"It isn't a Port Machine guys"
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Goddamnit, wasn't it supposed to be 30?
yeah and I can play genesis on steam and PSN so I guess those are port machine too. Whats your point?
I picked up the Linux version of this for sale a few years back for about $5.
Okay and?
They want to sell their best game to test the waters, what’s the problem?
Capcom and all the others did it
I dont know. The pc is a port machine and no one says anything.
>nintendo so desperate for ports they ported a 26 year old game
The problem isn't with the ports, it's that everyone is highballing the prices to shit. FFIX at 20 bucks, Deponia at 40, Syberia at 30, etc.
>I dont know. The pc is a port machine and no one says anything.
Because PC often has the definitive version of a game and it often gets games that are only on one console. Switch ports of games are often major downgrades over other versions with worse performance except for lower demand indie games and such. The only thing the Switch has over other version is portability.
not really a port when you completely remake it
Learn the difference between remake and port idiot. New Link's Awakening is still ass though.
Is couch coop new? I had it on PC so I dunno if they added that before now or not
>software sales are higher than average on switch
>"why so many ports on switch????"
They know Switch owners are starved for games
Plus you gotta offset the cost of the expensive devkit. You don't even need a fucking devkit to make PS4/Xbone games, they're PCs.
It's supposed to be a port machine. The appeal is portability. As long as performance isn't horrible nearly every game is better off played on the switch. I'm really excited to play RE4 for the millionth time but this time in my bed and around my house and on my toilet and my balcony.
>As long as performance isn't horrible nearly every game is better off played on the switch.
As long as portability isn't a factor, nearly every game is better off played anywhere else.
Most people can set their games down for long enough to leave the house now and then. I get if you commute on public transportation for hours a day like most of Japan but elsewhere it makes little sense. I drive to work, I work at work, and I appreciate the nice hardware that I have at home where I enjoy playing games the most. Portability is a complete non-feature for me
There should be some kind of law keeping people from making glorified emulators and charging high prices for 10 year old games. How is this not a scam?
I filled up a 400gb sd card with pirated switch games and it's nearly all shit I downloaded for the novelty. "Diablo 3? On the go?" It sounded interesting. Then I booted it up for 2 minutes and never touched it again. After you play the system's 2-3 killer apps, it really has nothing going for it aside from the fact that it's a portable port machine
are they really charging 39.99 for a game that came out 8 years ago
hey guys did I mention I pirate my games, btw I pirated these games
>he doesn't use his switch while his wife is sitting beside him watching shit on Netflix
It's more likely that you truckloaded the console. Same thing happens when you boot up an emulator with all the games.
99% of the Switch's catalogue is games that aren't meant to be played on a handheld.
It really kills the purpose of the gimmick when nobody actually uses it when developing games.
>best game
SR died on 2 and 2 was best.
>you truckloaded the console
Never heard this term before. Something like pirate's curse? If so then that's part of it, sure, but I mean, the reality is that aside from BotW and Odyssey, most of the games are very average. And I played Bayo 2, MK8 and DKCTF on the Wii U
Yeah, pirate's curse. I enjoy the games, never had a Wii U.