also post your heroes
also post your heroes
Based Leandro
Back to r*ddit.
haha, imagine not being included in the biggest vidya happening in years
imagine not being able to enjoy this, haha
It’s a gamble, every time you load a new map there’s a chnce you’ll get the longass loading screen that doesn’t load anything and you have to restart the game
Is it on Switch? No? Well fuck off then
why aren't you autists just playing champions online
>firewall error
kill me now
>games logs me out when going to mercy island
>finally get back in
>select character and get going
>this happens
Resetera is actually trying to contact NCsoft to get this shut down.
You just need to turn your firewall off. Don't worry. Tequila is safe.
Here's mine.
Seriously, Big Iron is a good name, dunno if using that or Sheriff Fullmetal.
cause that game sucks complete balls
No reason to, the game isn’t fully playable yet, just kinda playable
Is it normal for the game to not respond or sometimes crash when I hit the log in button?
Tic toc MMOfags, time to move to /vg/
you've got your server
You keep saying that, but no evidence. Links or screens. Pony them up.
>Game can't handle everyone who wants to play it playing
>Everyone wonders why Leo didn't open the sever to everyone and instead was slowly letting more and more people in
Technically, is the newer thread.
>playable server
It’s not playable though
>letting people in
>spreading misinfo
>sabotaging servers
lick his boots more
Uhhh, slowly letting people in for 6 years?
Can you customize characters from scratch after making them?
Are there no full length robes? I want to make a sorcerer type.
what's the difference
Innoc is the bootlicker. Don't try to twist facts.
Through invites but yes they were pretty much always letting more people in.
he had SIX YEARS to do that and he NEVER bothered to do it until we discovered the truth, so please, stop talking shit.
Having said that, this is the first iteration, obviously its not gonna work right at the first try. we have to wait.
Server actually down? Bree had no dots when I finally got through.
Can't change genders which is a little disappointing in 2019.
How about you move to an early grave you annoying faggot.
And also this :^)
I tried it, but the combat felt really off. I liked that debuffs and controls in City had some impact. CO just didn't make support feel worthwhile
What the fuck is your problem?
Bree is the real hero here. Anyone know what she looks like?
I was pretty sure you could?
Same happened to me a few mins ago so it might be
Got in twice just to see this. Anyone else?
fat and ugly. not even kidding
You can on the surgeon npc in pocket d
Shorten it to 20 words or less!
Redpill me anons.
I enjoyed CoH/CoV as much as the next guy back in the day, but what makes them better than pic related? I never played pic related but it seems to be mostly the same thing, r-right?
>doesn't even know how to cross-link
Circle of Thorns belts are the closest you'll get, I think
They’re npc only unfortunately
Ugly grafix, bad combat, grindy as fuck, p2w lootbox shit
>join discord
>literally no download link anywhere
thanks :)
Ahaha holy shit get a load of this newshit
Apparently I'm fucking retarded. I DL the mega link for the score folder, now what?
Fuck off. We don't have to do this shit on Resetera.
Oh boy yeah, got to make some more room for real vidya threads. Just look at all these gems in the catalog!
>gaming humor
>Twitch celebs
>will video games doom mankind?
>video game phrases to say during sex
>Nintendo fanboys
>complaining about Nintendo fanboys
>literally just the opening to a gay porno
>Grinch thread
Can't be taking up valuable space for threads like these with something silly like "beloved MMO long thought dead turns out to still exist and now the source code has been shared and people are putting together public servers for it"!
Fucking Risk of Rain 2 threads are still allowed on Yea Forums and that game has been out for twice as long as this, at least.
CoH has a more deliberate battle system and the Archetype system gives each character an important strategy in the fight. The stats/leveling/inventory are a very different beast. Champions has a very loose, not well designed combat system and bloated items/gear.
huh i wonder what this is...
must've been the wind.
Ohhh the little discord newshit is sooo mad
Go back
Can he kick?
Please give me a lewd hero concept
Try robe jacket and trenchcoat selection, no actual full robes though. I think they never managed to make them look decent on PCs
Read the rules newfag, this is a general
cucumber lad
>spend 6 years waiting for the day I can play again
>spend a week waiting for the code to be released
>spend several hours downloading piggies
>spend half an hour clicking login and getting firewall error
>finally get server list
>server down
With the servers being overloaded as fuck I just want to make sure I got my shit right. If I got the game account up and everything and hit "log in" and it says it can't connect to the login server that's just due to the overload right? Not that I fucked up any steps to get into this game?
Female hero with water powers named "Golden Shower."
Fuck off, fag.
Scantily dressed demon summoner chick called desdemona.
Succubus goes insane, gets sick of taking cum and starts dishing it out instead.
