My mistake was thinking that video games are art: I wanted to make this game about a guy who's a piece of shit...

>My mistake was thinking that video games are art: I wanted to make this game about a guy who's a piece of shit unlikable character who by the end of the game has to transform. But too many gamers when they look at this-when they play a game-they're so used to having to identify with the character, that if they play a game where the main character's unlikable or has to do some bad stuff, they immediately get triggered by it. So the thing is, games aren't art; they're toys for children and it's considered in bad form to talk about anything meaningful or thought provoking.

He's right you know.

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Other urls found in this thread:"My mistake was thinking"/type/op/


Doesn't help his game was garbage.

Maybe his mistake was making a shitty game

If videogames being considered toys will keep fags like this out of the industry then please by all means let them be toys.

He isn't though.
Luke in Tales of the Abyss was a piece of shit and slowly and I mean super fucking slowly changed over the game.
Bottom line is that YIIK is just a piece of shit game with no likable characters, Music, aesthetic, or gameplay.
It's just a shitty game. No if, ands, or buts.
The guy who made it had no fucking idea what the hell he was doing from the start.

reminder that this guy made this piece of shit if you thought YIIK was pretentious wait until you see this dumpster fire

this guy is a prime example of someone who thinks they know what makes a game good, but has no vision and apes tropes and elements from the games he was "inspired" from instead. on that note christ even Terranigma, a game that: came out in '95, had an awkward translation. and even had an unlikable protagonist at the beginning of the game, was much better than YIIK could ever hope to be

>that if they play a game where the main character's unlikable or has to do some bad stuff, they immediately get triggered by it.
What's Drakengard, GTA, Manhunt, Call of Juarez? No you piece of anglo, you're game is just bad.

He's right but Spec Ops: The Line is a better example. The amount of retards here who think the game is about judging the player, not the character you're playing as is big.

remember when people used to make games for fun and not push their political agendas on everyone? what happened to those times

>character development is a political agenda

the rpgsite review (which is the only one i read) understood that the guy was supposed to be a prick at first, plenty of games do that, this one just sucked

>game gets shitt reviews and no one buys it
>better blame the userbase for being too stupid
Why does this seem to be an exclusive thing with video games?

Political correctness became the norm for western devs in the early 2000s.
See how games made outside of the US tend to have nothing to do with this type of shit unless they are published but a western publisher.

A piece of shit with depth will be polarizing instead of straight up hated, see Shinji Ikari. Sounds like he's just butthurt that nobody wants to suffer his shit writing.

Now did he actually say this or is OP shitposting

I refuse to skim through a 2 hour podcast


>blocks your path

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Was just about to post this.

Even FFVII has Cloud be a real piece of shit to everybody and that game is loved by people of all kinds

Scott Pilgrim was a piece of shit unlikeable character and people loved it.

This guy still doesn't get it

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>Luke from Tales of the Abyss
>Neku from The World Ends With You

Would this be Spamming/Flooding or Begging/Advertising? Because OP's made this exact thread word for word before.

>Search for Dick's quest on youtube

0 results

Shows how shitty his game was.

Wasn't the game just shit on top of having unlikable characters?, wasn't the main character just a self insert on the creator as well?

Idiot. If you want to make a character that grows, you have to at least have something likeable. Identifying with characters is the core part of stories. If you want to make them someone unlikable, then you have to hit that 'love to hate'. Their actions must be hilarious, or so out there that you just can't take them seriously. An apathetic piece of shit person of course is going to be looked down on. Thought provoking? The fact that you deluded yourself that there was any themes in your game worth talking about is beyond hilarious.

He is right. This problem is worse now than it ever was because you can't make a *bad* character that you have to play as. They all have to be paragons or bad guys with hearts of gold.

If I wanted to make an evil tranny character, I'm sure people would throw their used dilators through my window.

>The Virgin YIIK
>The Chad TWEWY

Gone, thank twitter, neogaf, and reddit for that.
Be sure to donate to your local gay rights organization after we shut your board down.

He sounds like a basedboy.

>Idiot. If you want to make a character that grows, you have to at least have something likeable.
This is utterly incorrect and I have doubts you've ever read a book before if you think this.


FFIV did this thirty years ago what is this fag trying to prove with his gay little game


>writes game like a novel
>everyone hates it
Nigga, if you info dump every 5 minutes nobody will like your shitty ass story, not even a book reader

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Generally, if a game is considered a pice of art, its just a pretty good games.
Developers that want to be artsy always fuck up and will always fuck up.
At this point you could say that if it has soul, it could be seen as art.

How about you don’t link to that cringe incel cave of a website

>spicy tuna roll

So wrong it physically hurts. You want a good game where the main character is despicable garbage who does awful things but still has depth, then look no further.

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What is this?

I like Brad.
Buddy on the other hand

This is funny because Prince of Persia Sands of Time had the same plot twist as YIIK and yet it handled it better without the need of writing a novel or stopping the player just to hear what the MC says.

Sounds like someone is mad they didn't make Cuphead or Hollow Knight.

lmao seething

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What? Cecil wasn't anywhere close to that kind of character. He has doubts when he picked up the crystals, but he was honor bound because it was a request from the King. The reason he was even sent with the Bomb ring to kill the summoners was because he spoke up. The only thing that really changed with Cecil was his desire to kill Golbez and letting go of that when he found out that Golbez was actually his brother.

Absolutely assblasted, lmao.

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every day i wake up and miss when games were dig dug

Fuck OP. Literally.
This is now a LISA thread. Literally.

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LISA is the definition of everything he was trying to do but better. It had an imbalanced but at least compelling RPG gameplay with satisfying attacks, joke attacks, character diversity and balanced difficulty. Flawed characters and antagonists that have weight to them, a complete story arc with ups and downs, a balance of depressing seriousness and quirky pop culture references, great simple cutscene directing and a more effectively used art style and OST.

Essentia 2000 is CUTE

God Dig Dug was so sexy, I wish they'd remake it with hugely inflated pooka girls.

>meanwhile Yea Forums loves TWEWY which is about a massive prick

I haven't played the game, I don't hate him or anything, but I didn't get the impression at ALL that it was supposed to be about him improving a person. TWEWY and even stuff this board dislikes like Scott Pilgrim put it out there explicitly that it's about a person learning a lesson and going through a character arc. Nothing I saw of this game gave that impression. Maybe it's Yea Forums just cherry picking.

I also think a lot of the game not being successful is because of how easy some aspects of it were to mock.

I’ve played a lot of games with unlikeable protagonists. He seems to have failed to realized that (based on my understanding of people’s reviews) you kind of have to make it obvious that his isn’t supposed to be related to. This game from what I can tell does and acts like his deep and super cool and retro or whatever. He was also obviously a self insert so that didn’t help.
Those are never good.

I’d buy it

I feel this needs to be said way more, as many folks don't understand it:

Video games are an active medium
> Video games are an active medium

If you want to get across a point, you HAVE to do it in a an active way. The player has to DO the thing, not be SHOWN it.

>DO, don't SHOW!

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It also helps that TWEWY and Scott Pilgrim have enjoyable aesthetics and are fun to play/watch/read.

>He was also obviously a self insert so that didn’t help.
did we actually see any evidence of this? That tweet of the guy who looked like him ended up not actually being related to the game, right?

but the character is just the game makers selfinsert.
people just hate who he is and now he says he made him unlikeable on purpose.

Scott Pilgrim is a fucking ugly series until like Volume 4. Not hard to look at, but not well drawn for sure.

this is like calling painting "toys for children" because you don't know how to use a canvas and a paintbrush to produce something. The main character was rejected by the audience because the game was designed in such a way that the character was also the player character. There is a fucking multitude of ways of getting around player identification with a "main character," thousands of which have already been done over the years (especially in RTS games). It is the fault of the incompetent developer, not the audience or the medium, that he built a game with a main player character that people will naturally try to identify with as it is the portal through which they interact with the game world.

His mistake was in making a game with post-modern in the title.

Trying to think of a vidya where the the MC was unlikeable/evil until the end.
one where its done on purpose that is.

>Takes 3 steps
>Faggot ass looking character posses on the screen
>"Shit, Imma talk bout a cat for 3 minutes"
This is true btw

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Call your game "art" all you want, but its not.
Art is a lot of thing, sometimes even uncomfortable, but art is ALWAYS ENTERTAINING. ENGAGING. IT GRILS YOUR INTEREST.
Making a character that is an asshole is okay. Making an character that isnt engaging or interesting IS NOT

Hes wrong his game is just bad in every single way overall with no good qualities.
Drakengard for example is a band of terrible fucking people featuring a one man genocider who becomes a silent protag 10 min in the game with his dragon who hates humans (pic related),a racist and cowardly priest, a pedophile, a woman who literally eats children, and an annoying child. Its also a bad playing game that plays like a bad dynasty warriors but in spite of that it actually got a cult audience following that can see that the game while not being exactly good had a lot of unique things in it makes up for experiencing it. I actually enjoyed playing Drakengard and experiencing it in its entirety. Caim and Angelus are great.
You can't say the same for games like YIIK which come off as bad in every single way.

