City of Heroes

Attached: 1545099629459.png (477x108, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I was living the dream for a little while.
Now I just have to pray the server lets me in again.

Attached: 55363209_p3.jpg (938x950, 674K)

Technically this thread can eat the whole of my ass.


Have they given an estimate as to how long it'll take them to do the actual revival?

By the end of the month possibly if everything goes well

what's with the hype around this game? and can I stream it on twitch to be one of the first and make loads a monay?

Is this just the servers being blown to dicks, or do I do something wrong with my account?

Attached: score_2019-04-19_23-08-59.png (372x145, 54K)

Login server's on the fritz at the moment, they're about to try restarting it.

Redpill me about this game

Old semi-sandboxy MMO, from the times before World of Warcraft standardized the experience

Janky old superhero MMO with maximum comfy world and lore and a 10/10 character creator. Source code was released recently after a shitstorm of drama, and private servers are currently in development.

But is getting this error still fine, and not indicative of me fucking up something?

How easy/hard is it to make Jojo characters in the creator?

Never played this, what's good for a tanker?

Attached: CuGFOurXgAELAki.jpg (681x445, 44K)

No, this is normal and you’ll get it several times before you actually get in.

Stone Armor was pretty top tier because of Granite Armor.

Not sure if builds are still posted online

Attached: 42B4A58E-47DA-46FA-86D3-F8FCF1FA2266.jpg (239x256, 34K)

I’ll stay here because the other thread is full of cunts

I'm just gonna wait a few days or a week until things are more stable. I'm so happy tho frens.

Attached: 1555288837198.gif (544x408, 308K)

Have there been any details as far as how to access the server or any installers for the game itself?

Aside of the current test server? Not that I know of. They may still use tequila though, it seems getting the original patcher to work is hard.

I downloaded the torrent, what now? This Tequila thing?

So I uhh registered an can I actually play the game?
Wheres the torrent?

God, I can't wait to come back to my home





The game will take a long time to download and update as well as registering and logging in, as all registration, login and authentication servers are being throttled as hell. Have patience and faith for the test server.

Current test server is running Leo's "Issue 25", but worry not, because Anons are in charge of the whole project now. It's only a matter of time until we have our own Issue 24 servers. Untill then, GO. HUNT. KILL.

can you actually do the content in this now or is that still nonexistent?



Its all there baby.

only problem is the server. Its a brand new one so expect some minor delays and hiccups.


is this the non retard thread?



oh shit, they released the source code? figures the one time I skip reading the drama whoring it's got an actual point being posted

>Get d/ced and play with the character creator on paragon and end up with two more concepts

Post Heroes while we wait for the login server to unfuck itself

Attached: Clawplach.png (515x633, 518K)


Attached: Thugs Dark Miasma Mastermind.jpg (1361x555, 128K)


Better yet, post your cringey backstories.

Likewise. I'm waiting until the test server has done all it needs to do and everyone figures out how to set up their own private server. Then I'm gonna jump in there when the road is paved over smoothly.

Attached: 1555395812228.gif (188x348, 848K)

>get in finally
>spend too long making a new hero
>server resets

Attached: hahsuke.jpg (407x430, 24K)

Here's my attempt at Knuckle Bine. I made the aura dark as possible to make it more subtle.

Attached: knuckle_bine.png (580x840, 611K)

Bubbles/Sonic Defender

Attached: Soundcloud.png (436x838, 491K)


Attached: 215275985322.png (614x739, 429K)

Grandville... home.

Attached: Screenshot (1509).png (424x580, 372K)

Invuln is pretty standard resistance stuff.
Stone is an underwhelming defense+regen combo until you unlock granite armor and become far and away the best tank in the game
Ice has good emergency powers
Fire makes maintaining aggro super easy

I don't know if scrapper regen is a tank set now with proliferation but it'd probably be OP

he's in

Only got to play a tiny bit, but it felt so right. Were back home friends. Give it some time to iron out the wrinkles and we'll be ready

Are all the customisation/archetypes unlocked?

Thinking of trying staff fighting/dark armor, not sure whether to do it on scrapper or stalker

No, at least the archetypes.

So Blaster, Corruptor or Dominator. Which has the best combination of ranged damage and survivability?

Fuckk i wana play but its been a good while and ive only ever gotten to character creator before it disconnects

I finallt decided my hero a cyborg werewolf vampire

My final idea was too just make it goofy and fun and i kinds loved what i came up with

Now for my villain i hope to at least play tomorow

Im kinda hoping i start a super group with a bunch of other supernatural guys!

Quick question has anyone who had a previous account been able to log in with their old info wasnt that something that was ment to happen?

Attached: ggqf7qocxmpz.jpg (560x850, 128K)

do you want to be a man or a sneaky cunt

How long is this shit going to keep going on?

until we're home

is it just me or is Brute just flat out better than Scrapper and Tank?

Corruptor, since it has support secondary

>frozen on complete character and enter game
>get kicked
Fuck my life right in the ass

Attached: 1423445014635.jpg (636x480, 30K)

Until we're back home motherfucker

Where do I download the game?


Attached: CoH randomizer is TOP NOTCH.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Blaster is damage and more damage
Corruptor is damage and support
Dominator is CC and damage

>almost got in but then got DBserver'd
Life is suffering, friends

Brutes are more like the midpoint between the two.

Scrapper outdoes Brute DPS-wise in most fights, but Brute pulls ahead if they're the main tank in large groups or in really long fights. Tankers are vastly better at holding aggro since they do an AoE taunt every time they hit an enemy.

In certain situations, Brute can't survive in really tough fights compared to Tanker and Scrapper does more damage right off the bat.

Corruptor uses its buffs/debuffs/heals to stay alive while Dominator uses crowd control.

Tanky blasters are only a thing if you go for mental manipulation, for the most part blasters are a "kill them before they kill me" type of class.

>keep getting to character select
>keep hanging and getting booted back to login

Attached: boi.png (396x540, 291K)

Don't... do that, user.

Attached: 1422382569775.png (286x301, 122K)

Anyone get in or did the server take a shit again?

It holds aggro worse than tank, and has slightly lower defense numbers. Scrapper has somewhat better offense numbers, though if you can fight near max fury that doesn't matter in most cases. They also lack scrapper crits though, so in BEST case a scrapper will still outdam them.
Brute is more like the balance between the two.


go back to world of warcraft threads, and take your shitty meme with you

>tfw other dead MMOs won't get similar revivals
Earth & Beyond, Tabula Rasa, and Matrix Online, oh how I miss y'all.

From what I understand, Tanker has a passive AoE taunt on attacks, and Brute has a taunt on targets he hits, but does more damage and is less tanky.

Which is best for Solo?

Never say never, user.
This one was thought dead for 6 years.

