Where is the Risk of Rain thread? Get in here. NA east 109775240996669740
Where is the Risk of Rain thread? Get in here. NA east 109775240996669740
>talking about and playing a new video game means it has to be on /vg/
>get happiest mask
>kill wandering vagrant
>vagrant ghost nukes all the enemies
I nut
respoting my shitty OC, now with shitty accompanying art.
>Onboard Contact Light because he felt the planet call to him or whatever. It works.
>M1: Psy Blast- Fires off a psychic bolt that seeks out enemies for 75% damage. If locked on (think huntess), it's 100%. Comes out of your head.
>M2: Psy Bomb- 200% AOE, that stuns all caught in it.
>Shift: Afterimage- Leave a psy clone that draws enemy fire, allowing you to slip away.
>R: Mind Control- make an enemy fight fro you for a few seconds. When the time runs out, it lets out a psy bomb to all those around it for 300%. Does not work on bosses.
I just played RoR1 as the enforcer, gotta say he's weak but it feels more from a lack of care rather than anything else, once I stopped trying to use him like I do more mobile characters and acted like a walking fortress my biggest concern was shielding at the wrong point or enemies somehow striking me through my shield.
I think Enforcer in RoR2 would work, a walking fortress in 3D focused on crowd control and preventing enemies from reaching him sounds fun.
>loop twice, shit for damage, only saving grace of build is foreign fruit and fuel cells
>everything that isn't a boss is an elite, might as well be shooting super soaker at enemies
>mfw sticky printer
Can you believe there are people that used to say commando was weak?
wow they really made the game easy as fuck with the last patch
Yeah it's pretty funny when people sleep on the strongest character in the game that's also the default
he's got a pretty unsatisfying start, but boy, can he proc some on-hit effects.
he's up there
honarary chad tier for sure. maybe even full chad tier along with engineer and CHAD-T
I would play but I'm not feeling well, maybe next time
Hopoo should really put a waiting time when enemies spawn, wisps can charge up their attack while they are spawning and ditch a shitload of damage before being able to do anything.
that's okay, get well soon friend
still open
>glacial jellyfish spawns behind you
need elite cheevo
merclett detected
2/4 but one user is taking a shit rn
Rest up friend. Remember, tomorrows forecast always has a chance of condensation.
invalid lobby id
host when
US Central Vanilla
host when
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Risk of Rain 2. The playstyle is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the maneuvers will go over a typical player's head. There's also the games nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the environment - his games playstyle draws heavily from rogue, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly engage in the depths of these playstyles, to realize that they're not just fun- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Risk of Rain 2 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the item stacking in the engi build "Bustling Fungus 4 days" which itself is a archetypal reference to the sustinence and symbiosis of man and nature. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hopoo Games's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have an infusion tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the guild's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 loop averages of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
US east monsoon vanilla
Did I win the lottery?
how does catalyst work with MUL-T anyways? does it reduce the cooldown on both use items, or only the one that's active?
personally I think that plenty of other reds would've been better considering that you have enough fuel cells to make the cooldown be low enough anyways
how the FUCK do you get deicide? on the off chance you get deep enough and find enough mountain shrines at once AND it spawns the right kind of boss, does it count for everyone in the game like log pickups and other shit like that, or do you really have to get the kill yourself?
US East Vanilla
Why yes, I play Commando
How could you tell?
>all other lobbies are full
i host too, then
US East, Monsoon, Vanilla
>so many full lobbies
you guys want to use the 16 player mod I found on the dev discord?
is it modanon?
>I found on the dev discord?
Where the fuck did all you discord trannies come from? Get the fuck out.
>get happiest mask
>kill clay dunestrider
>ghost grabs me and gets me killed
haha fuck
What build do you need to get Merc to level 20 without mass sticky and gesture of the drowned?
NA West Vanilla Monsoon
wtf do i do
wait 17 seconds
soldiers syringe and lensmaker's glasses
invalid id
Vanilla Monsoon no lunarfags
>shadowplayed it
>still uses desktop recording
109775240996669740 get in here faggots
Shadowplay doesn't recognize RoR2 as a "game" yet so it defaults to desktop capture
Reopening when?
Intro theme is great. Can't wait for an actual OST to be implemented. There's surely more music since it's just early access right bros?