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Caim is best boy. All he wanted to do was kill shit and get together with his dragon waifu.

If videogames are truly art to him, he wouldn't have cared about critical or commercial reception. He'd enjoy the fact that it exists at all.

a poor workman blames his tools

Look at it this way if you keep making games even if people despise it (and you) you'll eventually crank out a couple titles people will actually like.

Look at David Cage and his Heavy Rain/ Detroit games.

but it's true though you brainlet, even a massive piece of shit needs to have something redeemable about them initially so their horrible decisions happen

Take Caim from Drakengard for example, he starts out being pretty noble and wanting to do what he does to protect his sister and then he goes off the deep end. You have to give them something the viewer or reader can identify with so they're more horrified by what happens next.

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Traditionally, when making an asshole main character, you make them entertaining, or surround them with likeable characters. Nobody sits through media where they actively hate all the core characters unless they're being otherwise entertained.

While he is right that doesn't mean he pulled it off. Making a character like that is pretty difficult and it's even more difficult to get the person consuming the story to get it. Problem is he didn't think long enough about what he wanted and it's why his characters fail

If it's true that the character is the creator's self insert, no fucking wonder he can't see why people don't find the character interesting enough to want to stick around for their "transformation".
He'd just inherently find the character interesting because it's him, and lack the objectivity to make the character appealing to the actual audience. Making an asshole character in a video game that transforms is entirely possible, but he doomed himself with overly subjective self insertion. People that put so much of themselves in to their work really need to worry about stupid shit like this.

Who melted down better?

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>>My mistake was thinking that video games are art:

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Remember that game about the cleaning lady doing her job while the Cuban revolution went on outside her window? No one bought it because it was artsy trash from the people who made old lady dies simulator and they threw a that bitch fit on Twitter.

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They made games for a niche audience (apparently their good but that's not relevant), doesn't succeed because *surprise* it's a niche audience, they fail, they get angry over twitter.

It's NOT garbage, you just don't GET IT! >:(

Twitter really is Yea Forums for "normal" people.
No way would this kind of mess be acceptable on even traditional forums.

It's always hysterical to me how pathetically weak and bitter these stupid hipster "artists" are.
They put out their craft and end up throwing tantrums when people inevitably shit on and critique their work.
Many of the greatest musicians, painters, film makers, writers, sculptors, actors, whatever throughout all of history regularly dealt with scathing hatred and criticism for their works.
Many went fucking insane and killed themselves or died poor and alone.

It's not that video games can't be art. It's that losers like this are incapable of being real artists and enduring all of the hardships that comes with it.

"wah wah love my game i put all this work into it why are people being mean to me?!?! FUCKING GAMERS FUCK YOU"

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Man, if you don't know your audience then you shouldn't bother getting invested. Fucking idealistic dipshits.

Because they aren't interested in "creating art", they're interested in "being artists".

it's very ironic that the game is named after a philosophical movement based on relentless critique of traditional forms and institutions.

I remember that one

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Shit. Underrated post.

Don't spoil a good post with this reply, come on man.

This dude sounds like a fag, I'm glad his game failed

Phil Fish

I thought it was named after a computer glitch.


>meaningful or thought provoking.
THERE IT IS, THERE IT FUCKING IS. Oh man I just fucking know that some shitstain out there was gonna say something like that regarding this dumpster fire. The game was nothing but The One with a thin layer of Persona coated over it. If I wanted to have a thought provoking moment I'll just go and take a shit. I get way more thinking done during that. Playing as a semi-sarcastic numale does not provide anything meaningful. The guy just SLIGHTLY changes his attitude by the end of the game and that's it. The story and the message wasn't something that no one has ever came up with before either.

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It's both Y2K AND a Post Modern RPG

Art is unknowable.
The purpose of Art is to evoke feeling and emotion through some form of medium.It can be performed in a myriad of ways, uncountable.

When someone goes around saying 'something' isnt Art, he's just revealing his biases, his tastes and opinions and more importantly, his limitations.

The man says "Videogames are not art.", but what he is really saying is "I cannot make Art with videogames."

Was coming in to make the same comparison. Good shit user.

Really surprised to see him go on the dick show of all podcasts. I assumed he was some faggy sjw type.

you're the kinda guy to laugh at his own jokes irl

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I never really understood people who wants videogames to be something more than what it already is. A toy. Something to provide entertainment to and that's it. Sure maybe you can throw in an interesting plot here and there but that's just no different from writing the flavor text of an action figure a bit better and longer. Like what's the logic in stepping into a medium known primarily for its entertainment purpose and then demanding that it takes a backseat for some social political message?

Ahem don't you mean "DJ" Phil Fish?

YIIK isn't political at all, half the reason SJWs shit on it is because it wasn't political.

if you've seen ten minutes of the game, you can tell that he's not even the type to get concerned with shit like that.
sjw types at least have the pretense of being concerned with other groups, yiikman just loves the smell of his own farts.

Explain this

I know a lot of people don't really appreciate it but I found Alex rambling about pointless shit kind of funny because the game makes it clear he has no idea what he's talking about.

His mistake was that he wanted to make art first and a game second.
Also just because something is "art" doesn't make it good

>I wanted to make this game about a guy who's a piece of shit unlikable character
He succeeded. Nobody liked playing his unlikable character, and there was nothing else redeeming enough about the game to justify playing it until that changed.

I miss the days of Pong as well my friend. This may surprise you but politics have always been in games and if you think otherwise you are retarded.

>wind town
>a shit town where black kids go missing

Saying "people care more about a pretty white girl going missing than a black kid from the ghetto" isn't really wrong and fits with those two characters though. There's a difference between something being written for the sole sake of being a political statement and something written because it fits the characters.

An SJW would never brand their game with post modernism since that draws attention to their flawed underlying ideology which has been destroyed whenever its left the academic realm. They believe in it, but they don't anyone looking too hard at it.

Based and TWEWYpilled

Character studies don't make good movies, what kind of idiot thinks that character studies would make a good game?

Spec Ops the line does a character transformation well only because it sets up the premises' so that we're intimately familiar with Walker and the pop-up shooter gallery formula before the main character becomes completely unrelatable. You have to ease the audience into it.

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Character studies can make good movies though, they just usually make better books

that's only if you take the evil route from the very beginning though. Multiple choice games don't count.

Luckily Nintendo still exists

>LOOK, I POSTED THE GUY GOING FULL /pol/TARD AGAIN"My mistake was thinking"/type/op/

>ass blasted faggot gets mad because his game is a financial and critical flop
not really surprised

>>character development is a political agenda

except YIIK had none

People didn't like the game because the presentation was already bad. Imagine if someone comes up to you with a pile of shit on a plate and went "ok come on just like try this, I know it smells like shit, looks like shit, and maybe even taste a LITTLE bit like shit but I promise you it's not shit, and the insides are filled with the best chocolate you ever known". No one with better things to do is going to try that shit. At best you are only gonna get people who tries it ironically so that they can joke about it later.

Even people who wants to give you a chance are already off putted from the appearance alone, and those who powered through the first layer to get to the chocolate are disappointed because the filling is also shit.

>"My mistake was thinking"/type/op/
its fine, this shit is just hilarious and the guy is pathetic

Doesn't Cuphead count? He was literally a gambling addict who fights and collects souls from others.

nintendo pushes an agenda as well.

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The guy isn't based off him, he's a commentary on delayed adulthood in the modern age based off some people the guy knew growing up and found interesting.

Man there's tons of valid reasons to dislike the game but the entire game is about one guy being forced to grow up, you guys could hate it without obviously making shit up so much.

>He unironically thinks the game failed beacuse it was some sort of misunderstood art too complicated for people instead of the game just being a pile of shit

He got goaded into that kind of shit by the literal fucking devil.

he says in the podcast that they made their money back in the first week

>But too many gamers when they look at this-when they play a game-they're so used to having to identify with the character, that if they play a game where the main character's unlikable or has to do some bad stuff, they immediately get triggered by it.
This is bullshit. I'm playing Monster Girl Gamu right now, and the fact that everyone, protag included is a horrible asshole is what makes it so entertaining.

You probably can't think of any because the guy is right, gamers don't like that shit and seeing his game fail made him realize it's not an art form for telling stories.