Dominator maybe cause you get a pet and a heal with your powers, as well as being able to deal out damage. Blaster next and then controller. But most things are solo able.

>Earth and Beyond
>he doesn't know

It's why I appreciate what the Wurm devs did, which was providing a server-in-a-box version of the game for sale, which means the game will live on forever.

Lmao seething, WoW is way better than this garbage capeshit game

Earth & Beyond actually has an emulator!

disregard that, I suck cocks

respect your elders, WoWbab

what would be a good name for a cyborg lizardman

Cyborg Lizard Man

Maybe you should go play it instead of being such an obviously underage faggot.


Well fuck, time to find my DVD.

who else staying up till the discord retards stop spamming login

>Hearing all these stock sound effects
>Seeing all these familiar animations
>Recognizing some old names in the Discord and in game
I might cry


How did he come out? I wish I could squish his head a bit more.

Attached: The worst character ever created.png (1276x955, 969K)

/csg/ - capeshit general

is there a way to tell if i installed properly?

i keep getting game server cannot be reached and i wanna know if its a problem with my install or the server is just busy as usual



Game server cannot be reached is what everyone hitting their head against the login button is getting. Its all about persistence.

Not me. Just hopped off. The admins mentioned how this current server set up is a Frankenstein freakshow and they'll be working to improve it tomorrow.

Oscar Meyer

>get passed login screen
>get passed character select
>actually load into the map
>fight a handful of enemies and reach level 2
>mapserver crash
>immediately get passed login on first try
>select character
>"character ___ is still logging out!"
>get kicked back to login
my fury bar is current sitting at around 95%, holy shit

Attached: 15232934.png (354x246, 167K)

Server is busy


okey dokey, ill keep tryin, thanks

No one to police copyrighted characters means we can all finally be Wolverine and Iron Man.

it's past, not passed

Judging by the wiki, I have to get Bio Armor if I want to make Alex Mercer. Or does bio armor not look like what I imagine it to look like?

>lost connection to map server
>lost connection to map server
>lost connection to map server
>lost connection to map server
Don't worry guys who can't get in, you're not missing out on much. Although getting to just look at everyone's heroes is still pretty cool.

JC Denton, in da fresh

>tfw theres nothing like a GEP gun

Attached: ss+(2019-04-19+at+10.55.56).jpg (630x812, 71K)

Was this really a problem before?


Attached: 1555726636771.jpg (423x613, 50K)

Its a huge armor thing that covers certain body parts. If you boot up Paragon Chat, select it and go over to power color customization you can see it. You can also remove the FX for it.

I heard we could possibly go Mastermind/Radiation so this guy will have Robotics + Radiation.

Attached: radical.png (669x909, 592K)

Someone will make it. Soon.

Attached: unstoppable.png (292x562, 236K)

Why was it so much more stable 5 hours ago? Surely there's not more people now.

Attached: 14983812422.jpg (444x460, 78K)

I've been at this for two hours and haven't made it past the character creation screen I'm starting to get pissed off

defend this

Attached: Organic_Armor_Concept.jpg (471x720, 82K)

It surprises the hell out of me that with the popularity of marvel movies right now this game or another like it aren't piling in the cash. The level of customization is unreal and could fulfill any normies fantasies.

Attached: waa.gif (417x310, 1.42M)

Beg Richard Garriott to run Tabula Rasa again


Attached: lZp3OTq.png (384x660, 365K)

He's perfect, user.

Fucking Kerrigan

alright lads evidently i'm fucking retarded because i'm not doing something right.
>downloaded the game via torrent
>downloaded tequila
>extracted it to the coh folder
>launched tequila to let it patch
>created an account on the forums AND made a game account via the account page
>can't sign in because my game client can't connect to the login server

Attached: 1554416741177.jpg (1068x1320, 92K)


>Been trying to actually login for hours
>Finally load the map after creating the character 6+ times
>Greeted with this


Attached: FUCK.png (1917x1008, 3.29M)

>getting pissed off at a patchwork test server the devs said may work at best

Attached: 1505361607808.jpg (600x404, 31K)

>let's sell much higher poly nearly nude women to our playerbase
makes sense

Attached: Cpl Flaps.jpg (1513x855, 144K)

Nope. The server is just fucked due to volume right now.

Bretty gud, what powrs

i have no idea

Regarding community development, would you guys rather
>modelers focus all of their efforts on updating the graphical fidelity of the game, no "new" stuff for a while, but everything looks gradually fancier
>modelers keep the low-poly aesthetic and focus all of their efforts into creating new clothing/power animations/enemies/areas

Attached: 1411164078931.png (349x300, 10K)

colonel, I'm trying to sneak around the Arachnos soldiers, but I'm dummy thicc, and the clapping of my asscheeks keeps alerting the guards.


Attached: DummyThicc.png (449x683, 233K)

Are the majority of enemies in this game melee or ranged? Or did they all have both attack types?

Gonna make this based nigga instead
Blaster, or Scrapper?

Attached: CJ-GTASA.png (402x516, 180K)

Im going in, wish me luck

Attached: Senator.png (1920x1080, 1.33M)

Graphical updates

As it stands everyone is just going to be using the new shit anyway. That's how it was before the game even died, most people were rocking costumes entirely made out of new parts. Better to upgrade everything while keeping it true to the original.

Latter for sure

A little from column A, a little from column B.

But if i had to choose? option 1. But they'd need a good design team to do over all the assets.

Focus on removing all currently modded content in order to bring the game back to its live form instead of having shit that the private server people thought was funny.


How do i decide if my morally grey character is a hero or a villain?

>can't get in at all when trying all day

It's happening

Attached: screenshot_190420-02-06-11.jpg (1920x1080, 524K)

Choose whether his end goal is selfish or selfless and then go rogue.

Just build your own copy of the server to run locally?

He's probably hurting from two negatively received releases in a row.

Either Dual Pistols Blaster or Thugs Mastermind

What's the best powerset for someone who never played the game before? I've got a toku design I really like but I have no clue what to go with. I've been thinking either a Street Justice/Willpower Brute, or maybe something using a shield. Are there any particularly good/bad combos I should watch out for?

>with the popularity of marvel movies right now
That's just it, though. Big hero companies like Marvel and DC tried to make superhero MMOs, but they both failed because they rode the popularity too hard. It wasn't "come be a superhero!" it was "come look at Batman™ and Superman™ and fight alongside them! And maybe have some powers of your own, I guess, I don't know."
As another user said, people don't want to be Batman's sidekick, they want to be Batman. City of Heroes was its own IP, which freed it of the icon worship that a game made by Marvel or DC is contractually obligated to include.
Theoretically, a third party could do that again today, but all game companies can see is that current MMOs aren't doing well and that NOT aping an established property would be a big risk. They're too out of touch to see that MMOs aren't doing well because they've slowly turned into garbage and that creating something original would actually bring more success than trying to make an interactive movie/comic book advertisement.

