Do your part on keeping Smash Ultimate clean by reporting all fag and tranny shit like this.
Do your part on keeping Smash Ultimate clean by reporting all fag and tranny shit like this
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if it was sony this would be featured
rent free
Sadly that's true. I just hope that Nintendo doesn't cuck out over this like what they did with the feather when RetardEra lost their shit over it.
first tranny flags
next communist flags.
and nazi why the fuck not.
this should be a game
who could draw the obscure-est offensive flag and get past the mods
I mean if that Climax stage lasted that long before getting shoah'd, then we could try that.
Is Nintendo secretly based?
No, if this was Sony, we would be based posting but we know for a fact that won’t happen
They are not in the wrong
The only reason these stages were made were so trannies can drill it into the minds of kids
Don't celebrate too soon. Whoever's doing this must work for NOA, not Japan, and so is fully aware of what deleting all these tranny badges will do.
This means there's a strong possibility that they'll get canned and NOA will apologize.
Extremely petty. Grow up.
Why are they so eager to do this? Becoming a tranny isn't like kissing a dude, it has permanent consequences. Borderline grooming.
>I'm not going to post his IG handle or anything but here's his full name and where he goes to school
what an idiot.
what does this have to do with smash stage creator btw?
Found the tranny that got its stage deleted. Isn't it time for you to go dilate?
>I don't wanna give this kid clout but heres his full name and what school he goes to
Yeah ok, whos the real bad guy here?
Stopping child abuse is "petty"? There is no such thing as a "trans kid," and people in the future will look on people like you as people today look back on child sacrifice.
It's always the one on the side of the mob that in the wrong. A simple joke is going to be taken as "too far" since the tranny already has many outside sources calling the school for his head.
Jesus, they're both fags
based zoomer
I wonder if they can feel some sort of phantom limb effect. I want to ask, but everything is offensive nowadays.
Help him get his ban and move on.
Based Nintendo
>censor tits in video games
>complain when they get censored back
classic case of can dish it out but can't take it
Fuck you, faggot enabler
>Nintendo can clear out Smash stages but not the furries and lgbt posting in Splatoon 2
I know your game is fucking dying this summer but at least make the plaza more tolerable it's always lgbt posts, furries, and the obligitory squiddykat post in my plaza
I'm sure there's plenty of men that cut their dicks off on Yea Forums that could tell you.
They should update their TOS to remove low effort shit.
Don't even like Nintendo, but this is gold.
my existence is NOT political. nintendo will rue this day
Based, nice to see kids still know mental illness when they see it.
Its political,Talks about sex(transgender rights is about sex),They would also take down your anti trans stuff,Nazi flags,Religious symbols.Nintendo isnt against trans genders.I mean they even have a transgender fish in the game!
You can't be both bisexual, straight and asexual
this person looks down syndrome
>anime avatar
>get made fun of by cisgenders
>anime avatar
Imagine that
Twitter trannies go up my "list of things I hate most in the world" every single day
>heres his full name and school, attack him for me!
>omg if hes gonna get attention so am I! Follow my ig!
>ugh, now hes acting like a victim cause I doxxed him and hes getting threats, baka
Mentally ill, pure and simple. And schools/media are enabling this fucked up shit.
What the fuck is this supposed to mean and why do trannies always do it
>Flag is literally built on the concept of advocating for rights
>Is not political
I would imagine anyone would agree human trafficking should be something no one has to worry about but I don't think anyone would be surprised if Nintendo said Smash is not the fucking platform to be advocating for it.
Chris-Chan after an expensive surgery.
Holy shit, that looks like this fat bitch I used to be friends with before she went fucking psycho from Tumblr's influence.
Mob mentality is scary. They're angry about someone getting bullied, so they respond by collectively bullying that person. Humans are just fucking bloodthirsty
That's funny, because it looks like the fat bitch I used to be friends with before she went fucking psycho from tumblr's influence.
