What would you like to see in Dragon's Dogma 2?
What would you like to see in Dragon's Dogma 2?
dragons. maybe also some dogs
To exist and better story/world
Warriors with 6 skills.
More varied quest design.
Better character interactions.
More than one town.
Some form of mounted beast such as a horse.
2 player coop with each player having their pawn present too.
The scrapped concepts from 1
>Tower to the moon
>Giant monsters
Improved things
>Pawn AI
New things
>More locations/settings
Itsuno needs to lift more gameplay from DMC and less from MH. I'd rather he not look to MH at all and try to just improve on what he did in 1, that's when he's at his best.
Damage calculation that isn't complete garbage so the game can feel balanced and challenging instead of fluctuating wildly between impossible and faceroll.
unless it's an improved pawn system, please go away
also a world that's a bit more complete
also drop the flat damage reduction, jesus christ
Let me fuck my pawn
>Boss encounters that aren't as long as monster hunter fights and more like soulsborne fights.
I want to see Dragon's Dogma 2
Less copy/paste dungeons
Make V a class
I'd like a system where you can fully customize your class. A-Life. Co=op, arenas, and shit.
Anyone who wants multiplayer should kill themselves.
More job skills and classes. That's really it. And I guess more to explore.
Okay, ma.
A game that makes fucking sense
I """finished""" the game and I still have no idea what the fuck was going on mechanically or in the story or in the progression
And by more, this user means "something to explore" because the original had literally zero reason for you to ever explore the map outside a quest.
There were multiple quests you'd only get by exploring and going to areas the main quest never makes you go to, like the abbey or Maul's fort.
>he doesn't want epic wizard vs wizard standoffs
I had that plenty of times against the AI
You sound dull user.
>braindead ai that stops casting if you shoot them once with an arrow
>wizard vs. wizard
>shooting an arrow
Reminder that warrior class long sword fags are brainlets and shegoat is the worst waifu
>magick archer isnt a wizard
>can literally equip a staff
I unironically like the bad story-telling of the first game. Feels like your main character is just oblivious to the shit happening around him and proceed to cut things up, and then marry the fat merchant because the dragon thinks they look cute together. I really hope DD2 retain some of the obliviousness.
>playing magick archer with a staff
and no it's not a wizard, unless you want to play a worse, more boring version of a class that would still be baby mode with just the bow and no other weapon at all
Main quest didn't, but other quests did Im pretty sure. It's been a while since I played but I remember going everywhere and finding basically nothing, only to come back later during some quest.
Spirit Lancer
And all of the class improvements from DDO. Warrior felt fucking good to play and I want everyone to experience that.
Better realized world
More weapon variety within classes
Relationship interactions more in depth than spamming gifts/only hitting one button for them to tell their story or if not for the ai to be more intuitive than guessing your great love is the weaponsmith because you got him a golden idol for better prices
Smarter NPC AI beyond the pawns and enemies
Better sidequests
More enemy variety
>More enemy variety
What, are wolves and bandits not enough for you? Entitled baby.
Yeah, like the grimore quest that tells you to go explore
Or even areas you do go to once with no reason to ever go back typically having at least one unique quest later on if you do happen to return
Dragons Dogma 1 with drop in, drop out co-op. Like Borderlands tier co-op where it doesn't effect your game much at all besides making enemies slightly harder. Just clone all quest rewards and allow trading between players. To help balance it make it so you lose your 2 extra pawns when your friend joins and he brings his personal pawn as well.
Actually decent graphics.
For the left side of the map to actually have something in it
More classes, more spells, more abilities, newer monsters.
I can't stand playing ugly characters
>can only summon players at a rift crystal
>if they die you can only get them back by going back to a rift crystal
I could see something like this being decent
(You), the player, is weak to fire after all along!
Wider plains/fields full of stuff. The map was railroading you down specific hallways too much
Get better at customizing your characters.
how else do you expect casuals to get carried?
better world design
larger world
better quests
>Stats not tied to class
>universal dodge roll/backstep
>can equip six mainhand or offhand weapon skills.
Itsuno's absence in the credits.
To be able to really command pawns to shut up and stop telling me something they've already told me a million times.
That I don't have to be so concerned about my character's height and weight.
Even more monsters.
That I'm not locked into 190 levels of sorcerer, assassin, or warrior just to get the best stat numbers because of how super tanky enemies are and how to have good stats you need to level up as certain classes. Maybe I want to play as another class before reaching level 200 and I don't want to be punished.
More world, more environments.
More cool shit happening. Like how night caused different enemies like dark mages, spirits, and undead to attack you and it was really neat to see different stuff. Maybe have occasional instances of "different events" happening that change up the normal spawns with different interesting themes.
More interesting "dungeons".
Maybe 3 new classes, I don't know what, but it would be neat to have some.
Appearance that is separate from my equipment. So if I want to look like I wear a certain cool set of armor I can do that while still getting the stats of wearing another set. Maybe you can have it where I can transmog a piece of equipment to look like another one of the same type (heavy armor can look like another piece of heavy armor, but not like light).
Multiplayer, but, in a way that works. Maybe you can make one player the Arisen, and the others are "companions" or something to mean Arisen from another world where they have to stay in the area of their party leader.
It might be cool to have occasional dueling and PVP.
Finally getting to go to the moon and more cute lolis
I have a sad feeling the latter won't happen, though :(
it really isn't that hard to understand
>>Stats not tied to class
Hope they keep this
Wasn't the fight against the senechal supposed to happen/happens on the moon tho?
>To be able to really command pawns to shut up and stop telling me something they've already told me a million times.
turn off pawn chatter. use a knowledge chair to tell main pawn to be quieter.
>That I don't have to be so concerned about my character's height and weight.
the height and weight is actually an interesting mechanic though
>That I'm not locked into 190 levels of sorcerer, assassin, or warrior just to get the best stat numbers because of how super tanky enemies are and how to have good stats you need to level up as certain classes. Maybe I want to play as another class before reaching level 200 and I don't want to be punished.
he minmaxes. o I'm laffin
>More world, more environments.
only if there is more to do in the world. DD1's map is a good size considering what is actually in it.
>Multiplayer, but, in a way that works. Maybe you can make one player the Arisen, and the others are "companions" or something to mean Arisen from another world where they have to stay in the area of their party leader.
I'd miss having pawns too much desu. Maybe if they implement it like it is in DDON where you can choose to play with players or pawns
>It might be cool to have occasional dueling and PVP.
I agree with you on the rest though
>Maybe 3 new classes, I don't know what, but it would be neat to have some.
Fucking PUNCH AND KICK class. It's one of the most obvious additions.
>To exist
co-op makes sense, but you should only be able to use your pawns not your actual character.
to balance this you could increase enemy difficulty maybe even add "invasions" or something like that.
No, faggot.
Stop trying to turn it into dark souls.
>I'm gonna start casting Bolide, and if you get hit, it's your oooown fault
DMC weapons as easter eggs
>invasions are a bad idea
fuck off, there are other games that have a similar mechanic. It wouldn't even be the 1st capcom game to do so, stop fucking whining.
monster hunter collob
You're the only one whining.
Did you whine about how fucking Bethesda games need multiplayer, too?