It would say you got the wrong password otherwise
come back when your game works and isn't already full of tranny RPers
I'll fuck off once you're banished to /vg/
Yes, it's because the server is being literally raped right now. Just keep trying the login button until you can squeeze your way into the gangbang.
Damn, so many new pieces.
this is NOT okay.
>but risk of rain generals are okay!
based indieshitter
It's just a video game, you autistic fuck. Filter the threads instead of acting like a whiny cunt.
>Innocuous was invited and has been playing on Leandro's server all this time
There really is no such thing as karma is there...
The Authserver might be down, we could be done for the night
Go bother the Risk of Rain thread.
keep crying
Could make a sick Space Marine
What's wrong, mad that your OH NO NO NO NO NO thread died or something?
where does one acquire the files to shit it up with you?
villains or bust
No. It only says that after you connect to the login server.
Is there any official word on the Discord?
imagine not being in
ive been in for 3 hours
For fuck's sake user, you've got two whole ATs called dominator and controller that are just fetish bait. Then there's Pain Domination. Half the work is already done for you.
>b-b-b-but risk of rain
they're just as cancerous as you MMOfags
I just checked your account history, you know it shows the referrer link you came from, right? I'm giving you a warning for now, adjust your behavior or it will result in a ban.
Ah that sucks, thanks anyway.
>get off Yea Forums with your actually fun game!
>we need this retail space for sekiro help threads
There's just something about that skin that looks so nice and soft. I need the touch of a woman. Or a woman (male).
So is CoX fully implemented? Whats missing at this point?
i saw a long time ago in YT someone was working a Cape flying/gliding animation in the game, probably, from Leos server.
is that animation available?
oh awesome the client is fucking with my desktop gamma settings, JUST LIKE OLD TIMES
>character data got corrupted even though I only logged in once
Great, so go complain in their threads!
That discord was chosen for a reason. I wonder why.
the ability to host more than 200~ players
The game will take a long time to download and update as well as registering and logging in, as all registration, login and authentication servers are being throttled as hell. Have patience and faith for the test server.
Current test server is running Leo's "Issue 25", but worry not, because Anons are in charge of the whole project now. It's only a matter of time until we have our own Issue 24 servers. Untill then, GO. HUNT. KILL.
he cannot
my villain is a campy edgy brain that uses shadow magic, and i love it. were home boyz
>Whats missing at this point?
99% of what's missing is just stability and better code. Feature-wise, it's pretty much all there.
Anons who got in on redside, did you skip the tutorial? I've crashed immediately after the CC all 3 times I've chosen Breakout and I haven't gotten to log in again to confirm if that's the problem.
Is anyone actually going to post a link to this game or nah?
Anons in charge = guaranteed tranny drama
>110 posts
>only 20 IPs in this thread
I don’t think leo added any new assets
>he didnt get in right before it got shot down
>finally get to remake my cute girl bare knuckle brawler after all these years
>keep crashing out
>Whats missing at this point?
This server is being run by Innocuous and Leandro. Two names that are synonymous with cum guzzling.
20 images you dolt
>20 IPs
>52 posters
who could be behind this.. hm... LEOOO
20 images you mongoloid
That’s images, not posters
there are 52 IPs in the thread, you dink
based (you)s
Fuck no I didnt but I'm in burgerland and the server is in britbongland so it makes sense.
imagine being this fucking new
Is this a server error or am I missing something?
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>finally get past firewall message
>server full
o-oh ok...
Just keep trying chaps. Innocuous will being the login server back online whenever he needs to log back in. Once he does log back in he will take it offline again so just keep trying and hope for the best.
How fucking new are these sekiro faggots to not even bother hovering over the number for the description
That isnt even the right thing so you're missing a lot. You're supposed to be firing up SCORE.
are you trying to login to Paragon Chat or the server? Because they're different.
Wrong image, it says that "XMPP was unable to connect"
>was in and playing
>server restarted
>got back in and tried to select my character
>it auto-logged me out
>got back in, selected my character, and tried to play
>could not connect to DBServer
It sucks that I'm stuck at work right now. I'd love to be stuck in a waiting simulator with y'all. Just thinking of all the heroes I'm gonna make.
Be ironic somewhere else you stooge
For me the server is down. I'm okay, this is an amazing gift for Hitler's birthday.
>Paragon Chat
You do realize a free server is up and running now right?
I give up. Can't get in, keep giving me that firewall error
i could, but i'll first get you faggots to /vg/ where you belong
is the firewall thing legit with me not being able to log in or is there maintenance going on?
But they literally posted in the discord that the auth server is toasted
How likely is that the COH devs are aware of what's going on?
And maybe want to help out?
well not right now
>and running
is it free?
i want to make megaman to complement that SICK protoman
Once the hype and and nostalgia wear off and we're past the "everything about coh was great" phase I'd like to remind everyone that this game's netcode was total ASS and the fact that the server's already jammed and no one can get in is pretty much "working as intended".