>build your own copy of the server
Currently the fixed version of Issue 25 which plays nice with the Issue 24 source code hasn't been released. Again, if it came to it, that wouldn't be a problem since it could be fixed again, but as it stands it's not a trivial matter to run one's own server.

Not really. Pretty much anything is viable

for now, finishing the animations for Wind Control and Savage Melee, then maybe starting to look into graphical enhancement

That suit jacket is kind of big.
Isn't his white shirt with rolled up sleeves more iconic?

Keep the low poly aesthetic. Run some of the ML upscaling algorithms on the older textures but otherwise don't worry about it.

I'd rather see new power sets.

>hit level 2
>try to go in sewers
>stuck on loading screen

100% this. The hero worship bullshit is why I refuse to play DCUO.

who /hero/ here
rise up meet up

>zoning while servers are fucked
you're a doofus

The ability to customize Mastermind Pets

So I downloaded some user's Tequila folder from a previous thread, it seems fine but the game just crashes on login. Is this normal for now, or should I be seeing some kind of login error message?

>I downloaded some user's Tequila folder

Attached: 1539498881646.jpg (282x282, 12K)

Damn, I was kinda hoping for an excuse to get over my indecisiveness.
What's the closest I can get to a proper Rider Kick?

>finally get in
>summon demon henchmen
>its been too long you little shit
>join a team
>run sewers for 15 glorious minutes
>lost connection to mapserver
I could weep. It's so beautiful.

Attached: 1541917398308.gif (500x281, 404K)

Enjoy your RAT

It hasn't been crashing for me.
Could it be possible that in the process of installing Tequila, code for running it specific to your hardware gets downloaded and so downloading someone else's copy makes it unstable?

I made a kicking hero, and Martial Arts seems to be pretty kick-heavy.

You can take a look at and customize the animations in the character creator so you should pull up the different melee powersets and see what their kicks look like.

This is just a test server so don't expect to be able to log in or keep connected. This is absolutely normal so calm down.

Attached: __getchuman_fairy_and_sayaka_saru_getchu_drawn_by_om_nk2007__dd8dca6bff13e55d998f8cbd5967617e.jpg (853x1000, 162K)

I'm a bootleg jedi

Attached: skurwurker.png (304x541, 180K)

It works now, never mind.

then what's the fucking point?

Jedi scum

Attached: Screenshot (205).png (325x721, 251K)

Yes i'm in, behold Uber-Werepyre

Attached: Uber-Werepyre.png (616x632, 523K)

Marvel Heroes had you play as the big name characters, though. Only DC did the sidekick shit.

>finally get in
>someone calls my costume dope
>get kicked out before I can even punch something

It was all worth it

Attached: 171c6db6420c0f263f5ad252f8f91fcb.gif (373x360, 627K)


>suddenly remember AdventureQuest

kind of a cute doggo face for a werewolf

oh never mind just disconnected

fight me!

Attached: 1555676996426.webm (438x630, 2M)

Do you fear me?

>What's the closest I can get to a proper Rider Kick?

You're looking for Eagle's Claw, the final power in the Martial Arts moveset.

>load in to sewers after several minutes of loading
>get to walk for a few seconds before lost connection then crashed
But I saw them anons. I saw them and they were incredible.

Attached: lost connection.png (1906x1049, 3.08M)

There's an entire fucking melee powerset dedicated to kicking. I always wanted to play a max level kicking/avoidance Scrapper.

Attached: KICKHOPPER.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

To unlock them during gameplay?

Attached: 767637647597578.png (486x1329, 29K)

>CoX comes back out of the fucking blue after more than a half a decade
>Turns out some fucking Argentinian was the only reason the files weren't available right after the servers closed
Its both a good and bad feeling. I'm super happy that its back but I'm seething because we could have had it back and being modded YEARS ago but there was some selfish huehue.

Reminder that making characters on both factions is stressing the map server way harder than if everyone was just 1 faction (the vast majority are hero, so anyone being villain is a shit).

Reminder not to do the tutorial, or do door missions because thats just extra stress on the map server right now that it can't handle.

>had you play as the big name characters, though
How does that even work? The streets were just full of Captain Americas and Iron Men?
That just sounds like a different kind of shit.

Every time I try to make a good guy necromancer he ends up feeling really generic to me

Attached: necro.png (817x756, 920K)

No nigger, fuck off

>The sound and animation design still feels really good
I think this is the thing I missed the most. Both DCUO and Champion's Online feel really over-animated in their attacks/powers which makes them lack weight.

Even Titan Weapons is a relatively simple looking set animation wise but just feels good to use.

Attached: 1415837828291.gif (326x256, 1.45M)

I liked DCUO for what it was. It wasn't more being their sidekick, but rather they were the ones organizing heroes to deal about with the bullshit in their out-of-control fictional cities.

That plus it solved the problem plaguing every MMO which was having to return to the quest given to get your reward.

Is that even still running?
I actually bought a Guardian account for the original back in the day.

Shield isn't that great on brutes because they don't leverage the damage buffs as well as scrappers

street justice is fun and has great visuals, but is very limited in terms of area damage since it's single target focused

willpower is a great set to start with but slowly starts being worse than its competitors as damage becomes harder to regen and aggro control becomes more important (willpower has the weakest aggro control).

If you're gonna tank with your brute, the main weaknesses of a street justice/willpower combo will be maintaining aggro and tanking damage spikes.

Just wait till you play with a force fields guy :^)


>he's good
>but he summons legions of undead

Is he also half demon, half angel with a tragic backstory?

You have to make something with a theme and flavor that doesn't fit into generic.

A black-wearing edgy necromancer is super generic. A bright, flowery or robotic or animalistic necromancer though? That's different.

Anyone have broken character slots from crashes? I have two that cant be loaded or deleted


Use Paragon Chat if it asspains you that badly you fucking autist

Attached: 1554224351553.png (512x512, 179K)

can I be a sexy villainness that loses to the heroes on purpose to forcibly ride their cocks as punishment for myself

And now I have my choice. Thanks anons.

Attached: samflam.jpg (1600x900, 167K)

If I want to have the easiest time and be able to solo Arch Villains what should I pick? I have heard SS WP brutes are really easy.

Sassy blood knight.

I made it in just a few seconds after you and managed to at least deal some damage to enemies before I got kicked out. It feels so fucking amazing to actually experience the full game again.

Wanted to make kamen rider rip off but there's already a few people doing that. What do?

Yeah. It was fine though. Same characters but different builds, different costumes, etc. You weren't guaranteed to be identical to every other Spider-Man player on the map.

Yes, the other user is an idiot

I can't tell if mine is broken, it keeps kicking me out.
Is there an error message specific to broken characters?

