How the fuck do I deal with dual monitors for pc gaymen?
How the fuck do I deal with dual monitors for pc gaymen?
don't duplicate your display retard
I have three monitors, one plays the games, one has chat open, the other is for whatever I want.
>deal with
There's nothing to deal with, faggot.
Clear out that desk since it's full of useless clutter, and buy a keyboard with Numpad you dumb zoomer scum.
It's not my desk, you retards.
>he hasn't learned the godliness that is a vertical monitor for browsing
Get two of the same type.
Then what the fuck are you even asking, faggot?
Do I just put it on one monitor or what?
Yes, obviously. That's what it does by default.
vertical 16:9 is absolute garbage
vertical 4:3 is very nice
Never reply to my posts again
If your main screen is a 1440p144hz gsync I don't see any reason to get another one as a secondary screen
Based retard
one monitor for gaming one for other stuff
Yeah, but how can I have Windows desktop on one and game on the other?
game on one monitor anime feet on the other
By not touching the monitor settings?
Why haven't you joined the Ultrawide master race?
Looks kino.