Discord said that was just an auth serv fuckery right ? keep trying
Does this view update automatically? Could I just leave it here until the server no longer shows up as being down and avoid having to fight the firewall login boss again?
Sick burn user
You need to disable ZoneAlarm to login.
If it weren't free the Koreans that own this IP would be suing the shit out of someone.
The auth server is blown right now, but the firewall thing just means it's getting slammed with login attempts
It’s some retard, ignore him
It has been turned off. Its not toasted. I got in after that was posted so its obvious they are turning back on periodically.
>Run bootstrap installer
>get error 24
>"If you get error 24, use bootstrap installer"
Why us first?
What is Titan Icon? It looks like I can use that to mess around with the character creator and save them for when the server is back?
just the character creator
Anyone have a discord invite?
I wanna know when its up/down
Because it's a sekiro poster who can't handler Yea Forums playing other vidya
Oh shit, you can get aura effects in just one eye?
That gives me an idea...
Fuck off. He had six years to distribute the server assets. He and his cronies (You) actively engaged in sabotage of other projects and gaslighted about the existence of his server. He has begun a partial redemption arc, but he's got a long way to go still.
God you faggots are insufferable.
Well I'm trying but now I'm getting "resurgence has stopped working"
Please don't
Not that theres much going on atm
>trying to greentext outside Yea Forums
What in the fuck is that filename, user
Screenshot of me in game will suffice?
doo doo doot doo
by being based.
I can still make a villain right? I want to remake my stalker but all I see are people talking about heroes.
Its called email quoting lil' zoom
I guess it’s possible but they can’t come out
The game will take a long time to download and update as well as registering and logging in, as all registration, login and authentication servers are being throttled as hell. Have patience and faith for the test server.
Current test server is running Leo's "Issue 25", but worry not, because Anons are in charge of the whole project now. It's only a matter of time until we have our own Issue 24 servers. Untill then, GO. HUNT. KILL.
assault rifle psionic
you can even make a Hero Stalker if you so choose
lol you're the one flipping your shit constantly
dumb faggot
fuck all the rest
I've been trying to make a villain for 3 hours and haven't gotten past the final character creator screen once. I think something's fucked with redside, just make a blueside stalker.
Straight up make a hero stalker or have to do quests to go to the good side like before?
Because if its straight up thats pretty gay.
First you confused image post for poster count
Now you call email quoting greentexting
Is this your first time on a computer without daddy?
and don't try to be cheeky with Paragon Chat
>falling for the F/F meme
goddspeed user! :^)
Any west coast burgers connect? I feel like my efforts are futile considering I'm basically on the other side of the fucking planet. Been trying for two hours.
I see the server is hosted on, which is a domain (and using hardware) controlled by Leandro. He's trying to maintain his power in the community. Stop falling for this shit.
Straight up. You already could starting in Praetoriananyway
This version is pretty gay. Free server tier with everything unlocked to begin with and no soul.
epic!! guys lets boycott coh into LEO THE MEANIE is gone for good! it's OUR FREE TOYS
imagine unironically wanting to be a paypig
straight up, they opened it all up when it went F2P
What part of engaging in sabotage and gaslighting do you keep ignoring? What am I even doing, it's obvious you're one of Leo's damage control agents.
Why are you so fucking autistic? He has access to our old characters, accounts and credit card details.
How are you going to excuse that?
why is this guy seething so hard he keeps saying the same thing
Well if you're gonna settle for a dude who at least seems to have soft skin, I'd say foreshadow is your best bet.
Look at that: smooth, asian skin. Oddly a runner up might be positron since I imagine the first thing he did once he wasn't confined to his armor was soak in a bath and keep that a regular habit.
Synapse would have god knows what splattered on his body from high speeds, Statesman (besides being dead) would feel like touching a rock, Back Alley Brawler's probably covered in scars and stubbly body hair.
Let's not even go into the Arachnos patrons. (Seriously, Scirocco has a face that makes Tommy Lee Jones' look like a baby's ass)
can i create a character in icon and save it for later when im able to actually get in the server?
Reminder that heroes and atlas park are for FAGGOTS.
Absolute irredeemable FAGGOTS.
Sick motherfuckers start in the Rogue Isles or Praetoria.
Before the cash shop you had to unlock shit by playing the game. Imagine going back to that.
Only gotten twice into chargen and then got dropped.
>e-everyone who disagrees with me is leandro
>i-it's not possible that there's anyone going off reservation here.. GROUPTHINK IS LAW REEE
is anyone actually playing the game or is it just gonna be RP bullshit
It’s not the final server and I think he only hosts the account db. Just make sure you use an unique pw
>Why are you so fucking autistic?