Do it anyway.

I was sort of using one of my D&D characters as inspiration but at this point I think the source material just doesn't stand out enough as a character to translate into a superhero

Attached: WizardOfTwoSides.jpg (2310x2113, 296K)


Fucking, right? What a cosmic faggot you have to be to do something like this.

Make a Metalder ripoff


>tfw it won't go away

Attached: Untitled.png (469x253, 127K)

>Can't login
>Said fuck it and designed the five stages of my characters outfits from shabby street villain to looking like a cosmic villain
I missed this game I really did.

>mfw I'm a Praetorian and doing door missions

Attached: cinderella.png (539x720, 237K)

Reminder that the devs already posted in the discord that they'll be heavily reworking the servers and that this test server is far away from workable


i'm pretty sure the guy who has access to the server just made a change that enabled those things and since then the game has been losing connection constantly. maybe someone should ask him to close those things back off and see if the high level zones could be closed too

What's a good secondary power for a first-time player playing a Mastermind? Should a first-time player even be playing a Mastermind?
I heard in some of the previous threads that thugs are the best primary, so I went with that, but I've got no idea about secondaries.

What about a black, edgy, sinister-looking necromancer that is actually a good and cheerful guy despite how he looks?

all the guys who are directly running the server are (supposedly) asleep

Play what you want.

I also can do it
Upper pic is with normal hands, second is with Nanomachines
Third one is a bit weirder no shirt version, with "plant" texturing

The "Bio Organic" texture looks perfectly like real armostrong, but you cant make it flesh colored. FUCK THIS.

Attached: Senator 2.png (1920x2602, 3.94M)

it's a stress test. I wish I could just play now too but they didn't put it up just so everyone could play and have a good time. They're leaving it up to gauge exactly how many racks of servers they need to buy

Just change out the skeleton chestplate, and add some color to it. Like just try out some earth tones. Don't worry too much about what a super hero or necromancer is 'supposed' to look like.

choose what looks most fun

>i'm playing a villain

You get an error and the character doesn't show. You'll know if it is

I never managed to get in trying to start as a Praetorian. I got in as a Villain by skipping the tutorial though.

I still maintain that Leandross is the worst person Yea Forums has ever encountered. Genuinely an awful human being.

On the discord, the devs called it a night after the last server restart and stated that if shit hits the fan, it won't be solved until they get to it tomorrow. So if shits fucked right now, its gonna be that way all night.

The login servers are being turned off and on, the actual server is up.

>The "Bio Organic" texture looks perfectly like real armostrong, but you cant make it flesh colored.
Why would you want to make it flesh-colored? Wouldn't it not show up then?

Fuck it if it looks generic. What makes you unique is how you play 'em. Try mixing themes up. Zombies and shadow or robots and technology? How about both! Meet Spectral Scientist.

acaos is still up lol, he just posted a little while ago about the change i mentioned

I'm gonna make one that's pure opposites. Necro and nature affinity. Power of life and death. Could probably justify that being a hero somehow.

More like it's choking out and crashing.

no one is turning anything on and off. There's just hundreds/thousands of people trying to brute force their way into a server designed to take 200 people comfortably

>people talking shit about Leandro in broadcast

Attached: 1549706169532.png (888x894, 520K)

>is the worst person Yea Forums has ever encountered
Honestly, I doubt that. I desperately want to be proven wrong, but guaranteed someone else will be worse and totally irredeemable. Like that one guy who fucked his dog to death

>its lagging like fuck
for a moment before all the discordfags made it in.. it was smooth

nigga it has been full of discordfags from the start

yo dawg where's my jump pack and ninja run

This shit moved fucking fast. From the initial leak to a playable server in what, a week? Some dedicated motherfuckers out there. I'm real happy for you guys, I hope you have fun.

Attached: 1515784792155.png (240x280, 109K)

Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to launch a server test with over 10000 people trying to get on at once.

>all these retards piling into sewers and instantly getting disconnected

Attached: 1555306421910.png (609x340, 171K)

Its fucking amazing.

>every three seconds it freezes
is it really worth it bros

P2W vendor

Well that was fun for like a minute.

Attached: 1536057455766.jpg (1920x1056, 970K)

are jannies asleep?

Leo is, above all things, a fucking idiot.

They're not paid to sleep.

It's just a test server. I'll probably wait until it gets off the ground. It's good to know that it can work.


You wanted a public server, you got one.

The initial leak wasn't code, it was just the existence of the fully-functioning private server that has been running in secret for six years. The guy that ran it, Leandro, released the source code for the public, who can host their own servers, and is running this stress test to see what it will take to open the secret server open to the public.
Speaking of which, can someone just go to git and host a Yea Forums server?

well my shit died but rate my Flashy Flash / Lightspeed Flash

Attached: flash.png (703x678, 770K)

>Want to play
>Know I'll make a character then get an idea for another one then another then another until I get overwhelmed and then quit

He wanted something for people to play as fast as possible so his dogs wouldn't be skinned alive

>made a character an hour ago and crashed after completion
>trying to get in now and it says InvalidPlayerInfo
if i have to remake my dude im gonna shit

Attached: 1552856616898.jpg (966x1024, 88K)

It's so fucking good user. So fucking good after 7 years.

>Ugh fine

>standing idly while my minion slaughters everything
Just as it should be.

Attached: diablo 2.png (1023x767, 1.71M)

You can't host your own servers just yet. There's a version mismatch between the server code and the data, and Leandro doesn't want to release the proper data to match the source code because it literally has user desktop data from the dev who leaked it initially (allegedly).

Shoulda saved that costume.

Maybe the real heroes were us all along

>Atlas Park 33

Attached: 1533272193103.png (259x194, 85K)

>Unit Absolutus

Okay good I'm not alone


Attached: 15236523572523.png (409x46, 29K)

>had zero plans for a public launch
>pushes through with a public launch anyway two days after getting completely blown the fuck out
>despite being only barely ready for it due to the herculean efforts of others
he rushed into this way too quickly, he's either an idiot or completely terrified of the cripplechanners stalking him

Fun facts:

- City of Heroes netcode was always piss poor even for its era
- It was designed to be run on retarded unnecessarily overpowered distributed hardware to compensate for its inefficient design
- Today's shitfest is just what happens when you run it on a normal off the rack rentaserver

Wait so does this game have multiclassing like Guild Wars?

Attached: guild wars.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

They're putting a player cap on so it runs well.


No, but there's a lot of overlapping power sets between Archetypes

>This isn't working at all what should we do??
>I dunno have u tried rebooting lol

No multiclassing but there is some overlap in power pools that kind of feels like it.

Holy shit it's just fucking Malgus

Somehow I doubt an overpowered server from 15 years ago is that impressive today.

Didn't they just say they were going to bed?

