If 2chan could do it, why couldnt we?

If 2chan could do it, why couldnt we?

lets try and make a yumi nikki fan game.

Attached: Madotsuki.png (200x200, 1K)

Other urls found in this thread:


get this storygame jrpg game OUTTA MY FACE FAGGOT

how many times do we have to say it: Yea Forums cannot make a real game. It has been tried numerous times and flopped numerous times. It will never happen

then who made cripple fucknmeet

Yea Forums already made a game, it was called Undertale

Because 2ch actually has talented people using it, this site used to but they left, this place is now just shit posters and memelords.

The days of Yea Forums hacking Fox News during prime time live broadcasting is over.

i think that was Yea Forums

Yea Forums.

Thank god. All that dumb shit does is bring unneeded attention to the site.

Also mincemeat.

never forget

Attached: 1411693785467.png (1964x1934, 1.52M)

Then explain how we've never been more exposed after losing our talented people? Thanks to shitposters and memelords we're a fucking public name because of the Fappening and Trump.


What about Mineycrafta?

Yea Forums can make a videogame as much as Yea Forums can make music. Also, remember that all the people who shill their games on Yea Forums end up denouncing this place. See Notch, Toby Fox, YandereDev, Phil Fish, etc...

it was just shilled here

tell me more

Devs came to Yea Forums for help to make a Halloween themed 3D platformer where you play as a cute succubus.
They got as far as making a playable demo in Unity but it evidently never went anywhere after that.

Oh god, you now remember "that"

>walking simulator

Attached: zoom.gif (931x682, 426K)


Attached: 1585565032749.png (418x384, 9K)

You're stupid.
Wake up

Attached: Madotsuki_Cheek_Pinch.gif (150x150, 6K)

Yea Forums could probably make a yume nikki fangame, rpgmaker is baby tier easy to use so you would at least one guy to program shit, at least 5 artists for background, animations, jpgs, special visuals and character sprites, and 2 sound designers, one for music and one for sound effects, some idea guys to come up with unique effects and cool, non-generic or derivative world ideas and a plan guy to sort all this bullshit, so about 10 to 15 people should do it.

Problem is even if people were interested they would be BANISHED to /vg/ for spamming constant thread for development talk and progress, which then means its not a Yea Forums game anymore but a /vg/ one.

Killing generals on Yea Forums was a double edged sword, we got rid of spam, but any collective force was lost as well.

And now the only collective force here is the collective stupidity of the outrage culture bullshit that's turned everything into bait, twitter screencaps, and hell itself.


Attached: 1536462650931.gif (500x500, 2.02M)

could be kinda interesting to make a collage style project where everyone pitches in something, you'd just have to have someone managing it and putting it all together as well as filtering out the extremely low quality submissions

if I knew how to use RPG Maker or some other engine I'd be tempted to try it

if the people who'd work on such a game made a thread about it every once in a while it wouldn't be spam though

yeah cripplechan's Yea Forums has something like that

Yeah, threads like the drawthread are allowed to stay around since they're a weekly thing. So long as the development updates weren't a daily or more thing it'd probably be okay

Ah, alright, I'll get started with the logos.

OP here, it seams that there are alot of people posting that are interested but dont think Yea Forums could pull it off.

Shouldn`t we give it a shot before throwing the idea to the wind? Especially since we would only need a few volunteer devs and the rest of us could just be idea guys. Plus we could also get other boards to contribute, and we could get a lot of variety due to the difference in culture between even the individual boards

I'm in. I suggest we start by posting ineresting shit from our dream journals/wild imagination.

Attached: 1534425985585.png (1900x1376, 2.65M)

I lucid dream alot, sometimes when i feel like shit, i imagine that im trapped inside a small rectangular box as i sleep. I can see and hear outside it, but to everyone outside its just a black box. No one can open it and im perfectly safe, even as humanity dies and the box is just abandoned in the ruins of wherever someone put it.

I wish I could be an ideas guy but all my dreams are about searching for toilets, getting lost at airports or suddenly remembering that I haven't finished a school project from over a decade ago or something and stressing out about it until I wake up.

I have old shitty assets from my own attempt at such a thing, if that means anything.

Attached: OLDMAN.png (256x320, 4K)

It doesn't hurt to try.

I think all it needs is a Big Idea, gameplay or style-wise to differentiate from the other dozens of YN fangames/clones.

Same but i only have this one shitty one instead of a couple

Attached: catdude.png (817x840, 92K)

Only if Yotsuba is the MC.

Attached: 1536452825415.png (71x131, 3K)

You can't even spell it correctly to begin with.

Tbh all it would need to stand out is some damn quality of life changes. I enjoy yumi nikki but its never not annoying to need to scroll through a menu every time you want to start/stop running.

It would also be nice to have less black void rooms, yumi nikki was far better then few times you explore an actual area as long as its still weird and non-euclidean

It's really sad how much yotsuba has disappeared from the face of the site

>yume nikki
oh shit weird, I always thought it was yumi not yume, i guess this is one of those Bernstein bears things where you swear it was always one way but your obviously wrong.

ive been a part of 4 different collab styled western YN fangames and let me tell you: all of them fucking fail
the one im working on now has at least gotten over one of the bigger project killer steps but i still dont see it getting very far.
also 2019 Yea Forums cant accomplish anything lmao
Yea Forums actually has decent bandcamp threads though

Attached: aztecravesubako.gif (320x240, 64K)

Im not opposed to this actually

Because it looks like shit.

maybe if you pronounced it right, you wouldn't spell it wrong, mongoloid. Reminder it's youmeh neekee not yummy nicky or yumee neekee or whatever else you retards say

As long as people keep posting her in Yea Forums (and on LOL threads on Yea Forums) or getting banned Yotsuba will not die.

Attached: 1531299847070.gif (500x333, 1.76M)

i had a dream once where i was watching a play and it went on for like 10 minutes, and then the audience and actors stopped what they were doing, took of their shirts and started spining them around over their heads, and after a while they all stopped and the actors got off stage and everyone went home

i should probably start keeping a dream journal and i constantly remind myself to go buy a pad but i never do it

i do pronounce it that way, thats why i thought it was yumi

I is a ee sound in Japanese as far as i know

Attached: birdman.png (359x622, 11K)

Non-euclidean geometry always has been caught my attention.

Can we make a fan game based off a GOOD rpgmaker game instead?

