Kill One

>Kill One
>Fuck One
>Marry One
>Befriend One

Attached: c5746ee52d09cff48d6e0a375151af1e.jpg (500x516, 74K)

>Kill Makoto
>Fuck Anne
>Marry Futaba
>Befriend Haru

Marry Nonko, that's all I need.

Attached: nonko (122).jpg (119x186, 22K)

marry haru
befriend futaba
fuck anne
kill makoto

Marry Haru
Kill Ann
Befriend Futaba
Fuck Makoto

Kill all
Marry kawakami

Attached: 8F5DCF93-7A9F-4D7C-BFAB-3A8E90EDE885.jpg (960x540, 57K)

Befriend, Fuck then Marry Kawakami in that order


Marry and impregnate Haru
Messaging vidya friends with Futaba
Remind Ann to remain faithful to Ryuji
Murder and bury Makoto into a nameless grave

Attached: 4cu8dKn.jpg (795x1024, 208K)

Where's the option to kill all these disgusting bug-eyed dagger-chinned noseless freaks you sissy faggot? You're the modern incarnation of the Down syndrome caveman who jerks off to curvy sticks.

Kill the bitch with black hair
Befriend the middle one
Fuck the blondie
Marry the one with glasses

Marry the love of my life, Anne.
That's all.

Attached: 1529321292169.png (480x516, 50K)

Kill all and marry Maya

>Harufags are ship faggots
Kill yourself.

>Fuck Makoto
I need to at least once get into that adrett pussy.
>Marry Futaba
To fuck her tiny frame erry day
>Kill Ann
I just never liked her
>Befriend Haru
She's nice, but a bit too dense for me

>Marry Haru
>Befriend Ann
>Adopt Futaba
>Fuck You


Kill Ann
Befriend Futaba
Fuck Haru
Marry Makoto

Ieveryone that's saying to kill my waifu should be killed

>Pedo consistently makes the worst choices

I want to befriend, fuck, and marry Tae.
and eventually let her kill me

Attached: 4x736leu1oz01.jpg (1670x1181, 203K)


The only correct answer in this thread.

Kill Futaba
Fuck Makoto
Befriend Haru
Marry Anne.


marry makoto
fuck anne
befriend haru
kill the little gremlin

Attached: 1519376412897.jpg (354x541, 77K)

Kill Futaba
Fuck Makoto
Marry Anne
Befriend Haru

>Marry Makoto
>Fuck Ann
>Befriend Futaba
>Kill Haru

Brothers in taste

I aim to please.

Kill Haru
Fuck Ann
Marry Makoto
Befriend Futaba

Ignore them all
Befriend, fuck and marry Kawakami

Marry Makoto
Secretly fuck Sae

Attached: __niijima_sae_persona_5_and_etc_drawn_by_chris_re5__411bd5c39553915af30ae24b7057ae9e.png (1280x1811, 524K)


marry futaba
rest doesn't matter

Marry Haru, fuck the rest

Attached: __amamiya_ren_and_okumura_haru_persona_and_persona_5_drawn_by_noro_noue__6f2a5026084b8f1cbb7ad950e61 (800x867, 70K)

Fuck neet
Marry Sensei

idgaf the rest I'm done


Befriend, marry and fuck Anne my one and only.

Attached: 1543283335609.png (1920x1080, 2.39M)

Yikes. Disgusting pedo.

>Marry Futaba
>Fuck Makoto
>Befriend Haru
>Kill Ann


Kill Makoto
Fuck Haru
Befriend Futaba and Anne
Marry Hifumi

Kill Makoto
Marry Haru
Befriend Ann
Fuck Futaba

Marry Makato
Fuck Anne
Kill Haru.
Befriend Futaba
This is the objectively correct order.

Kill Ann
Fuck Makoto
Marry Futaba
Befriend Haru

>Kill Futabanigger
>Fuck the bimbo
>Marry Mokato
>Befriend Forehead

>most people have answered to kill makoto

Good taste.