Healing balance, and maybe a nu-Tomb Raider tier scramble for blue classes if they can't be bothered to improve enemy and pawn ai for proper aggro managing
Boss monsters going straight for a squishy pc mage when there are beefy red classes around is annoying. I hear that's by design but it makes the chamber of fate nightmarish at low level without cheesing
>invasions and pvp
>co-op with your pawn and their pawn rounding out a 4 man squad
More large monsters, DDO provides a good base to expand with, sphinxes, ents, demons like Zuhl, add minotaurs, gorgons, just more variety. Hydras with a more sensible base so they can be fought in more than two arenas would be nice too.
Rather than just adding more vocations, keep them as they are but expand their weapons and abilities for increased options and versatility. Fold Alchemist into Magick Archer, Lancer into Mystic Knight, give Warrior six skills and additional weapon options like throwing axes or using magic gauntlet for grapple moves and take-downs, turn Seeker's grappling hook into a full-fledged weapon for Strider, MA, and Assassin, diversify Mage by giving them Priest's expanded heals and buffs for staves alongside the Scepter so they aren't just shitty Sorcs, let Fighter use a spear variant on lancer, then when every vocation has at least two potential main weapons and two potential sub-weapons include on-the-fly weapon switching. Except maybe Sorc, I think the best route for them is expanding their spell list and expanding synergy; instead of just piggybacking on other Sorc spells they can shorten casting duration and stamina cost when casting spells of the same element party members are using (so if a Magick Archer casts Immolation the buff applies to fire spells like Bolide), increasing their versatility outside of just running multiple Sorcs.
I'd also like more Ur-Dragon, I think with the cycle as known as it is and Urdy being the disrespectful bastard he is he could provide an interesting new story spin without just retreading old ground.
And more places to brine ill-dressed riftsluts.
Fucking proper fast travel system
>Give someones pawn a hoe right in front of them
>Wait for them to realise
RE Engine
>That I'm not locked into 190 levels of sorcerer, assassin, or warrior just to get the best stat numbers because of how super tanky enemies are
Minmaxing is pointless in DD. With level appropriate equipment you can play 100 levels of Warrior, switch to Sorc, and still keep up with enemies. The only exception is Ranger's stam gains which are beneficial all-around and don't get buffed from equipment, but consumables make that a non-issue.
I want a beast master.
>harpy tiddies
I'd like them to go all in on the large monster thing with climbing. It doesn't have to be Shadow of the Colossus-esque constantly, but puzzle bosses and enemies like the Chimera are great bases.
I wonder if having friendly fire will force smart AoE magic play if you can shorten the casting time on some spells while increasing stun effects while they're going on. Engaging as a melee then bouncing out to let the Sorc rain hell then going back in is a nice rhythm.
Friendly fire will just render moves like Bolide, Maelstrom, and Seism completely detrimental because even if your melee fighters all disengage and run to the other side of the room they'd still end up getting caught up by them. Even if that wasn't an issue pawns are too dumb for it.
I'm downloading this game, and i see you can have romance AND build your own waifu. Can i romance my waifu?
Fighting Space Dragons on the Moon
I wonder if you "3 second cutscene"-ified those spells on completion of casting build-up, it would work.
Probably simply too much coordination required
>he won't go full daimon for his pawn in a heartbeat
i pity your pawn for having such a pleb arisen
Pleb understanding. BBI happened because Grette was the dragon, not because Ashe wanted to fuck his pawn. If he loved some random human woman who wasn't his pawn he'd still be in the exact same dilemma and still would have cursed the cycle.
Non-human race pawns
I want the Mystic knight to
Buying the Switch version and I'm gonna start my Solo Hard Mode Sorcerer run, aka the BIG BRAIN run
Pretty much all of the highest tier spells are "3 second cutscene"-ified already, they just also cover way too large of an area for it to not be a problem. For friendly fire to be remotely balanced you'd need to tone them down massively, which would destroy the point of them in the first place. Besides I think most people would avoid mixed parties if they had to run away and wait every time a Sorc wanted to do something.
Varied monster types
More classes
More endgame content
>2 player coop with each player having their pawn present too.
>2 player coop with each player having their pawn present too
Came here to post this.
1. loli pawns
2. necromancy
3. yandere personality for my pawn
4. ghost loli pawn
I really want this. Maybe they'll look at Nier and see how a niche title with a cult fanbase can turn into a huge hit.
I'm going to roll a mage just so I can do that
Honestly just put some more effort into the skills ordering (mystic knight has so many "on perfect block" skills unlockable before the rank they can get deflect on) and try and make it so they can have as many effects and enemies as possible and still keep it smooth.
I wouldn't care if it looked exactly like DD1 so long as they could implement a bigger world and more enemies
1.only good for brine
3.I think you can already kinda get this via knowledge chair
4. cant even brine. what's the point?
For it exist. More weapons and the ability to switch weapons in combat as well.
Yea, it’s ridiculous with stuffs like mounting damage. It’s cool to mount at first but at the end, it get really dull to just mount, spam attack, chuck stamina food and pray to not get hit off as it’s the fastest way to clear big enemies.
4Sorc is a wild party once you figure out spell synergy
1. also good for my penis and heart
3. i dont want kinda
4. because my penis and heart demand it so
Cute girls
Make warriors actually fucking viable.
Cute lolis are fine so long as they're equipped appropriately for adventuring, otherwise they should be sent back to their master as soon as possible so they can rectify their mistake.
>mfw can't romance my cuteboy pawn
Warriors are viable as fuck if you aren't a pussy.
>3 skills
>I think you can already kinda get this via knowledge chair
I'm asking for a friend, since I am definitely not a degenerate who's into that kind of thing.
How the fuck aren't they viable? I fucked up a gryphon pretty early on into BBI when I know I shouldn't have been able to yet.
Hybrid vocations for pawns, since no one else said it.
>But they'd be too strong!
Fuck that, Ranger pawns with special arrows are already stupid strong. I just want a proper shield maiden pawn.
Fix them
just by messing with the dialogue options you might be able to get something kinda close. I'm not too sure on what responses to pick because it's been a while. But with some work you might be able to manage
3 skills doesn't somehow make them unviable
>Make a cute daughteru
>Dress her up in Witch robes, boots and high defence undershirts because +5 magic is a suckers game
>I never use items in RPG's because what if I need it later?
>Make her a healer/support with debilitation spells and a rusty staff
>Still get's brined and sent back big bones and rank fish
I want to know who is playing JRPG's and sperging out over lolis
Trannies, unironically.
It's because +5 magic isn't actually a sucker's game but pure utility pawns are. Probably a medicant too I'm guessing. Lolis aren't a problem in and of themselves, the problem is they're usually awful pawns improperly trained and equipped. You failed your daughter.
More vocations but also with some refinement to make them more engaging
Sorcerer is fun but should have more active gameplay than "Stand far away for 15 seconds while you cast your big spell". Warrior should have six skills as well as a bit more versatility in skills that allow for more movement and fluid gameplay, having a single defensive move and no way to get at airborne enemies other than spamming jump attack really sucks and feels limiting, as if you aren't being given the same range of tools as other classes. I don't know how you fix Mage but there should be some reason to use the class other than Anodyne, etc. Basically, the vocations should be buffed so that Strider doesn't completely dominate every other vocation, and this is all accompanied by enemies who are both more robust and require more stringent tactics to efficiently take down
No shitty cringe Two Worlds diologue. Dark Souls 2 managed to make people have normal conversations without TIS THOU ART DOTH fuck off with your over exaggerated Shakespeare garbage people in those times never talked like that, especially common people.
