Best dlc ever
You gotta go back.
Who cares?
My favorite character finally gets his chance
>Joker gets in ANOTHER fighting game
Persona 5 in Mortal Kombat? The fuck?
What the fuck is this?
>No Rain
>No Ermac
>No Reiko
>No Reptile
>No Smoke
>No Quan Chi
>That ugly as fuck Sheeva
>Fucking Nightworlf, the most boring faggot character in the series
>Sindel, See : Nightwolf
The only interesting ones are Terminator (who should be the T1000 but won't, so will be boring), Fujin and Ash. Fucking trash.
Nintendies BTFO!
>joker in smash and mk
I recall NRS putting files for Injustice 2 suggesting Talion/Celebrimbor would be in the game. Still would be a good list.
I unironically love Spawn and hope he gets in.
Another fucking anime swordman reeeeeee
It's fucking obviously the real joker retarded weeb cucks
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.
Yeah and it's still retarded
what do they mean with "Environment name"?
lock me up
100% good with this other than she-boon sheeva
Ash as in Ash FUCKING Williams?
Holy shit nice
Joker has a ToD against Sheeva by using the n-word
Right. Pretty sure one of the dlc names for IJ2 was also something like Scooby/Shaggy.
There's no telling how many of these are actually the characters and how many are inside jokes or memes.
>thinking its the persona 5 joke
>not realizing its Batman Joker
>not liking Story Name
fuck guest fighters that are just used from their other game. Raiden, Sub and Scorp where mistakes for Injustice and it's the same thing here
So how the fuck did the joker get himself into the MKverse?
MKvsDC exists
environment name is error macro's long lost brother
The Merge.
that's even worse
Based EnvironmentName
>9 characters
>either this is bullshit or they actually left in names for some of the characters in pack 2
>which I totally believe
how do devs not know this is exactly what will happen when they leave in names like this?
Boon is a rusemaster if that's actually what's going on.
You'd think they would use codenames by now
>on the last day of preorder
How convenient
>No Quan Chi
I know
>MK story
But isn't he uber dead right now?
Death doesn't matter since everyone can be a zombie anyway
So we could assume kronika's time fuckery allowed for the joker of then to GET OVER to the setting in MK11 right?
Joker is a gamer and games have several lives
But there’s only six DLC characters.
>The Joker
gotta say, im flabbergasted that they arent using Pennywise for this game, considering IT 2 comes out this year and how popular IT 2017 was, one would think he is a sure shot.
>No DOOM Guy
Why? He's so obviously a perfect fit for MK
Guest characters are normally non canon anyway. I hope this is fake because now Injustice and MK "guests" are just swapping between games now.
The last leak confirmed 9, it was thought that 3 were just unlocks.
>Try to fatality Joker
>Batman stops you
>guest characters instead of more characters from mk
>DLC out of the ass before the game even launched
>can't even have fighters like Sindel and Shang Tsung without buying DLC
Why is this acceptable?
no Doomguy because he's already been invited to another game
well, this is Ed boon we are talking about, for all we know, those names are fake and what we are getting are completely different people.
he of all people knows how skilled Dataminers are and he's always been one with a penchant for lying.
there's like 3 more days until it comes out user
>pokemon faggot
It's time to rise up fellow gamers. Fuck minorities and fuck women.
There were probably disagreements on the team over which Pennywise to use, and out of an attempt to avoid strife we decided not to use him at all.
Can't wait to play as storyname
>Muh baby game with sparkles and glitter hit effects
Sorry soiy boy but DOOM Guy is a little too chad for you
Um no sweetie, it's her turn.
Christ why don't they just make a horror movie fighting game already
So, how much do you guys think they took to port MK11 to switch, considering it's an ARM device and the other platforms the game was released for were x86?