Fite me

Attached: c8ltf3.png (657x815, 555K)

I tried

Attached: ss+(2019-04-19+at+11.48.51).jpg (1625x927, 360K)

we are all trapped on Acaos' wild ride

What would be a fun secondary to pair with ninjas for Mastermind? Is time any good?

Exactly. Someone has to be a hero and either buy a modern overpowered server, or steal one from Google without getting shot and anal probed.

That's a good point.

Attached: 1547459530698.jpg (170x287, 68K)

Actually you'd be surprised, desktop computer performance has been exponential but the types of multi processor multi core shard servers used by enterprises have always been a shitfest. It's not about just pure CPU power, there are bottleneck issues that can't just be brute forced.

And then they said they're going to restart one final time and set a player cap at 200 so that for those who can get in it's actually playable.There are currently about 400 people online in the discord.

>200 player cap

Attached: 1434251573654.jpg (640x480, 87K)


hey it's Mister Chief from the Ring series!

Haven't played this game before, can I edit my minions? If so, how much control do I have over their appearance?

>Trying to make loli villain
>Find out that you can't give her flat chest or make her loli form

I swear I'm going to mod this

Attached: wfg.png (491x646, 322K)


Attached: Untitled.png (417x110, 13K)


Is there a guide on what each class does/what powers do? I'm a little confused on how playstyle/archetype/powers interact.


200 player cap is fine when everyone's at the same level doing sewers, not so much when people start branching off into the different zones

hold on, you can't make loli on this shit?

Attached: 1553294366907.jpg (590x768, 80K)

pedos btfo

You dont plan this shit and do research on whats the best to do X. You pick one that sounds cool to you and roll the fkn dice homie

fuck off pedo

>servers are booting this could take 30+ minutes

I think playstyle is just an optional thing that filters out archetypes by the playstyle you select. You can deselect your playstyle to view all the archetypes.

30 mins till boot

nonces OUT

>Running around on my Saitama clone with a Bubble/Dark Miasma hero I ran into up until I got murdered by a swarm of Vahzilok and the servers were brought down immediately after.

But what an amazing 10 minutes of gameplay it was

Attached: 1425363001324.jpg (635x473, 41K)

You can but you should probably seek therapy first.


Attached: 1385542381332.png (188x128, 3K)

Making a loli character doesn't make you pedo, it's just a body form

Attached: boo boo.jpg (522x522, 74K)

I wanna smack that stupid shit pedo cat. Imagine that angry little bitch getting upset cause it's a pedo and you just whop it in the face with your fist. It'd learn real quick I tell you what.

Alright, time to spam out discord and then instantly connect when they fire them up to take one of the 200 spots

Attached: 1427823422539.png (672x434, 143K)

Rebooting once before bed is a good idea

no problem here

Attached: 1550275699701.png (756x715, 889K)

More ancient than the telegraph

>implying it wont be up earlier and they just want to get in fast with their buds
start spamming login in fifteen

ok pedo

Sounds like total bullshit to me.


So i managed to make 2 characters before the last server outage, what should I play?

Pistols/Energy Barrier

Attached: 1525224463390.gif (478x359, 2.4M)

Excuses. You know god damn well what runs though your sick head.

Definitely pistols/energy.

LITERALLY the worst possible choices in the entire game


Also a loli form can be 18+

Attached: 1499370848561.jpg (1000x1000, 92K)

Naked loli betches

is kinetic melee any good? asking since you seem to have a good grasp on the game.

I'll make a few riders. I'm going to make a Bio-Boosted Armor Unit knockoff, we could use a few more.

Attached: bioboost.gif (500x376, 975K)

fuck off pedoshit

Where do I get movement powers if im a villain?


>its okay if i say its 18+ even if it looks like a kid!

What makes them the worst?
I only ever played pistols waaaay back so I dont really know whats good/bad.

Will any of those new clothing be appropriate enough to allow me to be able to create my thule society cultist finally?

Attached: thulesociety.jpg (600x400, 51K)

Attached: unkno1wn.png (517x948, 513K)

So do we know how much leo and his friends fucked with the game's code?
I know they changed some shit like there's an NPC near the start called the P2W shop. Do we know if they fucked with balance at all? Will we be able to easily undo their stupid changes, or will it all have to be done by what we remember it was like?

You know there are living people who are 18+ that look like minors, right?

So hold on, I'm trying to download this. We can't make children superheroes or villains?

Is it possible to mod to body form to look more child-like?

Attached: 1524269754393.png (540x482, 190K)

and jerking off to them because they look like minors means youre attracted to the childish looks, yes

Is it possible to make a character that does nothing but rely on pets? Like, the character itself has no attacks of their own, just pets that do things for them.

what archetype and powers?

you can make them 4 feet or so, i dont think itll be too hard

What's with all the fucking pedos

Attached: 1540248191042.png (200x194, 21K)

Holy fuck go away pedo

Yea Forums is a lolicon website.

Shouldn't you be cunny shitposting on Yea Forums?

thats incredibly hot

yes it's called mastermind

i was going for necromancy/pain surpression or dark armor/ice melee, probably the latter

Jannies are asleep, anyone got some good lolicon to scare the fags away?

time to get tribal up in this bitch

Attached: WLMiRss.png (528x858, 576K)

fuck newfag /pol/ frogposters

Can I be a loli magical girl hero?

It would be nice if they did. There's not much for robes.

Attached: 20190328122224_1.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)


I can't seem to get past login, how are you all making characters?

>havent seen a pepe NOR a wojak hero yet

And jerking it to traps doesn't make you gay because they "look like girls," right?

I can't decide what Mastermind heri i wanna run. Artemis Fowl child character ripoff with either Robots or Demons, haven't decided, or Mr. Fantastic style scientist (wildlife biology) with hooves, horns, and fur with Beast Master. Thoughts?

stop projecting homo

You guys can make them loli but they'll have to be oppai lolis or just 14-16 year old lolis

Fuck off back to your discord

Attached: 1542964621431.jpg (1000x564, 86K)

Shouldn't his body be solid red and his limbs solid orange?

Rule of thumb is you want the most AOE damage with the least knockbacks possible.
Kinetic has one of the highest damage single target moves, but eh.
If you want best AOE scrapper it's basically Spines, but I never cared for the aesthetics. Could also try claws.
I semi-mained Martial Arts for the longest time and it's fun, but you start to get jealous of everyone having more AOE than you while you're plinking away at one boss.

Pistols is just, I don't even know where to begin, it's bad, everything about it is just awful, worst of all its animation times. Would you rather do X damage in Y seconds, or X damage in Y*5 seconds?


lol who the fuck would be willing risk the party van hosting a server with pedo shit

>running into another sewers team

let the KS wars begin

Attached: 1505546793993.jpg (401x372, 24K)

>getting arrested for drawings
name 500000 times this has happened in a first world country

How's Titan Weapon/Willpower for Brute?