Allow me to posit something: all fat bitches look like fat bitches.
Well if this isnt proof enough that trannies are crazy attention whores I dont know what is.
So what exact rights do trannies not have?
does twitter ban doxing or what? this shit is actually dangerous.
Being treated like a biological woman in every way as if there's no difference
Only doxxing of the left.
Based Nintendo cleaning up degeneracy.
Only if the ones being doxed are/perceived to be oppressed minorities.
>letting underage kids get doxed cause they're meanies
thats a hot look for twitter, even this place doesnt allow it
Literally only when they want to, which usually means only left leaning people are protected.
If you have a twitter account, report it for giving out private information. That's fucked.
But that's not a right, there isnt even a law that grants that to biological men or women.
Nintendo gets more based every day.
He fought the good fight.
Gonna get expelled though.
We specifically keep the bathrooms based on genitals so we don't have to wait in the long ass lines they keep making
I mean yeah
I would expect a MAGA stage to get banned for the exact same reason
Please do this in Splatoon 2 too. Seriously, the plaza in that game is a cess pool of tranny shit.
most that might happen is that he'll get suspended for a week or so and she probably might get a lesser suspension for doxxing him as well.
I saw a Splatoon 2 streamer a few weeks ago brag about reporting "Sub to Pewdiepie" posts while praising tranny faggot ones. It's a freaking kids' game! They don't need that rainbow reich shit in there.
uhm thats fucking BASED
How based can Nintendo get
honestly based
I remember playing halo 3 and reach and the peak of file sharing retardation was edgy shit like 9/11 maps and shittily made anime girls made of forge assets instead of political cringe and trannies.
Why does Yea Forums hate trans people now?
I'm paying $2 a month for nintendo online just to be shown this shit so fuck off.
They're doing everything in their power to make people hate them.
Is that part of the fucking map? I didnt play much splatoon 2 but I dont remember being able to spray paint your drawings
There's a stage on the "by popularity" page with the tranny flag. Report that one ASAP.
>trans rights now
What do rights do they even need at this point?
More tea.
So you want laws that make it illegal to misgender you?
I hate trannies so much.
I think that's the one with "Snake Eater" as the music
Co-opting of everything and revisionism (i.e. your post)
They think rights mean being respected.
But that mental illness shit will never be accepted so they think forcing people to do so will make everything better.
get out of gaming, terfs
TERFs don’t play video games.
Trans women do.
You retarded ill faggots were never welcome.
Kill yourselves trannies
Doesn't work like that.
Is this not the website that launched the career of Bailey Jay?
Splatoon 2 has the first game's Miiverse functionalities built in. So if you draw something and upload it, there's a chance it'll show up on a map.
Why don't you stay on your containment board instead?
>not outliving your enemies
I won’t die until the last TERF, the last Boomer, and the last liberal do.
I didn't even have to cut it off for my 3 incher to gain 7 additional phantom inches. I just wish women could feel those phantom inches
>openly trans kids in HS
damn. things have changed fast.
And here we are for the co-opting part.
BRB buying a switch
I wish this was ironic but nobody besides Twitter trannies uses the term TERF so I know it isn't
Not from me, but some cool anons are fighting the good fight
Absolutely fucking based.
so what happened? made fun of trannies and now she wants people to dox him? won't she get in trouble for that anyway?
Because armed trans women don’t get bashed.
Do I need Nintendo Online subscription to upload stages?
you're legitimately a fucking idiot if you think threads like this are anything other than alt-right retards baiting each other
when you are bi you are both straight and gay. to also be asexual you just have to be ugly enough that neither sex will fuck you
>there are teenage boys walking around dressed as girls and using the girls bathroom in public high schools now
Make it stop.
Things to get destroyed far quicker than it takes to build up. Hopefully I’ll be long dead before we collapse though.
Absolutely based
>arm trans women
Too bad most trannies are anti-gun.