Attached: Ib.jpg (560x320, 27K)

Sucks that this is one of those games that's only good on the first playthrough

While I like Ib a lot, it would require a lot more of a clear vision on what we end up doing and getting Yea Forums to organize is like trying to scream at a hurricane to make it go away.

Non-euclidean geometry has always fascinated me.

Imagine a map in a hyperbolic grid. not like HyperRogue which is a projection, but an series of rooms connected in such a way.

I think you've got the wrong image, buddy

Attached: toilet6.png (614x322, 18K)

Many Yea Forumsirgins have made games individually, but Yea Forums can't make a game.

There have been multiple user attempts to make an RPGMaker game, and they've all failed. Also, walking simulators suck shit, and my mind is utterly fucking boggled that people can like 'games' like this.

i personally don't think of walking sims as games, most of them are just an artistic experience
at least they're more games than visual novels though

they're relaxing

Opposite really. Most VNs actually have a system of incorporating your choices into the story so there's significantly more involvement than walking sims, where all you do is literally walk.

>muh games as art
Blame Undertale and Reddit all you want, the true villain in this is soiboi japs turning the concept of Moonside into an entire 'game'.


Also some of them have really good artwork, some areas in 2kki are atmospheric and beautiful

Attached: URBAN HELL 3.png (640x480, 25K)

man i forgot this dudes name but his maps were pure kino, is the underwater blockade removed yet?

The fundamental bedrock concept of YN is 'what if we turned Moonside into a game?' Which works, until you realize that Moonside was maybe a 20th of EarthBound.

once I was minding my own business, walking up the stairs into a building when I suddenly found myself in the entrance of a big public library building with no recollection of how I arrived there. the place was full of other equally bewildered people plucked from other places. there was no door to exit the library, just a smooth wall, and the different wings and corridors of the library stretched out into an impossibly large maze.
apparently the place did have an exit somewhere inside. it was hidden away, not just tucked away in the infinitely huge maze but potentially even disguised as a bookshelf or something. some of the people in the place had been there a long time and they shared whatever information had been passed around. many of them were feverishly looking for the exit or trying to map the place, others had given up already and were forming new societies inside the various meeting rooms in the library's 'biome'.
the place gave me a sense of deja vu. I felt like I had not been here before, but I'd dreamed about it. I get that sometimes. I feel like I'm repeating a dream that I can't actually recall ever having before. the feeling of deja vu also gave me the idea that I knew where the exit was, having found it before a long time ago. a side corridor stretching down a long way, and then a door into a large warehouse dotted with workers in hazmat suits surrounding large industrial machinery, piles of crates, and trucks with a loading bay into daylight. rushing to freedom didn't work though, it was a false exit. the library had fake exits that spat me back into the entrance. the workers were conjured up to explain away the library as some kind of experiment, but it was a false explanation to confuse and demoralize me.
I started over. if I found it once I could find it again.

vns are pretty much just books where you get to choose how the story continues at some points, most of what you're doing in them is just reading
in walking sims you're actually interacting with them to some degree, some walking sims even take it one step further and let you interact with the environment (opening doors, pressing buttons etc.)
they're certainly not like what you'd expect from a traditional game but walking sims definitely work more like games

You have my vote user.

what kind of scp is this

Mine too.
But we need a good reason for Yotsuba being the MC.
Or maybe she's just a Yotsuba lookalike?

VNs are literally just books with graphics and sound. Nothing more, nothing less. Walking simulators are even worse, they give you the illusion of freedom because you can walk in any direction, but ultimately, there's nothing to fucking do.

So an OC loli with green hair?

I have some ideas, just need a few programmers, artists, writers, project managers, translators etc.

Or we can make something crazier, like this.

Attached: CoUZWqEWAAApDdj.jpg (1200x900, 290K)


should there really be one? could just be a design inspiration
that's true, but that doesn't contradict what i'm saying

This and Hylics are extremely Kino, but take an autistic emount of effort to make.

where'd the talent go?

I get the impression that you're trying to compare the two. VNs come out on top, there.

the fact that walking sims let you interact with something while vns only let you click on a box every so often after reading a bunch of text is enough to conclude that between the 2, a walking sim is more of a game than a vn
that is what i am saying

So what happened to Kikiyama again?
Pic unrelated

Attached: PonikoRender.png (275x400, 2K)

There's still a lot of that here.
We have to turn those lazy autists into industrious autists.

Yea Forums won’t make a game we’re too unorganized and self centered.

One time this guy tried making a Yea Forums fighting game but refused to make a google doc or something to keep the devs working together or have contact with each other so they were just posting their assets in random threads trying to get ahold of the director.

If you’re gonna make a game have a design document and a good way to contact your team like a google doc or a discord server

he became a sellout

Kadokawa hired the Yakuza to take him out so he wouldn't speak up about Dream Diary.

And you're a retard. The VN railroads you because it has a story to tell, and that's the reason you're playing it—it's a fucking book. Walking simulators are pure fucking soi. You just walk around looking for stimuli. Fuck open world games, walking simulators are the single biggest offenders of being a skinner box.

i am lazy
how do i stop
i want to program but i only have basic c# knowledge
help me

just because a book lets you choose your own adventure doesn't mean it becomes a game
you don't play a book, do you? you read one

Can you do calculus reliably? If you can't you have no business programming.

t. learned this the hard way

>isn't addictive and people with short attention spans hate it
>a skinner box

Books specifically do not let you choose your own adventure. I'm beginning to believe that you are a teenager at best.

>addicted to lore
>if I walk in this direction far enough, I might get a cutscene
You're right, you're even lower than skinner box players, because your payoff is some faggot 'scary' sprite showing up in a room and turning the lights off.

choose your own adventure books existed before vns retard. but of course you're too young to remember those

Except we're not even talking about those, you unimaginably stupid pile of shit. Stop trying to change the subject to make yourself look less stupid.

idk i'm too lazy too.
i design bad games all the time instead of doing my fucking job.
somebody help us.

there are books out there with the whole "turn to page x for y to happen" gimmick
that's literally choose your own adventure
i guess not

>there are books out there with the whole "turn to page x for y to happen" gimmickthat's literally choose your own adventure
>choose your own adventure books exist
>therefore we were talking about them
You literally have about 90 IQ, and you don't even deserve life.

