Be Sony

>Be Sony
>Be technical leaders of the industry
Why can't anyone else have this graphics quality consistently in their games? Capcom are the only ones who impress even slightly.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They might have the best graphics ever but their games will never be fun, they don't make games fun, they're just here to push agenda

fuck snoy

Rockstar is better

Nah. Rockstar excells at their world and things far away. However up close, the details are very rough.

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Isn't that from the generic zombie game with goofy animation that looked like they came straight from the 90s ? Well at least they have promo shots going for them I suppose.

This, in the last 20 years of making consoles, Ico & SoTC are the only ones that stayed beloved a year after they came out. The rest is solely circlejerked by Journalists

>saying snoy unironically

Attached: TediousAbleApatosaur.webm (700x328, 480K)

can't wait for the inevitable downgrade and all the bullshot mode shills

>Days Gone thread
You know what that means~

>be sony
>have the largest userbase and most profit in the gaming industry this generation
>force people to buy 4k televisions just to get the full experience of your console
>and even then your console can't manage a consistent 24fps across most of your launches on the best hardware
So this....

GTA V on PC looks better than that up close while also being amazingly optimized.

Find me some Digital Foundry videos of first-party Sony games that are 24fps or less on PS4 Pro.

His clothes look blurry and he looks cross-eyed. Why are consolewarriors so violently stupid?

Do you know how to form sentences without buzzwords sweetheart?

Attached: 1531943375456.jpg (675x725, 67K)

This is from the latest build that reviewers have.
Still looks better than anything else out there. Just because you don't like the art doesn't mean it isn't the most impressive from a technical perspective.

Attached: D2B257CVYAY1s8S.jpg (900x1600, 237K)

not him but sony has done a lot of agenda pushing as of late
they're censoring things nobody else has, and by definition, that's a symptom of agenda pushing

Find me one that runs at native 4K and not checkerboard.

>This is from the latest build that reviewers have.
taken with the in-game bullshot mode i expect. some of the videos i've seen of it during actual gameplay look pretty bad for something they've shown off at E3 for years

>sony developers
>not having a certain agenda
Fuck off; it's pretty obvious they do.

>be sony
>be the technical leader of the console industry
>winning the current gen by a country mile
>literally immortal due to grand order singlehandedly keeping you alive
>fuck it all up and immediately cuck and censor every game you put out because you want to show the world how like, totally like, progressive you are
How is it that every time an entity gets it made, they promptly shoot themselves in the face?

>Still looks better than anything else out there.
You weren't really looking, then. It's just a character model, anyway, it's not a gauge of how the graphics look across the game. See, you're ignorant, easily impressed and confused about the subject, it's no surprise you're a console owner.

Why would he? It looks great checkerboarded anyway. It is only during very fast movement when zoomed in on thin details that you will notice anything off. ie. a scenario that never happens during gameplay or even cutscenes.

>that low res texture on the jacket

I like getting some fucking games instead. MUH GRAPHICS fags have lead to studio's the size of small countries taking 6 years to make a game and they have to make shit widespread and milk the consumer hard.

Photomode doesn't change the graphics. It doesn't spend 20 seconds to load in higher assets, nor does it switch out the rendering while in photomode.

they can push boundaries because they know it's going to be 30fps anyway and consolets will still enjoy it.

FPBP as usual. Last Sony game that was fun was Bloodborne. Everything else has been boring.

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Attached: lost legacy.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

How has this thread gone so long without webms of this masterpiece?

Attached: Melee autocorrect.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

>The animations aren't that great so lets misrepresent its overall visual presentation with it!
Never change Yea Forums you were always anti-sony.

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Im actually going to get this. Even though sony is gay there are no games

I'm anti-shitty games with bad mechanics and gameplay.

Post your favourite games then.

Looks like every other AAA game. I don't see what's supposed to be so great here.

Bit of a weird request but alright.

Attached: games 2.0.jpg (920x920, 408K)

>A single one of those games has non-shitty mechanics and gameplay
Lmao you are a delusional Sony hater. You can't even be consistent with your own personal taste. Besides all of those games are old as fuck. This is the power of nostalgia huh?