Guests sell sadly
Why would anyone ever give a fuck about Slayer being in fucking sterilization: the game
>Hey look doom slayer is here in Smash but he can't do ANYTHING that makes him appealing because gotta keep that squeaky clean baby game image
Bayonetta got fucking raped in the smash process so seeing Slayer go through that would be gross
Is tim curry dead?
even so, im sure dead or alive they would go using 2017's Pw, i dont think there would be problems with such a decision.
>if we ever do get Pennywise it will be in a hypothetical pack 3 since MK11 is supposed to be supported for a long time
I can't wait that long for spooky clown spider man
Long live the joker memes
please, god, just this one fucking thing, i'll take whatever shitty comic book faggots you want to shove in just please
he just showed up in dead by daylight so its totally a possibility now
wouldnt that be in 3 years or so? i dont think people will remember IT 2017 by then.
Hell, its probable people wouldnt be arsed to remember the BOOK by then.
>It's gonna be fat old man ash
Fuck please no.
>MK12 introduces Ennam
>Ennam and Stona
those do sound like super powerful being names or alien creatures, gotta say...
Not dead but in terrible condition.
>It's gonna be fat old man ash
>it's gonna be fat old man arnold
Pfft, portals obviously.
well, that should confirm Curry reprising the original PW wouldnt be possible, and they will use Skaarsgard's PW. and since he's the one most alive in peoples minds, its the easiest decision there.
>b-but MK11 is left-wing bullshit
>includes the fucking Joker
Is Yea Forums ever right?
So how will they handle Terminator? Just go for a straight T-1000 skeleton or will they use Arnold?
Wait are they even allowed to use Arnold?
sindel and joker are pretty YIKES, terminator alone is worth it
joker shoots people with a real gun and luigi fucking died. as long as theres no blood there arent really rules anymore
I don't get it, will ash fight them himself or will you control pikachu?
If it isn't Arnold then fuck it
Its going to be like Smash bros where he can swap pokemon in and out.
probably arnie with a cut up face showing the skeleton
>Le silly casper the ghost tier """death"""
>A toy gun
lmao no. Slayer's not being forced into that nu male sissy trash
It will be Arnold since he's doing the movies again. They will release him in October right before the new movie is out.
I hope this is fucking fake
That's retarded. I guess they've been told to shill the 2019 movie.
>no Shaggy
Zoom zoom zoom
I want to see what the new movie Spawn is supposed to look like
Might actually buy a MK game
>no robots
this list doesn't feel right. didn't boon say something about all the characters in the story will be playable at some point?
>no Mileena
Meh, still wouldn't have bought it.
>no robots
>Terminator is on the list
I know what you mean
>joker and terminator
Why are west characters such boring and typical picks
Frost is the robot rep for the game.
Just like they were in MKX right?
no he said the story wouldn't have any characters that weren't playable
>didn't boon say
Boon is an infamous liar, it's just most of the time he pretends to be shitty at it and plays the idiot so people lap it up because he likes fucking with the fans.
Where's my Rain, Boon?
>No Reptile
>No Mileena
>No Pennywise what the fuck
>Fucking Joker
He lied, in that case. Much like he lied about the MKX PC port being good.
In this modern, post-Smash Ultimate world, where graphics have mostly plateau'd and tech limitations are hardly a problem anymore, there is literally no goddamn reason people should have to worry about base characters being "cut" anymore, especially when a sequel releases within the same fucking generation and with nearly the same level of graphical fidelity. To hold back previously included characters on a "maaaaaaybe~ if you buy the first DLC pass~ :)" promise is fucking retarded and needs to stop being the norm.
>Giving a shit about what a shallow baby party game does
Reptile is getting milked by Brokeback Mountain
imagine buying this sjw game
now imagine buying it on a tablet that cuts the visuals (the only thing it has going for it) in half
now imagine paying extra money for the third joker in an nrs game as dlc
I hope it’s Ash from Evil Dead, we already have two pointless female characters. Made all the more pointless since the male kiddos are gone.