Haven't played for a week. Did quickplay get fucked up? Can't even start games properly without weird bugs out the ass right now.
game sucks. you can go out of bounds whenever you want to avoid damage, the enemies never stop piling up even when you're out of bounds so it will roast your fucking cpu, and they thought it was a good idea to make the teleporter, you know that thing that is the main goal of every level, NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE TO SEE!
yeah good shit, instantly refunded
come back when its actually launched then, dipshit
What mod
Can someone translate this post to something intelligible for me?
You know that the teleporter gives off embers in the air around it, right?
There's only one mod around here, discord tranny.
get in here you pizza loving faggot 109775240996669740
I've got a 2012 toaster and game plays fine despite there being like 1gorillion enemies. I dont' know what it's magic is. Teleporter isn't hard to see either, that's only a real complaint in the swamp level.
I can only guess he's from third world shitposter with a 240p monitor and running the game on his handme-down integrated-gpu laptop.
1.5.2 is the latest
invalid already?
lol no
we already have a 16 player mod
>Your death was extremely painful
Wait a minute...
uswest vanilla rainstorm/monsoon
get out discord tranny
Mod user fucked the first download link then
game dead already? when will it be alive again? when's official release?
maybe it just says 1.5 even though its 1.5.2
did the dll you downloaded say 1.5.2
why on earth do you think its dead
host when????
then ur good. mod user forgot to change the thing to say 1.5.2
The hardest moment in the game
Y'all still going?
in game right now
Bombs. Especially with what you have already.
Why is MUL-T such a fucking powerhouse?
>double hp than other characters
>2 active items
>dps god
What's the point of playing other characters?
Link to the mod pastebin, modanon didn't change the ingame version number between 1.5 and 1.5.2
stand aside
>invalid lobby id
Glad to see we're all in agreement that FUCK wetland aspect
game sux
where da content at
Lemurian tiddies
Nice to see people have good taste in stages at least
Yeah, I also thought that. The first two levels were surprisingly good.
All of those 3 are incredibly useful on Huntress.
Ooga booga where da vanilla US lobbies at?
The zone is shit, especially on first loop where you probably don't have extra jumps or speed. Compared to aqueduct, which is essentially a Mario kart track, it just sucks.
>incredibly useful
no they aint. you should be getting crowbars, slugs, and rose bucklers
clover is too fucking powerful holy shit
almost felt like cheating every time i came across one
vanilla US west
Where are the modded vanilla lobbies
Just because something is even better on commando, doesn't make it garbage for everyone else. Syringes and scythes are great on anyone, and they're playing solo, so it's not like they can offload those "not useful" items to anyone else.
Unrelated, here's another run sacrificed to the moon shrine of blessed OCD.
how do I engineer
At what minute mark do Elites spawn on monsoon? Deicide feels so RNG.
spam photon harpoons
I was hoping the mountain shrine would glitch out the boss so I didn't get instantly anally annihilated.
It did not, and I did.
> happiest mask + clover
> you now have more dudes on your side than they do
be a fungi
hoard all red items
Oh lord
Go fast, eat ass
The instant I move I catapult into the stratosphere and nearly die.
Amusingly enough, crowbars can be fairly good on Huntress if you stack enough of them.
uswest rainstorm 109775240996796780
Blessed run.
Will die next level.
>walk normally
>press shift
>vanish from existence
I thought about it for a second.
user you ARE the faster
So how does one host? Do you need good internet for it?
You start a private lobby and then copy/paste the lobby ID anywhere. Then whoever just selects/copies that ID and clicks the join from clipboard button ingame
It's hard to control, half the time I was just rocketing into walls.
Thanks for the info
So NA vanilla when?
when you make it
So, never
gonna fap then host
I decided to try the first game again after like a year and wow this game was shittier than I remember. I can't believe that a soundtrack this good got wasted on a game this bad.
hey thats nice very good bait proud of (you)
hell no
This is my best run yet. Was just trying to get [REDACTED], but it turned into a god run fairly suddenly and I ended up getting Deicide and The Long Road as well.
Did I do good?
why do you hate fun
wetland aspect is my favorite :(
The discord tranny thing is a completely separate thing than just discord user. Quit trying to fit in so hard.
Reminder that he was "nerfed" only on his base movement speed by a fucking 12.5% lmao
Is it 4 player or like 8+? Anything more than 6ish is just kind of shit. Also do all modded games work to play together?
NA east
If you quit when you die i'll fuck you with a rake
Roadmap when?