>people enjoying ANY part of something means that it's just a skinner box
have you even played Yume Nikki or are you just parroting shit you've seen
don't respond, I'm done replying to your retarded ass

why does Yea Forums suck so much that they can't even unite to make a game /vp/ managed to make pokemon sage

lol whatever cuck

retard, vns are choose your own adventure books, that's why i brought them up

I have, and the entire walking simulation genre should be wiped off of this planet. The fact that you have to compare it to VNs, the gayest 'games' around, proves that you're at the end of your rope.

They usually aren't. The most popular ones, Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, and Zero Escape are purely linear. You have no idea what you're talking about.

the very few japanese people that got responses from them through their email have stated they would refer to them self with female terms

if they're linear that makes them just books then, they're still not games

Yea Forums is simply too big for anything serious. There's simply too much noise. Notice how every time Yea Forumsirgins organize for something they have secondary channels for it.


Can we go back to talking about making a worthwhile game, walking simulator or not.

Attached: game_2015_08_12_13_02_00_351_640x400.png (350x218, 138K)

puzzle games aren't vns

They're VNs because they wanted to include graphics and sound. They have no presumption about being a game. Whereas, your walking simulators HAVE to be games, because otherwise, what the fuck are they?


dude what is this game anyway it looks so gross

>Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, and Zero Escape aren't VNs
The absolute IQ of this thread.

but i am trying to argue that they work more as games than vns do
wtf are you even trying to say anymore

Google doc. Less chance of shitposting that way.

Walking around looking for stimuli is not gameplay. I'm also not asserting that VNs are games, so you harping on that fact is utterly meaningless. Your move.

true but if it a project starts on Yea Forums we can still claim it as ours, even if the rest of development continues on other channels

>dude it has a lot of text therefore its a vn
this is what your argument is, and it isn't very smart

The only time Yea Forums could make a game is if it was one guy. Yea Forums is too divided to make a game together, unlike any other board or /agdg/

please i want a weird yotsuba rpg maker game collab thing with weird visuals and a strange plot, the game doesn't even have to based on the manga but could put yotsuba in a new context or world

>I'm also not asserting that VNs are games
then what the fuck do you want from me??
god damn it it's like 5:40 am i can't believe i'm up this late arguing with someone about nothing i'm going to bed

What about a puzzle game that mentions/uses 4chans various boards and sub-cultures? It could act as a time capsule too if this site lasts long enough.

OK faggots, let's pretend we will do this walking sim shit. First we need to see what kind of game will it be.
Would it be a Yume Nikki clone (like Yume 2kki) or would it be another kind of walking sim?
Who would be the main character(s)?
What would be the plot/setting of the game?

Attached: 1539004526606.jpgOK.jpg (253x180, 28K)

Forgot to add the most important question:
Who of you is capable of doing more than being "the ideas guy"?

Attached: 1553774112466.png (376x247, 50K)

The game equivalent of a bad trip.

Attached: Down.gif (540x500, 1.8M)

what about a YNish game but with minigames sprinkled around which give you the effects when you beat them
also I would say sticking with surreal imagery would be best

>muh Wikipedia isn't a source
Give me a better one, then, genius.

Attached: vn.png (808x388, 239K)

i think we should not just focus on making another yume nikki clone walking sim but use rpg maker to make a new type of game, maybe something with a day and night system and other mechanics outside of just yume nikki

where the fuck did I mention wikipedia and where the fuck is your argument? Is your brain filled with nigger cum?

i can do pixel art, want examples?

You said that those three games aren't VNs. I provided proof that they are. I pre-empted you saying "lmao, Wikipedia" by asking you for a better source. Your IQ is sorely lacking, and I'm actually pretty embarrassed for you.

>Not a single (You)
Yeah, I guess it would be too egocentric.
Would be neat, but we'll need a drawfag for sure.

Yume nikki game staring yotsuba, the nexus is the sites main page and each of the doors leads to interconnected worlds from each board

2ch didn't do it though


And maybe this, different places based on the boards but without mentioning them directly?

/ic/ should be filled with crabs and scanned artbooks and lots of references to loomis

also the /ic/ world should mainly be poorly drawn but if you search around deep enough you can find some of the best well drawn parts in the game

they are also puzzle games, which wikipedia fails add to their labels. But sadly you seem incapable of forming any coherent thought so you'll probably just deflect it by saying games focused around visual and verbal observations a part of vns.

so we can all agree we are going to make yotsuba the main character right?

Attached: 1548469920655.png (800x700, 1.26M)

What boards should we use though? All of them or start small?

Can you make pixel art of Yotsuba, please?

Attached: 1545398324000.jpg (1280x1110, 238K)

I'm sorry that you're so butthurt after getting absolutely fucking ground into the dirt for being so fucking stupid, but, did you have a point?

Here's what happens whenever Yea Forums tries to make a game.
>a bunch of idea guys
>a bunch of drawfags
>nobody who can do anything else like program or compose music
>drawfag drama makes them back out of the project
>all that's left are idea guys jerking off ideas that will never come to fruition until everybody gets bored and leaves

Yes, it's time for her to shine again.


start small for the first build of the game maybe and then add more with frequent updates

lol so nothing?

Then let's flesh out the ideas and form a plan. Can we get help from other boards or will this be strictly Yea Forums only?

>asks if you have a point
>you respond, literally, "nothing"
Non-whites are literally too stupid to even exist.

give me a sec i'll try drawing some quick yotsuba pixel art

Attached: pixelart examples.png (395x264, 12K)

lol so nothing?

What we really need is a good Project Manager.
So we don't stray from making the Minimum Viable Product first.

Greater chans than you have tried, you stupid faggots. You are literally retarded if you still think that 4channel isn't just a jewed-up normalfag outpost where redditors do their gay shit. If you are so fucking stupid that you don't know of the other options, you deserve to die on your knees.

Let me recap the ideas posted so far:
>an RPG/walking sim inspired by Yume Nikki with certain differences
>the menus would be less tedious and the worlds would not be so empty
>the worlds are inspired by the different boards of Yea Forums
>Yotsuba as the protagonist

For now we have:
>several idea guys
>a type that can draw pixel art

I love the bug girl and the green cat.

Attached: 1541636881051.png (530x449, 505K)

Put that on a Google Drive as a "Game Bible", before the noise gets high.

Another weird idea, give a fantasy name to each board/world. It would be funny if normies end up playing this without knowing..

