty liar.
These games are TOP SALERS with millions copies sold and billions dollars profit.
These sold better than DIvinity 2, kingdom come, prey, sekiro, bloodborne, persona 5, ds3, bioshock and dmc 5\4\3.
These developers are just fine with their mountain of money
Harvest day was legit fun on that first run seeing how long you could defend the farm.
>Frostbite is literally just a battlefield machine
>the engine writers never documented anything
>nuDICE doesn't even know how to use it
>Bioware had to buy 3rd party middleware just to code in a fucking save function
go woke go broke
dice and bioware are SJW shit.
Stop posting your gay videos.
>People unironically want Battlefield to become more like CoD and less BF1942 BF2
Fuck this place is infested with Zoomers
Is it time?
Harvest Day was a Bad Company 1 launch map.
>making it "un-memeable"
Why? Does EA hate selling copies?
>Bioware will finally be put to rest
>its yet another episode of a SJW saying that another SJW game/movie/whatever flopping had NOTHING to do with SJW pandering
every time.
>count origin premier subscriptions as sales to bloat the numbers
That's why you hear so many people talking about these games now, right?
That's what they get for focusing on graphics and social justice instead of making fucking games.
meanwhile overwatch is still around 3 years later despite being one of the worst examples of making characters arbitrarily diverse to make up for shit writing
>Respawn was formed by people who fled from one greedy corporate publisher
>After some time they become slaves for another greedy corporate publisher
Nah son, they're fucked. It's only a matter of time at this point
Then they will just leave and make something better this time under Ubisoft hahaha
I only give a modicum of an iota of a fuck because I kinda want a third Mirror's Edge. Even then, it's not the end of the world if it doesn't happen so whatever.
overwatch is pretty dead tho
Good post
>"We don't know what made BC2 great -- DICE developers
Current DICE are fucking retarded. They even made a Mirror's Edge sequel somehow worse than the barebones experimental original.
Selling millions doesn't mean shit if it didn't sell as much as EA wanted.
Dead Space 3 says hi
The last 5 years for battlefield have been pretty sucky. I think Dice know the fans want a modern fps without as much fire and forget weapons and gadgets.
there is no old squad at bioware or dice, fucking retard
Honestly is EA doomed? Bioware and dice have proven to be fucked beyond repair and a lot of euro countries are cracking down on fifa and its loot box system which seems to be the only good thing EA has going for itself.
Bad Company is now the old squad
t. seething tranny
Hopefully. It's about their time. All it takes is for Jedi Fallen Order to flop, so EA closes all three of Respawn, DICE and BioWare. Honestly killing even two of these leaves them with almost nothing.
>boo hoo hoo i am bad at BF1
Nigger just use a rocket on their wings, do you put in a shitty mac keyboard to play Unreal Tournament?
They'd remove one of them and replace em with a girl. Same way you had the Good-Chinese Girl be part of your squad in BF4. And OP: No. Maybe willing to consider it if they didn't pozz it the fuck up like they did in BFV but even then the fundamental of the game looked like dogshit. I cannot think of any practical or realistic scenario where I buy a bioware game. Neverwinter Nights 3 with a toolkit, focused entirely on just offering top-down D&D and fan made content with no DLC out the ass. That's something I'd buy.
I thought I'd hate the lack of going prone in BC2. I hated it in Far cry2 since it sucks when you need to get into cover and can't. But no dolphin diving is fucking wonderful.
It wouldn't because of women and male-feminist types who try and virtue signal by reacting offended on their behalf. Especially the latter who are ground zero for this shit, enabling it because they don't want to challenge it and be called a sexist or because it gets them brownie points. Short of /pol/aks nobody would give a shit at white-black-latino banter because we were raised on it from 80s-90s-2000s movies where it was the norm. Hell even Vasquez banter in Aliens wouldn't fly today because it's both sexist and transphobic.
I hope EA shuts down DICE and Bioware. It'll be hilarious to see them not have anymore "pedigree" studios around anymore.
EA's so horrible at anything thats not Madden or FIFA
They can buy new ones.
Starting with your favorite studio.
Man I dunno. I’m growing a soft spot for DICE. They’re still trying to make Battlefront 2 good and they really have been making it better as time goes on. Gotta give them credit for not just ditching the game when it was DoA
>DICE and Biowares future in doubt after EA meeting
How can they be in doubt?
EA has literally nothing else, they have killed every single other studio they had.
If they get rid of Bioware and DICE all they have left is Respawn, the team making the FIFA games and their phone game studios.
Is EA ignoring that if you get rid of all your workers you won't produce anything?
but 3 was garbage, at least remaster something people want
They probably planned to acquire other studios to replace them.
For some reason 3 is very popular here.
Wtf bros? They adopted some awesome multicultural, liberal friendly, diverse, pro gay, pro immigrant, pro non white, pro toxic masculinity, pro feminism messages into their games. I thought we all preordered mass effect and battlefield 5? How do we save them bros?