>The guy isn't based off him
Say what you want amigo but it's hard to argue that it's not a self insert when your character is a literal 1:1 copy of your IRL self.

Cuphead saves everyone in the end so it's cool.

It is funny that he's basically a hitman for a loanshark for the entire game, but he does eventually redeem himself.

>but the entire game is about one guy being forced to grow up

except he NEVER GROWS UP! He's still an egotistical dispshit at the very end.

>Trying to think of a vidya where the the MC was unlikeable/evil until the end.
>one where its done on purpose that is.

and the sequels made him likeable.

YIIKES this is some big cringe right now.

Hatred, though that game was a piece of shit.

He’s either a massive liar, or he fucked up and just admitted that the actual budget for the game was far lower than the (((funding))) he got. The sales numbers on Steam were terrible. There is no way the game didn’t underperform unless there was massively shady financial fraud going on. Though given the kind of people who made this “game”, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Except he's not, the entire ending of the game is him finally doing something altruistic. Being pretentious and prone to rambling really isn't the same thing as being an asshole.

This. He's just bootyblasted that nobody gave a shit about his game and just latched on to the "They didn't like it only because of the MC was unlikeable! I'm sorry, I'm just making ART!" to cover that the whole thing was a chore to play and many didn't even bother to finish it.

the fact that it's even an option implies that the mc is a huge asshole. the choice is either to supress their assholery or embrace it.

The game is clearly going for Michael Haneke style audience manipulation to evoke guilt

>"I lost thousands of hours writing airport novella tier garbage, and a garbage, non-optimized, self taught trash code so I could pretend to be artsy with my half assed effort of becoming an """artist""", so instead of learning with my mistakes of the Second turd that I developed, I'll say now that games aren't art because it fits my narrative"

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This dude is an irredeemable piece of shit all the way until the end.

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The dev said the game sold much better in Japan than it did in the US, so the majority of the sales are probably on the Switch digital version.

That was a pretty interesting interview. He was obviously assblasted, but part of that was how much shitty PR the game has had and him feeling like he had an unfair shake.

anyone got the one where Neku and Joshua are flipping each other off in a special animation?

When Spec Ops outright calls YOU, the player out, of course people are going to think that

Marche did nothing wrong

Got you covered.

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>The dev said the game sold much better in Japan

considering how the dev is full of shit, this statement is likely another lie.

Shadow of the Colossus

I wonder how many people actually fell for this

It's already posted in the thread m8 Neku from TWEWY is probably the most well known example of an unlikable MC done right.

Dude dresses like a fag, thinks like Shadow the Edgehog, chokes a girl. Throughout the game the nigga is constantly having snarky thoughts about his acquaintances. But by the end the guy really learns to stop being so edgy and mellows out in the company of his friends.

>gotta post a game from several years ago to prove his point

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Checked the thread just to see if someone mentioned Luke.

glad he learned his lesson, now, if we just give the same treatment to all the TLoU clones we might achieve to get rid of his kind in vidya

thanks senpai

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>admits his game isn't perfect
>gives a good argument as to why people dislike the protagonist simply because he's different and not someone they can self insert into
>is well read
>photo in the webm does not show up anywhere else online besides that specific photo comparing the characters, almost is certainly not real
>Yea Forums hates him

Even if his game is shit, nothing he says here is egregious or wrong.

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>the game sold much better in Japan than it did in the US
Come on m8. Do you honestly think that is in anyway believable?

I hate how the main character has times where he speaks to himself and acknowledges that he's being a total asshole, then when that scene's over he does nothing to improve until the end of the game where his world is already gone thanks to his own ego.

Brad was the biggest victim of all.

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He’s blaming the failure of his game to people “not getting it”

Everything he said is completely wrong, he basically splashed a canvas with red paint and tried to sell it like the fucking monalisa and now is angry people aren’t buying it because its just an effortless POS

>Nintendo's shitty localizers are Nintendo

There are more examples of Treehouse pulling this shit, though, and even inserting strawmen into games when called out on it. Still doesn't reflect on regular Nintendo.

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If retards like you would actually listen to the full conversation here you would realize those two are completely different
Neku isn't an unlikable unredeemable shitbag like the YIIK guy is talking about, he's just some autist with asbergers who still saves the world. If Neku was actually a unlikable shitbag, he'd purposely kill his friends, fail at everything, somehow get promoted to reaper, and then only after killing however many people and everything goes to shit start to think he mightve messed up.
All you cockgobbling retards are doing is proving his point right.

I agree with his point but his game was still shit

it was the beginning of the end. Nintendo is completely compromised by SJW idenity politics right now.

You've already made this thread.

For that, you shall die.

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He literally says in the webm that there are problems with the game, he's saying that the protagonist being unrelatable is not necessarily one of them.

He's blaming consumers and "video game culture" for his game bombing when he made a really shitty game.

Good lord, the delivery on these lines is painful.

It's because the guy on the right is not the creator.

It helps that Neku had other interesting characters to bounce off of and we can see him gradually grow as the weeks pass by.
>Week 1 has him learning to let people in and to realize that Shiki has her own problems and issues, just like he does
>Week 2 has him seeing a reflection of his old self in Joshua and realizing just how flawed his past views were and recognizing that other people have just as much value as he does
>Week 3 has him putting his newfound beliefs into practice and generally being a bro towards Beat that encourages to achieve the best for himself

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Did you even played the game? He tried to sacrifice his partner the very first chance he got in an attempt to save his own ass

Why remake Scott Pilgrim but like 15 years later? it was pretty cringey a decade ago but now it's just horrible

Games aren't art but this guy is just whining because people thought his art game sucked. Also the part about the main character being intentionally unlikable is obvious backtracking.

Whats his excuse for the shit battle system? Even if the character was well written the game is garbage.

This is just a vain attempt to defend the most subjective part of the game.

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Nostalfag’s money still counts as profit, user

This guy really fucked up because he pissed off two groups of people
>Kotaku and ilk mad that someone who dresses and looks like them is portrayed like an asshole
>People who don't sympathize with him at all and think he's soi or whatever

this is what happens when you don't hire a voice acting director. Amateurish editing kills the pace of the dialogue. Hiring people with no voice acting experience makes the vocals painful to listen to. They could have hired somebody off of a talent pool online who they never met and he would have delivered more professional sounding lines.

>title literally says "POST-MODERN" in it
critical theorist cultural marxistfags should all hang

>what is Week 1 Day 2
>what is Week 1 Day 4

It looks like a windows 98 screensaver

Yeah keyword "tried"
Neku never actually DOES anything extremely assholeish or cruel

Neku selling out Shiki is pretty scummy although there's the argument that signs were pointing to her being evil and they weren't really friends.

I have played skyrim mods with better voice acting than that shit, hell I have played hentai games with better voice acting (and more compelling plot) than that shit

He literally choked Shiki and lifts her up in the air and cruelty dismisses Rhyme’s Erasure, what the fuck.


>it’s not assholish if he just attempt it

I think that's what they were going for but they don't go hard enough.

>quirky pop culture references

>Music is art
>3D modeling is art
>2D art is art
>Animation is art
>writing is art

>somehow when you combine 5+ art forms into one thing it isnt art

actually fuck off

They were too good and too effective at making the protagonist a shitty person who alienates the audience, because people didn't like him enough to get to the end. Even the most irredeemable protagonist should do something to get the audience on their side. Think of protagonists like the MC from American Psycho; awful person, but you can sympathize with him or maybe want to be like him.

Its ready player one all over again

the difference between drakengard and yiik is that caim plays it straight. he never looks at the screen and winks unlike in yiik where alex constantly tries to justify his shit character by breaking the 4th wall and being self-conscious of his shittiness. it's a cheap cop out because the author in yiik is thoroughly insecure of his writing unlike gigachad yokotaro who doesnt give a flying fuck if you dont get the game or not.

The first 15 minutes of the game where Neku has zero idea what the fuck is going on besides that he is going to be erased from existence if he fucks up.

It's been a while but I kind of remember that being Neku putting on a strong front and/or that being so ridiculously assholish that it clearly was just being used to push the theme forward.

Doesn't matter. He made a game that was redflag central with a garbage self insert MC and tried to appeal to the dying hipster aesthetic.
Mathematically he did everything in his power to make the worst game possible and he succeeded.
He should play something like Metal Gear Solid or Max Payne if he wants a good example of "art games" that are worthwhile.
If he wanted to tell a story and convey that story alone then why didn't he write a book?

>garbage self insert MC
People keep saying this but the only evidence they have are alleged photos of the developer which aren't actually him

The fact that a random battle can take upwards of 15 minutes is mindboggling.