Wolves that may or may not hunt in packs.
>Trannies are the ones brining my daughter
Give me a quick run down on this, is it that they are not women but male fetishists and motherhood and thus children triggers them as they will never be a mother?
How dare you, I made her a Utilitarian
And +5 magic is an absolute garbage trade off for more defence when staffs give like +2000 and you have no other option but armour and clothing for defence, you will never be in a situation where you need +12 magic, you act like I didn't change her to sorcereress for BBI 2.0
God DDO is such fucking soulless trash. I hope they avoid everything it brought.
Is aught amiss Arisen?
I want a monk class, or someone that can go hand to hand or fist to fist.
Aught ism
Up to four player co-op.
Reuse the assets from DD and DDO so there will be more content.
Make the game not stat or gear dependent.
Flesh out basic combat moves instead of just mashing one attack button.
Let you equip more skills.
Official modding tools.
Why wouldn't people brine lolis? Waifufags are the most obnoxious creatures alive and the biggest red flag that someone is one is having a loli pawn. They brine your pawn just to mess with you.
sluttier outfits and bigger breasts for my pawn
Daughteru's are not waifu's you fucking degenerate
>I made her a Utilitarian
That's not much better, she'll just spend fights repeatedly enchanting instead of debuffing, if you're using rusty staff you want her to be as aggressive as possible to make use of torpor. And that extra defence will not matter even slightly, whereas +5 magic will add up with other bonuses for greater return on percentile increases. Did you keep her as Util for Sorc? What spells was she running?
Redo how stat gain works, playing a sorc for x amount of levels for the magick attack was painful.
The online game has some interesting looking classes they could tweak and bring over.
Utilitarian also makes use of beastiary knowledge best and good thing they have a secondary
Of course I did, Utilitarian on Sorcerer makes pawns spell sync better
>High Void
>High Miasma
>Holy Affinity
They need to keep the Warrior changes. They can leave the anime stuff though, and instead add a Familiar set of vocations building off of V's gameplay in DMC5: Beast Tamer (Basic), Beast Master (Advanced), Hunter (Yellow Hybrid), Cavalry (Red Hybrid), Summoner (Blue Hybrid).
I'd like to see the Duke commission some new roads
Here's a (you) because I like that
Just finish the game. That's it. That is literally all I want. Literally nothing else because I don't want them fucking with what they've already got.
Goblins, weak to fire.
Wolves that hunt in packs.
Pawns make use of bestiary knowledge by default, it's what it's there for, Utilitarian does not play into that outside of teamwork tactics, stuff like dog-piling ogres so they fall over and holding enemies down so someone else can attack, all of which is useless compared to just using their skills and attacking. For pawns with buffs it tends to cause them to constantly and pointlessly cast buffs to keep them up at all times. It's only really useful for spell-synergy, which is one thing you got right, but not with that spell list. Anyone looking for a Sorc to synergise with wants them for high tier spells like Bolide, Seism, and Maelstrom, the whole point of 4Sorc synergy is always having a nuke spell ready to go off because one of your pawns will be casting it while you're giving the enemy the run-around, no-one wants Combustion or Miasma for that. You tried to make her a jack of all trades but she's just a master of nothing. This is why she answered the calling of the brine. I'm sorry you had to learn so late.
Just hope it doesnt have all the slowdowns the original had and it runs good,but so far conosle ports on the switch have been on point and ran good as fuck
Anything i need to know before i prepare for my journey Yea Forums
>inb4 all roads.jpg
Ues that diologue is cringe
Dark Souls 2, Kingdom Come Deliverance and Witcher 3 people had normal conversations and not retarded shakespeare script.
Dark Arisen looks and plays better than the original, not sure about how the Switch version will compare to PS4's though. If you've played the original, all you need to know is that it tweaked a few stats/skills a little and added Bitterblack. Don't run Bitterblack until you've at least hit Everfall, maybe not until NG+ if you aren't at least Level 50.
Also you get a Travis Touchdown pawn for free on the Switch version, probably slightly stronger than average because he gets an enchanted sword to replicate the beam katana.
Mind the edge, master.
Has anybody gone through the Dragon's Dogma artbook? Then you already know all that needs to be done is make shit like pic related a reality. Seriously we need more giants to scale.
The problem with those kinds of enemies is you either balance climbing around them making all smaller enemies like cyclopes completely trivial or you do the old, "Attack the legs until they fall over," which has never been done well ever.
You're grasping at straws now
Which is why you singled out combustion as it is not a nuke spell and neglected that bolide is complete garbage
>Bolide, Seism, and Maelstrom
Trash spells, try spending less time on reddit and sucking the consensus dick, BBI monsters are primarily weak to ice and lightning
>muh 4 sorc
Yes all mages that don't compliment you are just terrible, I now see why you hold your opinion
A massive dungeon to crawl. No more open world shit or shit sidequests.
It would be cool if pawns could be controlled by other players.
Better open world that's not tedious to commute back and forth in.
Unfuck Guardian pawns and make the Guardian inclination not spread like AIDS.
They could make a mechanic or location where it's key to defeating them.
Like some of that DDO shit where a dude fucking teleports into the sky. A spell where you can jump higher/climb quicker doesn't much matter on a cyclops.
BBI monsters are primarily weak to holy, which Seism is, it also covers a larger area and has a much higher damage potential than both Gicel and Fulmination. It's the definitive nuke for BBI. And if you want to argue elements then what are you using Miasma for? Everything is resistant to dark and it has no utility for staggers/knockdowns like Maelstrom does. And Fulmination is barely a nuke because it requires getting close to reach its full potential, it's most effective for single Sorc parties so a Strider, Assassin, or Magick Archer can connect it directly to whatever they're climbing. I'm not even going to address calling Bolide garbage, you probably think the meteors drop randomly and can't be manipulated into hitting what you want them to hit, in any 4-Sorc party they absolutely ruin everything. And if you don't care about 4-Sorc (which is perfectly valid, solo Sorcs can still greatly benefit a party) then Utilitarian is a complete waste and a detriment, especially as a primary. Tell me I'm wrong and continue getting butthurt if you want, but that's why your little ho keeps getting fed to the brine.
But Cyclops are already completely trivial so it's not like being able to scale them faster would change anything. Honestly I think Monster Hunter World's grapple system would work pretty well for the enormous monsters. It'll allow you to reach your designation faster and you'll be able to latch onto a limb or body part in case you get thrown off. They could also design failsafes for the monster so the player isn't completely safe while on it like if the tail in the bottom pic being able to reach the back.