Says the sperging little baby shitting his diaper because he didn't get his free toys
>free toys
>free toys
actual autism
The worst part of the login error is that i cant minimize the game while its trying to log in. If i try the game freezes and the minimize doesnt work.
Is it happening to anyone else?
saving costumes writes a file to disk so yes.
Why aren't you responding to the fact the he has access to peoples' credit card details?
whats the difference between issue 24 and 25? i assume thats basically their term for patches. never played CoH.
As long as you remember where the costumes are being saved in Icon and where the costumes will be loaded from in the private server, you can transfer them with no effort.
cool proofs faggot
Can I make a lizardman in CoH?
Fuck off. This shit froze my computer.
What's the best brute power set combo?
>le epic "i didn't (you) him" post
lol that seethe
Get ready bois
imagine licking his boots THIS hard
absolutely, there was a dude who remade his lizardman character form champions online in this
You are honestly retarded
Yes. I have it windowed and if I log in while windowed the game freezes up.
If I log in while watching the screen it fucks up on auth normally.
people have been playing off and on between periodic server self-shittings
What do you think boys
I'm not telling you cause we don't need more cookie cutter faggots modeling themselves off my meta.
Looks like Zacks from FFVII found a pair of slacks and left his sword behind
We did get our "free toys" though, haven't you been keeping up? When was the last time you got what you wanted? When was the last time you were happy?
Imagine living this deeply in an autistic fantasy world
Someones not based enough
Enjoy your RAT
>"Ok where is the proof?"
Amazing, your brain is actually breaking from cognitive dissonance.
Issues are patches.
Issue 24 is the last patch
Issue 25 is a modified patch with some beta-stuff and OC DONUT STEEL content from the guy who had the code for 6 years
can you get any more boring?
Good for an episode three sort of villain.
So what you're saying is you have no idea
homo actual capeshitter / 0
>when you say ANYTHING about him he instantly responds
Please tell me there will be an issue 24 server at some point and not this fags fantasy land.
It’s hard to play since if you manage to get past the login screen you have a 50% chance of getting disconnected when changing map
Lurk moar
I feel like I've seen that design somewhere before
Nevermind, I'm retarded and didn't see that you wrote Brute.
Actually my account was best in game, I dominated the server economy and my build was used as the ultimate x8+4 after it leaked. There really isn't anything that can compare, and you'd know if once you understand how the damage calcs in CoH work, but if you don't know I'm not going to ruin the experience for you, it's better to stay in mediocrity.
Yes. I suggest getting something like a laptop or smartphone to do something else while you try
this is actual autism
>oh fuck none of my howtoshitpost.txt arguments are working, what now?
>*throws dart*
So what you're saying is you have no idea
>anyone better than me is autistic
imagine roleplaying with yourself on an anime imageboard
Do you do it for free?
it's being worked on
>minmaxes a fucking hero game
yes thats autism
Lurk moar
How fucking mad are you right now kek
I would ask you how Leandro's cock tastes, but I honestly don't wanna know, so just go fuck yourself. Or Leandro I guess.
>y-you must be mad because you keep replying
I'm not the faggot losing his shit because his little headcanon keeps getting blown out
I finally made a Plague Doctor design that I don't hate, but now I'm having trouble with the name and backstory
I never got a chance to play this because i was too young when it was around and by the time I found out about it, it was dead.
can I make a teleporter dude?
I must not remember that happening, but I didn't play to the very end. I feel like it was a lot neater to actually go through the motions to become good.
I'll give you the clue, once you understand how damage calcs work in cox and when you know what each powerset does you'll have your answer.
There are many kinds of homosexuality, and you chose every single one of them.
bro get on
well you could still do that, and you still had to if you wanted to switch sides after CC
>losing my shit
What? I told you to lurk moar because you desperately need to if you have no idea what has been going on with City of Heroes. Again, how mad are you on a scale of mad to seething?
Yeah, instead you are losing your shit because your skeleton boyfriend was insulted. That's even cringier.
>losing my shit
it's just fucking Fire/Fire, don't let the dude get his smug all over the thread
Is he a villain? Have him obsessed with creating a race of the living dead that will never tire or get sick.
he got the big sad after his favorite MMO was shut down
that's so fucking gay dude
>m-muh cringe waaah
>*retreats into fantasy*
Imagine not only getting this mad over your headcanon but being completely unable to work your way out of it
You know repeating yourself isn't proving anything, right? Either way, whatever you think is an amazing meta build likely isn't accurate anymore seeing as we're in issue 25 now, and they added new power sets and power pools, but by all means pretend you're hiding some great secret.
Just Google it and then take some deep breaths. It's okay to be wrong sometimes, like you are now. Hopefully your ego doesnt shatter too violently.
