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Best controller anyway.

QUESTION. Are arcade sticks good for 2d games? I was planning on getting one for hollow knight/ nes/ gba/gbc emulation

It depends on the game, since some pads are better for certain kinds of games but are useless for other games (like Flight sim joysticks, fighting game arcade sticks, or even the Gamecube controller for gamecube games)
However for general purposes I think the Xbox One controller (wired version) is the best controller I've ever used

I'm serious

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worst Dpad ever, fuck the Pro I want my 360 pad back

Sega does what NitenDON'T

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Is it good? How much

Just get the cheapest one you can find that uses Sanwa parts. As long as the stick and buttons are made by a good manufacturer everything else is pretty much just aesthetics.

You can also buy a super cheap ass one with crappy knockoff parts and buy a good quality stick and buttons separately and just replace them, which is very easy to do, but a bit more effort. You can save some money that way though, possibly

Best d-pad will always go to any dualshock

NES, SNES, and all of the PlayStation controllers.
Mentions to the switch pro but it doesn't feel quite right.
Xbox made me lose all hope with their 360 d-pad.

The only good D-pad Sony has ever made is the Vita one.

25 dollarydoos (for usb) I'll probably wait for the masses opinions over it

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The Xbox One Pro Controller is not only the highest quality controller on the market, but it also has the highest quality D-Pad for use with the Xbox One's massive library of games.

Make way

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>nes controller
What are you smoking? That thing sucks. Those sharp corners and it's uncomfortable to reach the start and select buttons even though they're used for many games for control.

Epic bait/ shill. That abomination isn't event decent controller.

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psp was way better. that clicking alone makes it worse


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>>>>>>>sony dpads
>where you can activate right, up and down by pushing left and vice versa
lmfao get the absolute fuck out of here, Wii U was the last DECENT D-Pad in decades. The fixed 360 dpad isnt bad, better than most others.

Nintendo is fucking retarded, they patent the one good d-pad and DONT use it

Here's your controller bro

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>Wii U was the last DECENT D-Pad in decades.
Wrong, see

Fuck no

If I were to build a controller it wouldn’t look like that

For a dpad to be even remotely good it has to at least be 4 separate plastic buttons, not the single cross shaped plastic. So I'm gonna go with no.

most definitely the vita

Yes, this is how I play all of my 2D games.

what am I supposed to play SMM2 with, the Switch Pro D Pad is trash I heard

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Aee the arcade sticks/buttons clicky?

PSP or PS Vita

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Short answer: sticks yes, buttons no.
Long answer: depends on who makes the parts. Any quality stick is going to be a very nice microswitched thing, but Japanese buttons tend to be these plunger switches that don't make noise and have the tiniest actuation distance with a required force so feather light you could probably trigger it by breathing on it. Sanwa and Hori buttons are both like this.
There exist some clicky buttons, but they're extremely rare on any (probably Japanese) stick you'd find for sale today. The clicky arcade buttons are SuzoHapp American-style parts with concave faces. Even the lower budget non-name brand parts on low-end Mayflashes and such tend to use Japanese-style non-clicky buttons.

So I just get a nice stick and it will be clicky? The hard part is getting a microswitched buttons?

Thanks user

Single Joycon

The pro controller's D-pad is the only thing I don't like about it. A good D-pad would make it a flawless controller.
PS4 controller gets my vote for best D-pad