Bigger open world
Better core attacks. It makes no sense to have only one delayed combo for melee classes. They could've gone full Nero and put at least 3 in it
Integrate directional based input attack with lockon
Monster variety and dynamic. Makes monsters fight each other. This was in MHW
Make pawns more involving. Make them serve you in your house for example
Aerial combat. I was expecting I could grab on a griffin and make it fly around the map
Unfucked damage formula, reduce reliance on stats
Make stamina regen way faster so that you don't have to rely on items to keep your stamina topped up; remove stamina recovery from items
Climbing minimally viable for all classes
Every class should have a basic dodge with or without i-frames
More equippable skills for Warrior
Co-op multiplayer
Dragon Riding
Literally just dragons dogma 1 but finished
Then they're just a set-piece.
If I wanted MHW's grapple system I'd play MHW.
More customization options for the character creator.
Armors that aren't tied down to specific classes.
A less lazy hard mode where enemies get new moves/tactics.
Teleport dodges for Mage/Sorc.
Freedom to allocate stats into whatever you want when you level up. It's annoying to have to switch my Sorc pawn to Fighter/Warrior and level for a while so that they don't die by getting sneezed on.
Fucking kys world cuck
Get ready to spam Holy Focus Bolts all the time.
What are the improvements for warrior on DDO?
Also on that note, make sure your pawn is also a Sorceror for Spell Synching bullshit. Being able to have 2 high tier spells like Maelstrom or High Boldie go out at the cost of one cast time is retarded.
More mobility options.
Better world map, more verticality.
Improved combat.
More enemy variety. more wandering bosses.
Better animation.
Better sides quest.
Better UI and menus.
>If I wanted MHW's grapple system I'd play MHW
Because two completely different games made by the same company can't possibly feed off one another, right? It doesn't have to be exactly like World's, but given how one vocation already has a grappling hook in DDO, I don't see why it couldn't be use to scale a colossus just so climbing it is less tedious or so we're not stuck nibbling at ankles the entire fight. I'd like to go on fighting bigger things, so having the ability to quick scale would be ideal.
Where did the Monster Hunter World touch you, user?
More variety of environments.
Better story
Have actual party members instead of just soulless pawns in your party.
Have more/better dungeons
Get rid of stamina entirely
Release DDO in the west
>Makes monsters fight each other.
I remember leaving gran soren once, and I was running kind of close to the river and suddenly I got XP and thought my dumb pawns were killing lizardmen, so I turned around and a griffin was there slaightering lizardmen.
Fuck off.
Four man teams would be the best. When you co op you play as your pawn, how you play in mate's worlds dictates how your pawn behaves when you are back in your own world.
Actual multiplayer like it was clearly supposed to have.
>Because two completely different games made by the same company can't possibly feed off one another, right?
That has nothing to do with anything I said, you turd. DD and MHW have entirely different grapple systems which serve entirely different purposes for their entirely different gameplay design philosophies, them being from the same company is irrelevant. One vocation has a grappling hook in DDO, in your scenario every vocation would need a grappling hook and that completely alters game balance because now you can just have your Warrior swing straight to the enemy's head and land quick KOs with ease, your Ranger can Batman out of any situation and effortlessly reposition without consequence. You don't seem to understand how changing shit to fight bigger enemies is going to have a knock-on effect on the rest of the game, and if you just want to alter the entire game then you might as well go play a different game.
This is my dream.
Add in cooking and camping from dragon's crown and outward.
Add in traps and thievery.
And the blacksmithing mini game from fable for repairing gear.
Best co op adventure game ever.
>taller than my Arisen
>a warrior/fighter in contrast to my ranger
>short hair
I want to keep my pawn and to be able to take better pictures of her
Co-op would be hysterical if only for things like all-Warrior teams
>that old /tg/ thread about the all-Barbarian campaign
>except with your friends in a video game
A man can dream
Or, and this is just common sense kicking in, have the grappling hook restricted to fighting the giant monsters and nothing more. Shocking, I know. The thing meant for scaling behemoths is restricted only for that purpose while combat outside of that gets to stay just as it was. Never once did I suggest altering how the base game played, I only talked being able to fight massive monsters and nothing but and all points I had were geared toward that. Rest of the game can be the same old Dragon's Dogma, that's not my concern; I want to fight things bigger than a Goreclops and not have to slowly climb the body.
Best place to get pictures is when you retrieve them from the rift. This does mean letting them get rifted though, it's the price you have to pay.
Does anyone have the old /ddg/ pics of that mega-thicc Arisen
>an administrator ability like out of Conan Exile so I can spawn NPCs and monsters to fight
>more classes/jobs
>better character interaction
>more customization/ability to mod
>for faggots asking for multiplayer to no longer exist in this world
Its been a while but IIRC Brace and Savage Slash were built into the class and you could take six abilities like everyone else. There's probably more but I didn't really compare the two when I was playing.
So you want entirely new mechanics that only apply to specific monsters in specific situations that have no effect on the rest of the game? That's just a God of War set-piece, that's not common sense, that's shit game design. Press X to grapple, press square to awesome, woo you've killed the big monster in the one specific way you're allowed to kill it, well done, fuck off.
Brace reduces damage taken by 90%. There's also a custom skill which is like a super brace that can cancel animation and reduce damage by 97.5%
Brace frame also happens at the beginning of most attacks which means they can be used as a counter as well.
There's also a thurst skill that can deal with flying or tall monsters without you doing the jump whack or climbing.
They are the most vital changes/additions I think
I had no idea I could take pictures when retrieving them from the rift, user, thank you
Do you really think they can match the ambition they had with the original? The cynic in me has a hard time thinking they can, especially with DDO.
I know its a meme but DD was full of so much SOUL it radiates it.
More masterworks
I'd love if you could set your clothes independent of the equipment you were wearing. Maybe make it where wearing a piece of equipment unlocks its appearance or something.
I'd be fine if your stats were just based on your current class, level, skills and equipment, and what class you happened to be during a level-up was irrelevant.
Wow you're just really not seeing the possibilities are you? There doesn't have to be scripted weak points, press X to awesome, or anything like that. Imagine taking Condemned Goreclops than making it twice as big but you take it down the same way you would any other Condemned Goreclops and that's exactly how I want fights against these giants to go. Every monster big and small in Dragon's Dogma can be attacked anywhere but at the same they all have weak points, so why change any of that? Who other than you is saying it has to be God of War hit this glaring weak point and win? Because I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying give us more of what we already have but bigger. You keep assuming I'm trying to change what Dragon's Dogma is and ultimately I'm not nor did I want to from the start. All I want is the fight bigger monsters than what we already have because to this date this is one of the few if not the only game to do it right. That's literally all I want, I can't believe it's taking a chain of posts to understand this.
fun factor, ditch the PS2 era production values, more fluid play, tighten up the graphics
I want to be able to fuck almost everyone again.
Needs two player co-op, where you team up with another player and their pawn.
>Imagine taking Condemned Goreclops than making it twice as big but you take it down the same way you would any other Condemned Goreclops and that's exactly how I want fights against these giants to go
But with a grapple-hook mechanic that only works against them and nothing else that would be the single objective best way of taking them down completely trivialising the encounter and making every other approach near worthless.
No races like elves dwarves & whatnot
I love DD because it's more grounded to reality; it's more believable since like irl, the world's only sentient species are humans (barring trolls but they have very little culture so they barely impact the game narrative). Every monster we encounter actually feels like a wild feral beast because of this. Besides, if there are different races, it'll probably turn into race politics like in Skyrim & Witcher. Those are boring as fuck
i just want it to exist
This, but maybe make the Arisen's Bond lock in your choice instead of having to rely on Grigori's Wacky Wheel of Beloved Selection.