>I'm so amazed at all these great developers who came out of the woodwork to bring this server up much faster than expected.
Yeah... not like these fucks were in on the secret private server and were already extremely familiar with the code. Such a fantastic community.
I'm not the person you originally argued with retard.
All the text is basically placeholder, if you have some suggestions to get closer to the inspiration pic I'm all ears, I'm not very good at the character creator yet
>likely isn't accurate anymore seeing as we're in issue 25 now
>muh epic leandro updates
I don't think you know what "issue 25" is.
I doubt you were there on test server final day.
on Yea Forums
>n-not the same person!
who cares faggot
when you suck his dick you catch his gay
you fags rolling villains? im a villain dominator, just waiting to actually log on
>losing your shit this hard
>"t-take some breaths!"
aha oh lord the cope
Posting here too: I never played this, what power sets are good on tanker?
Ok lets see. How about you take one of these:
And shove it down your fucking throat.
>cryptic autism
>when you suck his dick you catch his gay
We two aren't the same person you schizo.
I'm honestly surprised how fragile Yea Forums is. It's like I've left the adults room and am now wading around the kiddie pool watching children clumsily try to fling shit at each other with their tiny hands.
So do they have an ETA on the server being back up?
The best way to rid the world of disease is to eliminate all reservoirs and vectors.
lmaoing at u boomers
Jesus Leandro calm down
Willpower is the easiest, most everything is viable, stay away from Dark Armor unless you know what your doing
I kinda' got torn between his two designs and wasn't satisfied with using the insectoid eyes because they're too small and have too much black, but here's my Kuuga on Paragon Chat.
>Haven't played FFXIV in awhile
>Decide to buy a game card to do the latest events and patch
>Go to bed
>Wake up and hear all this shit about my favorite old MMO
>Wasted $30 on game card for FFXIV
Couldn't you fags broke this story a day earlier.
Ah fuck, you're just trolling me. Took me long enough I guess.
So how do origin and playstyle affect your build? Like if I choose a magic origin, and tank playstyle for a brute then make a mutation, melee damage brute will they be any different?
if i want to play one of the following
>clone maker
>slime monster
>guy who can make objects with his mind
am i just SOL
Ive been trying for awhile and i cant get in
Ah well maybe tomorow
The story broke three days ago. Where have you been?
>buying game cards
Third world or underage?
Issue 25 is SCoRE's unofficial issue. Like it or not, it already has the MTX shit sorted, and getting an earlier version may not happen, so you're stuck with it.
Again, I don't hear you proving anything
Where have you fucking been? We've been talking about it for days
I'm fucking retarded. Why do I keep forgetting to attach the picture. Maybe I'm just so goddamn excited. Where my sentai / tokusatsu bros at?
You're already three days late.
That's the best Kuuga I've ever seen holy shit dude, great job.
>getting trolled
>on Yea Forums
Imagine thinking the world revolves around you this much
>type randomly bullshit into password field
>same exact message appears saying I cant connect
That's kind of a red flag
No, it’s flavor
Yeah, so you don't know anything about it. Got it.
No, thank you. CoH was a furryfest.
oh no no no
post dem skeletons
Too many hoops to jump thru to get back in, ill pass.
If you can't connect to the authentication server, how the fuck is it supposed to know if your password is right or not?
Think before you post.
>Auth server is down
>Auth server can't authenticate you
>Red flag
Why aren't you bitching about Smash threads, which are typically WAY more numerous? Or the many other bullshit threads that have no place on Yea Forums?
it says that because it cant even connect to see if your pass is right
if you CAN connect and get it wrong it says a password incorrect message, i got it during this shitfest
If you try to log in tonight, you're gonna have a bad time...
That's because it literally can't contact the auth server. To authenticate you. So it doesn't matter if you get your password right or not.
When the lights go out, crime scatters at the sight of...
Well yeah, because the message appears to tell you that it couldn't manage to connect to the server to even attempt to validate your information.
Pretty much yeah. None of the MM archetypes really fit clones, unless you just pretend the mercenaries are or something. The others just aren't really supported
Damn, maybe you're genuinely retarded. God speed, user. I'm glad I'm not you.
There's people ITT saying they've connected after the auth shenanigans.
I'm getting the message every 5-10 seconds when I was getting them every 30 seconds before. Pretty sure the server's completely offline right now.
Because Smash is an actual game on an actual video game console. It belongs on this board.
Maybe if you're color-blind!
keking at children who don't know the youngest boomers are in their mid 50s
Every time you claim you know more than someone else you don't back it up, so strange. It's almost like you actually know nothing?
>Because Smash is an actual game on an actual video game console. It belongs on this board.
and has a single one of those anons posted proof?
Where does the shortcut for the game go after running tequila to set SCORE up?
