i seriously hope you remembered to budget your favorite streamer this week
I seriously hope you remembered to budget your favorite streamer this week
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summit1g is for actual children
The only people that would unironically say brotherman are chodes so this cuck deserves to be out of his money
>tfw millionaire streamer says your name for your $5 donation infront of 20k people
>2 seconds later everyone has already forgot
you think thats bad?
>be millennial
>make a hobby out of giving away money for free
A fool and his money are soon parted.
>be gen xer
>make a hobby of giving money away in return for half-ass massages and blowjobs
desperation is a powerful thing
what a sad motherfucker that is
Can you seriously blame camwhores for doing what they do, when you have autists like this loaded with money?
>used money on twitch thots and got nothing out of it
>didn't spend a dime on insta thots who will do nasty shit for it
>I eventually worked up the nerve to stop lurking and join chat
Jesus Christ
what in the fUcK.
I've been here for a damn decade and I still read shit that fucks me up every day.
>Donate to streamers
but why
is this just a thing where I'm too old (25) to actually get, because it just seems like parasocial relationships taken to the ninth degree.
How isolated and lonely does a person have to be to pay $120 to hear someone say their twitch handle
I don't wanna believe this is satire so badly
Paying for a whore is unironically more respectable than donating to a streamer in hopes of eventually fucking them. At least with the whore you're actually getting something out of it
The same type of people who give like $2,000 to Etika just to allegedly have a N-Word pass.
Well people pay for entertainment.
If you sat a watched someone for 8 hours a day almost every day, then donating them some money is reasonable. However, since many of the top streamers are already wealthy, I don't see the point. Especially since some donations make it seem a lot more personal than it actually is.
I've never donated to a streamer before in my life, not even during the phase where I just left the stream on all day in the background.
This is why millennials are the least successful generation.
I'm not justifying myself, I just like to do it.
even if it is, you can bet money that there are plenty of real autists out there who have similar stories to tell
>Especially since some donations make it seem a lot more personal than it actually is.
I guess this is the part that actually creeps me out. I don't have much problem with "hey enjoy your work, here's some money to keep going" but it honestly seems like a really parasocial relationship when the donator is like "you're my only friend here's $100"
Massages actually help your muscles and shit. You pay for painkillers don't you?
Some guy crying over seeing his favorite streamer in a game of rust.
yes because your moral obligation ends only at the limits of the knowledge of your best self
at some point during the day, they're occupied by the personality or have the thought "a lot of my fans probably can't afford this but i encourage them to do it"
that doesn't require a big brain or phd to realize, so they know it, and they do it anyway. you're supposed to lift up your fellow man, not hasten the manufacture of his own destruction under the guise of self-determination. this country has no fucking soul.
How can these kids get so into these streamers. I am just gonna assume he was either so fucking high or drunk and got really emotional.
And this is why the only, truly succesful people are sociopaths.
You don't get to become rich if you are constantly thinking about the feelings of others.
you should see lirik’s streams when he chats with his viewers 1 on 1.
plenty of people talking about how depressed they are and how watching lirik is one of the few highlights of their day.
aside from the fact that you clearly just learned the word parasocial, you're not wrong. it's a creepy phenomenon that's indicative of the obvious deepening narcissist worship we're engaging in. probably the inevitable end result of a cultural apparatus like Hollywood desu.
the sad thing is social isolation is highly correlated with low income status, so its actually a pretty serious problem for people in a lot of cases, i'd imagine. it just sounds funny so we're brushing it off.
whores are terrible man
my experience in silicon valley all but confirms this, although its maybe better to say that there are multiple types of social cohesion and people at 20-30 on the PCL-R may as well be a different social species in a lot of ways. they're not really sociopaths, they just engage in a lot more pack predation strategies like ostracizing struggling people and bullying them.
it's reddit
>Work my whole life
>Life savings goes to grandson
>He gives it all away to titty streamers
I don't play sports anymore, so no. Haven't had painkillers in about seven years now, when I had my last surgery. I need hip surgery, but I'm scared to do it. Putting it off until work calms down. I'm 34, so not that old but I've gotten injured more times than I care to count.
Imagine paying 100 dollars for 2 seconds of attention and the guy just ignores you anyway.
I genuinely and truly believe that like 80% of social problems today are caused directly by the internet. It is as bad or worse than illegal drugs. Human beings aren't mentally equipped to deal with it.
This, not to mention the whole twitch streamer thing is inherently dishonest.
If you ask an autist why he donates hundreds to some random thot, he'll probably say "I just like her a lot, my fave streamer" or something. The truth of the matter is they spend money under the false belief that enough spent money will net him a reward - she'll open up, and maybe she'll date you, and maybe she'll FUCK you. It's all a really pussy and roundabout method of """flirting""" that they try and then get pissy when they find out she's married or has a boyfriend because, even though nobody would dare say it, they feel they are OWED for their money.
They feel as though the streamer must cater to their desires because they, the autists, decided that they would give away their money to another person in an indirect exchange of services. You are literally better off buying a whore - at least then you won't dick around the bush for months on end sinking endless dosh into a sad, futile attempt at what you think passes as courtship.
100%, not 80%
It amazes me that some guys donate thousands of dollars to a woman to get her attention for five seconds when all any normal man has to do to get laid is tell a couple jokes she hasn't heard before and spend about $20 on dinner
Someone post that guy from pokisquad donating all his salary.
