What Japanese games are you looking forward to in 2019?

What Japanese games are you looking forward to in 2019?

Attached: 1554377654516.webm (1490x1080, 2.99M)

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I could be wrong but she looks korean.

Thenk yu fur donation and user kun tehehehehe

Astral Chaín
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Daemon X Machina
Pokémon Sword & Shield
Persona 5 Royale

Asían women are gorgeous

Attached: IMG_20190309_170137.jpg (1024x684, 70K)

Can you please just source me?

What a fucking 10/10

that's definitely korean also i wanna have sex

she is korean. this fag has been making this bait thread with this disgusting plastic alien constantly because "it upsets weebs lel"
you don't have to be a weeb to hate disgusting k*reans

I could be wrong but she looks mexican.

Imagine wearing a push up-bra twice your size.

the plastic look is unironically better than the ugly natural look of asians

The ones that aren't PS only

she's plastic

What does Korean pussy taste like


Attached: asians.webm (544x750, 1.95M)

What's it like to bang a Korean chick?

Kys. I'd fucking kill someone to have a gf like that.

literally the same as any other

She is mexican.

Code Vein


like rotten kimchi


Didn't say prettier retard. I still love my own race's women.
>duh, you can't liek 2 different races!!
fuck off already.

But what are the into?
Like, Japanese women don't mind rimming men and like to spit it out afterwards. Spanish girls are all up for anal.

What are the Koreans' niche?

Definitely, you can always tell when they look inhuman

She still looks ugly even with makeup, can't change some things
Some koreans though are naturally perfect

Attached: 41297731_458631571309576_3946940942044364800_n.jpg (320x480, 16K)

cherry picking retard, don't make us post british "women". The only good looking white women are ironically the supposedly subhuman slavs.

Built for Jewish cocks
I'm Israeli and wish more Indians would immigrate here

melting plastic mixed with sour kimchi

>Like, Japanese women don't mind rimming men and like to spit it out afterwards. Spanish girls are all up for anal.
>What are the Koreans' niche?
dumbest shit ever, you know the majority of Japanese and Spanish women or what? kys

Reminder that the majority of korean girls receive plastic surgery as a gift for their birthdays just before entering high school

>Korean idol
Are you having a laugh

I do actually.

>I'm Israeli and wish more Indians would immigrate here
I don't see why not. Cow and calf worshippers should get along easily.

Whoa, asian women use makeup!? Well this is a dealbreaker, time to go back to $ETHNICITY women who are just naturally attractive with no enhancements whatsoever.

>all that plastic
>face still too flat


Attached: women.jpg (735x661, 127K)

>she's plastic
So like my figurines only full sized? Sweet.

Now post the pic of the gook parents and their three kids with coin-slot eyes

lol this. Like do other women think they look good naturally? I'm not retarded.

this one looks promising

Attached: love3.webm (640x640, 1M)

DAMN mexican women look like that?!

Sorry user, but this is what a real nip goddess looks like

Attached: kawasaki.jpg (740x1110, 119K)

One i had literally tasted like a fresh grape tomato, sweet as juicy as fuq. Ate her out for like 30 min.

lol butthurt because your precious little insects are disgusting as fuck

How much surgery did this Korean have?

Is it weird that I think literally all 4 of them look better than middle?

Now post the vid of white girls doing the same shit. I'm still waiting for it fag

I don't need yellow fever to call out your faggy bullshit.

why is she so flat

Attached: realise the power of high cuts.jpg (683x1024, 82K)

>posting inferior Koreans


Attached: LCBD-00790-1080p.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

yikes, have sex kpop kreep

flat is justice

Kind of hard to hide the 200 kg of fat as a white woman, even with state of the art make up.

yes because they're children, you fucking pedo

The Yea Forums tards here have bigger tits than that
IMAGINE being this flat and calling yourself a woman.