There's been a dozen anons saying they've connected after that message so I'm not sure what you're shit fitting about.
When Innoc or one of the server admins lose connection, they bring the auth server back up momentarily so they can log back in. If you are trying during that window, you'll get in.
If you make yourself look like one of the mobs summoned by a Mastermind, you could roleplay them being clones.
There are effects that can make you look pretty drippy, and liquid-based attacks, if you can roleplay being a slime-person instead of just a blob.
There isn't really an equivalent for the third option.
Smash is board culture newfag
I actually got a "wrong username/password" error.
Kinda... the teleport power in travel powers wasn't very useful in combat due to a slow activation, but electric melee and shield defense both let you bounce around with teleport powers that were fun
>That's kind of a red flag
Maybe if you're mentally retarded or underage.
Its just easier than paying for a sub and then instantly cancelling it. I don't like to keep the subscription reoccurring.
I had to take an exam to get my RCDD and I locked myself away from Yea Forums and the internet so I'd study. Took it and passed and get back on to see this shit hitting the fan. If I'd seen this shit going down I'd been distracted from getting the most important certification of my career.
Thanks for reading my blog btw.
>Smash is board culture newfag
Thank you for a non spastic response. These threads have pretty quickly devolved from hype and bro posting to shit flinging and paranoia.
He can use the gravity power that throws shit at people since it actually spawns props
I got past the login screen to the server list, I posted a screenshot here: I didn't try actually going into the server yet, though, because it said the server is down and I'm afraid of getting kicked back outside the login screen.
>Oh no, people are discussing a video game! I'd better start spamming to try and destroy all threads of it!
It’s some retard shitposting and the rest of people falling for the bait
They literally just posted that on the discord. Is that proof enough?
No amount of reaction images will ever cover up your complete ignorance of how authentication works.
Holy shit, you can be a skeleton in this game? I've never played it before, but I am now.
do you genuinely not understand how auth works
You mean besides the anons posting how they've connected and the discord literally posting minutes ago that they reset the servers?
Innoc isn't the server owner.
r8 my roasty. I feel like she's missing something aesthetically.
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about? Do you have a learning disability? Are you replying to the wrong posts?
do you think a server reset is instant? Do you think anons are under a binding oath to tell the truth at all times?
>be an "intelligent" skeptic
>didn't fall for the "bait"
>literally could have been playing this whole time
Sucks to be you, chum.
Like, full on scales and tail and everything? Yeee boi, I hope I can make a good bara icon lizardman, I'm really upset I missed this game in its prime.
>server shits itself every 15 minutes
Called it, though it was pretty obvious. What's surprising is that some people managed to play at all.
So the official timeline is 30 days = semi-stable server for a few hundred people, 6 months = stable server for thousands, correct?
Lacks curves?, or is this hillary ?
>Map failed to start
>The server is busy, please try again later
what does it mean
Innoc didn't post it. Are you even in the discord? Fuck off if you ain'ts even privileged enough to bask in our presence.
Who knows at this point, everything has been moving on a quick as fuck timeline.
there's no concrete timeline. Coders are currently working on making the I25 data compatible with the I24 source code, and looking into streamlining the client because Leo's is a bit of a cobbled-together mess.
It means you're trying to log into an unstable clusterfuck of a server with hundreds of people trying to log into it at once even though it can barely support half of them.
>>The server is busy, please try again later
>what does it mean
It means the server is busy, please try again later
show me the screen cap showing where they posted
The actual server is fine. Some niggers are already level 20 (well I saw one). If you can connect you are good. The challenge is getting connected. Especially when these fucks are throttling the auth server.
>client crashes
im retarded what do
There are no original ideas left in man.
Stable servers will be ready in like a week or less.
That was said in private. Really doesn't matter to me whether you believe it or not. This whole thing is quite funny really. You niggers rage about no one telling you about the private server 6 years ago, but if someone had told you, you would not have believed them anyway.
I was playing the game. If you aren't then I really don't care at this point.
based maybe ill make shadow man
Oh I'm sorry, you can't take screenshots of private channels? Amazing what Discord can get up to with your computer these days.
This thread is now just typical Yea Forums culture
So is the firewall thing actually my firewall or is it just the auth server being fucked.
Auth server being fucked.
Its the server
>every robot master represented by different people
i got magnet man.
You need to either whitelist Tequila.exe or turn your firewall off.
>it doesn't belong because I said so!
>stop liking what I don't like!
it's 3000 people trying to login at once AND the auth server being fucked
Auth server is getting too many dicks at once.
1) The sheer amount of log-in attempts probably border on a DDoS
2) The servers can't take a fuckload of players yet anyway.
because CO was dogshit. especially compared to CoX, but in general as well
just stop replying niggers
he did that to multiple games already. risk of rain, dmc, sekiro, even darkest dungeon when it got announced
let him cry himself to sleep
Got my wendys burger... a cup of coke... Yugioh dub mp3s....I'm ready.