I finally got Dragon's Dogma and I fucking hate it, what do I do?
>why do you hate it tho???
combat sucks, characters are like nonexistence, story is generic and boring, quests suck, AI is fucking retard (even after extensive chair-sitting), world is generic and ugly, there are only like 10 enemy types, the list goes on
That's baby shit, my dude. Sorcerer has all the tools at its disposal to make a Solo run work. Miasma with Rusted Archistaff, High Necromancy, and don't go full retard and only take 3rd tier spells because they're only useful before everything is aggro'd. Only monster that probably hard counters Sorcerer are Hell Hounds and other Wolf Variants, but this is still doable by crafting Spell Tomes, especially the Necromancy Gem.
Already being worked on.
I was going to say a Katana in general. There's a lack of Katanas in DD.
Nero's mom is beautiful!
Good, katana fanboys are subhuman
Then remove the grappling hook. There problem solved. I was never married to the idea, it just came to mind because if you do get shaken off one would imagine you'd want a second chance to climb back on before watching your character fall to their death. Though given the nature of the game in the first place that could be considered too forgiving which is understandable. Thing is if there were a grappling hook my interpretation of it is heavily neutered compared to what you have in mind. I see it as a transportation tool and nothing more, but it's also bound by the same stamina consumption laws as anything else so it wouldn't be full proof either. Then there's the fact monsters can attempt to shake you off which would also consume stamina.
Bottom line is, it could be basic meat potatoes climbing for all I care. Just give me bigger things to fight.
Is the sanctuary augment any good?
Dante isn't the Katana fanboy.
>Every monster we encounter actually feels like a wild feral beast because of this.
what about the goblins? sure they arent intelligent but they seem to respect some forms of societal hierarchy due to chieftains and didn't they mention a goblin city and king of some sorts beyond the shadow fort? Or am I misremembering. I think the inclusion of other races (even if they are not playable) such as how in concept art I believe eliminators were shown implying they were going to be more fleshed out than angry boy with hammer. I think fleshing saurian races and such out could be interesting. Just don't make them playable.
it's almost like the world is more inspired by European aesthetics and not shitty nip garbage
As like a sword, or for its own class? Because if there's going to be katanas we may as well give them their own class/moveset. We could have a ton of iaido moves, too.
How far did you get?
>I see it as a transportation tool and nothing more
That can transport you directly to the enemy's weak point making all other approaches to the encounter worthless. I feel you're not getting how much this grappling hook would break the game. Let's look at a cyclops fight, the best DPS you're going to get is hitting them in the eye. For strider this means climbing to the eye and hitting it, they have the fastest climb speed, lowest stamina consumption, best climb attacks, but the cyclops will try to defend the eye and striders are squishy. For ranger this means shooting it in the eye, but the eye's a small target and it moves around a lot. Warriors can more easily knock them down, making access to the eye easier. Sorcs can do what warriors and rangers can do but more situationally, hybrids can get equal success with various approaches as is the nature of hybrids. But you include that grapple-hook, and suddenly the best option for everybody is grappling to the eye, attacking, jumping off to avoid defensive attacks, grappling to the eye, attacking more. The entire party balance goes down the toilet. And this entire conversation has been about your grapple-hook idea. Remove that and yeah we're not really arguing anymore.
Wolves that don't hunt in packs.
I can accept the Yamato. But an Europe medieval setting have no use for katana. That shit is over-represented.
If the overworld ends up being bigger, mounts would be cool. Which makes me wonder, why are there no fucking horses in Gransys?
What if instead of being set in not-medieval-Europe DD2 is set in not-feudal-era-Asia?
>They mastaworks arr, you can no go wongeru
Fine you've made your point, no grappling hooks. Just a better climbing system will make me a happy camper.
>That's a dire wolf, they hunt alone arisen
>'Tis weak to fire!
Better quality of life, and mire varied enemies
Then I hope it's not set in japan, but another Asia country. Asia has more to offer than just jap and china.
Katana is still over-represented.
Yeah I mentioned "trolls" but I guess I kinda misremembered goblins... Been a while since I played it.
>sure they arent intelligent but they seem to respect some forms of societal hierarchy due to chieftains
Yes, they're borderline sentient to have their own culture and such, but wild enough to be viewed, at least to me, as wild pests. They band together for the sole purpose of survival & whatever it is goblins do, like animals.
>didn't they mention a goblin city and king of some sorts beyond the shadow fort? Or am I misremembering.
Maybe, but I don't recall any indication of a goblin civilization in the narrative. As far as the Shadow Fort goes, the underground tunnels before the white hydra arena kinda portrays the goblins to be ground-dwelling critters, as most being a primitive tribe of sorts, not really a civilization.
>I think the inclusion of other races (even if they are not playable) such as how in concept art I believe eliminators were shown implying they were going to be more fleshed out than angry boy with hammer. I think fleshing saurian races and such out could be interesting. Just don't make them playable.
Perhaps. It might not be a good thing for other players who see this as a missed opportunity for a more fleshed out creature design, but I like how the current portrayal of Eliminators in BBI; An intelligent but somewhat feral creature driven by darkness and madness in the depths of BBI. Same with the Saurians. In-game lore dictates them to be extremely intelligent with weapons and whatnot, but they're just trying to survive with their instincts, like the goblins. Making them sapient with culture & civ just ruins it for me imo.
If they wanna make any of the creatures sapient & verbal, goblins are as far as I'd go.
would you play a Dragon's Dogma game inspired by Ultima Underworld where you just wander through one fuckhuge dungeon?
You're thinking too small. Just like climbing, the grappling hook would have mechanics associated with it that would balance it. You try to grapple to a cyclop's face it's going to duck and dodge it, grab for it and remove it, or hell catch it and try to play you like a yo-yo. It wouldn't just be an instant hookshot.
It would add a whole dynamic to flying enemies and give more melee focused character's better options for bringing them down. Environmental design could be reworked, scaling cliffs and castle walls to open up new routes and hide loot. Cooperative actions with your pawns like triplines to stop rushing enemies, new ways to launch allies, maybe even environmental stuff like pulling down pillars on enemies.
You think too small.
>the virgin bolide
>the chad Gicel
>the grapple-hook would change the game's design too much, it's Dragon's Dogma not MHW
>You think too small, how about all these ways the grapple-hook could change the game's design and make it more like MHW!
Yeah, cool, fuck off.
Aren't any of the enemies that actually sit there and chant spells intelligent creatures?
>One game has an mechanic, NO OTHER GAMES CAN HAVE THIS MECHANIC
A game squarely designed around a mechanic and a game just tossing a mechanic in despite the design are two very different things. We've literally just had this entire discussion before you got here, scroll up if you want to read it, or just post some more smug nonsense that says nothing but, "I'm fucking stupid," if you prefer, I don't really care.