Pretty sure we were well known before the fappening. But I still find it hilarious when people think Yea Forums isnt mainstream when vidya news sites everywhere post every "a rumor based on a supposed leak on Yea Forums" whenever theres speculation about a popular game. I have normies irl talking about Yea Forums now. And I still dont tell them I go here because im disgusted that I have to post alongside them


And you're here even now. We call these specimens 'normalfags' and the only reason you don't is because you are a commie outsider who endlessly puts your own life on the line for jews.

thanks i appreciate,

if we are seriously making a game together i totally don't mind lending my pixel art skills to the project, i have been itching to work on chan made game for a while now

Attached: youtsuba pixel.png (208x191, 5K)

Ok, you caught me. Feel Vindicated?

You are literally the real world equivalent of niggers being imported into European societies. You are what the elites want to bus in because you're so uniquely stupid and terrible that you destroy everything around you. You are literally a biological weapon.

Attached: 2e398dbf9c67b3739eb7b1d48a3907b84ac4299ff62f65a8115a7968b9e4074c.png (452x440, 133K)

As long as you lurk more and observe the board culture, that's all that matters. Eventually you'll turn into an oldfag too.

Hey hey I actually made these sprites
Good feeling that someone saved them
I've proposed this idea a few times, but this thread is the only one that has gained traction

Like this.

i didn't know koffing went to japanese shrines

The weapon should be the banhammer

These ideas aren't gonna go anywhere. They'll be forgotten in a week. Anytime Yea Forums tries to create anything new it gets discarded as reddit or cringe.

Yup. Except not the real Yotsuba since she isn't really suited for spooky dream traveling and not talking. I call this Yotsusuki or Yotsubsuki or something like that.

Yume 2kki style
Let's compile all the dreams of this site

I can program and draw but I won't really bother with this since I already know how it's going to end like, probably some discord drama or some other bullshit.
shame though, could be fun

it doesn't have to be directly yotsuba, but can just be a yotsuba inspired character if we ant to make the game more original, also maybe instead dream worlds she goes into a sort of digital worlds. maybe the main character is obsessed with technology

Yeah, but at least I can post Yotsuba here while being on-topic.

Attached: 1537207089700.jpg (900x671, 69K)

Sticking too much to the 'Yume Nikki Fangame' style won't get us very far.

awhile back there was a weekly Yea Forumsermin with some guy actually doing the coding and making a make believe cockfight mspaint thing
but people were reeeing about it cause NOT MY CONSOLE WAR threads and mods either just moved it to /vg/ so it can slowly die or just instantly purged it outright

if you really don't believe it's going to go anywhere why are you lurking in this thread?


let's try and make something unique with unique concepts and mechanics within rpg maker instead of just another fangame of yume nikki

Attached: 1548470988870.png (400x447, 147K)

I just don't have faith in Yea Forums anymore, man.

there are multiple hosts now, though they all work alone so they manage to get some shit done at least
a community project like this will be a mess without any coordination

Make this an event-type project to make it pick up steam.
Like that crappy Pewdiepie game.

i still don't get why you would choose to lurk in this thread with zero faith.

but in my mind anything is possible

Fuck off jew. You are going to get absolutely fucking brutalized in the streets after what your people have done.


Yeah it could
The dreams of non-Japanese are different to the dreams of Japanese, I think it could be interesting

I think the traditional dream theme would be the best. This shouldn't be just a meme game. 2kki is great as a standalone work, it's not just a meme. I think we should limit Yea Forums culture to just Yotsuba. It should be a compilation of all of this site's dreams.

they are just trying to shit post to de rail the thread ignore them

Ignore, because you're probably a normalfag who doesn't understand the JQ.

You're free to think that. But if you really want progress, go to /vg/ or some thread/general where you can discuss development and programming.

You're a commie, so it doesn't matter what you say. Please end your own life, so we don't have to do it for you.

a night and day system would actually be pretty cool, especially if there were different things to be found during each time

The fuck did I do man.

Well, if you're really going to make this then you need to start thinking on map ideas and designs since 90% of Yume Nikki and its fangames is about that.
Grab a pen and a paper or open a drawing program and start making a map.

Attached: yellow science pokemon.gif (480x480, 36K)

same i kind of don't want it to be just a meme game but it should also have some real depth to it.

but a compilation of the dreams, ambitions, and wishes of all the anons contributing doesn't sound bad.

thats a really fun idea actually

I can't draw or compose.

a day and night system is a must as it will make it already stand out gameplay wise from a lot of already existing stuff made in rm.

there is so much possibility on events that can happen only in the day or night

or events that happen at night that effect the day and vise versa

Because "we" bump up Twitter screencap threads until they ultimately die after 300 replies. Fuck this piece of garbage and all that eat it up.

Nigger, do you understand anything about the world? Or are you just a jew? Tell me now. Your response will speak for miles.

you don't have to be the most best drawer in the world just contribute however you can

Here's something I drew quickly based on a dream I had when I was very young that stuck with me

Attached: desert dream.png (1414x826, 15K)

Only the ones that have interesting and distinctly unique subjects. Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /pol/, /int/, and Yea Forums for example.

Stop. Think about the ambience first.
Now draw!

Attached: bridge_light_sunlight_fog_oregon_reflections_dark_portland-513860.jpg (1600x1078, 204K)

What if we challenged cripple-chan to this to light a fire on our ass? Would that be enough motivation to do this?

this has been tried multiple times before, both in Yea Forums and /jp/ and in uboachan (where the tries go into the double digits)

Would that make the board lists this game's Hell then?

Attached: 1454018456028.png (3392x1776, 179K)

if we want normies to play we can't add /pol/ or Yea Forums

7 maps/levels is good.

In the unlikely event this gets off the ground, don't complain when you get shit like this.

Attached: 12345.png (294x282, 6K)

Then fuck the normalfags. We're not going to make money out of this so why should we give a damn about them?

This is going to be a stupid meme game if you use this idea. No one's gonna play it after the initial novelty wears off. Just stick with dreams.

Dude I've just been to Yea Forums for years and by now I know any time Yea Forums tries to get creative some schmucks come and tell you "no, fuck off to reddit". It's that behavior that makes me believe that this project will be abandoned. I would like to see you bunch go through and try to create something though. Also no I'm Irish.

have you seen some of the worlds in yume 2kki?

That looks like a mirrored pepe going

On the subject of Yume 2kki, I've downloaded it recently, but every time I try to actually play it, it gives me this weird error. Does anybody know how to fix this?

Attached: Weird Error.png (264x143, 4K)

You're acutally a jew, and you will be murdered with pure resolve. I don't think you actually realize just how fucked you are.

Install AppLocale.

Yea Forums is by far the most normalfag board tho.

They're just going to be used as references/easter eggs.