>Finally get to character creation after hours of attempting to login
>"Map failed to start. The server is busy, please try again.
It makes every single mistake every other MMO makes.
Enjoy crashing back to the title menu the moment you try to load into any of the actual zones.
All those times you get told your password is wrong are times when you legitimately connected and could be playing right now if you weren't a stupid motherfucker.
Maybe next time make a hero instead of trying to be an edgy villain.
Is it a shirt?
POP QUIZ Yea Forums!!!
Why was the 5th Column removed from the game?
Is there some special way to get in or is it pure luck?
>Roommate made it in and I didn't
suck the admin's cock
that's a jacket, I think
Suck your roommates cock.
What the fuck did I miss?
Are we actually fucking getting a CoH server?
Where do I download it?
>made a hero
same message AHHHHHHHHHH
Jokes on you I've never gotten past the firewall error. Now don't you feel stupid.
pure luck
This game has the best crashes, I've got my dick out RIGHT NOW.
Just keep walking, son. You saw nothing.
Jacket with skin bikini underneath.
Just a heads up, authentication server is down until tomorrow morning when the ones in control get it going again. You can keep trying to log in, but I dont know how far you'll get desu.
Wait did he release it into the wild? It’s playable?
so I'm guessing Innoc is pointing a fire extinguisher at the server right now
they just restarted it
YOU FOOL, now DC and ncsoft will combine to create an unholy union upon which the entire internet will quake in fear as the chink hivemind is controlled by a bunch of old jews
You've created an abomination
Yes. To one person, then said person sent it to more. We live baby. give it a few days but, server tests and what not.. need to iron out the kinks.
whoever made this does not deserve the internet
Because Requiem lost his cock in an unfortunate experiment to convert inert clockwork into sex robots(fuck your suggestions nosferatu), and had to BACK IN TIME to get a new one before it could Rise Again.
That DC mmo was pretty fun back in the day desu
Innoc has no access to the physical server, he's just the guy running the discord
I'm gonna make a Pepe in COH just to make you mad
oh wicked, ty user
Go to the reddit. Fair warning though its just a cock tease.
Fucking beautiful.
What the fuck happened? People here literally wanted to kill him.
Real talk, when will we have working servers and when will normies or people who dont actually care about the game fuck off and stop exploding the servers?
Holy fuck I actually got past the character creator, and with a villain to top it all off
Coming soon, to a f2p wildy near you, he is: The 40 Attack Pure
He caved, his ego couldnt accept being forever remembered as a piece of shit to thousands of people.
probably in about a week
Caved in when some brazilian threatened to rape his dog and his grandma and his entire neighborhood
is now trying to reconcile his spaghetti code with the original devs' spaghetti code and the spaghetti code of the people who he gave the code to
Redemption arc then?
give it a week at max hombre. Monday at the earliest is when they plan to do a public live server after this initial test one.
Next week
>attacked 2 whole enemies for the first time in 4 hours before crashing
quality memes
There's no timeline but considering how quickly this image is up for testing and how ravenous some of these fuckers are for CoH I would imagine someone having a server redist in weeks or less.
>click login
>immediately not responding
Is it just trying to connect or is something fucked up
>brazilian threatened to rape his dog and his grandma and his entire neighborhood
Baded brasil
no LOL, just a fall from glory and life as a pariah
>not Marrowder
That wouldn't make me mad. Forced memes make me mad.
>there are fags currently sitting in atlas park chatting it up
>in the fucking 200 slot private server
>and not paragon chat
Literal jungle code don't worry
The story I heard was the fifth column got replaced because they were aiming to begin sales in Germany, and Nazis are a no-no there.
Not sure how that relates to bringing them back, though.
>autist cannot comprehend that an MMO is a social game
>brazilian threatened to rape his dog and his grandma and his entire neighborhood
Thank you brazil psychopath
Hue probably just wanted to do it so he can poz all of Argentina
New to the game, just got in
For Senator Armstrong, should i go Tank or Melee damage?
>all these threads in the past week for a formerly dead MMO
>was only about one thread every other month back when it was a thing
It's all the same person isn't it.
Armstrong is more defense than offense.
yes, all 117 unique IPs in this thread are all from me. you've been rused, faggots. also fuck niggers
I thought this game was killed years ago. What happened?
Is this server going to end up restricting names that have already been used?
so I finished creating character and now when I hit yes to enter game its just sitting there am I fucked?
You're making an initial handshake with the server so it starts to move you from the auth page but it's too slow/throttled to get one of the other responses to you and you time out.
It's a step better than just getting the timeout because there's no server to hit.