>Battlefield Firestorm
kek I didn't even know this existed
>DICE and Biowares future in doubt after EA meeting
it's literal incels having fantasies about the sjw menace destroying 2 studios at once. it doesn't make sense, why the fuck would EA get rid of their 2 big studios at the same time instead of just replacing the higher-ups.
BF1 and BF5 was garbage. I don't want to play some dumbass World War 2 game based on shit that happened like 100 years ago. I want to drive an M1 Abrams while listening to Five Finger Death Punch, and blow up chinks and arabs. We need modern, not this stupid world war shit no one gives a fuck about.
They're going to the
What about Madden
>studios cave to SJW trend
>tries to sell to a market with 0 supporters of SJW politics
>gets mad and tells consumers to fuck off
>consumers fuck off
>games do poorly
>studios get shut down
wew, shocker
>we'll never get an actual campaign that resembles proper Battlefield gameplay with the return of the Hot Swap mechanic
>it's all this super cinematic stealth-action far cry hybrid wannabe that satisfies no one and is uninteresting
How do these mega studios just get destroyed after just one flop?
>Bad Company but all characters are touhou
I'd say the solution is to just make Bad Company 3. But that wouldn't work with nuDice. Instead of a nerd, some crazy ass dude and chief, they'd just make some minority squad or something
Dice shoulda just made a dumb Anime looking BF game with maid outfits or some shit. Woulda fit their dumb politics for shoe horning in lolis into a shootem, and they could ham the whole thing up to a make believe steampunk pile of trash they were going for in the first place. FMA-Field or ValkyriaField: Battle Chronicles. Just go full retard, as that's what they did anyway.
they decided to go woke so I don't care about their games also I will never install Origin
>just one
In DICE's case, Battlefield's been on the decline for years, Mirror's Edge Catalyst didn't do well at all, the Star Wars Battlefront games only sell because Star Wars and BFII's lootbox controversy fucked them. In Bioware's case, Mass Effect Andromeda was such a flop that it didn't even come close to projected sales, much less a million, and was abandoned mere months after launch to its unpolished and nasty fate, while Anthem was so godawful, so panned, so controversial despite a shit ton of budget and effort poured into it for six years - all for a game that was actually really made in less than a year.
You want to know a common link between all of this shit? Frostbite, an engine that is bleeding money now that it's become painfully clear just how much of a fucking nightmare it is to use, and DICE just stick with it because they made it and likely take pages from the Bethesda school of hacky workarounds to even get it to cooperate anymore.
Battlefield games were buttery smooth and if they let you turn off the fucking autistic blinding bloom etc then it'd be pretty great all around for something unmoddable.
Is not like we buy games
Why did they get rid of the 64 player count after BF4???
Retarded zoomer
Madden and FIFA are enough to EA survive
Honestly, BF4 only worked with 48 players at most. The maps are just not designed for 32/32 cluster fuck servers with instant-respawn vehicle handicaps for faggot admins who want to pad their dumb kdrs.
Also stats in battlefield instantly made the games awful to play as no one wants to do anything interesting, just play overly safe or as gay as possible. USAS FRAGS, DART, M16, FAMAS, AEK meta bullshit for example made BF3 and BF4 shitty. Let's not forget they nerfed every way possible to take out bad vehicle players. BF4 SLAMs are now useless, anti-tank mines are avoided by infa-red sights that every tanker uses, and the SRAW can no longer maneuver or 1 hit scout/attack choppers, leading to pilots just raping everyone because AA is trash.
BF5 is a whole other beast with it's semi-auto spam click no recoil script fuckery and Action-Man Assault Hero class.
Game series sucks, just let it fucking rot already.
>You want to know a common link between all of this shit
EA, Dice, and Bioware are all shit. Simple as that. Their SJW pandering and diversity hires make things worse.
>instead of just replacing the higher ups
Have you ever worked at a fortune 500 company before? You're delusional, they will lay everyone off and force it into a skeleton crew. Then through their own sheer incompetence wonder why everything is going to shit.
Its not the people actually making the company their money that talk to the people running the company, its the working leads, team leads, team advisors, product managers ect that do. And they will burn that facility and everyone underneath them before they let their job get compromised.
>make Bad company 3 and better make it good or you are out
>trailer comes out
>it's full of LSD colors sjw warfare where you can be a lesbian on a wheelchair and customize your haircut
>sales 0
>nuDice face when
I hope Bioware / Obsidian / EA / Ubisoft / Bethshit will go bankrupt in the near future. This horror must end, because does not allow to live really creative developers.
Dice are fucking retarded. How can they not realize by now that the target audience for military shooters are boomers, ruskies, military surplus larpers and country teenagers. Pandering to trannies is probably the worst thing they could do.
the absolute state of EA
The bad company squad, retard. It’s a squad of four soldiers. Have you ever played the game?
Actually I think that's DICE LA instead of DICE sweden.
DICE LA was the one who took over battlefield 4 and added a ton of great fixes and changes to the game making it fantastic to play even today. They're the ones who DICE sweden throws to manage their games and they're the ones who always convert the shitshow that is DICE sweden's garbage into something enjoyable and fun.
