Why does smash online make me so nervous? I like playing smash...

Why does smash online make me so nervous? I like playing smash. And being able to play against other people is a lot more fun than com players.
But something about the online just makes me nervous. Like full on palms sweaty and heart starts beating fast. Like the other person is judging my every action.

Attached: I don't play as yoshi but this image is an accurate representation my myself when playing smash (297x479, 284K)

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Because I am judging you retarded ass moves

That's very hurtful user

You have performance anxiety, simple as that. It's just a matter of getting to used to playing others and getting more confident in your own skills.

This, but yours sounds particularly bad, OP. I'm assuming you're a NEET?

you'll get used to it user, you are always improving remmeber that OkayChamp

something about online always have me team with the worst player in team mode.

half the time they die, borrow a stock and then they lose that one before I die completely.

>Like the other person is judging my every action
I am, otherwise I won't be able to make the right read when you miss your first tech

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I am probably the only person that thinks this way, but I prefer to play against actual people one on one instead of against people online.
>Piranha Plant comes out
>Play online
>Actually win
>They were just someone even worse at the game then me, and it wasn't even close, so it barely even felt like a victory
>Joker comes out
>Play online
>Actually win, but it was against someone bad at the game, and they were using "large hitbox" Bowser

And yet, when I play my friends, it feels good to lose in a close match, and even better to actually win. It sucks having nobody nearby me to play the actual game with in person.

It's ranked anxiety. I have it too. Sometimes you end up tying too much self worth into the results and you end up feeling like shit if you lose too much. You either learn to play through it and accept that you're not going to win every game against every person, or you play in unranked/battle arenas with a more relaxed atmosphere, but you often have to wait.

Because, like me, you unconsciously put your personal worth in video games because you're failing everywhere else in life. If you want advice, try to ignore all the bad feelings when you do bad and put emphasis on remembering the times you did good.

I just hate the online in general
>shitty connections
>the terrible GSP system
>win five matches in a row, lose the sixth match, all five matches worth of GSP is taken away, all five victories meant nothing

All of this, online is so frustrating because the delay even at best connection possible feels horrendous, and it feels like you're just fighting the game rather than the other player. When you play with someone irl there's perfect connection, player interaction, a legitimate dynamic between you two that goes beyond "I need to beat this guy"

Blame the GSP system.

At this point I have more fun playing against level 9 CPUs than quickplay niggers, even in elite good players are a minority and most of them are campy mother fuckers that are only capable of cheese, even the input reading bullshit form the CPUs cant compare since they will eventually approach

you know you're facing a person and not a cpu

>palms sweaty
Knees weak, arms are heavy

>But something about the online just makes me nervous. Like full on palms sweaty and heart starts beating fast. Like the other person is judging my every action.
Stop being a faggot.

This. You should be able to turn it off.

because low gsp hurts your self esteem

>But something about the online just makes me nervous.
Is this your first fighting game online? I used to feel that way when I first started playing fighting games. Just knowing if I win or lose all depends on me.

>But something about the online just makes me nervous. Like full on palms sweaty and heart starts beating fast. Like the other person is judging my every action.

I do this whenever I play any online game. For me, the biggest problem is armpit sweat. No amount of deodorant or antiperspirant helps. I have to keep a rag around just to soak up all the sweat or it will drip down and make the sides of my shirt wet.

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I honestly hate fighting everybody online, they either always have a gimmick they constantly use or are just annoying in general
the worst is when they can't keep their finger off the jump button for more than half a second

GSP literally cripples online.

-Don't want to get too high because Elite mode is cancer
-Don't want to get too low because you want to at least have some dignity.

I stopped playing online except for arenas with friends when they aren't playing locally with me. I just got sick to death of playing upwards of 2 seconds in the past on average. Win or lose, it was never satisfying. Quickplay netcode and the input lag make playing online a nightmare. The difference between me online and me locally is literally night and day.

I thought I was the only person that gets like this too
I get shy playing with or against randoms like some sort of faggot

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everyone sub elite is just retarded though, all you have to do is make one good read and their morale cracks in half, its not till Elite that you face players that dont shatter under pressure

Ranks or points in online games should be hidden from the player and only used in the background for matchmaking, prove me wrong.