Just wait until tomorrow, this server is an early and unstable version anyway and chances are progress here will not carry on to whatever server(s) come out of it, even one hosted by SCORE
based and redpilled, also me
Never because if the koreans even think about it they're flushing their own IP down the toilet.
How many times will it disconnect and make me remake my chatacter jesus i know lots of people are horkin the servers but i mean come on man i should be playing by now >:/
Talking about the thread creator.
C&D will do nothing at this point since the server shit is in the wild now.
Koreans are too high on cocaine to care.
>Formerly dead MMO that was extremely popular among nerds is suddenly revealed to be alive again
>"lol why would anyone want to talk about this on Yea Forums"
Are you an idiot
Tanker, Invuln+Super Strength
>finally get to the server screen
>server finally lets me get to the character select screen
>pick my character and hit Next
>game hangs for a minute
>No mapServer connection. Try again.
>and it fucking LOGS ME OUT AGAIN
This is nothing but a cock tease
I'll trim your enhancments for free.
Have you at least saved the costume so you only have to pick the powers and copy/paste the description?
t. Underage faggot zoomer
cute pit
>have to remake the character after getting back in
>No map server connection.
Yeah i did but it didnt show up the 2nd time
Go Brute and treat Brute Rage as a MAD meter.
Have you checked the folder to be sure the .costume file is actually in there?
>The account is already currently logged in
This is why real MMOs have queues
Nah lemme see lol
>he thinks that's the end of the boss battle
super autism
Hey 60% of you guys on pls get off lol
Now you have to enter a map. Good luck and godspeed.
CoX did have a queue back in the day, not that it really ever needed it. This is the jank-ass private server cobbled together by one autistic Argentinian six years ago with zero intention of a wide release.
>when the noob thinks hes finished the boss
you're about halfway through all his forms
Post pics of your joker clone when you make him shitposter kun
That's enough for me.
But Smash fags like you are the true blight on Yea Forums right now.
Server has been expanded to allow more people. Nice...
Oooh boy I'm going to do some major redeeming and destroying today!
I just got into atlas, thank you for your worthwhile contribution
So, what, can I get in through paragon chat or what? How do I get in?
>mfw I never thought 15 years ago I'd be fighting the fucking login server again
Redpill me on archetypes
Defenders = shit
Stalkers = shit
Masterminds = shit
Damn, that's good.
Got into character creation but got mapserver error. At least it's almost working.
I never got past the character creation screen, so not much of a contribution.
very nice
I tried to screen shot my character but all I could get is a black screen. Is there a different button to us? I couldn't find a keyboard config in the settings.
Based. Would team up with.
>haven't been able to log in all day
>just been re-watching superhero movies
I just want to do hero things
I just use Puush to take a screencap of that portion of my screen.
it's weird. even though i can't get in, I'm not mad. this is still a million times further to playing it than I was a week ago. if leo had released the source code years ago we'd be a lot fucking further.
go to sleep you fucking americans
>/vg/ thread
>not even 300 posts in 4 hours
>Yea Forums thread
>almost 600 posts in 2 hours
/vg/ just fucking kills discussion. It almost instantly devolved into asking about how to make femboys and twinks, too.
We'd have so much more... But this burst is amazing. Servers in less than a week worth of drama, who knows what'll happen next. CoH2? Mods? Road is bright ahead.
Yea Forums is where everyone freely browses. No one goes to /vg/ unless you're already part of a general. No one browses /vg/ like one would for Yea Forums.
I found that it seemed to want to screen shot whatever was on screen when I first switched to the program. So hitting alt+tab twice would update it and allow me to screen shot.
>6 years of community development with literally thousands of contributors
>new features
>new powers
>new areas
>updated models
Imagine what the game could have looked like by this point.
Fuck Leotard, he should never be allowed to forget what he's done.
You don't get good boy points for setting someone free if you kidnapped them in the first place and broke their legs.
is it hard to get lots of recharge enhancements
i have a character that i basically just want to spam a single skill forever, it has an 8s cooldown
It's not hard, but you get diminishing returns after like three of them
>That feel when rolling fire/kin
Perfect analogy.
I'll give this a shot. Thanks. Though that is if I can get back into the server.
Yeah, I downloaded some character planner and it looks like you can get it down to about 4s without much work, which seems fine.
It was recently revealed that someone had been running a private server in secret for years with server assets that were thought to have been lost forever when the game was initially shut down
>just messing around with the random select on char creation
>get this guy
I think I'm going to throw in the towel for now and try again after they nerf the login boss.
There's already a thread up
just happy to be here
Good, because now I'm in.
New thread, don't get stranded
hasten, incarnate powers and invention origins sets can get you to +300% recharge so 2s on an 8s cooldown skill is definitely possible