Reminder that you literally have a contingency of people that are so much smarter than you that this post makes you look like a nigger.

Nope. Pretty sure I'm Irish. I'm also 1/3 Scottish.

Your Ashkenazi mother is a whore, and she sucked my dick. The only reason you fucking piles of shit exist is because your whore mothers have large breasts. I got my paizuri, and then I put a bullet in her brain.

that's fine then
just a whole game of it would be dumb

Here's another dream I had

Attached: ice dream.png (1414x826, 35K)

Ok, first things first:

>What version of RPGmaker are we even using?
>What's the process for submitting areas and making changes to the game?
>Are there any restrictions on what people can and can't submit?

This will never go anywhere until you get the basics hashed out. And even then you'll have to hope people are interested in contributing.

Attached: 1496924266081.gif (256x256, 1.66M)

>if we want normies to play
Do we? I don't think starting out with considerations like that is beneficial. Before Yume Nikki came out nobody knew they wanted to play a game like that either, right.

>This is going to be a stupid meme game if you use this idea.
Not necessarily, but probably yeah. It depends on how on the nose the game will be. A subdued world that reflects the essence of a board can work without focussing on it too much, maybe. Then again, multiple wikipedia edit threads have confirmed subtlety isn't Yea Forums's strong suit.

Anyway, I have quite a lot of experience with RPGmaker VXA. If this thing lifts off then I can help with art and """programming"""

Can the newest RPGMaker replicate the visual style of the Yume Nikki games made with 2000/2003 perfectly? If so, that I guess
If not, we go old-school and use 2000 or 2003

>took 'normie' as gospel
Nigger, we call them normalfags. You're literally too stupid to be here.

Come get me then bitch.


For communication, what should we use? Using Discord would eventually create drama, unless there is a way to post anonymously? And using the boards thread runs a risk of disappearing.

>What version of RPGmaker are we even using?
I wonder how difficult would be using RPGMaker 2000 or 2003 so the game can be played in phones with EasyRPG.
>What's the process for submitting areas and making changes to the game?
>Are there any restrictions on what people can and can't submit?
I think we must first decide whether the worlds of the game will be based on the boards and memes of Yea Forums or whether they will be inspired by the dreams of those involved in development.

Attached: 1532406953191.png (818x853, 359K)

Thanks for admitting that you're a jew, you super dumbass.

Use the dreams as foundation and have the boards and memes as easter eggs and references scattered throughout the levels.

yeah same i can help with art if it lifts off i'm just waiting to see if it does at this point and some big first initiative is started to get the ball rolling

Dreams. Purely dreams. There can be some memes as easter eggs or some shit. But this should be the western answer to Yume 2kki, not some gay meme game that ages horribly.

you should check uboachan to see how this turned out

What's the dingiest, most obscure and dead chatroom that's still fully useable that only autists would give it a shot? that might work to keep at least a semblance of archiving

Wait, who murdered JFK? Who bombed the Twin Towers?

>crawl in blue portal
>crawl out orange
>crawl in orange
>crawl out blue

I think Google drive is the better option.
Anyone can edit anonymously, has it's own chat and it keeps a 'version history' of documents.

IRC is still a thing

I'm thinking there could be some kind of item obtained by doing that repeatedly

The worlds are Yea Forums threads and shitposting but in abstract

Attached: abstract.png (640x480, 24K)

You're literally too stupid to understand anything. I literally hope the jews rape your family, enslave your firstborn, and then spit on you. You are literally that stupid.

Sounds good.

That's where you're wrong kiddo

Attached: ss_3325becca61c7789485028152007259a6a59068a.1920x1080.jpg (481x659, 34K)

it should be the dreams of the developers, memes should only be Easter eggs

also very much this

How did it turn out?
Let me guess, infighting and drama?

Worth giving a shot, especially when it's so basic.
no avatarfagging there.
fucking masterpiece.
we found the minigame the tv has.

The jews won, you stupid faggots. Give up on your family, because you yourself are surely too stupid to protect your family from jewry.

I have a question. Anyone here has RPGMaker (or another engine) or knows how to use it?

The most recent versions of RPG maker have the possibility to port to Android with Android Studio.

And have less compatibility issues on Windows.

I think Google Drive would be the best option

Attached: GIF.gif (294x235, 132K)

i have rpg maker xp, vxace, and mv but i'm only decent at using them

I have RPGmaker VX ace and I can basically stretch it to its furthest capacity. I pirated it though (as you should).



Looks like we got our first contribution.

if you guys are actually serious about this fangame then I can make music for the game.\
you fuckers need to decide on a way of organizing this first though
i agree with this, IRC is the best bet.
even if discord as a platform would work great for this every person ive met on a Yea Forums discord has been an absolute fucking shitter who checks every stereotype box of discord attention whore


Wow, that was quick.

based user

this is what the game should be like

Game should be called Yume 4kki

kek, I'm going to use it to shitpost in /agdg/ threads on Yea Forums.

Get a template going. Take all the suggestions in the thread, get the program, make the groundwork. Give people something to have hope in and work off of. I recommend keeping names entirely off the project, if you make something, it's the game's, no taking it back, though I also understand the need for names. No one person is the 'head of the project'.

I don't believe it's going to happen, but might as well say that much

coming from someone who has made a fangame before in 2003, it's pretty easy if you can teach yourself the program. I don't have any interest in contributing, though, sorry/spoiler]

Seriously, how do that japs that make 2kki handle this? It'd be best to see how they do it and amend what can/can't work for us.

I'm not so sure, issue is that giving them anything, even avatar pictures can end up derailing entire projects.
something extremely basic and barely not anonymous would minimize risks of idiots derailing the chat.
Yeah, also not everyone who might want to help has a discord or is even willing to set up one

Posting it in every other dev thread.

thanks for using my yotusuba head sprite based user

we can do better than that, yume 2kki worked because it was a pun

I tried switching the location, but now it"s just giving me this error.

Attached: Less Weird Error.png (365x133, 3K)

Edited the portrait if you want to use it

Attached: yotsubatsuki portrait.png (208x191, 5K)

Nice one

Look at what we have here.

Attached: Oyente-Profile.png (1024x1024, 561K)

But Google Drive allows easy uploading of images which would be useful for a project like this

And it also allows for someone to come in send a bunch of literal shit and leave.