I am shocked at how many rage quite I induce. What's the point? Don't even understand the mentality.

kek fpbp

Its one thing when people rage quit a 2 stock deficit but all the rage quits from the first stock loss I have seen make me livid, Instantly block anyone that pulls that shit

Playing a level 8 CPU is a far better learning experience for learning competitive play than online. Over half the people in quickplay would fall apart in local play once their reliance on lag or spam dissolves.

It gets harder the lower you go. I've been choking and losing against the worst shitters out there. Once you get one stock off of them, they go into full on unga bunga mash mode and there's almost no reliable way to defend or punish against it.

Any advice?

Play locally where unga bunga mash mode doesn't work

Arenas in a pinch, despite lag still being a factor. people actually like to play the game in veteran and glorious smash

>Level 8
I see this specific level mentioned constantly. Why 8 and not 9?

>watch a spectate match of a 300k Shulk and a 280k Lucina
>shulk was pulling off crazy shit I never see in elite like shield monado mid hitstun and simultanously turning on smash and uptilting
>he still managed to lose to a Lucina that only used fair and had terrible spacing and 0 game-sense
How do people like this exist? I wish I could save replays of spectate to prove all the crazy shit I see

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Is it me, or has the connection gotten so much better since 3.0?

level 9 reads your inputs harder, both will execute competitive combos and high level tech like rar's and B-reversals

300k? Not 3mil?

Wouldn't input reading be good for training?

>don't want to get in between because you'll only be fighting ganondorf

yes 300k, I couldn't believe my fucking eyes

8 is the most "human" of the high level CPU. Level 9 CPU have unrealistic reaction timing and perfect dodges/shield/etc, and simultaneously become the more predictable of the high levels CPU as well. For example, a Lv 9 CPU will be spot dodging and parrying all game only to walk into a smash attack you've been charging for a year, 8s usually don't do this in my experience.

Smash Quickplay is not fucking fun.

t. 4m average gsp

a big part of competitive play is reads and baits and you cant make either on someone that knows what you are going to do before you do it

It's no worse than playing against unpredictable 80k GSP retards

That's what happens in quickplay. Put those same players in a local match, and I'd bet it would be a curbstomp in the opposite favor

ironically they're perpetuating their own shittyness at the game by giving up instead of recognizing their mistakes and learning from them

No worse, but no better either

>the worst is when they can't keep their finger off the jump button for more than half a second
This. My friend and I call them “leapers”. I’m glad I’m good enough to consistently shut down terrible, predictable playstyles like this

Fucking this. visible GSP and “elite” exclusivity was a terrible idea.
I have so many characters that I love and just can’t play in Quickplay because Elite simply doesn’t work for matchmaking 2v2s

I have it worse. For some reason my hands literally start going numb. I always have to stop for a bit after like 2 matches then resume.

any fellow hand sweaters in here?

What CPU character has the best AI though?

Doctor Mario
most of the time it seems to be completely random on their AI quality, sometimes you will get a link that crosses you up perfectly every time and does crazy comp style bomb plays and sometimes you get links that spam smashs like scrubs at the same level

Ranks are fine since they motivate you to improve, what's not fine is losing half of what you earn just from running a set with someone. Rematching in this game absolute horseshit and lobbies can be equally cancerous

I'll take splatoon's ranking system over ultimate's any day of the week

I felt a similar way back when I first played call of duty online. I was really nervous. But after playing a while it stopped.

i have a 52% chance of winning a match online. it's pretty rare that i come across someone so good i can barely touch them, but when it happens or if i'm just against a tough opponent, i get very sweaty and i have to open a window. my heart does race too. this is honestly the only game i feel "competitive" in. I've played around 800 matches with sonic, 400 with cloud, and 200 with joker. i feel pretty good with sonic but i always lose to a pac man. desu i lose way more to characters that are deemed bad by Yea Forums. like pac man, PP, and i'm not too sure who else usually kills me

Ranks would be more motivation if fighting games had more of a feedback loop beyond

>you win!
>you lose!

The next big fighting game advancement is surely more in depth game stats and pointers in places the game recognized you were lacking in?

A coaching system would be interesting, but almost impossible to pull off effectively

they could just have real players do it like TF2 did, sure there are enough autists in the community to make that work

Would it though? Games track and analyze so much as is, surely a coaching system would be viable in some way.

Maybe some kind of partnership with well known tourney people? Like, they could make and upload advice videos and take in user gameplay to critique and give advice. Nintendo could add a section into the community area of the game menu for training/advice videos where these kind of videos could be presented. Not some kind of native video, but hosting the youtube videos there.