>lol who the fuck would be willing risk the party van hosting a server with pedo shit

For making children superheroes/villains???

So I guess the Power pack are pedo shit?

Are you trolling? You're seriously asking this? You realize people get arrested in the US constantly for importing loli manga, right? This isn't a new thing.

wow private servers get away with it and gnomes


>Demon Summoning/Thermal Manipulation
is it kino?

Servers back up yet? Did I miss the window?

i said first world not the USA

I've heard so many people say over half the power pools suck (as if you need to minmax to have fun in this game) so at this point I just need to know... what power combos REALLY suck?

Attached: 1303596109410.png (500x667, 314K)

name one time

Now it's go time.

Attached: hEYpO1a[1].png (429x811, 494K)

about 10 more minutes maybe, or 20+

>the discord trannies have figured out they could just post pedo shit to drive people away


Im a minmax faggot, tell me the best combo

>not wanting to be dante and doing sick pistol tricks
>not wanting to look like your from Equilibrium

Style over substance is the name of the game.

>pedo shit
Outed as trans.

>one guy complains on Yea Forums that he can't make a girl with a flat chest
>people raise a fit instead of just ignoring it
>the disagreement fills the thread
I hope you people are trolling, because holy fuck you're retarded either way, but at least this way you're not ignorant of it.

Now give him a flaming sword.
Toa supergroup when?

Right on. Got distracted and thought I miss my absolutely tiny window

t. tranny



We're talking about freedomland retard

Here's the thing though. While you're doing your "sick pistol tricks", stuck in the middle of an animation waiting to fire, I've already annihilated that group and super speeded on to the next, annihilated that one too, and super speeded over the horizon, and just now your animation is finishing and you're free to use your next ability.

But user all women have giant tits, are tall and dont look anything like a child!!!!

Attached: b074850f2ab34147621d44cf4f0f3e83.gif (400x500, 1.04M)

Pistols+Energy Barrier. Best ranged DPS power with best defensive power as your secondary. Can't go wrong with that. You lose out on AoE a bit, but past early game single target damage is the most important aspect of a good build.



based retard

>kinetic melee

Holy shit I can be a real psychic martial artist. I never saw any of the premium stuff.

Attached: 100% Hostility.jpg (847x1200, 164K)

i think its time to stop posting these threads, jannies will start deleting once they wake up anyways, move to /vg/ retards

Already has one.

Attached: bO5PdvE[1].png (406x785, 471K)

Pistols, anything involving Energy, Empathy all blow. Radiation is really weak but does get some useful support stuff later on. I believe AR blasters were not great either, Arachnos Wolf Spiders were fun though and pretty much what AR should have been from the start. Oh, Kheldians are total ass too.

Second one is USA, congrats you win the "I can't read" retard award

Fuck off.

Attached: 35269724b33e58d98f63ad2c68eec9d7.gif (287x219, 2M)

This is City of Heroes, not City of Child Molesters


>Ended up getting into the character creator
>Took so long to make my character the servers closed
So what now? Should I just wait for the server to come back up?

Also, should I go for hero or villain?

Attached: 1529046492088.jpg (671x482, 14K)

How bad is necromancy/poison?

Mastermind is the game's designated summoner class, and if you pick your powers correctly, you can have a character who relies only on his pets to deal damage, while you'll have a variety of buffs/debuffs to use.

Yeah, do us all a favor and take your own advice.

Attached: 1526164739769.png (560x444, 215K)

Here's my rider, pls no bully

Attached: Yellow Jacket.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

>Guy just wants her to have a flat chest
>pedos in denial come out of the wood works and project hard

How are Katanas

Did you see the mod posted already? People are fast to work

Do I still need a level 50 hero to unlock kheldians?
Can i make a brute and transfer to hero side, hit 50 and unlock them?

>is kinetic melee any good?
Sound effects make it perfect for zoomers

It's best on a stalker because of the instant build up mechanic

Hmm, guess I'll make her a MILF then

Attached: wfg2.png (561x720, 424K)

Rate 'em boys

Attached: Hero.png (642x713, 472K)

>trannie links to trannie thread

Add some wings

Attached: 1555194267906.png (348x479, 163K)

wtf you sick pervert how dare you

>says pistols + energy are great
>Says pistols + energy are awful


Attached: 13gvqkka_400x400.jpg (400x400, 34K)

As a rule of thumb, any "new stuff" can get a general in Yea Forums for 2-4 weeks. Much more if there js actual hype behind it.
DMC been 24/7 for like 9 months now
Vanilla WoW also been having non-stop threads for months. Same for smash.
CoH threads arent even 7 days old

You're not going to mod this. Shit is C/MASM clusterfuck and manual is 2000 pages, it's too much for you attention span.

Pistols are the single worst power set in the entire game bar none.

Do I have to be able to log in to make a character?

Wow dude I can't believe you have sexual preferences

I was thinking about it honestly, but I'm going for Super Speed + Super Jump. Should I do it anyways?

They're the worst choice because everyone takes them and having everyone fighting the same way defeats the purpose of a super hero game.




good JUSTICE user

You don't need to fly to have wings

Any power that allows me to do a ground pound that causes a massive explosion and throw everything away?

The client has an offline character creator you can mess around with and save costumes for future use.

10/10 superwaifu, try some colors though

Check this one out!

what's with this comic?

The guy who made it doesn't own enough guns.

>Kheldians are total ass too
Can't Warshade at the very least be made into a good AoE blaster with enough investment? It has access to two separate damage boost abilities on Dwarf and Nova that give you +damage per enemy hit. Either way, I hate the way they look, so I won't be attempting this.

They're the worst choices because pistols is genuinely awful, due to both terrible animation times plus damage being sacrificed in the name of "utility", none of which ends up being viable in either early or late game.

They guy who made it is dead because his guns were animated by tenebrous tendrils

Now I'm just trying to decide between street justice or super strength and an additional power.

So now that this is in the hands of people who aren't hue hue (human), what are the chances that it'll actually see some kind of continued development?

Attached: 6years.jpg (2048x1536, 676K)

You sick son of a bitch, that's somebody's mother

Whats a good pvp archetype

it just feels like it ends a panel short. the guy is sad, the door is open, but there's no payoff. it's an anti-climactic feel.


the ultimate fuckin blunder was that dicksmoker mod who moved the thread to /vg/ when the threads were getting posted for like 2 days and it was right as the code was getting leaked.

mods are mega dork nigs

Don't worry Anonymous, we're already hard at work adding all our favorite memes to the game!