Maybe something different. like Clover Dreams of some shit like that.

try installing RPG maker 2000, iirc RPG maker games requrie RPG makers to play

consider the following

Attached: consider.png (598x525, 24K)

Dubs and this project succeeds
Trips and this project makes Yea Forums a better place
Quads, Pents, Hexts makes Yea Forums great again
Septs makes the internet nice
If singles, all bets are off

Do you think you can rely on dreams alone?

Attached: Relator Profile.png (1024x1024, 581K)

I remember this? 3d platformer right?

here's something I had on my mind

Attached: beds and wardrobes.png (800x600, 23K)

Is .flow any good? A weeb friend of mine recommended it to me a long time ago, but every single one of his other recommendations sucked ass.


I had a dream the other night where I tried to visit my friend who went to a party, and I had been to the house before, but the street had blinked out of existence. Maybe that can be worked into the game

Judging by the version history, it started as a one man project with premade assets who kept getting popularity and support.

Try reading these:

I do hope you guys can organize, i certainly had weird dreams in the past i can still recall.
they could be useful.

Attached: mars.png (329x302, 19K)

Oh that sounds perfect for this game

Is RPG Maker still the best engine to do shit like that?

Remember when Yea Forums tried to make a game last time

If you liked Yume Nikki you'll probably like .flow, it's one of the very few well done YN fangames.

Wait, why did the jews murder JFK, bomb the USS Liberty, and bomb the Twin Towers? I'm asking because I'm a student and I'm doing a paper.

.flow is like an edgier version of Yume Nikki with a more cohesive style and worlds.
Also Sabi a cute who one day will smile again.

Attached: 1554101516078.jpg (914x874, 124K)

If you can get past the edginess, it has more 'lore' and arguably more content than Yume Nikki.

Attached: I334^cimgpsh_orig.png (640x480, 16K)

A house that exist and doesn't exist at the same time could be an interesting concept.

How do you respond to the fact that the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers?

we should start finding a way to archive and organise all the contributions, come on anons lets get serious from this point onward

Attached: 1552789478727.png (404x545, 125K)

Someone set up a meeting point first.

I'll make the logo.

Attached: Door.png (922x1024, 1.65M)

good point how are we going to discuss development without shit posting and de railing?

we need a hub of some sort

Honestly if some white twink who worked in Hussie's basement can make a game so can Yea Forums.

First things first, set up a non anonymous chat site that's barebones enough to not devolve into avatarfagging or pointless drama but good enough to archive.
suggestions have been given like IRC or GD.
second make something to archive the more taxing aspects of it such as art, concepts and eventually code when we get to the hard parts.

got any example logo's you have made?

yeah avatarfagging and drama is the worst we need to kill that shit day one if we want this project to go places.

Would github be overkill for an rpgmaker game?

if it means the game actually gets made it's not an over kill

when's someone gonna make a goshdarn irc

Unless you want to use an engine with better UI and UX design capabilities.

Literally anything but discord

Also, use imgur while the album is small, temporary solution, if the project goes beyond concept we might start thinking into a bigger solution


imgur sounds good to me for the time being

Craptawa Shitjo is not a game.

Attached: GIF.gif (305x235, 3.67M)

That still exists? I can't think of any other IM program that's still working nowadays.

thanks creepy face floating in the void, we knew we could always count on you to have our back

and now we wait for someone to drop a link to the hub in thread

Attached: 1554740926014.gif (500x336, 110K)

incentive: if no one makes an irc or google drive soon, i will make a discord, killing the project

That person could be you. Literally everyone ITT is sitting around waiting for someone else to do something. That's one of the main reasons shit like this never gets off the ground.

could also be you

i have never used irc before but i could make a discord if people really want but i get the feeling that it's not going to be a very effective way to organise the project


I'm too much of a brainlet to set up an irc server

>Yea Forums tries to make a yume nikki game
>16 year olds from /pol/ infect the group
>nigger nigger hitler piss piss jews xD niggers! lets put a black dude getting hung! lmao moonman xDDD
>game is a pile of ironic memefaggotry shit no one wants to play
>never gets finished

This is why.

I'm trying.

its just making a room on rizon

We'll have a strict no meme worlds rule, except for one dedicated secret meme world where faggots can dump all of their meme shit into

our game is going to be transcendent and is going to rival the likes of pokemon sage and /po/tards will be kicked out if they are going to start drama and contribute shit

Do we even need an irc? I feel that a general would suffice. We really should be focusing on a way to do version control.

An honest attempt at this would be cool, especially if based on actual dreams people here had or something like that and no bullshit. But of course, that would never happen.

OP?, Are you there?

Just in case:

letsa go

I can make a reddit page

We haven't even agreed upon a fucking version of rpgmaker to use.

Attached: yume-nikki-023.jpg (640x480, 30K)

>We really should be focusing on a way to do version control
Like a git? It wouldn't be too hard to set up one in github or gitlab. We could even use the stupid questions thread on /g/ to ask for help setting it up.

Not only that we don't even have a base for others to build off of.

We should use Löve


now all we need is a chatting hub

I have VX Ace but I guess anything below that works too. Haven't touched MV yet.

haydee was made by some guy on Yea Forums. I was even in a thread when people told him to make the robots thicc instead of the boring fembot twigs they used to be.

people who say something can't be done are usually those that never amount to much, if they are not even willing to try and see what happens

Most fangames are made with RPGmaker 2000. I'm assuming that's because YN was made with it and everyone's following suit, but does 2000 have its advantages for YN fangames?

In all fairness, 99% of projects die before they even start here. So it's moreso people expecting the norm than anything.

I was actually part of a team with some anons in /vp/ and we made a monster girl rpg game. I designed some monster girls but left the team because other people on the team wanted to make money from it at a certain part of development.
The game is on steam now so I'd like to see how this one goes too.

So what's happening? Anything?

and the name of that game?

In the drive we've agreed to use 2003

scroll up for the google drive link. conversation is happing in the text doc and a handful of files are getting uploaded

This one: store.steampowered.com/app/836440/MonsterxMan_Inheritence_To_Lust/
Best part of this project was the people I met from it. I've gotten better since then so I can do more.

Thanks, doc

Go to the google drive link

Also keep the thread going.
I'll be adding the dreams and original images posted here on the drive.

Attached: 8 bit story 02.png (1565x1080, 724K)

Can the user who made the stuff in the gifs post your files to the drive?