>9 skills for all classes
>new hybrid classes
>dual wield warriors
>2h mace/axe mystic knight
>new class that uses spears/poleaxe
>let pawns use hybrid classes
>6 party members
>bigger dungeons
>online coop
>make nighttime dangerous
>more than just 1 city
>multiple biomes
Post little details which took you ages to notice
>this dude in the BBI sewers
>you can destroy certain pillars in BBI
>you can send piles of logs flying everywhere
>interrupting a gazer's spell of death creates a magick cannon which you can use against him for massive damage
Just don't put conventional fast travel in.
No difficulty modes, and I hope the game is difficult but after how easy DMC5 is I'm not hopeful.
>your playstyle and experiences dictate the NPC counterpart
Oh shit, that sounds cool as fuck.
Just play Monster Hunter, the Pawn system is more important than adding co-op.
>>this dude in the BBI sewers
whats his story
died of snu-snu, those Xs are his score
>interrupting a gazer's spell of death creates a magick cannon which you can use against him for massive damage
>new class that uses spears/poleaxe
That's all I ask for when it comes to classes.
>Ruining open world games
Thanks bro.
I don't even know man, this happened randomly on my third fight with him and it was magical.
I like the way they speak.
Having played DDON, I believe it'd be better if it never got localized to the west. Seeing high level players with devil wings and rabbit ears really says a lot about the target audience. I really don't want this shit ruining DD and I really hope they don't do this with DD2.
I like the new classes, but now everyone's an acrobat, jumping high and doing flashy somersaults to avoid attacks. I'm not sure if I want that in DD2
I just think the Cameo system has a lot of potential and I hope Itsuno utilizes it more than in DMC.
>Meeting someone while wandering the woods, and traveling together for safety
>Spot a player getting ganked by a high level monster in a dungeon, and rushing in to save him
>The Goblin Fortress but way bigger, with up to 4 Arisen parties working together.
I always killed gazer using that cannon. It was quite simple with a yellow class using hundred kisses.
Yeah, BBI is where sorcerers go to cheese everything. The real man's trial is assassin solo with nerfed strength gain mods
>tfw all of the voices that could pass as a young male are dlc and thus don't work in cutscenes or when summoned
Based idea
this, I'm sick of medieval fantasy games where people just talk like normal, the corny faux medieval style gives it soul
Faggot alert
Shakespeare is the greatest writer who ever lived.
Retarded fuck
You're not wrong Yea Forums overhypes the game but it has potential
>I love DD because it's more grounded to reality
>Dragon's Dogma
He's right, you know.
>There's barely any customization for my weapons and armour
Does that guy realize he's playing a fantasy RPG game, not a western FPS game? What else does he want beside upgrade weapons and armours? Customize the pommel?
I could understand coop, but anyone wanting PvP should be hanged
A different and more filled-out setting. The only two real cities in the game are Cassardis and Gran Soren. That sucks. Nobody here would want it but I personally want the inclusion of some kind of magic crystal tech area that almost borders on both strange and sci-fi-ish.
Small class improvements (like the DDO Warrior changes), more abilities/spells, more granular character customization (tiddy/ass slider pls). Easier stat manipulation so that you're not losing out on the build you want because you don't autistically change class at the right time for every single level-up. Co-op would be cool, but not necessary. More things that Pawns pick up on. More highly-memorable English voice work.
More shit like this, and actually put it in the fucking game this time with proper placement: youtube.com
>Nobody here would want it but I personally want the inclusion of some kind of magic crystal tech area that almost borders on both strange and sci-fi-ish.
You're right, nobody here has shit taste this fucking big
iirc, DDO has a new spear wielding class. I think it has the same classes (tweaked) but three new ones. A spear wielder, some magic swordsman, and a class that uses a fist weapon I think.
Tell me more about this magic swordsman.
High scepter (basically a mystic knight on steroids) and spirit lance. Both look amazing
Third one is alchemist, with a magick gauntlet.
Bigger tits.
shegoat best girl you faggot
Its been years since I played the original. I remember a really funny combat and party system, but the stats and leveling was just fucked and if you were playing on a high difficulty it just became a number cruncher.
also the character custimation was fucking great. I had my guy protected by his harem of 7ft amazion waifus
Export/import character appearances
Something to cut down on inventory clutter
Can still gain stats at max level to work towards all stats maxed, but stats are capped by current vocation
Dye amour parts
in NG+, something to be able to play the game again normally from level 1, but also be able to fight the ur dragon / postgame with your full stats
6 skills for all vocations
Can parallel cast spells (not sorceries) by pressing heavy attack while charging a spell. It continues to charge slower on your staff while you do other things but freezes your stamina regen while you hold it. Release the stored spell by pressing heavy attack, or something to make blue vocations more interesting to play.
Boon spells can be chain cast, press the button during the cast recovery animation to instantly charge to the same level you just cast, so you can hand out boons faster. Trance spells auto charge so they still have something over normal boon spells.
Crossbows as a ranged option for all classes, for situations where you can't reach your enemy with a melee weapon.
Real time weapon swap between weapon sets.
Augments divided into combat (damage,lower item weight,etc), adventure (lantern light radius,gather speed,etc) and passive/niche (Suasion,Autonomy,etc). You can equip 6 combat, 3 adventure, unlimited niche
Optional multiplayer everfall. Players bring their main pawn. Up to 4 players. Rooms/enemies adjust for number of players.
Boss rush floor in everfall. Including random senechals on NG+
Pawns bring basic equipment like picks and lanterns through the rift.
Pawns will not act cautiously against enemies that are far below their and the players level.
Pawns can autonomously shop for consumable resupplies in town. They have a 'allowance' which is increased when the party picks up gold. Summoned pawns leftover allowance is given to their master when returning. Their shopping list changes based on quest knowledge and how much they can carry. You can't take summoned pawns purchased stuff, but can discard it to make room.
Pawns can ask for equipment upgrades from a shop (that you pay for), or to use specific equipment from storage, based on the quest knowledge.
Knowledgeable pawns can read enemy attacks better and position themselves accordingly, especially sorcerers.
Main pawn inclinations are unlocked over time based on their behaviour, and once unlocked can be switched to freely at the knowledge chair. The more inclinations they know the harder to reach the other become. Using a inclination potion give a lot of xp towards it. And potions can be used to set support pawns inclinations while they are in your world.
The whole mechanic is basically you go need to use melee skills to gain mana, and then unleash those nuke spells from afar. There's one core skill specifically made to instantly create/close distance from enemy in a form of teleport.
Mana gain is also a lot faster if you "mark" an enemy and hit that one. There's also a glyph gauge that fills up as you hit the marked enemy with melee attacks. When it's full, your melee attacks are enhanced and looks pretty cool too.
Slightly better control over that parties stance instead of Go and Come.
D-pad up and down lets you go up and down a scale of "Don't hold back" (don't consider stamina), "Offence" (reserve half your stamina on defence/running), "Cautious" (only use stamina for offence when full), "follow me now", "retreat" (run back the way we came and use ranged cover fire for slow players / pawns. Nexus/Guardians will carry blinded / immobilised pawns/players away)
Hold d-pad up to make a circle appear to select a specific enemy to focus the party on. Individual inclinations might target their preferred target near that enemy if someone else is attacking the target you selected. It can also make pawns initiate combat.
Hold d-pad down to target a pawn and tell them to try something else. If they are attempting something stupid.