They're too stupid to put their thoughts into words so they just type gibberish to communicate their anger.
If you had your way this person, who was born a woman, would have to use the women’s room.
why does the government let trannies change gender? Its just harmful to them and doesn't make sense to begin with.
I’ve never met a trans woman who wasn’t pro-gun, if she didn’t own one herself.
At most, they dislike American gun culture, but don’t want anything banned.
Well... it's like what Reggie said, "Politics are for other people to deal with."
>"Game devs are censoring our freedom of speech!"
>game devs censor free speech you don't like
>"Based devs!"
I guess "free speech" only applies to titties and racism.
Stop making shit up. It is not healthy.
If that dindu was actually born a woman and now looks like that we’ve long since passed the point of dystopia.
At least you understand.
I don't give a flying fuck what adults do. If you can't see the difference between children and grown adults you're retarded.
the right to exist. if we can't make everyone aware of trans people every second of every day then we practically don't exist. it's basically genocide.
Why would trannies wanted to ban guns??
People hated them and would hurt them anytime.
They should be wanting guns so they can defend themselves when the time come.
Unless they are menta-
No, If i had my way this mentally ill person would either get a bullet. Or theyd received some real help and not a Dr Frankenstein treatment.
Dont worry your depression will.
>keep it classy to avoid others turning the focus on you
>posts it on twitter
What an egomaniac.
Why would the government stop them? The have the freedom to ruin their genitalia if they so please.
ehh just playing by their rules, didn't cry when shit I liked got banned won't cry for their literal gay shit getting banned
If I had my way a woman who looks like that wouldn't exist in the first place because she'd have received mental help instead of mad doctor surgery and degenerates egging on her dillusons.
And yes she should still use the ladies room just to drive home how insane it all is.
>Version 4.0
>Sheik removed from the game
>Birdo no longer spawns on Kingdom II
>Vivian spirit removed
>Kirby can no longer copy female characters because then he’d be a boy wearing women’s clothing
We've always hated trans """people""".
You're just confusing the discord invaders who pretend that trannies aren't mentally ill with true Yea Forumsirgins.
I(we) also hate niggers, jews, and jannies.
this is maga hat on an anime girl tier
>If that dindu was actually born a woman and now looks like that we’ve long since passed the point of dystopia.
I see those scars underneath the pecs so it's possible.
I cannot even understand what the kid is saying why can't he speak english?
You sound like a real jerk.
wait. doing that can make you trans??? fuck. I thought all the pasta I been eating was why I was getting tits
>He doesn't remember the LT days
T. Newfag
They're obnoxious whack job attention whores.
Who does this person think she/he is? Sakurai works his ass off to make something for people to the point where be becomes sick, only for people like this to shit all over him because, "Oh! They censored my stage!" Amateurs... I'm all for LGBT rights, but if they do not want politics in their game, they do not want politics in their game! Heck, I drew a character in stage builder and I got penalized for Copyright, am I mad? No, but I understand why.
not when it affects everyone else. this is why the "it doesn't matter what people do in the bedroom" argument is bullshit, because it definitely does matter if the consequences of what you do affect everyone else. you should not be allowed to act on delusions at everyone else's expense. we treat schizophrenics, we should either treat or kill trannies, no other option.
In the U.S. you can be denied housing, a job, service at a store etc. for being trans. It's not legally protected against discrimination yet.
Because being equal isn't enough, and they also want to make it against the law for them to have a bad day.
based marx
I just think its messed up. Changing your gender because you "feel" like it. Its harmful mentally and physically. If a girl wants to like boy things she should like boy things. she shouldn't change genders just to do it.
Sailor Moon was responsible for hatching many an egg in the 90s.
If you care this much about it, you may be an egg too.
I like to think these "people" would be killed on immediately by 2D worlders the second they opened their mouths.
>what a meanie!