Attached: 1540572214223.png (296x446, 171K)

>Kill all
Fuck your shitty weeb game

Attached: 1549857416418.png (958x720, 538K)


>Kill Makoto
>Fuck Futaba
>Marry Ann
>Befriend Haru

Kill Haru
Fuck Futaba
Befriend Ann
Marry Makoto

Kill Ann
Fuck Futaba
Marry Makoto
Befriend Haru


dumb reddit frog poster, time to dilate.

Marry Makoto
Fuck Haru
Befriend Futaba
Kill Ann

Marry Haru because she's rich as fuck and I want a sugar momma
Fuck Ann
Befriend Futaba
Kill Makoto

According to ctrl+f

>Kill Ann: 7
>Kill Makoto: 6

>Marry Ann: 3
>Marry Makoto: 8

Your waifu is craving for Ryuji's dick. Have sex, incel

>Makotofags are crossboarding normalfags
Not surprised in the slightest.

Kill Haru
Fuck Makoto
Marry Futaba
Befriend Ann

Attached: 1532266864767.jpg (1500x1100, 405K)

Kill Haru
Befriend Futaba
Fuck Ann
Fuck Makoto
Marry Tae

How long until all Annfags commit suicide after constantly getting cucked?

Autistic quads. Please get laid.

Are you retarded?

Kill and fuck Ann (send pics to dirty gaijin parents)
Befriend both Futaba and Haru
Marry Makoto and impregnate using Ann's corpse as a bed

>Marry Makoto
Ass too good
>Fuck Futaba
Small frame begging for a fuck
>Befriend Haru
Why not
>Kill Anne
Used goods


>Marry Makoto
>Kill Ann

Dont care about the rest. Next time include the cakes

>Ann is used goods

More like "destroyed" goods, amirite?

Kill Haru
Fuck Ann
Marry Makoto
Befriend Futaba

well I don't really want to kill any of them though
can I befriend them all instead?

No bitchtits.

>marrying the neet instead of friending

God damn, well done.

>Kill Ann
>Fuck Futaba
>Marry Makoto
>Befriend Haru

Killing Ann because all she's good for is breeding. Fucking Futaba for the fun times and a nice cunny. Marrying Makoto for the stability and top tier wife. Befriend Haru for the benefits of having a rich friend who owns and runs a megacorp.

Attached: fb9c1e2bbe56b034565485b3a81bfe14.jpg?e=1555825811&m=iazShHfV3QvnPD2CqKIS2Q.jpg (1500x2100, 306K)

absolutely fucking based

Marry Futaba
Fuck Makoto
Befriend Haru
Kill Ann

>Fuck Haru
>Marry Makoto
>Kill Ann
>Befriend Futaba

Objectively perfect


Attached: 1529622497422.gif (533x400, 471K)

>Kill None
>Fuck Makoto
>Marry Makoto
>Befriend Haru, Ann, Futaba

Attached: 1546226008015.jpg (659x698, 69K)

based retard

Only correct answers in this thread.

Why are you Makotofags so obsessed?

Based. Annfags unironically behave like this

Noncompliant; Answer converted to Kill: All. Thank you and have a nice day.

>Kill Futaba
>Fuck Ann
>Marry Makoto
>Befriend Haru

>replying to himself

Well done user, the two Annkeks are literally shaking now

Fuck 'em all.

Attached: Chad Narukami Harem.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Kill Futaba
Fuck Ann
Marry Haru
Befriend Makoto

This is the 100% true and objectively correct order.
>Haru's rich as fuck
Living the good life
>Makoto is siblings with a cop
Good to have connections
>Futaba is a stinky NEET
Worthless to be honest

Ann is self-explanatory.

Yup, based.

Wrap it up, threads over

based and thunderpilled

Befriend Futaba
Marry Futaba
Kill Futaba
Fuck Futaba

marry sae

Attached: sae1.png (746x1072, 964K)