Out of combat, d-pad up and down switch between look around/looting and follow me.
D-pad left and right cycles through battle tactics based on what your party can do. Things like grab monster, use battle items, use [element], use [status effect].
Ligma ligma balls ehehehehhe
>6 skills for all vocations
Do people actually want their skills to still be arbitrarily limited? At least bump it up to 8 or 9.
6 feels like a perfect balance. 8 could be great too. More and it feels like you can just bring all the skills with you.
>That I'm not locked into 190 levels of sorcerer, assassin, or warrior just to get the best stat numbers because of how super tanky enemies are and how to have good stats you need to level up as certain classes. Maybe I want to play as another class before reaching level 200 and I don't want to be punished.
On my first blind run i went like 10 fighter > 100 mystic knight > 200 Magic Archer, so pretty retarded and at 200 everything was still easy with proper augments.
>More and it feels like you can just bring all the skills with you.
See, that's why they should make more skills.
That's a satiric review right?
A beast tamer class would be pretty cool
Be CO-OP with a settlement you can build and show to your friends.
>loli beast tamer
Heh yeah.. cool...
>balance -being able to use infinite consumables at any time while game world pauses kills aby sense of real difficulty
>more of everything obviously. More classes, those from DDOnline
>online coop
>Gambit like systems for Pawns, more control and sophistication
>PvP - player vs player or pawn vs pawn
>revamp the stat system. No more playing classes you don't like to min max a class you do like. And also we need an option to stat reset
>switch skills on the fly
>improved alchemy/crafting. Severely refuced amount of meaningless options and increased amount of meaningful decisions/gameplay
>player character should be able to speak
>multiple pawns and multiple saves. It's stupid to be forced to start a new game on a new account if you want two pawns. They can find a workaround.
>more and better climbing, more platforming, more verticality - both world and enemies
I wish for one thing and one thing only
A warrior class that makes me feel more like guts. I'm not talking about standing there charging my greatsword for 10 seconds
Still thinking small time.
the end of the retarded 'play a class you dont want for 200 levels so you have the optimal stats' system
Better world
More Dungeons
Larger Dungeons
Cooler locations/dungeons. Like the fuckin MOON TOWER.
Replacing pawns with your friends would be awesome too. Make the game a hard as fuck D&D adventure.
>More interactions with my pawns.
IIRC, the artbook shows concept art shows things like being able to eat and drink at the inn/pub with your party. I really love the pawn system in DD, so I would love for it to be expanded on for DD2.
>More DLC like Dark Arisen
Enjoyed the story for DA and the gameplay as well. The main game wasn't difficult at all, even on hardmode outside of having to be careful about being one-shot by some enemies. BBI was more of a challenge and that was a good thing.
>More locations to explore
The map is relatively big, but still feels quite empty. It's unfortunate that the 2 main settlements are Cassardis and Gran Soren and any towns dotted along the map are abandoned. I think it was explained story wise that the dragon attracted monsters which led to ill-protected areas being deserted.
>A better and more fleshed out main story
I liked the story, but you can tell from the scrapped concepts that the game was meant to be so much more. I still wish there was more resolution between you and the Duke. That particular story arc is never addressed properly.
>Fighter equivalent smacking goburins with a Dao
>make the game a hard as fuck D&D adventure
This right here is the exact thing I want, DD was already the most 'D&D' I've felt from a game, moreso than any game touting the name.
More wind pushing me
unironically for stat points to only be tied to classes rather than level
gimping yourself in certain classes because you levelled a certain way was a poor decision, especially as half the appeal was doing subsequent NG+ playthroughs using a different class.
How can I 100% Dragon's Dogma without spoilering myself? I always get locked out of a quest or two because I skip small detail and get locked out of entire areas.
Don't leave the castle for the first time until you talked to the whore in the garden. The rest is not hard to miss unless you're lazy.
Reminder that sorc pawns are shit if they have the meme spells like gicel etc.
The best sorc pawn I ever made had holy weapon, flame weapon, high voidspell, high miasma (really fucking underrated spell - casts super quick, big aoe, deals decent damage), high frigor and high comestation
pawns with the big autism sorc spells take way too long to cast them and often cast inappropriate spells (e.g. spamming high maelstrom when its a scenario in which its shit)
You're supposed to use the big sorc spells when you're also a sorc and can sync cast them
The big spells are for spell synching
You can trick him into poking his own eye out with those tendrils that erupt from the ground too
You can also kick the ox during the cart escort to make it run faster for a while, but this will make it take damage, that you can heal off with spells or party healing items
There's also an AI exploit to kill living armors inside the black abbey and other areas with the same map, but that's probably not an intentional thing
Don't tell me that, tell every other moron who shoves them on their sorc pawn for no reason
Who says the guy isn't doing exactly that with his pawn?
Hell, fuckin', yeah. All of this alongside some combat improvements, more skill/magic/equipment options, and more unique loot that can only be obtained by defeating powerful enemies.
Who says they are?
Literally every sorc pawn in the fucking rift has these garbage spells at higher levels. Thats why I had to make my own sorc pawn. Who also consistently got 5 star ratings. Probably because anyone who wasn't a fucking sorc was finally happy to have an actually useful sorc pawn they could hire.
It's not his fault that his pawn is built in the way that compliments his build at the expense of rather dramatic cast times for other people.
The only good thing about this shit game is Mercedes Marten.
So, Mercedes Marten should be the main character of DD2.
I'd basically like them to just make it a pure dungeon crawler and forget the whole open world thing. They'll never have the budget to do it properly, so they should stick with their strengths.
Doesn't necessarily have to be a dungeon crawler, I guess, just a fairly linear RPG. Oh, and difficulty modes, alongside better weapon mechanics - the subtractive defense system utterly ruins the game's balance, you're either doing zero or fucking ten billion damage with nothing in-between. I basically want a D(ragons)MD mode.
Goblins with immunity to fire.
Fighters/Warriors with six skill slots and some ranged options, like Warrior throwing an axe/dagger/rock/grenadelike/grapple hook or the Fighter throwing his shield.
I want an alternative ability to make all of my Pawns myself, not just one.
That, and/or the ability to "dominate" my Pawn and control them directly with on the fly character switching. That could make for some interesting setups and deliberate tactics instead of hoping your Pawns do something useful.
The only "coop" I'd be okay with is a Cameo system like that of RE6 and DMC5. Integrate the whole infinite world thing and the Everfall lore into the system.
Only in certain areas/dungeons connected to the Everfall, you enter an isolated room in a dungeon at roughly the same time as someone else in the world, running into other players' parties (or come across the aftermath of a battle in a room they just departed from) every now and then.
Your interactions are limited, they may even just be NPCs instead of a live player. You can at least "coop" in that one room and you lose contact with one another as soon as one of you exits the room. It'll be a neat gimmick instead of a deliberate means to have players carrying or power leveling one another.
hmm. co op as a seperate mode where you are your main pawn and can somehow upgrade it through multiplayer seems too cool to ever exist
More spells and variety, curses, traps, summoning maybe some partial or full polymorph, alchemist that isn't a mage throwing bottles would be cool. More level design like bitterblack. If they want a city like gran soren then add more content to it. More spooky dungeons. Maybe some landscape/dungeon where you can utilise climbing. Bigger monster variety and patrolling bands of npcs that can end up fighting each other. Stuff like goblins or gnolls settling in dungeons or former strongholds after you've cleared the area etc.. Stat allocation instead of stats based on your vocation. Alternatively get better at magic when using spells and stuff like that. A non retarded armor system.