Attached: 1509849037198.jpg (399x400, 47K)

Its not what I'd call massive, but superstrength gets a Foot Stomp ability that has punching the ground as its other alternate animation

are you autistic

Depends on whether one can channel time, effort, money, and willpower/autism on the game. 3,000 people flooded the game a few hours ago, chances are there's like 300 of those people who can develop this game further - provided they can agree on what "development" means and what "good development" means.

FUCKING how do you enable key board turning? This is fucking awful

>spend two hours in the character creator because I'm overwhelmed by all the options
>Finally finish
>Map failed to start
Should I even bother trying again?

He's literally given everything and is trying to open his server to the public, it's pretty likely he's telling the truth considering we know for a fact he was straight up given it from a developer.

kill yourself keyfag

Well, for one there is no Energy Barrier, it's forcefields and they're ok. They're definitely not the best buff set in the game.

If they're referring to Energy Manipulation for a blaster, it's kind of meh. Its hardest hitter has a shitty animation time.

You at least saved it right?

>He didnt save his character before trying to play

Attached: 59849484354.jpg (267x200, 13K)

Use save costume in chargen.

>key board turning

Attached: 1455632896810.jpg (436x466, 31K)

>Want to make Necromancer
>No full-bodied robe with hood


is it SCORE you connect to?

I know, just didn't make too much since for her character. How's this though?

Attached: Angel.png (675x830, 665K)

>keyboard turning
Haha nice bait user, you almost got me.

Attached: 1464755563555.jpg (191x263, 11K)

All of their changes are shit that should have been there in the first place, so no, no one is undoing them. People want to play the new archetype, people want to play the new powersets. Get over it tranny.

You could save you character before confirming.
Also i think the creator also starts over from where you stopped.

It's right next to click to move.

He's going to win all Jermanias

Brutes, Stalkers, or Scrappers?

Attached: 1550604039458.png (1506x1893, 1.92M)

Marry, Kill, Fuck.

is it finally playable

For 15 seconds, yes.


Yeah dude

Theoretically yes, realistically no. Shit server code (and probably shit server), most people can't get in, those who can get disconnected, 3000 people trying to cram onto a server that can handle maybe 50 at the moment.

please respond
mostly to the second part

So is the working code public, as in anyone with the right hardware could set up a test server?

Stalker needs electric melee to be good, brute wins due to versatility and scrappers are crappers

I know nothing about this game, does min maxing matter at all

I did essentially this back in the day.
I got him to 43 before quitting the game.
Basically level up using the shifter powers then respec once you get eclipse and you can wreck shit up.
If you drop reliance on the toggles you can go lobster form for the aoe damage boost ability, then do the same ability in human form and be at damage boost cap.
Stamina sucked until that corpse drain ability. Need a controller in party or a buff for anti-stunning.
Shit was fun as fuck plus you get free teleport teammates to you power at level 1.

Nope. Anglo still holds all the keys to make it run.

setInterval(function(){ Yea, undef, ["it's up"], flags.spoiler); }, 15000);

Gunna wait a week or until the server's are more stable before trying to play.

Also just wanna say thanks to the random digimon guy in this thread, now I'm seriously considering basing my character on a digimon.
Should I do Slayerdramon or Lilithmon though?

Attached: 1523248635601.jpg (253x164, 6K)

b-b-but muh purity!

Fucking why

You dudes have your hero saved so you can jump right in, right?

Mastermind is some horse shit in arena since their passive splits all the damage done to them equally among their minions. The opposite of mobile though, so you're not going to win any zone PvP engagements

How do I download lads? Am retard.

Kinetic or Psionic melee?

Attached: Urameshi.gif (500x375, 1.92M)

You can already turn with the keyboard using Q and E.

If you want a big e-peen and to solo Giant Monsters, Task Forces, and AVs, yes. But it's all been done before so no one will be impressed.

It's literally in the OP

Why is Korra working at Games Workshop?

Do it user

Join the discord in the OP, check the updates channel scroll up for instructions.

ok so whats the min max build

Wait what the fuck is going on? Lastest news were that some cunt had the whole game all along and didn't want to share it, and now there's a new private server and everyone is playing?
Do they have the old character data like the cunt guy? I guess not

We got complacent. We traded one evil for another. Enjoy your "public" server only 200 people will ever get to play and never being able to log in.

Yes, everything is on the cripplechan, but you gonna have a bad time with this clasterfuck of code.
It requires windows server 2008, old sql enterprise, human sacrifices, it won't work with new cpu instructions so you have to get a lot of RAM

Download Tequila from Titan Network or from user's torrent link

Kinetic will probably be closer to what you want, psionic is more based around shooting purple rings that go WooWooWooWoo and make people dizzy

Whats the consensus on willpower? Too weak to be worth a fuck?

You can make a Praetorian character, which starts in an alternate dimension from the "main" CoX universe. You play until level 20 in an alternate set of zones with its own storyline, at which point you get to choose whether to be a Hero or Villain in the "main" universe.

If you're indecisive or you want a more "modern" early leveling experience with well-designed missions for solo play, go Praetorian. If you want the "Vanilla" experience or just want to jump into group play and see everyone else's characters, make a Hero. I really wouldn't recommend Villain for a first time player, the starting zones are not easy to navigate and the content is poor overall.

it's invalid fuckface

Kind of a weird hybrid set, it was added later. Don't know if they ever made it good or not. Invuln and Regen are both rock solid. Super Reflexes if you like to live life on the edge for some reason.

I'm not very creative.

Attached: 192562783613054.jpg (1296x998, 335K)

I'm in

>and the content is poor overall.
Villain content is for people with a refined, experienced palate. Gateway beginners can stick with Hero.

Have fun not knowing because you're a cunt. But it's in the fucking OP.

You clearly don't understand that you can't fucking lauch the server on your desktop pc, yes? Files were retrieved, now you wait, since you're not a coder nor server host

>Made awesome character that earned me the praise of everyone who walked by
>Can't remember the details for shit and will probably never recreate it

Wait for a flatter chest mod


whats even the difference between heroes and villains

>already full

oh well

What kind of setup would you run if you wanted to go maximum mad scientist super science?

They fight

>try to load character
>invalid player profile
>last online 7000 days ago

Attached: 1473518690755.jpg (500x501, 127K)

Very little anymore, unfortunately.

Previously, things like Tankers, Blasters, Defenders, Scrapper etc were all Hero classes.
Villains got Brute, Stalker, Mastermind, etc.

The distinctions no longer really exist.

And ecelebs and blacked porn is fine, too, because the mods are fucking useless, right?
Piss off.


Attached: pools closed.png (566x944, 429K)

Content and areas. Heroes play around in their areas and Villains play around in their own areas. Now that they made it so you can play whatever archetype you want on any alignment, it really comes down to flavor. Do you prefer robbing banks or stopping the robbery?