>Luckily Nintendo still exists

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Tbf if there’s a target audience that can totally sympathize with patrick bateman, that would be Yea Forums

>MC from American Psycho; awful person, but you can sympathize with him or maybe want to be like him.
well, he's amusing and compelling

>I'm not bad at everything, the end users just don't get it!
God what a fucking tool.

Also, came into the thread to mention Brad, glad to see plenty of other people did as well. Lisa's a good game with a piece of shit character.

That still doesn’t change the fact that Neku almost, you know, killed Shiki despite her doing nothing but trying to be supportive of him and how Mr. H himself calls him out for not trusting him enough. Shiki literally tells him to not trust the oh so obviously evil Reaper lady but he flat out ignores her and almost ends up getting them both Erased.

The games combat makes no fucking sense.
You could perfect that record Shadow hearts thing and get 4 hits in and do 3 damage. and then next round fuck it up and deal one hit and take 90% of the fuckers life bar.

Peter mollyneux just found a worthy successor

"Didn't get what I was going for" fags are a dime a dozen. By far one of the worst parts about art.

Brad is just a victim of circumstance. He's a good man.

Peter was incredibly aware that people had reasons to dislike his games, he's arguably one of the reasons famous games "critic" Yahtzee Croshaw's career got started, since he endorsed his scathing review of Fable: TLC which might as well have been a personal attack.

He almost choked shinji to dead, how is that not dickery?
>but she survive
So I can attempt murder and not get shat on because I didn’t commit it? Are you autistic?

Also God of war, fallout/elder scrolls, wow hordre faction, amnesia, overlord, dead by daylight that horror game were its implied you killed your wife.... I could keep going on

user if your choices were between being erased from existence or killing somebody you've known for about what 20 minutes? I guarantee your survival instincts would kick in even if you aren't an angsty loner kid.

based komaeda poster

Has any game tackled the cycle of abuse as well as LISA?

Abyss was weird because my opinion of the party soured over time because they gave Luke so much shit over accidentally destroying that town, but from Luke's perspective, a bunch of strangers are yelling at him to not trust someone who helped raise him and cared for him for years, so it's natural for Luke to do whatever Van said. Once he realizes he's been duped, he feels guilty as shit for it and hardens up, but the party still gives him shit for a good while. They didn't even explain to Luke what Van was doing wrong in particular and why not to trust him.

no one likes fictional autobiographies

No, that's the other protagonist who you're designed to dislike, he wasn't in TWEWY, although he did hang out with someone suspiciously similar to Joshua

Ironically for the thread and the alleged themes I think it's a way of feeling like you've grown up without really changing anything.


Insticts doesnt give you a pass for being a dick, sure you did what you did to survive but people will still call out your compliance in offing an innocent

My bad, had an asperg attack

The super Jews at Treehouse don't count.

Just avoid any game where they handle the localization.

I hope an experienced game dev tells him to fuck off. This reminds me of those devs of that shitty game Sunset and made some other "artsy" games and got mad when it didn't sell well.

That happened AFTER he accepted Uzuki’a offer and AFTER Shiki warns him to not to trust her. The game even notes that Uzuki was the one who sent Noise after them on the first day so he had even less reason to trust her.

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Who said the person was innocent?

What did she did at that point of the story to deserve being choked?

When did this thread turn into TWEWY general

Yeah, he's desperate because he has no idea what the fuck is going on due to his amnesia and has been watching tons of people be erased all day. This is such a dumb discussion, Neku is an "asshole" because the game wants to push its friendship theme, not because he's actually an unlikable character.

When some autist tried to insist that Neku wasn’t a complete dick at the beginning of the game.

Beautiful, isn’t it?

the problem is that doing something on purpose isn't the same as doing it well
you can make your protagonist an insufferable twat but you have to give the player a reason to stick with them.
yiik had a shitty narrative around an uninteresting character, and you can't recover by saying
imo, games can be art — if you define art as expression intended to evoke emotion — but making your player sit through the narrative equivalent of dragging their scrotum through broken glass won't do much for their perception of the game.
if any of you got to the end, it doesn't get any better, i promise you. it breaks the fourth wall without earning it, an unforgivable sin

This sentiment isn't strictly based in videogames. Philistines have no ability to actually empathize with other people or attempt to understand the perspective of others in life, or in fiction. Why do you think so many people get triggered by watching movies or playing videogames with main characters they can't, "identify" with? It's because they're brainlets and can't see something from another's perspective, or see a main character as anything other than a reflection of themselves.

Videogames just attract super lowest common denominator consumers overall, so more people parrot this opinion.

People are incapable of thinking of an actual asshole protag to prove the guy wrong and have latched onto Neku (forma 15 minutes) as a useless point of comparison.

thanks for bringing back memories of catcher in the rye, user


YIIKS really is the gift that keeps of giving.

Blames his own audience for not liking his game
Egotistic auteur who thinks his own art is deep
Wrote and plays as himself as the main character of his own game that he personally funded, directed, and produced
Tone-deaf references to the deceased (Elisa Lam and Iwata)

really makes me happy it flopped as hard as it did.

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>just 15 minutes
Nigga doesn’t even start to become likeable until at least Day 5

The guy didn't remember his past and thus had no connection to anyone and all he had left was his angst from being a teenager.
He wanted out of a death game and he saw what he thought was his way out. and all he was told to do was end a the girl who was following him around and annoying him's life.
After he starts regaining his memories and spending more time with people he stops being a dick.
Children are cruel Jack. He literally couldn't and didn't know any better.

Maybe not an asshole but based solely on his monologue in the intro he is a smug dickbag

>super slowly
>literally cut his hair and his personality took a 180 after being told by jude, VERY bluntly that he was a fucking piece of shit and ruined everything multiple times
>the most standard japanese narrative trope to ever exist
that game's writing was bad

t. Didn’t played the game

They got into big trouble once NoJ found out what they were up to.

To be fair, hentai games should be expected to have good voice acting, because bad voice acting would be distracting and distracting shit kills your boner.

But yes, hentai games also have better stories than this shit. And not even necessarily the ones that are known for having good stories like MGQ.

He was still an unlikable posh spoiled shit head up until late game regardless of the haircut. He just started listening to other people at the moment. That one the first moment in the game where he started to change. And it seems like a 180 because he stagnant in his ways up until then.


Who the fuck cares? He's under pressure in a life or death situation, the first days of the game are really short too and the game does everything in its power to make you sympathize with Neku.

Stop acting like Twewy has amazing writing or characterization, it has a god tier setting and aesthetics but the characters are just a vehicle for the game to spread its message of "The World Ends with You".

The Iwata thing really pissed me off because he could have put a Pokemon Gold and Silver homage in there for Iwata, in the late 90s Iwata was with Gamefreak fixing their shitty coding.

Not as bad as whatever the fuck was YIIK trying to do

>I unironically liked it

There were a few pieces of dialogue that would make anyone from Washington or Oregon go full on soi hipster but for the most part I really loved the majority of the dialogue. The artwork was pretty good too. I would say it's a pretty good game for anyone who liked Earthbound.

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>Stop acting like Twewy has amazing writing or characterization
Still has better writing than YIIK. Really, it just seems to me that you’re salty as fuck that people think that Neku is a good protagonist.

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Isn't Rye's MC a good example of this? He's actually portrayed as sort of a loser but people all go "oh, he's literally me"

>Make shit game
>People don't like shit game
>Ree about how gamers aren't mature

>Nigga doesn’t even start to become likeable until at least Day 5

So how do you work on character development? Make him likeable at day 1?

His head is buried so deep in his ass that he just can't acknowledge what everybody is saying which is that the story isn't engaging, the writing is poor, it isn't aesthetically pleasing and most people find the music terrible.
I actually didn't dislike the music but everything else I agree on.

Point is he is trying to justify his shitfest game by saying gamers can’t appreciate an unlikable character, TWEWY shows that you can make an unlikable character AND a decent game

Nobody got triggered when a way out did this because it was done well

Unironically this

>Neku is a good protagonist

That's the fucking point, he's incredibly likeable. He has some incredibly minor personality kinks that have to be ironed out due to issues in his past, but he never does anything that actually affects your long term view of the character and the game makes it clear he's a good person at heart and he 180s on all his personality problems by the end of the game. His character development isn't believable in the least, it's the same typical jap shit as

it's honestly even worse because he's shitting on the few people who actually paid him money to play his game.

Why doesn't the Dev look anything like the main character?

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a lot of people didn't like that game though, just not for that reason

>incredibly likeable
So we’re just gonna pretend that people didn’t shit on Neku when the game first came out or dropped it because of his attitude?

