sure you are
What are the chances that gaming journalists will suck this game's cock like the second coming of Christ?
This isn't a game. It's a fucking movie. Japanese developers (aside from Hideo "The Hack" Kojima) understand that, because they make games and not movies. Fuck western developers and "games".
I thought the second coming was the first TloU
Emotional manipulation to get good ratings, the series.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
They just finished?
So they did that lesbian kiss scene in advance just to signal at E3?
Tears may have been shed but most likely because mocap means their careers as traditional actors are over.
Can we all agree that this was the best game of the decade & best Mario game ever?
> Best Game of the Decade
> Best Mario Game
No, Galaxy 1 & 64 are all better
I can't wait to see this movie in theaters, when is the release date?
I don't get it.
If you want to tell a story why don't you just make a movie?
Even David Cage's """"""games"""""" are better than this because he uses interactivity to change events in the story and get different endings
This is just good looking shit gameplay tying cutscenes together
>Even David Cage's """"""games""""""
At best they would be considered interactive movies
That's what I said user
Can they try making a video game next time?
the only thing i am hyped for is the stage demo/release comparison.
This movie is literally made for the exact kind of people that work as journalists.
>nu male is hyped for vidya story
just fucking get it over with
just ship the the game so I can see no more threads about it as soon as possible
tlou is literally the equivalent of and oscar bait but for videogames
so i can guarantee you its getting a 98 on metacritic
no, bloodborne is
its a given
you will see all kind of clickbait articles written unironically about how TLOU2 teach players so many good values and who the whole game industry you learn from it and blah blah, it will be a fucking shitstorm here too since we have MANY resetera posters here, we will actually get TLOU2 shill threads daily and golden face shitposting for months
>wh*te male touching her
The reveal trailer had an arab lesbian love interest.
>glass on hand celebrating like they acomplished a big feat
i cant even pull my head around how massively pretentious this game is going to be and how many 10/10 i will get
game awards 2020 will be a total shitfest
We need to send a squad of trannies to those cis white scum bastards.
Is that what they call it now?
This will the most pretentious moviegame shit for normalfags in history, mark my words.
that would be death stranding
who is the woman
The voice actress for Ellie
How recent is that pic? I guess the game isn't coming out this year?
I hope not, too many good games coming outros this year to be ofuscated by this journo bait
she has a pillsbury doughboy face the more I look at her. boner retracting soon.
dat pin
>Good work, guys. Don't forget to tweet WITHOUT SPOILING ANYTHING how emotional this was. I don't know, just say something like how you cried that that it was a ride or something. Oh, and put a hashtag.
dumb & underage
or maybe not reboot is fucking old as hell also it was a bad show
3rd coming, 2nd coming was TLOU1
fucking soi boy ass piece of shit, this guy makes me angry
How the fuck you got that out of a Reboot badge?
get back to /pol/ you retard.
>Cuckmann having the gnads to kill off a character that aren't his husbando or daughterfu
why doesn't this pretentious cunt just direct movies? That's clearly what he wishes he were doing
Because he wouldn't garner the acclaim he has like in this field. He is a fucking hack, israeli fuck. Pretentious. He would be laughed at in any other genre.
Oh god, this game feels like is made for kotaku journalists
I really liked TLOU. I was a bit disappointed with the reveal trailer. It's not because I care that Ellie is a lesbian. It was just a very virtual signaling way to go about revealing the second game. I'm a bit cautious now that the whole game might be some giant political message, but I really hope they can make it good.
The same people who got triggered by the PGW 2017 trailer because of its cruel violence?
Straight to video this fall.
no that was God of War
but now it's going to be TLoU2, then it's going to be the next AAA movie
>no that was God of War
Except God of War wasn't a Naughty Dog-esque movie game.
It was actually a legit solid game albeit with a terrible camera for combat.
Go write for a movie Hackmann OH WAIT
God of War was designed for everyone to make sure no one couldn't beat it and it certainly is a movie game
the combat is designed to be cinematic too, and while the combat is better than TLoU it's an absolute embarassment considering how many flaws it has compared to other action games
a shame because God of War had potential to be a new kind of action game, but it's massive flaws are too pervasive
Try playing DMC
Now try going back to GoW and playing it
>God of War was designed for everyone to make sure no one couldn't beat it
God of War has never been a hard series of games. The main story stuff isn't terribly difficult but there's tons of optional side-content if you want a challenge. Hell I'd even go as far as to say the new God of War is probably the hardest one in the series yet.
If this place had ID's I feel like this would be the type of (1 post by this ID) shitpost.
This “game” is the video game equivalent of Oscar-bait, but since the genre is new we don’t have proper experience with soulless, tryhard trash like this.
>if this metroidvania-style game doesn't have combat as good as the best character action game series in the world then it's a bad game.
I like what you're implying. I think I would find great joy in spoiling the "game" for these people.
What shampoo does she use?
I only pray that this doesn't come out this year, because if it does it's going to win every reward ever simply by existing, and there are plenty of games that came out this year that deserve praise for the first time in god knows how long.
DMC sucks ass, play SSX
Cause I can see none
Did you just assume the game's gender?!
>yfw DMC5 Sekiro RE2make all get shafted in favor of muh cinematic moviegame with grey morality choices that makes you question the HUMAN CONDITION
Good thing nobody gives a fuck about vidya award circlejerks, fuck normalfags and fuck their opinions
did you just assume the game had a gender
Fucking hell Druckmann could literally tweet about eating dinner or going shopping for groceries and I bet there would be threads on Yea Forums full of anons mad about it
Why do you support racial supremacists?
> cinematic
I saw you make this exact same post yesterday
>He would be laughed at in any other genre.
>Implying modern movies are any better than the Last of Us
I actually thought the Last of Us and Uncharted 4 were pretty competently directed, even the bland writing was on par with modern movie scripts.
>israeli fuck
They’re already doing it wtf you mean
Once you realize that it's their own clique giving each other pats on the back these are a lot less impressive. Same with hollywood.
It's a game based in TV melodrama made for normalfags who watch romance movies, capeshit, and sitcoms. Of course the journalists who hate video games and watch endless cape shit will like it and praise it as Oscar worthy, regardless of the voice acting and frozen/repeated animations being worse than watching a Lifetime movie.