Tell us the exact moment a video game series when to shit, I'll start

Tell us the exact moment a video game series when to shit, I'll start

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heart boobs

I'll give you a hint: OP is a fag

When I feel like taking one.

How? He's completely right.

As soon as you take the first step in the village in RE4 and realize that they've thrown away the classic camera for in favor of generic third person shooter crap

t. Nintenfag

I can't believe people are upset that SMT is being represented in Smash.
What the fuck is wrong with people?

seething SNOYcels

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>likes p1

Ah, I see you a man of culture as well.

You realize Nintendo is a console for children and manchildren, right? Persona gets ruined be being on it

you're three games late

>generic third person shooter crap
>January 2005
so young
so young, and so stupid

P5 isn't really smt. It doesnt even have the SMT brand name on the cover like the others.

>Not when the fucking Plant was revealed

SMT has been on Nintendo consoles for like 30 years now so I don't understand the seething complaint.

How so?

The problem is they dont really represent SMT, there isnt even jack frost

>Not when Corrin was revealed

Attached: savior2hunter2.png (384x448, 47K)

Persona is a spin-off of SMT which is a spin off of MT.
SMT, Persona, Devil Saga, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, whatever
At the end of the day it's still a SMT game

>x system is bad and only for kids!!!
let people play what they want faggot

Only genuine retards were able to enjoy it.

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Are you saying Smash is dead or that Persona is dead?

>smash ever being great

From the N64 days too right now, it has always been a fun party game, but just that. I have no idea why autists fluttered to it like gnats to a bug zapper.
You can't treat a game about characters literally wiggling at each other in a floaty space like a serious fighting game, sorry.

Sorry, wrong pic

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I think OP is talking about Persona

Smash added a generic anime character from a mediocre selling third party game means it's gone to shit

Cringe and zoompilled

You fucknuts, Smash went to shit at this moment a long time ago.

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Snake is iconic. And not a generic anime faggot

>thinking Melee is good
Take a shower

He's a third party, something that should NEVER have been allowed.