>Nintendo can clear out Smash stages but not the furries and lgbt posting in Splatoon 2
They did, ages ago.
You want to kill me? Sounds like your beliefs would affect other people.
Protip: If someone calls a mentally ill person a "trans person", it is enabling their ill condition, not helping them at all.
I always thought he didn't have a gender
>no we are not mentally disabled
>what do you mean we can't keep the benefits of being considered disabled
There are only two genders. We’d better remove Kirby entirely in that case. Don’t want to make any political statements.
Kirby is an entity, therefore he does not associate.
You lost to us once already, Fuhrer.
Kirby is Kirby.
>2D worlders
based cartoon bigots
When will you guys admit that watching anime carries a high risk of trannyism?
>You lost to us once already,
commie here,go back to the gulag
>you want to kill me?
wasn't even trying to out you and you just outted yourself, either that or you're baiting, but otherwise that's pretty funny.
>sounds like your beliefs would affect other people
yeah, but for the better, so it's fine. getting rid of mentally ill people (literally delusional in this case) is a boon to the rest of us. if they don't want to get treated, they get the rope, it's as simple as that.
>No politics or sexuality in game that isn’t about it.
Everything checks out.
It's the other way around. Mental illness carries a high risk of weebism.
That’s why I support killing all the conservatives. They want to render the planet uninhabitable, so their deaths are a net positive.
The only good Republican is a dead Republican.
What baffles me is isn't someone young on their prime.
But grown ass man cutting their dicks and doing this stupid ass shit. Seriously what the flying fuck.
>Game devs are censoring our freedom of speech!
idk anyone that's argued this, it's fags that try to pressure them into pushing degeneracy in their games even when said fags don't even buy them that's the problem. regardless, i'm all for censoring degenerate bullshit, couldn't care less, see
>raise some hastily made missmatch of communist and lgbt symbols
>nintendo ban ussers that put political shit into their customs scenarios
Just suicidal dummies who didn't get the point.
>Look into this to see what's up because the screenshot doesn't provide context
>Some douche wannabe vlogger makes fun of some faggot and posts it online to spread around his school/internet
>tranny in training gets assblasted as trannies do and makes it a larger issue and tries to get people to rally onto the douche instead of just using the school/law against him
Social media really is terrible for young people, it really should be an adults only thing.
He looks like a catholic guy from Ohio who tried to convert the employees at my tim hortons
Good job by that tranny. Fuck vloggers.
>You lost to us once already,
>implying big soviet guy living in -40 while starving but surviving out of sheer determination were onions drinking tranny
your talking about two different thing
stop making sense
Wtf this shit is actually normal now?
I graduated high school in 2013, and nobody ever mention anything about trannies
>Make funny of trannyfag for doxing over trash talked
>Blocked in literally less than a minute
>This stupid shit
>The "slur" in the Persona song
>Another article complaining that the problem with the Cuphead port on Switch is that it's TOO good
Did Nintendo do something to piss off the "journalism" outlets recently? Just a bizarre flurry of bullshit being thrown at them in the last 24 hours or so.
>They want to render the planet uninhabitable
and how exactly are they doing that?
>The only good Republican is a dead Republican.
pretty much agree since they're good-for-nothing israeli drones.
The euphemisms you invented for your mental illness make me sick.
>sailor moon
Way to fucking miss the point.
archive for the cuphead article?
>Another article complaining that the problem with the Cuphead port on Switch is that it's TOO good
... huh?
it's almost as if children are easily to influence because their brains are so malleable
>messy hair
>clearly just hasnt showered in at least 2 days
Nintendo is pissing off "journos" since they switched to direct format. Also social media makes easy to spread news.
Climate change denial and gutting environmental protections.
I'm pretty sure it's being swedish that does this and less so anime.
Not even moot ever sank this low.
