You have to purify this world user

You have to purify this world user

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Feel like expert hardmode bosses are too hard solo. Can I git gud or do I need to grind more on regular hardmode?

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What's your current equipment?

Git gud or get cheese weapons. Daedalus Stormbow will carry you from mech bosses to fishron

titanium repeater and armor
where do you find the hallowed mimics

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I'll purify your hole, slut.

they're a rare spawn in the hallow, alternatively you can make a key of light with a bunch of light souls and put it into an empty chest to spawn one

can I purify your pusy?

>where do you find the hallowed mimics
Underground hollow I think but you can summon them, you can make a light key with light souls and then put it inside an empty chest and it will summon one

>titanium repeater and armor
Titaniom armor its good enough, maybe try to grind for the UZI on the jungle or make potions

>play the mobile version at work
>get to hard mode
>literally half of hard mode content just doesnt exist on mobile for no fucking reason
>cant beat any of the mechanical bosses because the controls are shit and none of the behavior has been changed
>half of the items you need to be able to beat them just arent even in the fucking game

I'm so fucking mad I wasted 5$ on this garbage.

I tried grinding for the UZI for like 2 hours, is the a way to get spawn chances up or some shit?

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play the pc version

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lol no im just going to dig around my property and leave the rest of the world to burn

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>I tried grinding for the UZI for like 2 hours, is the a way to get spawn chances up or some shit?
Use battle potion to increase enemy spawn rate and pray, recently I played expert mode and grinded for like 3 hours and it didnt drop so I went with golden shower and crystal storm, fucking shit dropped twice after I already had the megashark I was fucking pissed off

I normally do on my GPD win but sometimes I cant get away with having it out during office hours.

Why is that an excuse for half the content to be missing on mobile though?

>Switch version gets announced basically since the console launched
>We dont even have a release date
At least I hope we get 1.3.6 soon

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Welp, I'll try one more time since it's been like a week since I've last played. Thanks for the info.

Watch, it'll release with missing content. I've learned my lesson buying terraria ports.

in expert mode when does pure summoning become viable

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Next update when they add mid-endgame summons that arent shit.

>tfw it spawned the first time I went into the hardmode jungle in expert mode
>tfw I didn't have to get the megashark

Frog leg kinda sucks. Regen band could be upgraded with a Philosopher's Stone. Grab a Daedalus Stormbow with holy arrows and take on The Destroyer first, then you can use the bars for better armor. I like the Shield of Cthulhu for dodging but I understand that's not everybody's cup of tea. Most importantly though, don't be discouraged if you don't kill a boss- you get better with every attempt anyway.

So what orders do you guys fight the mechanical bosses? I usually go
>Skeletron Prime

I am doing a solo archer run. I just killed the twins and feeling good. One thing I learned during this playthrough is how god damn useful potions are. I spent a lot of time fishing to get that one fish to make ammo reservation potion. Fishing also helps to get a lot of gold to reforge shit to what you need. Another thing is that you do not need much armor if you can build your character fully to its class.

Get better accessories, during a boss fight you do not need a double jump + increased jump high + wings. If you want to go really bare bones all you need are the boots.

I usually do
>skeleton prime

Mainly because I love the twins summon staff.

summoner isn't meant to be it's own class
wear the summoner armours if you want, but you should be playing a sort of hybrid class with your choice of guns, spells, or swords

My plan was to fight the twins first so I can go fight the old one's army and get the phantom phoenix to hit multiple parts of the Destroyer, but after looking at the Daedalus Stormbow's stats I don't think I would do that anymore.

>Skeletron Prime

destroyer first, because he's pretty easy to cheese with stormbow or anything else that can hit a bunch of segments at once
i usually alternate between skeletron and twins depending on which of the two my current build handles better

anything better than i got there?

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>summoner isn't meant to be it's own class
I knoooooooooooow fuck you

I don't know, but I am doing a ranged build too and this is my set up. I highly recommend trying to get more drops with battle potions. If you haven't already got the endless quiver I would also recomend that too.

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>have GPS, Goblin Tech, and R.E.K. 3000
>haven't even done a single fishing quest
wish me luck guys

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Fuck he gives shit for the cellphone?

>Needing cheese weapons to beat the mobile Mech bosses
What the fuck are you on? I beat the Destroyer in a dungeon with the God damn water bolt

Maybe read again
that wasn't his point

>Got golden net first quest
>Got the fish power display on my 30 quest
>Got another one in my 60 or so
Fuck the angler

>mfw I did the 200 fishing quests achievement with gusto
Fishing in this game is the comfiest shit ever.

