when was the last time you cried in joyful ecstasy when watching a game trailer?
When was the last time you cried in joyful ecstasy when watching a game trailer?
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never ever
Men don't cry unless you're a numale
A trailer like that would involved so many things that will never ever happen.
have sex incel, woman on twitter are already defending him and telling him how brave he is
their tweets are getting over 50k likes
Honestly, Sonic in Brawl reveal. It's true.
what year did they reveal heartgold and soulsilver again
Never. But I might shed a tear if they announce a Dino Crisis remake or Witcher 4 with Ciri as the protagonist.
This will be me if FromSoft does another Sony exclusive
We were so fucking happy
>losing control of yourself and cry uncontrollably over a movie that isn't even good
this is a bad thing
I don't think there's a trailer that could be made that would get me excited enough to actually cry.
Never, but I'm emotionally stunted. I rarely laugh or cry. I legit don't remember the last time I honest to god cried. I envy emotional people.
>rarely laugh
seriously? I'd probably kill myself.
I'm jealous. I don't remember the last time I was as happy as that guy
That poor guy is now a living meme
Never. But I think I honestly would if Half Life 3 genuinely netted a trailer. I say would, not will, because I've accepted that it's never happened by this point.
It's his own fault, who in the right mind would post a video of themselves crying over a trailer, particularly when the movie is bound to be mediocre
Never cried but the most hype I've gotten has probably been from this. youtube.com
>mad that a some loser on twitter is getting noticed by women
>is convinced that they themselves are not an incel
>It's his own fault
All the hates did was giving him more fans. Bravo
Why don’t retards apply that same logic to Trump?
Never. I have been moved by a select few soundtracks however.
This guy is quite the trooper, he's actually embracing the meme. Hats off to him for owning it.
He's a blatant shill. He's clearly forcing an act. NO ONE gets this excited for a fucking star wars movie now.
I don't care if he gets more popular, i don't even know who he is besides this shitty video. All I'm saying is he should've expected backlash when uploading a video that makes him look like a moron
The reveal trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3. I was 14 though
Would you say he's a stormtrooper?
He’s full of bean cum
first time i watched this shit, make my eyes wet a little because just how well the thing is edited
too bad i later discovered the trailer is just a mix of basically all the small cutscenes you encounter in the game and some memories, the fucking song in the trailer isnt even in the game
i played the funking thing daily getting hyped for the game and played it as soon as the Key for the Wii U version leaked online, which was like a full week before release
What other option does he have? Complain about people making fun of him and then come off as an even bigger beta bitch?
I legit cheered when i saw X in the first trailer of Infinite because I played X series since the 1st one, but I never cried
that is pathetic
Dude look at his channel, he had literally next to NO views on his videos until he released the video of him crying to the trailer.
>Uhhhhh like have sex inecl
I didn't cry, but these were probably the last time I was insanely excited for a game.
Devil may cry 5.
the first few seconds before nero rev'd the sword were making me nervous, and next thing i knew i was crying tears of joy.
it didnt exceed my expectations, it MAX-ACT'ed them.
Not really a trailer but I cried when they played that cinematic while announcing classic wow.
the closest was kingdom hearts 3 announcement.
too bad the game was disappointing.
>cried in joyful ecstasy
How does that even happen
If they announce AC6 that'll be me
>i almost cry while watching video game trailers
Never cause im not a retard. I would get hype but no flat out cry like a faggot. Not because crying is gay but because i see no reason to. I cry for emotional sad shit but not a fucking game trailer that will be downgraded and wont resemble final product
Everyone did during Twilight Princess reveal.
I wish I could get emotional with fiction. The only one that has made me cry (and still does) is the scene where the mother sings in Dumbo.
Maybe I will cry for something more meaningful in the future, or I will never get to experience it who knows, but getting emotional over for shit like this is just beyond me. Like I can't even grasp what kind of mental process these people are going through to reach this point.
To cry over for a corporate produced media that ultimately was made for one purpose. To get your money. And said product wasn't even good.
I never cry during reveals or trailers, but my cold dead heart skipped a beat when the first trailer for Breath of the Wild released.
..and then I played the game.
The "Darkstalkers are not dead" announcement at Comic Con. Too bad it turned out to be a lie.
>I literally cry while watching Star Wars trailers
He was doing it for clicks. No way anyone is that fucking s o y.
real fans don't watch trailers because they're full of spoilers and take away from the actual experience
Never. I reserve my judgement for a game after I've beaten in 100%.
GTA V Reveal Trailer, I didn't cry like this retard but I was pumped and happy
Amen brother, same here
imagine putting so much thought behind anything you see rather than just enjoying it.
I cried at the Gears of War trailer that came out in like 2006
I actually jumped of joy and grabbed onto my bedsheets like a little faggot during the reveal during the christmas stream.
imagine caring so much about trivial shit that you make the very man you hate even more popular
too bad I enjoyed IV more than V
why would you cry for a glorified commercial?
lmao you say that like it's a bad thing
this is bringing the soi meme to normies, now more people are gonna laugh at these white "men"
I never cried over something like that but I was fan girlishly hype for Cloud in Super Smash Bros
i think most normal people would rather leave the guy be and be happy about whatever he likes, user. you need to stop confusing Yea Forums culture for real life. take a break. go outside.
Except more people are defending him than attacking him.
operation CRAZY was a success, brothers
The DMC5 abs doom eternal trailers.
Based ACbro
I’m waiting for the day
Never. Iv never been that happy.
Closest thing I've felt was waiting for the first Animal Crossing game to release when I got the Nintendo Power guide before it. It was a truly magical time. I'd probably feel that way about Timesplitters getting a not shit new entry though or just ReWind not being smoke and mirrors.
Only acceptable time where Men can cry
>losing a pet such as a dog
>losing your child
>losing your mother or very close together father
If you cry outside of these circumstances your a faggot nu-male.
Kingdom Hearts 3 so many years ago. The trailer where he picks up Aquas keyblade on the beach.
I cried from rage when my girlfriend cheated on me. I only remember how hot the tears were.
Hey that's an emotion!
get new material faggot
that equates to losing your child.
Ace Attorneys have underrated trailers, and have had great voice casts since they started making them on DS (Miyuki Sawashiro as Franzie, Marina Inoue as Ema Skye and etc).
But think about the times when this trailer came out, Western fans haven't had an Ace Attorney game since Investigations, no patch for second one and this is how they pick up after anti-climactic Apollo Justice's ending, it felt great and a return to form at the time.
only acceptable times where men can cry: whenever the fuck they feel like it. your post reeks of insecurity.
I thought it would be a hypothetical DMC5 trailer but even that didn’t feel like how I imagined it would
I’m dead inside bros
You're allowed to cry over your dog but not your brother/sister?