Yeah, I mean, he's Asian.

There’s a difference between being unlikable for acting like a dick and being unlikable for being plain boring, guess who’s who

>that if they play a game where the main character's unlikable or has to do some bad stuff, they immediately get triggered by it
And yet, people love Kratos.

This guy's just buttmad that he wrote a bad character and was rightfully criticized for it.

Yeah they did, and it was entirely unjustifiable because the game rushes the fuck out of his character development. Hence a large part of why YIIK failed, it wasn't a cute twink boy being kind of anime edgy in a life or death situation, it was a whiny manchild who needs to grow the fuck up. The characters are not remotely comparable, find a better character to compare.

not back in my high school
i liked holden because he caused most of the problems around him and wasn't able to see that for most of the book
some other kids in the class agreed with me, but most of the people hated the book because 'he's so stupid'
now with the internet, kids can look up what the book was supposed to mean and what to say in class to get the best grade, so there's more casual acclaim for it nowadays.

You don’t have to go that far, gta is a franchise based around dick characters acting like assholes, yet is one of the most beloved franchises ever

you really cant be that much of a faggy ass dense faggot to honestly believe that shit analogy holds any water? Like shit i would try to explain but your faggotry is so far gone i think my time would be better spent ignoreing your ass instead.

She did get less villainous towards the end but she never stopped being a cunt.

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Can I weigh in? Not videogames but a lot of people loved Nolan’s joker, and that guy never got a single glimpse of redemption

Lets be real here. Everyone on Yea Forums hates YIIK because it reminds you of SJW soibois. That's literally why. If a Japanese man made it you'd be slathering up on his yellow dick.

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>getting this triggered an hour later over your epic ready player 1 references

People WANT to be Kratos and all of the various enclave of people from GTA. No one wants to be the lame ass hipster with the dumb glasses.

>what is Grand Theft Auto?

Or how about playing as convicted murderer Lee Everett in The Walking Dead

Japanese characters like the YIIK protagonist exist
They are just as insufferable.

See the post above yours.

How about just making a regular game? Ness is just some shit who lives with his mom and dad phone. You decide if you like or hate him because fiction isn't your bitch to be controlled.

No, I hate it because it has horrible graphics (even if that was their attempted style), boring gameplay, and a lazy plot that tries to pass as “deep”

I dont give a rat’s ass what vegans and lgbt have to say about it

>Spend 6 years with your head up your ass developing a shit RPG with horribly slow, clunky and unbalanced gameplay and an unlikeable main character.
>Game fails
>"Damn gamers. They just didnt understand my character"

They had more than enough time to fix it. If the battle system was anything to show they basically ignored any feedback.

>it’s unjustifiable because I say so!
Neku was also a whiny fuck who needed to grow the fuck up. The game literally points this out for you multiple times. Even at the end of the first week, he was still mostly out for himself and Shiki. It isn’t until his interactions with Joshua and the experiences he goes through in Week 2 that he actually starts to see the value of other people. Mr. H has to flat out straighten him out on what his words actually meant.

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>Japanese characters like the YIIK protagonist exist
>They are just as insufferable
name one "soiboi" from Japan

You're so full of shit and you're just like all the other band wagoners on here making fun of YIIK.

Why would you want to be a betafag? Thats like saying no one wants to eat turds, of fucking course nobody wants to eat turds, jeez, why is that so hard to understand

I hate it because it plays like trash. It's mechanics are needlessly convoluted. You need to level up by going inside your head and allowing your character to level then doing some mind palace bullshit for the main character.
Also the story and setting come off like it was written by some schmuck who was born at the ass end of the 1990's.
YIIK is just a terrible game.

>Defending one-dimensional 2D anime characters


But the thing is Joker is "cool". He's a mastermind evil genius who murders people.

You don't want to be him, that's the point

>actually defending THIS

>you are wrong for not liking cum

Answer the question. This thread is fairly civil so far so I'd like it if you didn't throw it into shitposting.

Jesus, that looks awful.

I'm not defending YIIK I'm just saying that every negative response on Yea Forums has been so ingenuine and 90% of the retards on here are just circlejerking this soiboi simulator without any real thoughtful views on this game.

This guy needed a co-writer. He needed someone to tell him this character was a dick, or his intentions didn't come off correctly, etc etc

>Compares himself to Chuck Palahniuk and Haruki Murakami
Jesus Christ, this guy is so far up his own ass.

Luffy, Edward Elric, Light Yagami, Natsu, Sasuke, Kirito, and L.

Want me to keep going? All of these anime characters are all the same.

I feel like there was probably a character like that in Phoenix Wright or Danganronpa, but I can't remember off the top of my head

>Edward Elric
>Light Yagami
Nigga, what?

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Lol that's not the Developer this is the Developer

Again, that’s why his claims are invalid, he is trying to deflect the various flaws of his game saying it’s all because gamers don’t like unlikable characters, if you know people don’t like shit then why do you act so assblasted when people reject your shit? The only thing he is showing is how delusional he is about the gaming community and trying to pass his turd as “art” just makes him come out as a pretentious fag on top of it

I mean there is a lot of people who needs to self insert into the playable characters to enjoy a game so he is right about that. That's not the reason his game failed though

chris the kiwi is the best part of recent shows

You just named a bunch of Shonen Jump and one monthly magazine I forget the name of characters.

Well I answered your question. They're the soibois of Japan. Deal with it.

This guy gets it

But that doesn't make it compelling, user.
That part was certainly done on purpose, but that doesn't excuse the excess of purple prose, the derailing of the story for a 4th-wall-breaking mess at the eleventh hour, the lack of good gameplay, and the complete lack of charm.
If you're making a game and you're going to call it 'art' you should make sure that all the pieces work well together, because games require active participation, and if your player can't be arsed because nothing in the game draws them, that doesn't mean you can turn around and rail at them for being 'children'.
It means you smeared shit over a canvas and now you're yelling at everyone for not wanting to smell it.

Ed canonically bangs his hot mechanic, though.

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Yeah yiik has awful gameplay but it's really stupid seeing people who are just parroting what the reviewers said about the writing.

This is seriously the one game the entirety of Yea Forums can unanimously come together to shit on.
This game IS art in a sense that it's so vile people put their differences aside to take turns shitting on it.
Nobody likes that shit.

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Is this guy seriously disregarding the possibility that video games, ANY AND ALL VIDEO GAMES, can be art because he just can't accept that his game was garbage and no one liked it for this reason?
How far up your own ass can you be?

Yeah and Eric Butts is the epitome of soi meanwhile he has a cute wife.

It’s almost like the problem is within the game itself and not the audience

>characters with no correlation to either the soiboi meme or eachother are the soibois of Japan

Yes? Undertale was big on the west but fucking gigantically massive in Japan. Nips like quirky indie RPGs.

No, when people are parroting like this it's an audience problem. A lot of people didn't even want to give the game a chance because the character's an ugly hipster even when that's intentional to direct the plot.

I'm pretty sure he's speaking sarcastically in that part user


Ed also talked Envy into committing suicide, punched the Gate of Truth, make Pride’s head explode, punched God in the face, and pretty much earned a happy ending. Did you even watch FMA?

I don't get why him calling the game "art" is suddenly a free pass for bad writing, gameplay, characters etc. Everyone shits on art so I don't know why he's so assblasted by it.

Picrelated is an actual thoroughly unlikable piece of cowardly shit. But the way Chaos;Head was written, he realistically responded to all the crazy shit that was going around him, so you couldn't help but sympathize with him. And by the end of the VN, he became a bit less of a dick.

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when he call it "art" he's really just saying that his friends all thought it was cool in their bubble but that shit got popped real quick when somebody who wasn't retarded got to play it.

Edward Elric ladies and gentlemen.

Calling something "art" is akin to using the flashlight as a kid to scare monsters away. It's an assurance through mental gymnastics to feel safe and better about your situation.

The problem wasn't making the main character unlikable, it was making the main character insufferable.

Wow you sound like the same fags defending YIIK as a masterpiece. Sounds much like those soi hipsters defending their art. Ironic.

Reminder that Ed got to bang this.

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People who have actually played the game, what did it do at the start to make you actually aware that the game was aware he was a prick?

Well, I admit I didn't listen to the podcast, I just read that quote. I just wouldn't have been surprised if that were the case, there's some very arrogant motherfuckers out there.

fine, i'll just amend it to say "the game was still a critical flop"
i hope they make another game
so i can continue to laff at them

>lol trust me you're the same because I said you are
Okay, you're a shitposter

He's definitely arrogant but not THAT arrogant.

