These are the most unlocked achievements of Hitman 2

These are the most unlocked achievements of Hitman 2
>only 14% have finished miami, the 2nd location
>only 18% have completed introductory mission, nighfall
>only 21% have completed the freaking tutorial
then everyone complain when games get dumbed down, but nobody seems to play complex games like this beast
what went wrong? are movie games to blame? social media and mobile phone notifications?

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There are many possible explanations for people not unlocking achievements. I'll assume you're not one of those subhuman shits who cherry-picks a game which didn't have achievements on release, or something like that. But even if these achievement stats aren't misleading, they're really not that unbelievable. Some people buy a game, and don't like it, but played too much or owned it too long to get a refund. Some people buy a game intending to play it, but oops, they also bought 10 other games during that Steam sale, and those other games get played first. In any case, 14% of players completing the second mission certainly doesn't mean 86% of players were unable to beat it.

Well the game does not work offline, so there is that

Does the game have enough content outside of the main campaign that some people might just never touch the tutorial or the other missions which unlock achievements?

the only thing that I can come up with in terms of the percentages is that the tutorial and the first location went free to play
so I guess that everyone could have make the number smaller because they added the game and never touched it
which btw, it is significant by itself
but then you see the second location completion, and it is equally tiny

why are you even posting
are you really just going to suggest obvious things about a game you've never played
do you really think you have any useful insight to offer

I played 16 hours and got bored. The game is just a giant checklist with obtrusive HUD and little opportunity for the player to explore outside of it. Not my type of game. I much prefer the older hitman games that don't hold your hand.

Calm down faggot. I asked a question about a video game on a video game board, because I am curious about what actually caused these numbers to be lower than one might expect. Imagine actually being butthurt about this, lmao.

Wasn't the first episode given freely at one point?
I'm pretty sure that would skew achievement stats a bit.

hitman tm has more believable numbers
reminder it also went free multiple times, and at least 2 locations + 1 temporary free location

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It's because the %'s account for every single owner of the game whether they launched the game or not. In Hitman 2's case the starter pack (Free) was giving Steam trading cards away, which meant a ton of people were farming it with Asf and not actually playing the game. The achievements aren't differentiated between the free version and the full game.

free editions aside, the numbers still talk for themselves, if we compare between each other:
basically the completion rate for the game is pathetically low, and it is a shame, desu
I am worried about the future of the franchise, and all the elusive targets push and mp duels may be to try to get more people to play the game

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sure there are shitters, but there's also quite a few people who will buy games and then take quite a bit of time to actually coming around to play it.

Thanks for solving the mystery. OP is a fag after all.

no, because as I said, the free editions only make the numbers smaller as a whole, but the correlation between them is equally the same
no matter we are talking 30-70% or 10-40%, the numbers of locations 2-5 are very small

yeah no, the numbers are too skewed. Take a guess at which month the game was being bot farmed for cards.

Attached: HM2.png (735x598, 122K)

once again, that does not make the difference between miami completion % and mumbai completion % any different

Those stats are highly misleading since you can download and play the first area for free.

I played a lot of Hitman TM on console but I got it at launch (which was a huge fucking mistake, the devs were late on every deadline) and I only bought a few maps. I got Hitman 2 on PC but it just doesn't feel right. I beat Miami but had no desire to continue after that.

The issue is that Hitman 2 gives you the best in slot items really fucking fast.
Also half of the unlocks are just repurposed gear with a csgo sticker on it.

>slowly walk around for the first 10 minutes scoping out the target and watching people talk
>walk up to the target
>kill the target clumsily and start killing any witnesses
>20 minutes in
>the map is littered with corpses as I'm running towards the exit with an army chasing me


I've completed the game doing run-ins
I love to go Kamikaze, and improvise
The ratings end up being garbage but it is quite fun
Now I'm working my way through the challenges, I guess the way you are supposed to play
Highly enjoyable

Bots/card farmers installed the prologue and idled for the drops, just look at the peak player spike. Are you guys literally retarded?

>what went wrong?
im still playing the maps from the first game, i'll get to the new ones eventually.