But congrats, my scale jobber is gone
Wouldn't it take 5 minutes for this NOT to happen?
It's ridiculous how it's been happening MORE lately, if anything.
Theoretical physics + Khaos Realm = Havik’s alternates universe incarnation
I really hope he has his Kalos team
Especially with launching with only 25, kind of ridiculous when it’s their 3rd game this gen.
But every character has so many kustom moves now :^)
Shang Tsung. Motherfucking SHANG TSUNG is DLC? Might as well make Liu Kang DLC while you're at it.
I never get how datamined leaks still happen. Why the fuck do they add this shit to games when the info of the DLC isn't even out yet?
To generate hype. It's basically free marketing.
I swear to fucking god if they actually pull this bullshit
who's the fake joker?
Or Chucky
Who knows. The port is outsourced, so there's a dedicated team working just on that.
If the game was on UE4 it would almost certainly be way easier.
Fujin, Sindel, Nightwolf and Sheeva? Why tf is joker even forced into another fighting game?
Literally WHO wants any of these jobbers. Talk about dodging a 40 dollar bullet.
As much as I love that fucker I don't want another Yoda situation.
>thinking Arnold will allow his likeness to be brutally killed
Also as govenor of Sacramento, he tried to ban violent video games. No chance he's in the game.
No shit, dumbass
No he's alive.
Confined to a wheelchair because of a stroke a few years ago.
>people want Spawn in Injustice
>put him in Edge Kombat instead
I recall more people wanting him in MK due to I2's zoning issue and for fatalities.
>some nonsensical directories are now a classified as a leak
At this one to the list
Spawn is perfect for Mortal Kombat. I want his chains to tear niggas apart.
He belongs in MKvsDCU2
>not knowing Ed Boon has been planting fake messages and characters in the code of the ROMs on the games he works on since UMK3
yall are some real gullible fucks
If the leaks are true, this might be the absolute worst line up of DLC characters i have ever seen.
You can't do that nowadays because rights holders could literally say you're unlawfully using their IP to sell your product.
Weird choice. The only way they can make him cool is if they just rip off Thunder from KI.
Fat L's for Mileena fans.
>Rain STILL deconfirmed despite being highly requested.
What the fuck?
Because if a shallow baby party game can have 70+ characters, even regarding clones and shit, there is no goddamn reason NR cannot put characters from MKX, which released 4 years ago yet still maintains nearly the same level of graphical fidelity aside from the newest gore porn tech, in the sequel without slapping a DLC label on them and pretending it's "hype" when that shit could've been in day one.
Is that Jack Frost?
>this niggas in MK
can't wait
>"...the core fighting is good, everything else is a total mess so far.."
good enough for me chief. who plays fighting games for single-player shit?
I thought native Americans weren't allowed in videogames anymore because they're racist and inaccurate depictions of actual native Americans?
He's good for both Injustice and MK dude. I can see him bantering with enchantress and hellboy.
leftists can't keep the diversity train on rails anymore
the ones that aren't actually coming out and you have to purchase afterwards anyway?
When are they stop jerking us off with these guest DLC and just make a horror movie fighting game.
games and software in general are extremely complex, like towers. Removing anything, even something arbitrary, could cause something else important to break. It's just not worth cleaning up that kind of code and risk breaking the entire thing.
this one's almost certainly deliberate though, given the ton of leaks coming out of WB.
The majority of people who buy NRS games. It helps them feel like they got their money worth. If casuals aren't happy then the brand is in trouble.
>IT 2
>another Chucky movie
HolloWood is such a bigass joke now.
this is very true. it's hilarious how it has the potential to be the highest IQ MK but at the same time it's gearing up to be the most casual.
This is too good to be true.
Nothing he can do about it. The terminator likeness isn't owned by him.
So stage DLC and Story Mode DLC confirmed?
Probably stage DLC.
Yeah, I would have been happy with either.