>make a game with a painful to look at aesthetic
>soundtrack sounds like 2 cats raping each other
>gameplay is a jumbled mess of "OH THIS WAS COOL BACK THEN" elements with no flow
>Voice Acting isn't bad
>Market it in the most pretentious way possible
>It flops
what a cuck

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It’s because every part of this game is actively trying to be disliked.
Art style is ugly, even for runescape veterans.
Plot is a mess with shitty references delivered in the cringy-est way possible and boring characters that makes ed edd and eddy’s plank a look like a charismatic chad.
Gameplay is a grindfest with no purpose at all and core mechanics that make the player question why bother with grinding at all.
Now, there are a bajillion of games like this, people just go past them and don’t even give a second of their time, but what catches everyone’s attention about this pile of garbage is the developer who acts like an autistic manchild, crying about how his game is shit because gamers can’t comprehend art, dude acts like he is God’s gift to the world when the only thing he accomplished was another of those generic indie games kickstarter is filled with

Scott Pilgrim is literally about everyone shitting on Scott directly until he learns better himself. As it stands no one loved the comic or the movie for Scott himself but for the side characters.

>Games can't be art because I didn't get what I want

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>Gets home from college
>Is incredibly butthurt that his Mom wants him to pick up some groceries

It's obvious as fuck with the way his lines are delivered that you aren't meant to think he's in the right.

But at the same time he seems dismissive of its contribution to people disliking his story.
If you poorly present your message then it's hardly the audience's fault for not wanting to see your protagonist through their journey or finding the conclusion satisfying. It happens constantly in the media he lauds as accomplished art.

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To be fair, Plank is unironically pretty based.

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>He was also obviously a self insert so that didn’t help.
>Those are never good.
Disagreed, they can be perfectly fine if the creator is up front about it and there is purpose to it other than vanity.

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I gave it a chance because I just can’t take Yea Forums advice seriously and to my surprise I have to agree with the “echo chamber”. Game is bad and the only reason I’m not cutting it slack is because the developer is a dense mongoloid who can’t acknowledge why he bombed so hard

>Overall quality of the game is shit
>t-they didn't understand my writing
I've played some pretty mediocre to bad games for miniscule reasons.
Some of these games I even love a lot despite popular consensus saying they're trash.
Xenogears I sat through for the artstyle, retro atmosphere and mecha
I could give less than 2 shits about the actual gameplay in TWD season 1, but the story was actually good and characters were engaging even if I hated them.
I could go on, but YIIK is absolute shit.
The game's quality is so poor that even basic stuff like how certain objects react to physics is so poorly handled.

That's fine the game is bad for a lot of reasons. Alex's character arc is one of the very few things the game does well.

Also the part of "has to do some bad stuff" also compares to a handful of your party members in Vesperia including the MC.
Yuri has to kill behind everyones back, or gets stuck with the hard decision of killing close ones if the worse happens (he was prepared to kill Flynn or Estelle, while he also had to chop off the Don's head during his seppuku).
Judith, who goes on to destory blastia and then destroys the one your team is using for the boat.
And of course Raven.
All of which were likable.

Guess I'll have to play it myself to find out if it's good or not. This is one of the most contested games I've seen in Yea Forums

It's either obviously good or obviously shit. This one is not obvious as I hear the same ratio of extremes.

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>I realized 10 years later that True Crime New York could've been a poignant message on the lack of police oversight and stop and frisk since as a child I inadvertently started profiling npcs to fill up my evidence/arrest quotas.
>My dad even literally told me what I was doing in the game was unjust.
Video games man
However the real issue is also that video games are a lot like comics, their creators are mostly just failures of other mediums that just want to use it as a consolation prize for their unused tv and movie pitches. That's why you get Last of Us and other movie games.
Their only ideas are aping what was already successful in totally different mediums.

But All of those characters were likeable long before they did those things.
Luke was a piece of shit from the beginning to about 70% though the game.
Vesperia gave you good impressions of everyone you had in your party before they did some questionable and understandable actions.
Luke was a spoiled piece of shit who was easily manipulated an refused to believe anyone when they told him his master was evil.

Tbf I dont see people praising it outside Yea Forums, so there’s a good chance those people defending it are just memeing

>everything i dont like is onions regardless of whether it even fits the definition or not

lol faggot

>Dev is incompetent
>Self inserts
>Can't write an appealing story even if he is a douche
>Comes off as an uninteresting hedonistic & sheltered lowlife

Nobody is contesting this. There is very obvious shitposters and then there is everyone else saying the game is trash.

people outside of Yea Forums are even less trustworthy than here. I'm an ardent listener of the dick show so I feel compelled to give it a chance.


user many evidence points to why the game is shit and you still want to? at least pirate it

Basically pic related, and yet there are people trying to defend it

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I never even heard of the game beyond the threads posted here.

Probably my favorite example. She's just a massive bitch to everyone.

Does this fucking faggot just never play video games? Does he realize how many video game characters ARE morally ambiguous assholes? Nobody likes your game because it's poorly designed.

Also is he on fucking Dick's podcast? Why? Dick doesn't give a shit about video games.

>voted Australia's most non-existent Mexican, 1 week running

Chaotic evil?

>his game fails to sell
>clearly mad make up reasons as to why exactly it failed

This is the most pathetic shit.
Your game not selling? Cool, just try again bro.
Now to pretend you know exactly why it failed and how it peoples fault? You are now an asshole, congrats. Good luck selling anymore games by the way.

Characters who are jerks only bother me when they have chuuni power and get away with whatever they want. No idea if Metallia fits that bill or not but what I've seen she definitely fits the jerk part.

Dick has a minor interest in video games. He was into them growing up like most people and he has largely grown out of them but talks about playing RDR2 occasionally. He does the voice of himself in YIIKes because he's a secret character.

>games cant be art because players have a tendency to self insert
No. They CAN be art, if you just design it with this in mind. You fucking retard.

>piece of shit and unlikable

He isnt tho?
Neku is literally just anti social.
He doesn't like socializing with people and that was it. Throughout the game he meets the other characters and realize that hey, some people are okay, so he changes.
That's far from being unlikable or evil. Hell, from the very start he helps Shiki even thought he doesnt like people, meaning that he just needed someone to start caring about him.


>Ugh, stupid gamers have to identify with the character they're playing with in an RPG
>proceeds to make the main character a nearly 1:1 replica of himself, even has the cat on his shoulders in the game just like his picture

Why do so many people lack self awareness? I wonder if it's the same people who also have no inner monologue.

Yuri wouldn't have killed Flynn. Flynn wasn't some deranged murderer

He tries to choke a bitch to death because someone told him it would win the game.

I was kinda onboard until he compared himself to Chuck Palahniuk, Murakami and Ayn Rand. Get over yourself, guy.
I agree that gamers are wimps and we need more unlikable protagonists that don't rely on being edgy cool self-inserts though. See

>despicable garbage
A father fighting through life and death to protect his daughter from rapists is anything but despicable garbage.

He is saying that is the viewpoint of the people who didn't like his game.

Neku starts off as a unlikeable piece of shit but gets better. It also helps that TWEWY has better aesthetics and fun gameplay to boot.

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Is there anything more annoying than people using "art" as a shield?

>This is art, so you are not allowed to judge it!
If you wanna call yourself art, you should be exposed to more scrutiny, not less

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He was in a life in death situation.
Would you not choke a bitch if it meant YOU wouldnt die?
Because I would. If you say you wouldnt choke a baby to save your life, you just dont value yourself enough.

Dude, what the fuck.

t. basement fedora user


premium kek

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Ouch, the edge

so he is a normalfag

A normalfag with a mic and wifi

>Literally takes 20 second for one character to do a basic fucking attack
>You also have to play a shitty minigame to do that if you want to do any damage

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so that doesn't make this podcast any special then and the faggot is only appearing in it because the podcaster voiced someone in his shitty excuse of a game

It's okay to make an unlikable asshole character if he is
>strong alpha male
Every example people give for "asshole guy people like" are beautiful strong men who girls love

OP's character is weak, ugly and girls make fun of him
That is the only reason why it doesn't work

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It’s a bad game and nobody would give a damn if the dev wasn’t a fucking tool


That's the entire point the guy is making in the context though. It's only in video games where everyone starts screeching "bad writing you are obligated to write characters I personally want to be"

The worst part is, the game is salvagable. Usually when you see a bad game theres really no way to make it good, but this game has a lot of good ideas that are just swamped in poor execution.
>Art is decent. There are a lot of areas that are downright gorgeous, while the majority just needs to have the colours subdued
>Music is hard to say. There's a few good tracks and some songs that are great for where they play, but a lot can just be replaced with something better
>cut down on things that slow down combat (lower enemy health pools, put more importance on Buffs and Debuffs, minigames only on abilities, reduce those times the camera just looks at a character after an action). Give players an actual rrason to go to monster dens, show your stats in the Mind Dungeon so you can actually bother doing the doors instead of just letting the crow upgrade your shit
>Story needs a compete rewrite, but the basic structure is fine. I wouldn't have Alex see Semi get got by the entities, I'd have him return the cat to her at the factory, go home THEN find out she got got from Onism, that way it makes his obsession with finding Semi seem less genuine and more egotistical (I feel like as the way the story is now its the characters around him that think his search isn't genuine while the audience knows it is, which leads to a weird disconnect with his characterization when he lashes out at people like Rory), cut the endless fucking monologing, have the surrealist visuals increase in quantity as the story goes to maybe symbolize Alex losing touch with reality due to his obsession, etc.