Yeah, except these games made probably 10 times their cost back in profits.
Understand that they have to make well over 200% profit to compensate for facilities, paychecks, marketing, distributing, etc.
Frostbite is also hurting FIFA and Madden too, a ton of bugs and glitches are ruining the games. That's why the frostbite team that was supposed to be oncall to help develop and fix games is on FIFA and Madden 24/7, the engine is such garbage and FIFA/Madden is their biggest seller.
If the CEO can't buy a new private jet then it's a commercial failure goyim.
>I want to play as a sexualized child.
Be honest with yourselves Yea Forums, you're bordering pedo territory.
It makes me laugh, a good example of the MUH AMURRICAN market research is netflix and the witcher serises drama, when they shit in the mouth of the target audience and take away the sales from themselves at the same time.
Sure, but we don't know that or what the fuck they spend their money on (gender studies human resources and diversity hires)
We're going to devolve into a dystopian society within my life time....
time to grab a shotgun and walk these futuristic streets
all in all I don't give a shit about diversity
If you make a Sequel to Larry where you play as a lesbian and do lesbian shit, then I'm okay with that, it's all good. But when you start tossing lesbians everywhere into world war 2 and stuff, thats fucking stupid and out of place
I doubt DICE is in trouble. Maybe they'll get downsized if they produce more flops, but because EA still needs shit like frostbite and mobile phone garbage they won't delete DICE.
>lesbians in WW2
did i miss something with BFV, what the fuck
bro no one ever defends Bioware unless they're braindead, EA's just the bigger evil here.
BFV has a campaign with two lesbian lovers fighting hordes of germans at battles that never existed.
user, as much as i'm willing to bitch about the dramatization of what occurred and all, especially with the french volunteers campaign that literally tried to rewrite history while going WE WERE KINGS, that's a mother and daughter, not lesbians.
>Mother and daughter
It's gotten even hotter.
The question is not if they MAKE Bad Company 3... The question is if they make it and the game is actualy GOOD. Just making the game isnt enough. As you see with how just Making the game like Anthem and BF5... is just not enough. Because for all you know. They coudl fuck up the story of bad company 3. Removing everything people liked and make them cucks. Basedboys. Feminists. Or even like someone mentioned, Kill the main cast and make them female instead. Because for some reason... that is how things are right now because of "MeToo" and Sarkeesians Legacy. Disgusting.
They even invited anita sarkeesian to the studio to stir up crap.
But first they have a scene which shows that the girls a better in everything
I'm pretty sure that devs didn't got woke because EA told them to.
Because it's babby's first Battlefield. Remember how BF3 was shat on by BF2 crowd? I remember and now it is remembered fondly because those people moved on, while BF3 babs grew up.
"I can learn coding in one week"... Arent these the kind of morons that later end up complaining that an engine like Frostbite is a very bad engine that doesnt work really well with developers?
>Meanwhile BF2 is chugging along nicely with a decent playerbase and a content update every month
But Touhou designs are unique and interesting.
I'm not clicking your fucking youtube bullshit, OP.
she meant to say she'll suck his dick a whole week for the job.
this is funny and sad at the same time
but what does a bad engine have to do with abysmal writing, bland art and character design? because it wasn't the engine that made mass effect's success
CG was basically a rocket sniper launcher
Allah akbar uav fitted with C4 were fun way to take down targets.
>Shouldn't you be laughing at videos of red haired feminists incoherently screeching?
None of the official touhou designs are sexual, if you think they are then maybe you're just a pedo yourself who finds children sexy.
Stop dancing.
The thing is I agree but I'm certain that this would be a "give them an inch and they will take a mile" kind of situation
Catalyst is a borefest but I must say that I loved the visuals.
Okay cutie ^^
Nooo! Not DICE!
The visuals ranged from pretty good looking to absolutely terrible though, especially in the 2nd half of the game, it's clear they just gave up
Pic related is a major plot location, not just some cherry-picked background building, and it looks like a 2 minute sketchup job
I thought gamers didn't have to be your audience EA. Don't let us down. Double down.
>playing with the reticle on
>creative pursuits are overwhelmingly naive pursuits
Then why the hell are you on a board for creative pursuits in the first place?
catalyst was a fuckawful reimagining garbage
open world were a mistake
unironically the worst "open world" game I ever played
the amount of backtracking is just insane
it doesnt help that the visuals are completely dull and soulless. Total opposite of the first game
the the reason why, but BC2 had the best destruction system. And they ditched it for more samey/scripted shit. You can't 100% level buildings in the new one and they all more or less fall apart the same way if u want them to.
>what went wrong
Thinking that they have a population on their 'store' to start.
they should actually make a game instead of regurgitating shit from junkyard
for all the hate ubisoft gets at least they make games and typically seem to better on the formula each generation. It is just that there games all homogenized across each other.
>the quarter poundering
stop posting these videos
>What went wrong?
pandering to the SJW crowd instead of gamers