>Sony hater
One of those is a PSX exclusive.

>How is it that every time an entity gets it made, they promptly shoot themselves in the face?
People misunderstand the press release.
This is literally the quote:
>"Sony officials said the company has grown concerned that its global reputation could take a hit from sexually explicit content sold in a few markets. A big worry is software sold in its home market, which traditionally has had more tolerance for near-nudity and images of young women who appear to be underage."
Sony takes a 30% cut from software sold on their platform so it really shouldn't be a surprise that they would try to moderate the content on their platform aswell since they could easily be targeted for benefitting off of lolicon shit on their platform. Companies have been sued over less.

She turns me on so fucking hard. I want to suffocate in that ass

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Just picked up the free dynamic theme, it's similar to the God of War and Horizon anniversary themes. I would like to play Days Gone eventually I just have to play several other titles first

gameplay of UC4 was usually 30fps. for "some reason" the framerate went down when you went into photo mode. why would that be?

Because in select scenes it would change the LOD however that only happens in UC4 on the Madagascar map. Nowhere else.

Attached: photomodevsnonphotomode.jpg (3072x3456, 3.06M)


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from article:
>After all, the frame-rate takes a dive while in photo mode as it is
so bullshot mode pretty much confirmed

most games aren't fun these days.


No, it isn't confirmed. First of all, you have to prove the difference in like for like scenarios. And you have to do so for every game with a photomode. I just proved that Horizon doesn't change its graphics with your turn.

Attached: DG-Judges-Day-2.jpg (3840x2160, 1.95M)

am i alone in thinking that those big ps4 games don't look very fun at all
i usually don't really give a shit about story and open world collectathons so ive never been drawn by them
and while the graphics really are great its not enough to make me pay $60 + spend hours

>using pictures from unknown source that just happens to line up with what i'm saying
sorry, you haven't proven anything except you can take an image and throw text over it. answer this: why should the frame rate drop when entering photomode if it isn't rendering more than what's in normal gameplay?

I made that one. You can see it is photomode and non-photomode because the lower part of the screen has a radial blur turned on during gameplay, and then the obvious HUD.

It looks off all the time.

>why should the frame rate drop when entering photomode if it isn't rendering more than what's in normal gameplay
And to answer you question. This can be from a wealth of factors such as the photomode not being implemented all that well. It may have bugs and be overall in an unfinished state.

so, you made the picture (which just happens to agree with you), and it's impossible to throw a HUD onto a still image, ok
yeah, look who's reaching now. there should be no reason for framerate dips during photo mode if the graphics don't change. no AI to process, no explosions or other graphically impacting effects. everything should be frozen in place yet there are frame drops


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>Shit on GoW's mediocre visuals
>"T-the visuals don't matter, l-look at the animations!"
>Shit on Days Gone's mediocre animations
>"I-It's not about the animations, l-look at the rest of the gwafix!"
Jesus christ, Sonyfags just can't make up their mind.

Attached: 1548012983635.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

Framerate dropping means it's rendering more complex graphics dummy

>>fuck it all up and immediately cuck and censor every game you put out because you want to show the world how like, totally like, progressive you are
Weeb incels are a tiny minority. Get it through your head

epic cope

Oh no, you posted the same old cherry picked screenshot of a 30hr game, Sony BTFO


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>Yea Forums
obligatory Yea Forums is one person post

>so, you made the picture (which just happens to agree with you), and it's impossible to throw a HUD onto a still image, ok
I did it as a test. You can do one yourself. I know for a fact you will reach the same conclusion though.
I didn't make it to confirm anything, I made it because I wanted to know.
>yeah, look who's reaching now.
No, you are the one who is reaching. I am just stating that neither you nor I know the exact cause. I even suggested before that it was because it had better LOD models in the distance. Where is the reach in that? It is all factual.
No. There can be many reasons for this.
It is the general truth.

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Have sex.