Post ideas, I'll dick around over the weekend

Attached: 1554401202245.jpg (490x676, 75K)

Please, void-floating creepy-face user!

those gooks up there actually have disciprine
here each of us think we are gods gift being wronged

Alright before the thread archieve
Remember to make another thread weekly on friday so people don't forget about this
Don't disappoint me anons

Attached: 1555160453192.png (705x447, 23K)

>YN fangame
>not Anonymous Agony fangame


is something we need to remember to do

One per week sounds like a reasonable goal, at least if it remains small

Maybe we can make threads in other boards to 'collect dreams' later

Define "Yea Forums". The guy who made Barotrauma is a regular.

We got Barotrauma and thats basically Pressure. We also got SS13.

I think most walking sims are garbo but I just find exploring surreal dreamlike worlds like in LSD really interesting, though I do wish that YN and Y2 had more shit to interact with and effects had more uses.

character contribution

Attached: Elusive Barge.png (306x342, 12K)

Also notch posted his early stuff here and probably still lurks. And some .io devs post their games sometimes. So...I guess Yea Forums does make games. Unless you mean the entire board makes a game.

Alright, this is reasonable but might be able to work.
how about making the starter dream worlds and their inmediate linked subworlds the dreams from a different board? then do smaller areas for the smaller boards

We are discussing adding puzzles and other stuff. Just stick around.

Attached: GIF.gif (305x235, 3.26M)


Attached: bg2.png (1280x720, 1.59M)

Attached: 1536561385132.png (936x881, 23K)

Tell more about it.

Hey, its a bideo. Didn't know people still made and posted that little guy.

really just a fucked up character I drew a while back, nothing behind it, could be an NPC or enemy
I'm making my own game so I've got a lot of designs piled up but if theyd fit in this i'd be down to contribute them

Attached: French Goulash.png (332x437, 10K)

You're from reddit, yes? Why do you insist on making our lives terrible? Literally what's your end game?


Attached: Oyente 02.png (1024x1024, 741K)

>tfw can draw and use rpg maker but I cant draw character sprites to save my life

8-bit art throws me off for some reason.

Is that a reddit word? I've never been there so I wouldn't know

Some of his early art makes for good reaction images. Others, like pic related, are shit.

Attached: 1553086189138.png (1536x1024, 140K)

Of a 18+ game?

So is this supposed to be like 2kki where anyone can add their own shit or is it now a generally focused fangame?

draw with a binary pen and use bigger sprites

/x/ and Yea Forums already allow dream threads, start there

Very aesthetic

I gotta agree. Him and the de wojacked boomer should have stuck to being reaction image characters instead of trying to be forced into comic characters.

I gave the Yume Nikki remake a try after yesterday thread and turns out its not half as bad as I thought.
The exploration part is there, and the visuals look pretty nice.
Though yeah its not exactly the same as the original. The starting areas were all locations you would see in real life, instead of the usual fucked up on drugs worlds.

For now, it's a more limited. We don't want to make this a 'meme game'.

Thanks, as soon as this takes shape it should be done.

I used Photoshop, is there a binary pen tool?
Or is there a better software for 8 bit art

There definitely is a better program for actual 8 bit art

I made these in Painttool SAI, no clue if Photoshop has a binary pen
(Meant to reply to here)

Photoshop has the misleading "pencil" tool, which is actually a binary pen tool.

think i remember seeing a lot of rpgmaker people use this

no collaborative effort can ever capture the feeling of the product of an inscrutable mind.

I got sleep paralysis

Used to see a slenderman type thing, he wore the typical detective noir style clothing, always stood in the same corner too. Also get the usual want to scream but cant because paralysis events.

well shit this is an idea I can get behind

Attached: knight_idle.gif (88x128, 14K)

Why do so many people think 2channel and 2chan are the same thing?

All I can do is draw lewd animu bitches, so if this goes somewhere and theres need for lewd shit I would gladly draw something.

why do so many people think 4channel and Yea Forums are the same

what is the difference then explain?

>Everyone focusing on ideas/designs
>No one actually setting up the basic foundation for the game

if this shit doesn't die out by the end of the month I'll be generally surprised

They are. Its the same goddamn site. I even have all the boards at the top.

do you guys need any concept art done? I'm kinda out of practice but I can sketch out characters

here's an old drawing

Attached: lich.jpg (2480x3508, 938K)

draw a giant lewd anime girl pixel art for use in a world

>end of the month
haha you silly, it can die today when thread gets flushed.

Care to help out?
These people don't have any idea of what they are doing

weekly threads
tune in next friday when this shit gets revived, and the friday after that too

2channel/2ch is a text board, it's very popular in Japan and most of their memes come from there
2chan is an imageboard which is nowhere near as popular as 2ch, Yea Forums is based on it

Flailing uncontrollably is usually the first step, getting the marbles in check is the second step.

Whoa, you are super good

I like that people are mixing in hentai/fetish stuff now with legit gameplay. Fucking assholes on both ends of the spectrum where they think using sex and gameplay means you're just trying to make up for one or the other. I can see an example of where things fell apart in this regard (Senran, gachas, and later dead or alives), but I'm glad to see more and more games mixing it up now without resorting to scene hunting or loss conditions for false gameplay.

And the biggest thing of all:

Consider if the game is fun and sexy. Don't get hung up mid battle sexings, sexings as a way to fight, and fetish stuff coming up in the middle of things. So many faggot zoomers these days who don't remember shit like eating fucking chunks of meat that pop out of trash cans in beat'em ups. What the fuck ever, eat them and you get health/points.

Attached: 1541517007098.jpg (967x1400, 1.07M)

so it's a walking sim where you play as yotsuba and explore environments that embody Yea Forums boards? I think it'd be better to narrow down the scope to just exploring Yea Forums and make it quite small. maybe make it relevant with a political message about how video games are about enjoyment rather than pushing a political stance.

It's the same problem Uboachan faced when it came to attempting fangames. Everyone wants to focus on cool ideas and ignores the dull and boring work you need before you get to that shit.

Flailing uncontrollably is usually how fuck all gets done. Clear goals need to be outlined and there needs to be people willing to work on them beyond "Man, let's implement this cool idea I thought up!"


Risk of Rain

check the google drive, it's not gonna be a meme game. we're using dreams not boards.

thank you very much! I'm not very good at drawing cute anime girls though so I don't know how much help id be

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Exactly what we are trying to avoid, that's why i mentioned trying to just say relevant ideas to begin with.
we already set the scope of the first thing to be quite small rather than "let's think of every single world at once"

And if you were being intellectually honest, you would drop your jewish privilege and admit that you're trying to kill us.