Powers wise, yeah, missions are different and so are the environments you walk around in. It's still very distinguishable

They're two different games, with different missions and content. They could cross over in PvP zones, and a later expansion added the ability to change your character's alignment, or become a "Rogue" or "Vigilante," essentially a Villain that can join teams doing Hero content or vice versa. There are other mechanics to the Morality system, but this is the main one.

And now the server is full. It's apparently staying at 200 for the intermediate future so see you lads in a couple of weeks I guess.

Attached: oh_shit_sad_beer.jpg (570x539, 47K)

What powers?

Why am I getting the cannot connect to login server issue? Is it something on my end?

Never played this game, I'm probably gonna try it out later once the servers are more stable even if for the character creation alone.
I saw some people having non-regular feet like hoofs for example, are rollerblades available as footwear?

water blasts/dark armor

>spam login obsessively for 30 minutes
>get distracted autistically explaining the game to new anons in here
>miss the server going up


Attached: 1297757675108.png (320x400, 99K)

It isn't on your end. Everyone is trying to shove themselves through the small ass entrance into the server at once

You could go with Beam Rifle/Devices or go Mastermind with robots.

>reboot server for 30 minutes
>immediately dies

Stop using fucking shit tech you faggots

Cool. Energy melee was a pretty good substitute back in the day.

Attached: Janken2.gif (500x281, 1.9M)

You only missed the opportunity to get kicked back to the login after a map error like I just did

I got in on time but as I mentioned my character was fucked so I had to quickly shit out and load a new one but there's at least 10 thousand other people competing for those 200 spots.

Host your own server.

Yeah right nigger I've been sitting here for four hours spamming log in and I've spent a grand total of 4 minutes "playing."

I'm planning on running a Necromancer already so I'll try out Beam Rifle. Thanks, user!

Give me the fucking files then.

>when you get excited but realize the game was probably ruined at some point between when you quit and when it shut down

>Only responds to one

It's not the tech they're using. They're using a quickly cobbled together build and DB with gum barely holding things together.

It should be expected since not only is the server getting absolutely hammered but it's also on radically different hardware compared to when it was released. All this shit is important though because it identifies what the flaws are in the code/deploy right now though which'll make future server deploys much more seamless.

It wasn't. It was getting actual endgame content and shit was getting better and better.

Is perma power surge possible?

I was looking to make a Green Lantern type of character and I was as thinking Blaster with Energy / energy manipulation but this seems melee which might not be useful for a ranged character. Any suggestion from some veterans? I've never played CoX back then because all my friends were stuck on shit mmos like lineage 2

Masterminds don't have Beam rifle so you can;'t have both.

I heard someone once soloed the incarnate trial with Maurader with an ill/cold. That was one of the biggest e-peen feats I had heard. I watched a guy solo Lusca (the giant octopus) with one.

I thought this was going to be useless drama so I didn't follow it. Did that fucking porteño de mierda actually release the source code?

Attached: 1538347625561.jpg (1152x2048, 243K)


Attached: The Grand Greaser.png (1600x901, 1.05M)

City of Heroes was constantly improving. It's not like other MMOs where they have a shitty expansion cycle; the new content and power sets were all generally really fun.

If anything if you quit around the early issues, you'll be surprised at how much better things are.

I mean I was planning on running a different character as a Necromancer and wasn't interested in running two Masterminds.

As it happens, shortly before the game shut down, they had been accelerating the content updates in both quality and frequency. The game was getting better and better. It was unprecedented for an MMO, they'd finally been unshackled and were doing all the things they'd always wanted to do. More in-depth story content, including arcs where your character was the primary agent deciding what to do and no longer taking orders from some NPC contact. "Raid" content that was fun and quick to do, with complex but understandable mechanics and new tech for fighting the bosses that made it exciting instead of a long boring slog like earlier task forces/trials. New "Incarnate" progression system that let you develop new powers along a path you chose to complement your playstyle..

I went back briefly when it was free, most people seemed to blast through the low levels doing endless sewer runs. I dom't know how high you can level easily doing it though.

>Ice Melee actually has a power to make an ice sword
>it's a second-level power and literally none of the archetypes let you choose Ice Melee as your primary power set
Oh well.

Attached: kopaka.png (357x572, 235K)

>Do you prefer being Arachnos' little gopher bitch or stopping the robbery?

Fixed that for you

What archetype bros?

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>all the keys
Not "all the keys."
Theoretically, anyone could fix the version mismatch between the two sets of code that were made public. If necessary, it will be done again.
The cat is out of the bag for good.

Whichever one fits your costume and theme the most.

Katana/Regen Scrapper the classic


My go. Where did the shield come from?

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New thread

The face on yours is kind of borg-like, to me.
If you pick shield defense as one of your power sets, it gives your character an actual shield that you can customize in the costume menu.

First time player here, still trying to make my character after like an hour.
How exactly do powers in a power set work (mainly for primary sets)? I noticed my power sets have two powers unlocked form the start, and I can seem to select one of them. Am I actually selecting between the two I want, or are those just the two that I'll start with and I can click on and highlight them for whatever reason?

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You choose one to start. When you level up, certain new options get unlocked, and you can choose either one of the new options, or one of the previous powers you didn't already choose. You can get both of those options eventually if you're wondering. Some powers are worth skipping.

Are there abilities everyone should avoid ?

Alright, thanks. I was wondering since my character's bio as it is now implies I got both, and I'm being kinda autistic about it so I didn't wanna mess anything up.


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You pick one from your primary set to start with. Every 2 levels or so you'll get to pick a new power, either from your Primary or Secondary pools, or from up to four Ancillary Power Pools which any character can take power from. As you level up, you gain access to more powers to select from.

>Your session timed out while posting. Please go back and try again.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have people make two accounts?

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Actually, that brings up another question. I'm going for a thugs mastermind, should I start with pistols or call thugs? Or is it like pretty much everything else and it doesn't matter too much?

I didn't play mastermind much but I'm pretty sure you want to get your powers that summon henchmen all ASAP


Yes, for example, Whirlwind from the speed pool is shit, but the Hasten and Super speed are grade A.

Primaries and secondaries will likely have some duds.

When you created your character, you picked one Primary power out of 2 options, and 1 Secondary power, out of 1 option. Primary powers unlock earlier than secondaries.

It's a stress test you fucking child

Take them, faggot. Links are in discord

You'll get access to your first power choice within basically no time at all. Honestly probably grab the pistols.

We've fuckin' made it, baby. The is alive and well and Chad TgunderCoq and Spectral Scientist are about to crack some fuckin' skulls (Hellions).

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Did a good job on the back, couldn't find much for the front of the costume

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What about stopping the robbery so I can rob the bank myself?

Message Sigil, Chad ThunderCoq or Spectral Scientist or an invite to and KICK SOME ASS.

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can someone reeeeepost the discord inv? old one expired