Yeah, because nobody wants to be the lead guy from TWEWY or Abyss

But that's bullshit.

It doesn't matter if it's the point, because most people will refuse to admit to the truth in what the other user said. People will try to worm out of any admittance of aesthetic bias. Subconciously, they know it opens up a Pandora's Box IRL, which leads to questioning actual moral fiber. No one wants that, so they pretend they aren't swayed by good looking people.

>this is art

>get shot three times
>get betrayed multiple times
>have to deal with soul destroying graffiti monsters
>have to watch friends die and shit
I don’t envy Neku. Luke has it even worse.

Every single time I play a game or anything with a character Yea Forums says is unlikeable garbage they end up being really good and it's just that people were being complete fucking brainlets.
Be honest with me lads, is it actually that bad?
What do you think?

The biggest problem the game suffered from was first impressions. The very first gameplay footage they ever showed off was a random encounter that took forever that made the player do the same insanely slow looking minigames for every single action. To top that off it was hard to tell if the mundane repetitive minigames for every action actually had a decent impact on the choices you made in combat. Adding to that was one of the worst tracks of music ever used for a battle theme and people were not impressed. And then for about a year after that the only further information we saw was how they were adding in progressive characters that gave lectures. I never knew the main character was a supposed jerk: the game just looked unfun from the footage we saw.

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>I wanted to make this game about a guy who's a piece of shit unlikable character who by the end of the game has to transform.

Oh, so, like, Final Fantasy 4. The prototypical modern JRPG.

So you couldn't do something as well as a 25 year old game, and you're going to blame people for not "understanding" your game.

Good fucking show.

No, Cecil does evil things but is reluctant at the start and immediately begins working to correct his actions. He's talking about a guy who is just a straight up piece of trash but gets better over time. So basically Luke from Tales of the Abyss, a 14-year-old game

Yeah, like you white knights would sacrifice yourself over a strangers life.
Get real, faggots.

>using the term 'triggered' in an LGBT-insensitive manner
Did the soiboi apologize for this yet?

Reminder that the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Only now. I've known games aren't art since forever.

You know perpetuating these conspiracy theories can be very dangerous... especially to you

This doesn't tell me anything about the character.
But holy fucking shit.
I have a massive tolerance for bullshit, I am a bullshit connoisseur, I fucking love this kind of stuff, but holy fuck is that atrocious and crosses the line. Good weirdness is tempered by substance and subtlety; this just uses "post-modern" as a cover for bad fundamentals both in aesthetics and gameplay.
Comparing this to Earthbound is like comparing the original run of Twin Peaks to the attempted revival.

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How do you mean, fedboy?

>As it stands no one loved the comic or the movie for Scott himself but for the side characters
And everyone wanted a Knives gf

What the fuck am I even watching. This is like so contrarian it's wrapped back around and gone back to just being bad again.

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Honestly the video makes the game look more like a game designed by someone who had never played a JRPG before, but had Earthbound and Super Mario RPG vaguely described to them.

>But too many gamers when they look at this-when they play a game-they're so used to having to identify with the character, that if they play a game where the main character's unlikable or has to do some bad stuff, they immediately get triggered by it.
Then why was spec ops the line so damn great?

Attached: spec-ops-after.jpg (1680x1050, 238K)

That line delivery was shit.

Whenever I watch this, I'm suddenly put into this trance like state. It's bizarre

>op links to a 2 hour podcast with no timestamp

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Never mind that pretentious garbage, a more direct comparison is that fag from Tales of the Abyss who is what the quote described to a fucking T and everyone loved that game.

read the thread retard

listen to all of it you pussy, the dick show is the greatest

oh shit he has the developer on holy fuck
so the developer was based after all

Reminder that this game failed over and over and the only reason it has gotten any press is because you absolute fucking retards think it's 'ironically funny'. Let this pile of shit die, because it was destined to do so.

>a game trying to communicate a message is pretentious
Name one pretentious thing about Spec Ops.

The fact that without the pretentious preachy storyline, it's a garbage game.

This is bullshit. People hated the character, sure. But the bigger problem is just how meandering and meaningless the writing was. Every single action you took in game spammed you with a full-on pretentious and self-satisfied monologue about nothing. It was a slog to sit through at any point. There were more words than your average Buckley comic. If this dumb cunt wanted to write a failed novel he should have. But of course he won't, as then he won't have the scapegoat that is his excuse that gaemurzz just don't get his genius wit.

nice excuse
how many popular movies are about an unlikeable piece of shit
and if there are any i bet they do things like be interesting

so the gameplay is pretentious?

>is well read
9/10 got me to reply

Ayn Rand is unrivaled.

No. The point is that in order to critically deconstruct something, you have to at least have made an attempt to be as good as that thing when the satire is stripped away. Not just be a bad clone of an already bad thing. Especially when your satire is as poorly executed as Spec Ops.

in most suda51 games you're playing as legit psychopaths, even in the more chill ones like flower sun and rain, and those games are cult classics
could it possibly be that yiik's dialogue is complete ass?

yeah, but they're charismatic psychopaths

You are literally retarded. You don't have to go out and do a better job than the creator. The creator is supposed to take your criticisms to heart, and improve on his craft. You are literally everything that is wrong with creative craft.

>preachy storyline
so you didn't play it?
it's not until the end of the game they actually come out and say that you're a bad guy.

>You don't have to go out and do a better job than the creator
I didn't say you did dipshit. Read my post more carefully this time. I know reading is probably a foreign concept to someone who thinks the literal most hamfisted attempt at deconstruction in the medium is in any way good, but just give it a try.
>The creator is supposed to take your criticisms to heart, and improve on his craft.
This applies to critical reception, not to satirical works.
>You are literally everything that is wrong with creative craft.
No, people who praise low-effort garbage like Spec Ops or TLOU are.

It's preachy because in spite of being part of an interactive medium, it does nothing to use this to its advantage because doing so would require actual effort rather than going after the low-hanging fruit that is satirizing typical war shooters.

>This applies to critical reception, not to satirical works.
Literally what are you talking about, you fucking lunatic? What qualifies as a 'satirical work'?


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A satirical work would be a work that is satirical.
When you write a review of a movie, game, book, etc., your criticisms cannot be deflected with "well you couldn't do better!"
When you go out of your way to make a satirical work, your satire will fall flat if your work is poorer than what it's parodying.

Okay, so what does that have to do with YIIKES?

Who the fuck said the VA was good in this game again? Where's the cunt that said that the amateur voice actors only added more flavor to the game?

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Wow, what an asshole.

Read the reply chain.


I told you niggers that YIIK wasn't that bad. It's ite and the music is unironically kino.

I'm fully aware of the chain. Now explain how YIIKES was satire. Because that's what you asserted, you stupid pile of shit.

he put a cherry on top of a turd and blamed it when nobody ate the turd

No it's not. Read the reply chain.

Doesn't help that he is also unlikeable like his insert.

To be fair, it's not like good actors can do anything for that script. Every textbox is like a 200 word essay too long. Nigga needed to learn brevity.

Can you explain where I'm missing your point?

He says something about that somewhere else about how these "unlikable" characters always have something to make them badass or smart or whatever so that the audience will like them in spite of those traits. Pretty much all those characters are badass power fantasies.

>he put a cherry on top

[citation needed]

user, I think you should just actually read the reply chain. It should be pretty obvious if you actually do it.

>The biggest problem the game suffered from was first impressions. The very first gameplay footage they ever showed off was a random encounter that took forever that made the player do the same insanely slow looking minigames for every single action. To top that off it was hard to tell if the mundane repetitive minigames for every action actually had a decent impact on the choices you made in combat. Adding to that was one of the worst tracks of music ever used for a battle theme and people were not impressed.

It's not a case of it suffering from bad first impressions when its accurate to the final release. I don't understand why they never fixed any of it in the 4 years after the reveals negative reception though.