Especially when the guy is a major youtuber/streamer living in a mansion and people still feel the need to make them wealthier
that movie all the money in the world starts out with "we look like you but are nothing like you", seems pretty accurate of rich people desu
Back when I viewed streams, I mostly enjoyed the chat interactions. An example of this would be Kripp, the Hearthstone streamer. I think the man is super boring, almost to an astounding state but his chat always gave him shit and made me laugh. I can find obnoxious chats like that elsewhere though. I don't think there's ever been a streamer that I've personally became attached to. The interactions need to feel more personal than him talking to thousands of people plus me indirectly. It's just a giant friend simulator but I wonder how some of these people would react without a large chat around to help the streamer keep something to talk about.
This stuff is kind of weird. If the streamer is somehow keeping your life happy, then good on you I guess. What worries me in some of these cases is that the stream content is encouraging the depressed dude to just sit there and not do anything to improve in other areas of their lives. I remember seeing someone talk about how it was his birthday in a donation and that money was tight but he wanted to donate anyways. Like, c'mon man, you should just treat yourself because this guy's already rich, but if it makes you feel that good then go ahead.
This is 99% of fucking redditors. Holy shit that website is a massive cuckfest.
The kind of person who donates to a titty streamer would be so nervous around a real prostitute that they couldn't even get an erection.
It's not just wanting sex though, people donate to male streamers all the time too. The fundamental reason is that these people are so starved for just the slightest scrap of attention, the tiniest illusion that they have even one friend, the most momentary reprieve from the endless, agonizing loneliness that is their life, that they'll pay someone 100 dollars just to say their name in the context of appreciation.
The internet ruins lives. People cannot handle having unlimited access to infinite free entertainment and anonymized social interactions, it fucks up their mind. It turns people who would otherwise be normal into depressed, anxious, awkward, social recluses who don't have a single real friend, spending every free moment they have online, which begets all this shocking behaviour. Honestly most people here are guilty of this too, just in a different way.
what really gets me about this story is he's acting like a rich dude when he only got $17k
>Pay woman $50 to jerk you off or suck your cock
>Pay $500 to a streamer for her to say your name
>watch a streamer when he was smaller (hovering below 5,000 views range)
>tried really hard to entertain in an endearing way
>became really popular and don't have to try as hard to entertain
>move into a streamer house and now I have to deal with other personalities in their content
>start hearing stuff like "I'll do this if I get another dono" for measly stuff
Not that I think streamers who become like this are terrible people, but it just doesn't feel the same like it used it.
>Streamer was a lot more humble/less aggressive when they started out
>after accumulating a larger fan base they become more outspoken
>constantly have thousands of followers backing up their opinion in chat so they start feeling a little bigger than everyone else with their opinions
>become more mean with their comments and other players in the game can't insult them or they will get hated on by the followers
good posts
I was about to have some good cringey lulz
Then he mentioned how he watches it so he doesn't feel alone.
This guy is a cuck but to be fair money is pure evil. Don't be fooled: Money is a fleeting mirage, a false god that will lead you to eternal doom. The fallen material world is specifically set up to entice you into pursuing it. All is vanity, all crumbles to dust in the end.
I don't pay 50 bucks, I pay 100. But she sucks me off and lets me fuck her if she doesn't have a lot of appointments that day. She's an actual licensed massage therapist, though. Like with anything, your mileage is gonna vary in this department.
It's the reason why I wanna believe it's satire.
$17,000 is not going to last you the rest of your life if you're in your 30's
every time i get a peek into this world it's fucking stunning.
there's the idea of 'oh i'm paying for entertainment' which is at least semi-reasonable, but it's also completely optional.
then these faggots do shit like and it boggles the mind.
it's past your bedtime, pseud.
Knowing the types of fans Greek has, I wouldn't be surprised if that kid acted it out for entertainment purposed. But if he didn't, that's pretty depressing.
There's a term for this kind of thing - where you believe you can relate to someone you watch or know on a personal level when you don't actually know them at all. I respect streamers who say they enjoy their community but actually flat out say they aren't friends with people in their chat.
And it's just about time for you to eat crow cookie cutter
I make about $12,000 a year. I can afford to give streamers like $1,000.
I mean, yeah money is worthless but so is everything if you have a nihilist world view of some sort. Is this the part where you peddle spiritual enlightenment or something?
I would rather donate a bullet to my fucking brain than ever give money to a streamer
How do you find sucky sucky massage parlors? Which state in the US has the most of them?
Why do people not realize this is totally fucking fake?
what cringe
My message is that you cannot love both God and money (Mammon) Luke 16:13. Satan has great influence over the Earth and likes to lead people away from God with the pursuit of material wealth.
>How do you find them
Word of mouth or you get lucky or live in Nevada
>Which state in the US has most of them?
Nevada and California, expect to be jewed by a whale accepting no less than 300.
Because whether or not this story in particular is fake, you already know there are a bunch of autistic Twitch orbiters doing things like this.
The person himself is believable but the way the events played out themselves are not.
there was a time when this shitty place was for lonely losers like him. I am glad twitch wasnt a thing in my worst times.
if you are reading this: good luck man, everything will be aigh
I found her on Thumbtack, she is a legitimate licensed massage therapist. Had her information on the wall and everything. We just happen to fuck and I cum on her face and tip her really well.
Why do people donate to streamers who earn millions of dollars every year?
Your 100$ is nothing to them. They fake being happy for 2 seconds then go back to the game. At least donate it to a smaller streamer.