>The American localization that changed them to cousins
>When just about any anime fan that delved into anime the tiniest bit knew about the truth of the character
He's trash for children 4
2 days about the normal amount of time one goes without a shower, though. Unless you live a life in which you exert yourself everye day like doing physical labor or heavy exercising, in which case showering once each day or so is best.
>t. stinky neet
Reminder that video-game journos will never truly fit in with the rest of the left because they can't go as full anti gun as the others.
Go back to playing Melee.
>Vivian spirit removed
typical tranny retard only knows old memes. Vivian has always been female, the whole crossdresser bit was a mistake made by one translator who didn't finish the game.
fucking people shower every day, washing your HAIR is what people do every 1-3 days depending on how coarse/thick/oily their hair gets you fucking disgusting degenerate
It was from Variety, but still.
Alright you damn fiend, stay right where you are!
>31 years after ww2
what the fuck, one tranny from the future killed Adolf Hitler?I guess diltation is fun now
Fuck you, post the actual link
Retards. Only NEETs are dumb enough to think people shower every single day.
>The "slur" in the Persona song
what did I missed?
This response pic is so ironic considering Halo is also drinking tea...
It's because they keep coming back
Go fuck yourself. Don't shill trash articles here.
Maybe reread my post moron.
Not if you can be helped
Cucktaku misheard some Nip mispronounce "retort it" as "retarded" and got their shit kicked in by angry Nips correcting them.
Did you really not have that one kid? I graduated 10 years ago, we had some faggot transvestite in our school. They didn't let him in the girl's bathroom of course, and I don't know if he was taking hormones or if he tried to make people call him a she, but he was definitely walking around wearing female clothing.
They actually did a cleanup on splatoon 2. But yeah those fucks come back.
I still don't know why the fuck those games tend to attract those kind of retards.
Sorry, Mr. "journalist", no clicks for you today!
not much, just some more retardation from none other than kotaku.
ah just hot air, I wonder if the average music and movies journalists of the past decades where this shit.
Some idiot on Kotaku released this article saying that Nintendo put a "slur" in one of the songs for Persona. The Japanese singer was saying "Re-target" in English and the person was really, REALLY stretching it by claiming they heard "Retard". The comments were filled with people pointing Nintendo wasn't responsible for creating the song and then using Kotaku's own logic and pointing out how racist and ableist the person was by basically mocking the singer's accent. Author made a whiny post that they were retreating from social media for a while.
fuck, i quoted the wrong person, thanks for calling my dumbass out.
was meant for
Showering every day being a detriment to your skin has nothing to do with the extent the affect it has on basic personal hygiene and the amount of which people can tell you're a smelly fucker. Continue to believe that people can't tell, though.
Some might be looking for attention. Some see that these people get away with a lot that they dont. Some are egged on by others, at the end of the day. I think those who do wish to have transition surgery should have a few visits to a shrink and if they are not insane or have that disorder that makes them think they are something they are not. Then let them do the surgery but make sure they know what is most likely to happen.
Well, I get his point, he's not shitting on Cuphead but complains that easiness to port made ports less interesting and less technologically sophisticated.
Because when they get reported and deleted once it becomes a personal war and they need to keep pushing more of it.
>really, REALLY stretching
Bullshit, I had to listen to it like 20 times before I was able to hear it as anything but retarded
But that doesn't excuse the journalist, they should have done some fucking research before they posted the article.
>hundreds of thousands of doctors and dermatologists are all wrong
>only my paranoid ass is correct about something I have no knowledge of
I work with a huge variety of people on a near daily basis, and live with 3 others. If I smelled, I would be told, and likely insulted. You have no idea how hygiene works because you are a brainless NEET.
I hope you're a teenager and not a full grown man. And I hope to God you're not a woman.
Just a reminder that black women absolutely fucking hate trannies.
>hundreds of thousands of doctors and dermatologists are all wrong
>only my paranoid ass is correct about something I have no knowledge of
I work with a huge variety of people on a near daily basis, and live with 3 others. If I smelled, I would be told, and likely insulted. You have no idea how hygiene works because you are a brainless NEET.
