Who's winning, Yea Forums?
Who's winning, Yea Forums?
Define winning.
I don't know how the best posters in any given thread are almost always the first posters, too, but here we are
Who's the guy on the right?
Slavjob Zelnick I guess.
>an actual academic vs. an alt-right Youtube eceleb
Who do you think is winning the debate?
>Now, when you look at communism and remove the human element, it might seem like a pretty good idea. But it's when you examine it more closely that you start to realize - well, this hasn't been thought out too clearly! It just won't work! It the same thing with gender fluidity - a transsexual will tell you that gender and sex are distinct concepts, and that gender itself is performative. And you might think to yourself: "well, that makes sense. I mean, there are intersex people and hermaphrodites, so maybe there's a little more to this than you'd think". And that's not an unreasonable conclusion to draw! But then you take one of these freaks into your bedroom, and when they take off their pants - there's the chaos! Nothing means anything anymore! A man with a mangled penis is now a woman with a vagina? I don't think so! God, I hate transexuals so fucking much! Clean your room, goddammit!
>the two foremost reddit casuistry-spouters of our day debate each other
It's dog shit, bud. Anyway, Marx nailed it best and first. There's no reason to read anyone other than him.
>God, I hate transexuals so fucking much! Clean your room, goddammit!
Based and red-pilled, die libcucks
Jordan wants you to breed babies and be responsible for them, and also stop playing video games, fuck that shit.
The one which screams louder.
kek. I want to breed his daughter I'll reduce my gameplay time.
Both are pretty good but stick to their guns. It is the best way to have a duel but who wins in a duel. One leaves dead and the other a villain.
Not video games
I have never seen someone get exposed this hard.
Petersen began by admitting that he's never reed Zizek. Then for no reason he started attacking the Communist Manifesto. Then the audience laughed at him. Then he started talking about postmodern neo-Marxists. Then Zizek asked him what that is and he couldn't define it. Then he admitted he read the Communist Manifesto once as a teenager and once before the debate and the audience laughed at him again. Then he said communism has some good ideas.
Petersen doesn't belong on that stage or any other.
For me the queshtion ish not *sniff* why the room needsh cleaning... *pulls shirt* but why cleaning, needsh the room.
Sho shay you shlay the dragon and get the princessh *sniff* and sho on. My queshtion for you would then be... what happensh the day after?
Do you guys realize Jordan only directs his content towards the first world? he never fucking talks about third worlders, it's like they don't even exist. He talks like everything he spouts it's absolute, but apply his ideas to a different fucking demographic and everything falls apart. All his data, all his research, all his studies, all his fucking paradigms don't fucking apply to god damn Brazilians or Indians or fucking Zimbabwe etc.
Nobody needs a reason to attack the communist manifesto.
You intelligent enough for a public debate on the subject
Why would anyone waste their time on subhumans?
Because they're the ones breeding, migrating to your first world, taking your fucking jobs and voting for your god damn presidents.
>Communist versus Communist
Nobody wins unless they both die, okay. God bless liberty, freedom and the American way, okay? Freedom isn't free and Commies are NOT people, God bless you.
His content is about humans not monkeys
their bank accounts. 6.2k were watching the official stream alone for 15 dollars each.
i clapped
And I care about the third world... why?
I can't believe people paid for that shit.
None of those people matter lmao
and they're too fucking stupid to talk to about anything. they are locusts. you tell them what they want to hear, and let them sort themselves out. you don't tell them things to better the world, you just get the retards grunting scenes from Idiocracy from that.
nah I'm sure they have something that's similar to a primitive room there
The only reason the first world exists it's because they exploit those subhumans and make them work for 12 hours a day and pay them with pennys. The moment they get tired and stop trading with you and start trading with China isntead you'll start caring because of how useless your shitty paper money will be.