Keep the same aesthethic and music those are already A+.
>dragon steal heart
>kill it to take it back
>oh shit dragon is a test to see if you're worthy
>slap a literal god and become said god
>the god is not omnipotent and requires other people to take his place to keep the cycle going because his power is not infinite
Something like a unholy/dread knight would be cool. Diseases, skellingtons and such. Spear/polearm +1
Cleric or just throw some healing spells/buffs onto mystic knight.
Make consumeables take some time before they start working or give them an animation. It's dumb and takes away a lot of the intensity of fights when you can literally gobble a million herbs the millisecond you get hit and be full health
more room for skills and getting rid of the stupid dumb lummox shitty pawn system which no one asked for and got so many resources for no reason at all.
Literally more dungeons to crawl. They really ought to take the WoW example - a bunch of varied minidungeons scattered about the world for short spelunks, with a few big flagship dungeons for the truly 'epic' adventures
Multiplayer. A bigger map with different biomes, "dungeons" akin to BBI that acts as end game content for players to see how deep the can go in the dungeon.
The anime marked this as a dead property, much like Castlevania. They dont want to do anything else with it so give it over to someone else to make something out of so they can just continue working on other stuff. It is far too late for a sequel to a game that was never that big and its "sequel" that did come out didnt even get a release outside of Japan.
Sounds dumb and gay
What would get around this is if there were hotkeys and you didnt have to go into the menus, have them heal but dont make it instant, so you cant just slam a button to basically be invincible.
If anything, the mmo was what killed the series for the longest time. But Itsuno wants to go back to it and no one in Capcom is going to stop him after DMCV.
less clunky combat
more fleshed out pawn system
better visuals overall, graphics and art direction
better travel methods
better animation
more polish, really any polish at all since the first one has none
>The anime marked this as a dead property, much like Castlevania.
You should never work at marketing.
I want to believe this but the choice he was given wasnt "which one do you want to make first" it was "which one are you going to make". That does not mean he is now going to work on DD, it means he chose to make DMC, of which he still needs to helm as its getting updated and recieving more content. If DD did get made it would be another 5~ years before we even see it, in which case it was a sequel that came a decade after the first game. I just dont see it. Especially since they copped out and decided to make an anime instead, it means their priorities are elsewhere. I should be happy for this but Im not, its going to be such shit, its not being written or directed by the people behind Castlevania its by people who made generic bullshit, and with that the series will die.
Are they making another Castlevania game, and when was the last one.
I mean you had the same cringey shit in DD1 but you mostly got rid of it because it sucked stat wise, especially in the endgame. Have to agree tho. This degeneracy should not be the norm for high level equipment.
>in which case it was a sequel that came a decade after the first game
Remind me, when did DMC 4 come out?
>6 man Party
> Monster pawns
> More vocations
> More reactive world
> Even more fashion
Its not the same at all, DMC is a tent-pole series, its pretty much a household name for videogames. Dragons Dogma is barely a blip on most people radar even when they ported it to every console, lets not pretend this is a big franchise.
All the cut content from 1 and the cool new classes from DDO.
Castlevania is a 30 year old IP. Itsuno has stated that Dragon's Dogma is his dream game time and time again, Capcom told him before he started on DMCV that he had the chance of either making that or Dragon's Dogma 2. He chose on Dante because he felt the time was right for it.
I don't know why you feel one anime leads to a dead franchise, may I remind you of the DMC anime?
>Its not the same at all
Yes, because DMC was rebooted and Capcom had every reason not to go back to the roots. The situation was even more dire than it is with DD.
And yet Itsuno still delivered.
Holy fuck, didn't even think of hitting that thing with a rapidfire attack
Also being able to hit ghosts, like every other class can.
You can hit ghosts when they're possessing party members or if your weapons are enchanted with holy
That's why you don't enter a dungeon without a pawn that can imbue your weapon
I want spells to have actual incantations to them
Some flashy lights and waving hands is nice but I'd sell my firstborn child to get some BANKOROK PARGON REDGORMOR PARGON ULYAOTH in DD
I actually loved the story in dragon dogma. I loved the grigori bits, the character arcs (best girl and her duel, or little witch pawn etc) and the metaphysical side of things at the end.
BBI's story was also top notch imo, and I really felt for Daimon.
I agree for the world, however. If it could be a bit more complete, full etc it would be perfect.
Bigger world with more things happening in it
More fashion
More enemy variety
Varied enemy placement (as in, you wont find the same stuff at the same place every fucking time)
More/ bigger / Deeper Dungeons
Better offline pawns/companions (in both AI and looks)
Cloth dyes
All weapons being useful at all times, that or armor/weapon remodeling (see Aion)
Improved beloved mechanics
Better balance on vocation/classes
Stats system that doesn't ruin the fun
Some sort of city building/repairing if another dragons fucks everythang up (taking new people in like Digimon World)
A story that follows from what we already know
More default attacks/combos
Weapon switching on the go
Option to have the menu not pause the game
A finished game.
I liked the story too, really wasn't expecting how crazy it would get. Grigori is a great antagonist, especially considering the little screentime he has
>Abandon all delusions of control
As for the world, yeah I vastly prefer Bitterblack and the dungeons since they feel more focused. The open world felt very empty, I would have liked to have more towns other than Gran Soren and Gransys, and also more hidden spots and points of interest.
Post Arisen
why is that dragon yelling at the ocean?
It took his apple
>The anime marked this as a dead property
How can anyone be this fucking retarded?
>Weapon switching on the go
>3 more days for the switch release
Soon I'll fall for the meme and see how badly disappointed I'll be left
More enemies
Fist Wizard class
Lancer class
Better pawn sytem/A.I.
More skill slots
A none shit early story
Looks great. I always have trouble making appropriate looking female characters that aren't bimbos or lolis or bimbo lolis.
I really want to play MK, but I'm so autistic that the shield constantly clipping into cloaks drives me insane. I wish MKs held their shields like Fighters do.
CAPCOM hire this idea man!
some enemies that hunt in packs or ill like fire would be pretty cool.
More than anything I'd like it to just turn out however they plan for it to turn out, unlike the first game where it's blatantly unfinished and a good chunk of what was planned never made it into the final product.
throwblasts exist, and there are throwing knives too, no need for a shield throw either, the point is that unlike striders, fighters don't have ranged attacks.
The way I see it DD is already perfectly set-up for co-op.
Everyone has AI pawns and then for co-op can just drop in and out of people's worlds in place of those pawns. When a player leaves, the AI takes over again. No modifiers or differences need to be made on the world because there's already a four-man party.
No randomly changing part sizes, or waiting around for MM, it just happens whenever the host wants it.
That pawn switching idea sounds great, I would love to see something like that implemented
After DMC5's success is it realistic to hope Itsuno will be able to do everything he wants with DD2 or will Capcom's faggotry strike again?