Woman in general hate trannies.
20+ years of interacting with black women.
They also generally hate faggots.
Nah, white women bend over backwards to appease trannies, black women will literally fucking mob them (granted black trannies are still usually tough bastards, since they're still dudes, so it's better to have some other men around backup).
I'm not going to be looking at the ground to notice a drop of blood, but even if I did, I'd assume it was nosebleed related
God you don't know the half of it. In my high school there was a FtM trans and it was a friend of a friend. God, it would carry a spray bottle and would spray people who would misgender. God, that cunt was insufferable.
smash players everyone
>Black tranny
I really doubt that such thing exist, niggas either get fat or hulk out, there is no inbetween.
Teenagers need to shower more often than adults because puberty produces more hormones, which ends up leading to more sweat and oil on the skin, which leads to zits and odor. Adults are able to shower less often without issue unless they live an unhealthy life style, which would lead to heavier odor. Fat people are the only ones that really have an issue with BO unless someone has a medical condition. That's likely why people on Yea Forums think daily showers are required.
And nobody reported it?
If that cunt sprayed me I'd lay him the fuck out.
White people need to stop being pussies and remind these fucks what a good ass whooping feels like.
Nah, they exist, especially in shitholes like Atlanta.
I remember seeing two giant trannies (literally 6'4-6'6) beating the shit out of each other at a mall when I was there, shit was hilarious.
are trannies the new furries? both are obnoxious as fuck.
Whatever you say, you disgusting manchild. Next time you notice someone giving you a weird look, you'll know why.
Reminder that even a 2d woman is more of a woman than you
>no rebuttal
>no arguments
>just more shitposting
Never happens, never will, NEET. Enjoy your mom's basement.
>Give the most suicidal minority group firearms
Nope, never reported. I remember an incident during drama class where we had a substitute that day. She wasn't a very good substitute and I don't recall what exactly triggered the tranny, but they got on top of a table and yelled at the sub.
>giving crazy guy ak47
fucking retard
>white people need to stop being pussies and remind these fucks what a good ass whooping feels like
>going to jail over beating someone that has a 40% of doing more harm to themselves anyway
There's no argument, you're a disgusting slob.
Same shit that made people ignore that tranny that walked into a store armed with an axe.
People have been conditioned to tolerate and ignore these people in public because anything else means facing repercussions.
its not like public toilets werent already HIV risks but come on
>Going to jail
>Over a fight in high school
What kinda shithole do you live in?
Just shows how unhinged this person is that the assumption that anyone would know or care about that shit was present in their spite filled head.
What a poor degenerate.
You seem think you're replying to a mirror.
blacks have higher levels of estrogen while having the same amount of testosterone compared to whites
Didn't that guy who shot up the grocery store he worked at a few years ago think he was a lesbian ghost in a man's body?
The more I think about it the more I realize that we need some kind of tranny register so we can know just who the crazy fucktards are.
that's violently ugly
What the fuck:
>Nintendo enforces their "no politics" policy by banning any faggots who try to pull a stunt
Where were you when you realized Nintendo was the most based company on Earth?
tfw they dont want to tell you because they think you would notice after a week also every smash thread should have an amazon link to buy some deodorant
graduated in 2015 in australia and nobody heard about tranny shit back then.
not even slightly passable. fucking yikes
I'm the one that bathes, bro. You've pretty boldly declared that you don't.
Kirby is of an imaginary species in an imaginary world. You're a real life man whose brain is so defective it thinks it's the opposite sex and wants the rest of the world to share its delusoon.
God I hate trannies so much. I just got back from an Alice in Chains concert today and this fucking blond wigged turbo trannie bigger than I was was standing right in front of me.
>not allowing me to soapbox and grandstand in every entertainment medium is the same as HATING me and wanting me DEAD!