What are some good games about redemption?

What are some good games about redemption?

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Final Fantasy IV

what song and what lyric

>publishes an article made to get clicks and responds in an article which gets them more clicks

Does it really matter?

Retarded isn’t a slur if it refers to retarded people, that’s literally just what retarded means.

Kotaku is retarded.

>"we" screw up
the og article was by that tranny laura kate dale, HE screwed up, don't fucking apologize for him.

They thought a lyric said “retarded” when it said “retort it” and wrote and entire article about it. Funny enough the article writer was a tranny, so yea mental illness

>doesn't read the lyrics for the song and confirming wether or not she said retard
>instead made an assumption and made an autistic rant about it
I wish game journalism was illegal at this point. What do they even offer at this point?


They're retards. What'd you expect?

Well yeah, isn't the singer a female?

Monster Girl Quest

>Let's Get Retarded had to be edited on even the album version

Wasn't Hulk Hogan supposed to destroy Kotaku? Whatever happened to that?

>pointing out lyrics
Remember when game "news" was release date information and reviews, not social justice alerts?

This is what virtue signalling addiction looks like.

He went after their parent company. Gawker. Which would have lead to Kotaku's eventual bankruptcy with no one really funding them aside from page views for ads, but they were bought by this rich mexican or something.

>Someone else apologizing in place of the dumbass that made the article in the first place.

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>doesn't delete old article so it still gets clicks

nah, tranny and editor screwed up. this time their clickbait resetera pandering blew up their faces and they just backpeddled out of it fine

He did. They don't earn as much, and the columnists don't get as much immunity than they did with the previous owners

What is the redemption here?

they apologized, something that a lot of people struggle with even after they're proven wrong

Kotaku apologized but not the writer, so it amounts to almost nothing.

It’s because the tranny threw his editor under the bus and confessed that he was forced to put out the article as it was written the first time. Obviously the LGBTQ community is going to rally behind the mental patient, so Kotaku is preemptively protecting the editor by saying “WE messed up.”

He destroyed Gawker. The media company that owned Kotaku sold to like Univision. They dont even own it anymore. They sold it to a private equity firm. Probably will see mass layoffs this year.

Kotaku was never in the wrong, though. The tranny wanted to feel a tingle in his pseudo-vagina sticking up for retards so he wrote a piece of fiction and blamed Kotaku for publishing it before he could confirm what he just wrote was even true. And all the while, Kotaku was paying him for this, can they really be blamed for wanting to publish work that they're paying for? And they're the ones who apologize for some reason while the tranny points fingers.

This is the UK division. It's worse than regular Kotaku by a country mile

But aside from that, isn't the writer actually autistic?

what's wrong with retard

You mean reparations.

>Don't take down the article
>Make a new article for more clicks
>The apology is half assed

Fuck kotaku and fuck the blue haired brony.

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It’s a faggot transvestite what the fuck do you think?

>brony mtf tranny who got the chop
Nope, perfectly functional

>one if the Persona 5 songs in Smash has a lyric that says "retort it"
>dumbass kotaku reporter hears it as "retarded"
>makes a long article about "Smash has a slur in its music!"
>Nintendo, Atlus and even one if the P5 VAs tell the writer they're a fuckwit
>writer goes full damage control "well I thought i said something different dont get mad at me!"
>writes a second article and tries to throw a "we messed up, sorry not sorry" bullshit
>leaves original article up for more clicks

>no one posts rdr

rockstar btfo

He destroyed Gawker, but Kotaku's death was delayed when someone else bought them.

Then, they had to sell the thing at a MASSIVE loss.

Did those three really call them out? Kinda wanna see it now

Wake me when the fraud of a "writer" gets fired

you cant make this stuff up

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> gay trans woman
So still feels attracted to women?

he turned 360 degrees around and walked away from finding women attractive

>Mentally registering anything Kotaku says outside of Schrier's insider talk.

>we're wrong sorry
>but we're not gonna take the original article down.
Yeah nah fuck off they just want hate clicks.

>Several readers had contacted us
Dale said it was literally one person, though. Even in their apology they lie.

It's not the retards that make a fuss about it user, it's SJWs getting upset on behalf of them and implying retarded people don't have the right to speak for themselves.

they must be REALLY desperate to drag out this controversy for so long

Destiny 2 (story only)

It's an American article you idiot, Kotaku's regional divisions all get the American articles but also some local articles on top of that.

Can you imagine a world where some would get so triggered by saying a single word with no context?

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Doesn't matter if it's an american article, it was not on the america website

Why turn into a "woman" then?

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>writes for kotaku UK who release it on kotaku UK
Lmao fuck Americans

>It’s because the tranny threw his editor under the bus and confessed that he was forced to put out the article as it was written the first time.
That's not what they said, they claimed that their boss took the article, removed all ambiguous statements from it, and then published it without waiting for Dale to get a response from the companies involved like they wanted to.
But it's Dale so who knows how much of it is true.

Clown World is real

>even after they're proven wrong
>keep the original article up for sweet sweet revenue

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>I'm a woman trapped in a man's body!
>i still like girls tho :^)

Is there a single mtf that doesn't do this?

Yes they can. Final say as to whether or not something gets published comes down to the editor. The editor chose to publish it with no fucking research done. That moron is an employee of Kotaku. The thing wrote a fucking shit article but blame ultimately falls on the publication for allowing it to go up

Only Futaba's American VA did.

There are a couple. Those are the ones that call you (insert buzzword ist here) because you don't have sex with them.

> "The only part in my vagina self-care regimen that differs from a natal vagina is that I have to dilate. When I first came out of surgery, my body naturally registered my neo vagina as a wound and, because of that, it wanted to heal and close up. No thank you!"
— Maddy McKenna

> "[Dilation is] very important. Very important. Can't say that enough. Your vagina will close up if you don't dilate. I did have a patient who didn't dilate for two weeks. She went back to the doctor, and she had closed up. And they couldn't reverse back. So, it's very important. Not to scare you, but just do it."
— JD Davids

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Neo Vagina is a great band name.

For pornogrind, yea


I already listen to pornogrind you faggot.

I go to Yea Forums just for teratoma shitposting and jazz kino.

Blaire White

It's fucking scary how many people are "convinced" to do those procedures just to pretend they are what they weren't made to be.
Think of the lonely autists being told their life will be wonderful once they make this kind of mistake. And they actually do it.
Can't blame that 40% (?) suicide rate.

The world would be a much better place if getting upset on someone else's behalf was punished with death.

Not mental illness, just feigned outrage to bait clicks.

Kotaku knows exactly what they're doing. It's their entire business model.

How the FUCK people are treating this like a normal behavior? THESE PEOPLE NEED FUCKING HELP, THIS IS SAD AND SHOULDN'T BE ENCOURAGED EVER what the actual fuck bro

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this shit is proof positive these mentally ill people literally seek shit to be offended about even where there is nothing. Not like we needed more proof to begin with.

*retort it

nothing pleases me more than to see that this is the same retard who wrote this fantastic tweet
godspeed, laura, you fucking retarded abominable bastard

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>Hey some people told us that they heard "retarded" on the lyrics

Im glad everyone sees kotaku as a joke

special reminder

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It genuinely disturbs me that this is encouraged and posted on Twitter.

It's the trannies fault. Can't they just fucking own up to their fuckup?

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