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The destroyer is no problem for me, I'm trying to beat the twins without access to ANY of the good items. I cant even find fucking Hermes boots because I'm 99% they dont spawn because I've stripped 3 expanded worlds with a drax trying to find chests. Half of 1.3 content was just never added so I cant get the ravens to make the twins doable, I cant get a daedalus because hallowed and corrupt/chrimson mimics dont exist. I can't even get the fucking shadow flame dagger from hard mode goblin invasions for fucks sake.

The mobile version is fucked and I'm mad they arent fixing it is my main point.

>I cant even find fucking Hermes boots
I've forgotten this pain
Having to rely on drops from undergrown chests is a true pain in the ass

Twins and SkePrime are super easy with the gravitation potion method. Just flip yourself all the time while shooting and your falling will almost always outpace their chasing

I honestly think they're bugged. I've done drills to hell every 16 blocks in multiple worlds and not a single chest has had Hermes boots. I am in physical pain at this point.

>where do you find the hallowed mimics
hallowed underground
you can make a farm if you need to, just dig out a bunch of tunnels and then walk around in them until you find one

you might as well ask why the newer Minecraft content isn't on the legacy console versions (non-Bedrock)
they're working on 1.3 for mobile, it's just taking fucking forever like every other Terraria update

this is like the one fucking thing I like about Calamity, there's a way to craft every item that can be missed if it doesn't spawn in a chest

water candle (blue candle dungeon) + battle potion + turtle armor (makes enemies more aggro to you)

This is why I love this game. Whatever you do can be imagined in epic ways. There is something great about controlling gravity as you fall around shooting a giant mechanical skull or fighting hoards of skeletons in a newly uncursed dungeon as you nimbly walk around avoiding traps. I just fought the twins while on my unicorn mount shooting from a repeater and running at high speeds through the lands.

New to Terraria. Is there any shame in using the wiki (as in does it take away from the experience) or is this the sort of game that is enhanced by using the wiki?

reminder that calamity is made by a literal discord faggot brony and that Fagsol's coding is actual fucking spaghetti and you shouldnt play his shit mod full of oc doughnutsteel bosses

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honestly? endgame, and even then they nerfed the stardust dragon versus when it originally came out


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yeah, I know, I put it down after getting past Moon Lord because fuck everything else. that's why I said it was the ONE thing I liked

also the soundtrack by DM Dokuro is worth the price of admission though, holy fuck

There is no shame, but the guide will teach you a lot in the game. Every time you get back to your town give him the new stuff you found and see what you can craft. If you get stuck definitely use the wiki.

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That is sad to hear. I was going to do a calamity run. Any other recommendations?

I did. The corruption and the hallow have been safely confined a couple years ago.

thorium, fargo, alchemist npc

imo it's worth a try, but don't feel bad if the new bosses push your shit in, it's horribly unbalanced and the creator can't beat his own mod

>the creator can't beat his own mod
Sounds like a challenge.

so i beat the game once and ran out of things to do
then i did a dwarf run where i couldnt go the surface unless i built tunnels and beat moon lord there too

is there anything new in this game

2nd reminder that fagsol is a nigger

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Any news on terraria 2?

Get the ankh shield right now. It makes everything in expert much more bearable. It seems like it takes a while but it really doesn't.

Anyone here play the pvp often? I kinda like building shit for pvp but the community itself is a bit stifled at best.


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>new to terraria
I envy you user, I'd give a lot to experience this game for the first time again

>Hytale comes out before Terraria 2
>Terraria 2 dead before even being released
Re-Logic is so fucked.

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i agree, fishing in this game is very nice

>Hytale shilling
begone with your shitty minecraft clone, they're entirely seperate styles of game

is dryad the sexiest?

Actually, Hytale™ is precisely a mix of Minecraft's world exploring and build, with Terraria's bosses and challenge based progression.

We could very correctly say it's a style of it's own, but also say that it's both Minecraft's and Terraria's style. Impressive, isn't it?

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have sex

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imagine playing games on your phone like a fucktard

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I'd give you my dirty rod for 10 gold if know what I mean.


absolutely, i have hundreds of hours and still check the wiki pretty often
it's pretty much essential if you don't want to keep walking back to the guide every few minutes