1 room of the house (there will be more later)
the hub is (maybe?) a plain sunflower field
1 effect

that's the current plan for the 1st build

>thinking people will just start creating the game straight away

Really shows how you have no idea what the fuck you talking about.
Projects starts through meetings before it actually gets out of the paper.

Today is great nobody is saying incel or have sex.

I'd also like to point out that there's literally 2 other docs dedicated to idea guy shit. But of course everyone congregates to the main one that's supposed to b about outlining the specifics of the game.

That's a /vg/ game.

Attached: Marie-Kondo-Branding-in-Asia.jpg (1023x600, 26K)

Remember whites: they didn't give a single shit.

let's just use discord. it's the best way to organize everything. we can create a schedule, set roles like programming and writing, and communicate easily.

>supposed to b about outlining the specifics of the game.
it was supposed to be rules, and it never was rules, so i don't understand where you got that idea

Virginquest was a fun game.

THis. Sum1 make discord

but discord bad...

And get consumed by a massive amount of drama

When you're collaborating with a bunch of literalwhos online actually having something people can work off of goes way farther than everyone and their mother internally discussing what the game should be like (and by discussing, I mean wanting their ideas included). Someone earlier in the thread already pointed out that 2kki was fully working long before it became a community-wide project.

Attached: 234t5678.jpg (900x900, 672K)

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

fuck off

Eventually one has to stick

Get out

We need someone to provide a first build if that's the case.
something simple and proof of concept.

Kalergi Plan

Discords only encourage attention mongers and their beta orbiters that are too weak-willed to do anything but suck their feminine cocks.

Attached: 1547863408016.png (982x807, 520K)

>the jews murdered jfk, bombed the uss liberty, and bombed the twin towers. watch me get banned

Worked for /vg/ and /vp/.

I made a barebones discord

Post invite link genius

Are there any high expectations for this? I know generally how to code, but doing it well is another story. I'm not even sure how scripting works with rpgmaker 2k


The jews murdered JFK. They also bombed the USS Liberty. They also bombed the Twin Towers.

we're getting somewhere

Gonna need a link to RPGmaker because I'm sure not paying money for it

its literally on tpb

actually not yet, best we're expecting is to get a single room, single door nexus and single world with 1 effect with placeholders for now.

which version?

>not irc
>not a google doc
this is gonna fail

everyone in the google doc has agreed on using 2003

Reminder, no one agreed on using discord, an IRC will come up soon, do not enter that place.

Reminder that if you use discord or any social media thing, you are a literal fucking cow! You are a goy! The jews want you to fucking die and suck their dicks! You absolute fucking morons!


It's a fucking mess, but we are working on it.

Okay finally it came to an agreement, 2 groups one for programmers other for music/artists.

Is rpgmaker 2003 30mb?

WHo murdered JFK? WHo bomed the twin TowerS?

for the programmers.

when compressed probably
my rpg2003 is like 130mb but i also accidentally have like 3 versions of the rtp in that folder

Show us your game or admit that you're a jew.

For the artists/composers

and it ate the link

Fuck off, jew.

shut the fuck up

just because i have rpgmaker2003 installed doesnt mean ive made a game user

Attached: RPG_RT_2019-04-20_02-44-29.png (644x484, 10K)

This is how a fucking child responds, jew. Stop being such a jew.

>can't figure out how to properly install rpgmaker

well lads, it was a good run but its over for me

Attached: 1509502784388.jpg (444x460, 43K)

...look a tutorial up user

Change to jap locale before doing it

The jew murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

They also have best goy making Israel great again. Thanks magafags.

Is it just me or RPG 2003 has a charm that the others lack? Might be nostalgia.
Anyway, I cant believe it took this many years for Yea Forums to actually think about making a Yume Nikki game.

Attached: 3fcc1d012d2d48eeb3e67274973c8eaa.jpg (1032x1200, 188K)

Here what we can do:
-Everyone downloads a copy of RPG Maker 2003 regardless if they're actually going to be using it.
-We design the primary room first as means of showing we can actually put something together, if we can manage to get this task done then we can begin to make things interactable within the room and later other stuff like the nexus.
That means we need:
-someone who can design the layout of the room
-someone who can create the art for it.
-someone who can put it together inside rpgmaker

please /pol/tard compose yourself, adults are talking in this thread we don't have time for jew boogie man witch hunts

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers. You will ban me for this, and people will learn from that.

maybe because people here haven't got the hope in the place to do something beyond pump out stale memes?


don't pay mind to him, he seems to be just doing this in an attempt to halt the slow progress.

Thank you for literally advertising my board, you stupid pile of shit. I didn't have to do anything, you just went out of your way.

retarded and retard-pilled

>muh board

hehehehhe kek

First, we have to know what type of person "this Yotsuba" is (May be different from the original).

'A good deal of Yume Nikki first impression comes from what her room tells us about Madotsuki.'

To be honest what the fuck else way is there to stay in touch and work together?

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

The only downloads of rpgmaker2k3 i've found so far are two dead torrents on thebay, anyone else having better luck?

i think they would be very playful having maybe a few hobbies that can be shown through their room

i don't know if other artists would be interested in this but one way we can brainstorm is to generate assets and other relevant materials to then kitbash into a top down view
here is an example of the workflow

My hobby is killing goyim at any cost.


try this one

But wait, how does that teach me how to kill the goyim?

Jesus fucking christ this thread's almost dead. Alright server or no server? I'll make one if you fags want.

GD, no discord, IRC tomorrow.


Everyone is flailing on the Google Drive right now
Somebody already made a Discord server, but no one is using it at the moment (waiting for an IRC)

Yea Forums cannot do ANYTHING.

Only make a private server if you want to prevent any further input from the boards itself and watch the project fizzle out and die

Attached: 1514612407470.jpg (203x327, 15K)

The fuck is IRC

we made a google drive we are just sorting ourselves out first but we will make a server eventually

Internet Relay Chat, old ass style chat made to avoid what makes discord so shit

Alright. Best of luck. Remember. If Toby can make a game. If Temmie can make a game. You retards can as well as long as you don't give up.

Let us have fun, OK?

Attached: Jevil.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

No, you stupid commie faggots. You don't get to have fun. You are an enemy and you have drawn your lines.


here's your rpgmaker 2003 download bro

Where's the evidence user?
Also I hope that having 9 out of 11 posts have no question marks was intentional.

Attached: 1547014407305.jpg (300x168, 13K)