Are you a sore loser or a graceful loser, Yea Forums?

Are you a sore loser or a graceful loser, Yea Forums?

Attached: Desktop 03.17.2016 - (972x724, 2.79M)

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Based black kid.

I only play single player games. Which means that I am an incredibly sore, salty, asspained loser but no one else ever sees it.

whitey btfo yet again

I'm a bad loser but it keeps me motivated to keep winning

rent free

Good black kid.

sonicfox, is that you?

BBC wins again
how will whites ever recover?

Real shame that future black bull didn't throw his pitbull at that lanky-ass faggot to finish him off

>"graceful" loser


Based. That white kid will become a subscriber in the future.

hope in humanity restored slightly

Well I'm not gay, furry or a nigger


This makes me angry, black kid is probably from a poor background and will probably grow up to be discriminated against his whole life, he just wanted a moment of happiness, the white kid should have him let the prize after seeing him cry but no, he just ignores him


>black kid is probably from a poor background

>seeing this compared to "MATTAH FAK- EAT IT NIGGA EAT IT NIGGA
Is it how you're raised or is it genetics?

Lol just kidding im gay

That's not a sore loser, he's just bummed out because he lost. That's normal. Go look up some FGC salt highlights for the real good stuff.

Science has taught us that it's typically a combination of both. Genetics give you a predisposition while your upbringing environment sets off the trigger.

>children act more like adults than everyone in the FGC

Haha faggot

are you fucking retarded that was to show that the kid wasn't a sore loser

I mean, he's probably got his own Wii U at home if he's playing competitively, and the adults that hug him at the end are probably his parents so maybe he's living a decent life.

This makes me angry, this poster is probably a nigger

Why are white boys so fucking bitch these days. Black duds are having fun and white boy is just taking it all seriously.


Holy shit.

>Which means
Does it, though? Does others enjoying MP make you upset? Does your lack of meta knowledge, quick pattern recognition and similar skills make you upset?

post the jwong one

White privilege is losing against a black person and still try to get attention by crying like a little bitch because a superior race put you on your place

No one’s biting these falseflag bait posts anymore user, it’s not 2015

at least he's not a nigger

I'm not a loser. I never lose. That's why I'm a virgin.

>so fucking bitch
esl niggers are not allowed on my board

White people are pathetic.

You posted the same thing worded differently 10 times, do you think someone’s going to be brainwashed if you post enough times?

Rage video game culture needs to die.

they're like 12 you immense fucking retard

Graceful I hope.
I always get a sense of pride when a friend beats me after learning how the games work off of me

the black kid won you dumbshit

t. LowTierGod

I don't see anything wrong here, they even both shook hands and hugged. Am I missing something?

I dont get it, did the black kid win or the white kid?

>fell for the bait
you fucked up

Maybe he's just astonished by the other guy's performance and is crying from happiness to have witnessed such skill, as well as having had the opportunity to have a player of such caliber as an opponent. And later on he will let that other guy fuck himself in the ass while dressed in a cute frilly clothes to complete the catharsis.
You're just projecting. You're the one who is racist here, of the internalized variety.

Tryhard esl monkey trying to stir the pot, that’s all there is to it. Range ban for south america when?

grow up

Implying a liqour store-robbing negrozoid would have any class.

>41 posts
>only 29 unique posters

If no one tells him no one’s biting he’ll keep repeating himself. It’s not like I responded within 5 minutes, I gave him enough time to question himself first

>Yea Forums will call this kid a nigger

He looks young, and losing sucks. At least he's competitive, that alone sets him apart from a lot of the pussy "males" walking around today.

that kid is a nigger

We are all niggers here so it's okay, though.

He might grow up to be one but he seems like a good kid, this thread has a lot of niggers though

>ywn eat a black creampie out of a womans pussy
why even live

Shut the fuck up bitchboy.

White kid is a faggot and is going to turn racist because of this.

>Father watching his emaciated indoors kid lose at the one thing hes wasted his life on.


Yeah, your life story is sad but can we please stay on topic?

I bet the dad masturbates to cuck porn.

>two kids playing a fighting game
>someone has to lose

Oh no the horror! Better start talking about cuck porn and getting blacked! Why yes sir Im healthy in the head yes!

I hope they keep him away from guns. Another mass shooting in the making

doesn't really seem like a sore loser. just really disappointed.

Kek. Forreal though why are all school shooters always white or white mixed?

Because they get rejected by girls.

lmao what a bitch that white boy is
you can be a disappointed but at least show half the respect the winner is showing you to not look like salty bitch
cancel white people

This thread is terrible race-baiting bullshit.
It's not even good race-baiting, it's the most obvious samefagging shit I've ever seen on this website.

What? Black kid won, white kid lost. White kid is upset like most competitive people would be, he doesn't do anything horrible, he just stands in the corner being angry.

Why are white people like this

>He has to be kissed by his head

>White kid is upset like most competitive people would be
no well adjusted competitor acts like this. only psychopaths do.

A little disgruntled on the inside when sober
Completely calm and no fucks given when drinking

Attached: 1549250391282.gif (320x240, 2.09M)



Attached: Pokken Tournament moment 37.webm (700x800, 2.37M)


Because the majorty of people with mental illness are Caucasian

Because spoiled white kids' egos are so fragile that the worst thing that's ever happened in their life is stacy said no to prom

>You will never be this autistic

How can I cope

that vid just supports my point

Isn't Blitz Chess more about not fucking up rather than outplaying your opponent?

Also chess autists are weird.
Wasn't there a female player who was pretty good and some player complained that she was cheating by hiding some shit in her makeup?

>you will never be this chad

But Magnus is a well rounded adult

At low level maybe, at a high level you still need to see several moves ahead. And yeah, but no one takes those claims seriously

>School shooter
>Mains Joker

Attached: F0B081CA-187B-4934-91C0-7C8781239D04.png (150x342, 67K)

>At low level maybe, at a high level you still need to see several moves ahead
Of course but isn't it common to make moves that aren't that good in Blitz or at least compared to normal chess. You do have much more time to think about moves

Yeah, people usually take riskier moves and generally see a lot less moves in front of them so the moves aren't as well thought.

White people are so pathetic nowadays. Even with a father hes weaker.. pathetic.

I see Joe Biden has adapted

A real homeboy will always know empathy for that struggle and show love for that hustle.

The white kid probably had to study and get good grades to be allowed to go there by his parents while the black kid probably just went there and his mother is glad he's inside playing videogames instead of going on the streets and hustle and eventually get shot by a nigger
>falling for dumb outrage-media

rent freer than a detroit apartment

>wh*tes get the BBC yet again
as expected

kekked because true

the dad probably wants the black kid to cuck him with his wife after that

Ungraceful. It's why I avoid multiplayer games.

I lose and I don't really care, so I try to make it clear that I don't really care, which in turn makes them think I'm extremely butthurt, and then I have to dig my hole deeper trying to explain why I'm not butthurt. If it isn't clear, I'm autistic

What's he "falling for" exactly? It is outrageous how a dude can pinch a little girls nipple right on CSPAN and no one says a thing. You haven't seen it, have you?

post vid

I expected him to just punch the winner.

>What's he "falling for" exactly?
Outrage media that has been a plague for too long.
Also arguably the anti-men narrative