A rotten cherry

Fuck it, the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers. You're a jew, and you will die face down in a puddle of blood.

Video games are art, his game was just shit.

Agreed but that has nothing to do with you being a fucking retard responding to people talking about Spec Ops and asking what their discussion has to do with YIIKes

>And everyone wanted a Knives gf

That was the point. Scott had something wonderful, but he's too much of a self-centered fuckboi to value it.

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>too stupid to understand how fourth generation warfare works
Go fuck yourself, you stupid pile of shit.

Neku and TWEWY were successes. James and Silent Hill 2 were successes. This guy just shat the bed.

And honestly if the gameplay was better maybe people would have been more willing to put up with slowburn character development. But the gameplay was shit.

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Sumio Mondo is a permavirgin loser and a dumb fuck who falls for everything he is told

Someone on a different thread summed it up better, but you don't make a character unlikeable. Characters may do things you find repulsive, irredeemable, etc, but when you purposefully make them unlikeable is when you've lost your audience.

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I got that he was supposed to be unlikable and honestly I was interested to see it through, but between the insane load times (my mistake for buying the switch version) and long drawn out combat, there's no way I could myself to finish that game. This guy wishes that the writing was the only problem with the game

Why is it that people don't understand that video games are a DIFFERENT form of art than movies or books? This is like saying a book isn't art because it doesn't have a soundtrack. Video games can tell competent stories, but there just isn't really a way to make an "unlikable" protagonist in games. Games still need to have some level of power fantasy for them to be successful.

This dude just sounds salty that his game failed. What a faggot.

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How far can you go with making a character an asshole early on and keeping the audience invested in them/liking them? I understand that there are certain limits for it, but I'm not certain where those limits lie and/or what you have to do in order to bring them down a peg without making them entirely a laughingstock.

The best and most enduring game narratives are the ones that take advantage of the unique nature of player agency.

Earthbound is a great example of this. YIIK is a fucking sloppy example of this despite trying oh so hard to be EB.

>he wants a character to do awful things and have us examine them
>but the character can't be too powerful or cool, because then it's a power fantasy
>probably can't be too handsome, either, because that's another sort of fantasy
So he's surprised players aren't as receptive to playing as plain/ugly, weak/normal guys that do things he knows will upset the viewer? No shit, you need some sort of reason to want to engage with the character you play as for the next several hours.

There has to be some kind of incentive for the player to want to play as an unlikeable character though. If you're just playing some mundane jackass looking for a woman he doesnt know which is an extension of his unlikeability its not appealing.

The main character in YIIK is the main driving force for the plot. In most cases unlikeable main characters are part of a grander compelling plot or have an interesting destiny/power that hooks you want to see them improve to overcome the conflict. YIIK expects you to want to play a game with an unlikeable character, just to see them develop, which nobody wants.

I after about an hour, I was already jamming on text skip because of how annoying and stupid all of the dialogue was.

DmC is a good example of how to make a really irritating character that grates from the start and doesn't get better.

NMH is a great example of a real piece of shit character who manages to be likable.

How can one man be this butthurt his shitty game didn't review well holy shit
>It's not my shit game, it's the people who are wrong!

Could you elaborate?

You just took random names from popular shonen jump stuff.
Sure Kirito and Luffy (maybe Natsu too but I have no idea who's that) are cliche shonen protagonists and Sasuke is a cliche shonen edgelord (which despite still being cliche he's already vastly different from the previous characters) but Light and L are anything but generic or similar to the other characters on your list.
Edward is kind of a generic shonen protag but at the same time there's enough good writing in FMA to save his case and give him some actual character.

You didn't even try.

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No More Heroes introduces Travis as a sleazy pervert who is trying to get laid and it quickly escalates to him being a killer. The game's first few bosses almost seem pathetic and washed out compared with Travis with regards to how they view violence and the nature of being an assassin, and he butchers them gleefully. However, despite his bravado and attitude we get some insights into Travis as a character. The first boss battle has him internally monologuing about what a trap he's setting himself into. We see him care for his cat, and this is reflected by the player because you care for his cat together. You see his quirks and mannerisms and they flesh out the character, rather than try to get you to see him as sympathetic.

Donte, on the other hand, opens the game with nonstop cutscenes telling you exactly how troubled but badass he is. Its insufferable. Ninja Theory has a fucked way of showing strong badass protagonists, and its through just general meanness. Its all style, no substance - there is no greater meaning to be understood. This image kinda summarizes that design philosophy.

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>And yet, people love Kratos
To be fair, personally I NEVER liked Kratos. He's an awful character that can never actually work, he's either genocidal douchebag or boring generic cinetic dad trope.

He most certainly has his fans, but I could never get what anyone sees in him.


Not even once.

Great response, user

>first sentence is 'sleazy pervert'
Sorry, I don't go on this website to read fucking sensationalist reddit/resetera bullshit.

Maybe its just have shitty gameplay, even from the cover artwork look like some hipster bullshit. Tales of Syhmponia start off with you playing as a dickhead

So a character who has more to them/deeper motivations than just being an edgy cunt without trying to explicitly make you feel sorry for them versus a character who is an edgy cunt?
Think I got it. Thanks, user.

If you don't think Travis started NMH as a sleazy pervert you haven't played NMH. Sounds like you spend your time browsing retardera instead of playing video games.

>but I could never get what anyone sees in him.
Try actually playing his games.

Kratos is a hell of a lot more than a "genocidal douchebag"

Travis is literally an user, and if you don't identify with him on some level, you are literally an invader. You just blew your cover by calling him 'creepy' or whatever the fuck normalfags use to denote people who don't swear by the Talmud.

In the first game, sure. In the following ones (barring the surprisingly good PSP one), not so much.

It really boils down to better thought put into the writing and presentation. Think about MGS2, and how Raiden is introduced compared to Snake.

You sound too thin-skinned for this website, my man.

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NOT Yiik
Also the character designs are ugly hipster garbage

Why IS the game called YIIK? I get the name, Year 2000, but why? Isn't it about finding some missing woman? Does it actually take place in the year 2000?

How do you figure, my redditor nigger? My fellow friend who surely understands that the jews caused all of the world's wars?

im kind of enjoying the plot rn desu senpai. only like an hour and a half in though.

>wearing THAT shit

You are selling it to me now.

>mfw my writing was too intelligent for the gamers

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Alpacas AND lemonade AND neckeards. Literary genius!

There's also bad girl, the first boss who shows exactly what a real insane fuckwad is like. She tries to win to the point where Travis calls uncle.

Basically what Travis would become if he kept doing this shit for fun.

>well read
>Chuck Palahniuk and Ayn Rand
Also putting the blame on the audience is never the proper response to criticism. The dude's game was fucking garbage. Plenty of games have done the type of character he claims to have been going for and they did it well. It's pretty clear just from this snippet (if it wasn't obvious enough from the game) that the main character is literally just the dev and all talk of having an unlikable character that grows is pure backpedaling.

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That's what I thought, you soiboi faggot.

He's literally saying that his game was too deep for people to "get" because they don't "get" flawed characters even though many of them exist and are well-liked in the medium, when the reality is just that his game is shit and his self-insert was never likable.

asshole luke was the best luke

>I'm not saying my game is above criticism, but this criticism is wrong because people just didn't get it and don't like the style I went for but horribly botched, even though they do in other games that aren't garbage
wew lad imagine being this lacking in self-awareness. Even the other guys on the podcast are clearly trying hard to hold back their incredulousness.

My mistake was thinking that video games are art: I wanted to make this game about a guy who's a piece of shit unlikable character who by the end of the game has to transform. But too many gamers when they look at this-when they play a game-they're so used to having to identify with the character, that if they play a game where the main character's unlikable or has to do some bad stuff, they immediately get triggered by it. So the thing is, games aren't art; they're toys for children and it's considered in bad form to talk about anything meaningful or thought provoking.

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His ultimate conclusion is a leap of logic that makes him just inherently wrong. He assumes people mostly hated the game because the story was too much for them when in reality he just made a really ugly and unfun game that probably hurt it more than anything.

I mean the writing is bad too, but I've seen good games with bad writing succeed and the other way around.

Everyone should just @ this fag on whatever social media he has with examples of scumbag protagonists in successful and beloved video games

I dont care about unlikeable protagonists
I care when the soundtrack and graphics make me wanna puke
But hes still right tough videogames are still not considered art by anyone and it will still take a while till we get there alone the fact that vidya gets censored and nobody except people who play it care shows me how much it still needs to go

Despite all this I'd still fuck Essentia

He's just some boomer with a too small of a face.