Who's the character that makes you the sweatiest to fight against?

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>no online squad strike

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the Marth brigade

DDD and Pac-man, I never see them but when one shows up they always kick my ass, DDD is the worst since he always dips the first match

tfw get into a match and its laggy as hell. Dont if its you or them. But they act like a smug little shit when the lag kills you.

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I get hardcore anxiety only when I dumpster somebody extremely badly in a competitive game, especially paper mtg. I just start to feel bad if rng rewards me well and I don't go easy. used to happen to me a lot when I played dota and the enemy team would be saying to report the mid player I shit on all game.

anyone else already sick of joker

just made one kill himself by playing as sonic. could literally not keep up

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He's really fun to play

Don't let it bother you. youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A

There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti

>everyone I play against either has laggy internet, runs away for the whole match, or tries to abuse walkoff stages
>forever gonna be a 2 million GSPlet

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>main roy
>go into quickplay
>the uncomfortable amount of lag forces me into approaching with only shorthop aerials
>face ganondorf and get DORIYAAH and ganoncided in the same match
>realize i've just become one of those shitty anime swordsmen faggots and just made some smug ganon main even more full of himself
Yeah I'm done.

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but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop combos

>play as sonic
>joker tries to get back up the stage with the rope
>jump near the edge as sonic and up special
>joker dies

fuck yes. lmao. joker is fucked. that rppe leaves you vulnerable as fuck. even with arsene with enough damage he gets hit by my spring and bounces against the stage and dies. then i sanic dance

Ganondorf, because even though 99% of his players are spamming shitters who can be curbstomped if you know what you're doing, the fact that fucking up once is usually instant death puts me on edge.

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Ganondorf is unironically a top 3 character in the shitty online.

you deserved it faggot

olimar players are rare but they manage to ruin my day every time I play one

Honestly I have trouble even turning around and doing a basic jab. I can't block punish. I can't even follow fast moving enemies with my shitty eyes. I can't get a block out in time against a dashing opponent. My movement is garbage. My spacing is garbage. I can't ever land a grab. I can get them to high percentages but I can never KO. Every match I'm pretty much trapped in mid air or on the floating platforms because I'm a pussy and also a fucking drooling low IQ borderline retard from a long line of worthless retards.

Probably going to hang myself.

Smash online I don't mind because there's no form of communication with the other player. I get sweaty when I play Dota 2, so much that I stopped playing. I couldn't take on the insults when I messed up, especially over voice chat, and would feel like throwing up after every match.

the fucking samuses (sami?) are always such pricks to play against
>retreat under side bf platform
>shoot missiles
>run up and grab if you shield
>fair if you approach from the air
>roll away to the other side if you get too close

it's just a game bro

You fit in just fine with everyone else in quickplay

what character are you playing, these are all easy fixes

Roy, recently joker

Have you tried using FAIR and NAIR

>shoot missiles
shielding is fine, also practice parrying

>run up and grab if you shield
neutral air out of shield when you see her running toward you

>fair if you approach from the air
don't immediately jump forward to approach, shorthop back, doublejump back in and punish

>roll away to the other side if you get too close

I still lose at 80k GSP

>gets clapped by missile
>gets clapped by charge shot

parrying is tough online, and the grab is usually accompanied by a missile that puts me in shield stun or hits the jump
double jump fake out and dsmash are good tips, i'll keep them in mind

you arent playing a brain dead enough character then, play Link, Samus and Ganon like everyone else does

So far? Just Pichu.

>lose match
>get angry
>lose again because being angry makes me try too hard

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yoshi ever since smash 4

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Let's set up a lobby, I'll show ya a non shitter Samus.

It's the exact same shit from smash 4.
For glory started that cancerous shit. It's also why you still see people running up and shield grabbing, or people playing little mac and abusing super armor.

This is why I stop playing after 5 or so matches. The stulid gsp system only makes it worse.

I feel you.
>Play online
>Armpits get drenched with sweat no matter how much deodorant I use

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You have an anxiety disorder

>Learning Mega
>almost every Arena match ends by the other player disconnecting after losing a stock or two
I don't even play him spammy, hell what the fuck do you even call "spammy" mega man play literally half of his moveset is projectiles wtf else is he supposed to do

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