"Corrupted Profile"
What the fuck bros? I just lost all that data. I found how to do the character unlock, but what about items? Is there any way to reunlock all those? Or is there a way to recover my corrupted profile?
grind them all again pussy
holy fucking shit risk of rain 1 is hard, i can't beat it
Thats it, you leave me with no choice
US East Vanilla
Guess he needs to fuck himself with a rake.
Apparently something about this item combo causes infinite black hole shots which slows the game down to non-playable speeds and can and will drive you mad.
Stupid cheevo fags
I think it's on the first map you get it or something. I had it happen and had non-stop missiles coming out on the snowstage.
US West Monsoon Vanilla
2/4 cmon you fucks
Has Hoppo talked at all about planned story content/cutscenes? Really hope there's sequel potential here
why do yall do this
there's barely any people here already and now neither will fill
if you have no use item, and on the same map(no teleporting) get gesture of the drowned and THEN a use item, it will go apeshit and activate every frame.
Except that this means all my items are gone and I have to unlock them again which is annoying. I’d really rather not focus on grinding out some bing-bing wahoo achievements and just enjoy the game. Imagine corrupt profiles being a thing in this day and age.
>buy early access game
>it's buggy
just edit your save, you got them already
He doesn't know how - and frankly, neither do I. I've been grinding out the last few items I need (fucking crabs) but yeah if I lost the profile I'm not sure what I'd do to get the progress back.
But I got gesture of the drowned in the newt market, then teleported to the map everything went to hell on.
I will, just need to find the lines to past for item unlocks. Characters are easy but I’m still looking for items. It’s annoying is all.
Just like any other class, bears+damage items, except you also want to get up to (43?) bungus. Turrets are also decent at procs. Magazines are completely useless (woohoo one more mine kek).
Rando red item tips: hardlight afterburner makes you have non-stop bubble, rack turns you bungus into mega deeps but haven't looked into how its damage works so not sure if rack would replace any/most need for damage items. Dio's teddy bear is also best on engineer.
Eh, in principle it's shit, but then it is early access so it's kind of in the disclaimer. Why I don't care for this game because I only play Chadmando anyways, and the tedious item unlocks are nothing special.
Thag you berry much
Steam cloud save?
One is the only timezone that matters and the other is US West dumbfuck
Just verify your game files with steam
Should retrieve your latest good save
So whats the best way to compete the elite boss on monsoon? Keep doing the first stage until I get one?
it only counts if you kill one after one loop
Play on Monsoon as you normally would, but hit every shrine of mountain.
become fungineer
holy fucking shit did you cross the whole map in like 100 milliseconds kek
official 16 player support when
these were the best, but all the modded lobbies are fucking dead already
They're dead because they're shit. It's fun to do it once for shits and giggles but that's it because it's mostly shit and not giggles at all.
Where my vanilla US rooms at?
Reinhardt with a shotgun is the dream.
>They're dead because they're shit
they're dead because the game is dead, there aren't even any vanilla lobbies hopoo's making sure to drag out the updates so everyone gets bored
Vanilla lobby US
>game bugs and enemies won't stop spawning
hey witchanon, huntress card when??
It's anywhere from 11PM to 2AM in the US, retard. There's 25000 people playing right now according to Steamcharts, but most people on Yea Forums are American and likely not playing right now.
NA lobby
I was cheated out of my meme build
good final run everyone, I was a little worried when the tele glitched but I'm glad we made it through
server is now CLOSED everyone go to SLEEP
Vanilla lobby US
invalid lobby ID :\
South africa reporting in
Fuck it, posting my own
NA East vanilla Monsoon
nice code
forgot the lobby ID
Also, fuck you, and fuck this posting limit. Get in here.
When the fuck does this golden altar show up? I think I've hit critical mass here.
its random
I haven't seen crabs on Titanic Plains in fucking forever. I just want that shell.
They can show up pretty early
Earlier today i had 2 golden altars show up on the same map.
Fuck. I'm getting really bored so I think I'm going to just call it by obliterating myself.
NA WEST Rainstorm
>feel like playing
>start up game
>try to join quickplay
>errors joining, never get full 4/4 rooms
>remember I have to deal with jews and the need to zoom around the map because jews will take up all the chests if you don't
>stop trying to join after 5 minutes
>feel like playing again a few hours later
>turn on game and lose will to play for same reason
Honestly if they implemented it so chests are only visible to you and boss drops are only visible to you for 5 seconds, I wouldn't hesitate to want to play so much, and I'd probably play this game every week for a long time.
they're usually there on the first loop on a high enough difficulty