I'm getting a huge amount of money so I wanna get some ideas
>I have 1,500 dollars in the bank
>I wanna pc, but don't have space
>Alienware makes good ones so I might buy one from them
>However PS4 is cheap right now so I'm conflicted
>Should I go console fag or laptop fag?
Pc or console
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The Rock and The Pebble.
biggest inherent library + library of older systems through emulation + Alt+Tab into porn every 20 minutes.
more value for your buck.
I've heard "gaming" laptops are actually decent now, but I don't trust them. If you truly don't have space for a small desk, I'd go with a console I guess. Get a laptop if you only play older games.
Aren't Alienware laptops upgradible and can do what PC's do
buy a PC, but dont spend more than like 700 dollars on it. any worthwhile PC exclusives are most likely 13+ years old so you dont need top of the line parts
whatever money you have left over, buy a ps4
Get an alienware lappy
Well I mean the pc gets all the Xbox ports anyway, so maybe if I get money left over I'll get a PS4 but again I don't have space for a desktop
Have you considered compact PCs?
If you don't have space for even a small desk, I wouldn't consider getting a laptop either. They really aren't comfortable when used on the lap or a dining table for long periods
u can make something like this with 1500 dollars and game on ultra at 1440. It's the size of a ps4 slim.
>Alienware makes good ones
Maybe if I move shit around, but that doesn't look powerful enough. Also looks over heatable
Vin Diesel looks weird as fuck with hair
Why does he have his shirt off? All celebs and celeb admirers should be gassed.
What do you mean by huge? You can always build a small PC or something in a cube shape, doesn't need to be a full or mid tower.
Got a good manufacturer
If that's your issue then a laptop is a massive no go, those shits overheat very easily and the thermal shit breaks very often very early in its lifetime and your whole hardware will take a massive performance drop
PS4 has exclusives.
You're supposed to have skin to skin contact with your child when they're born. You'll never be in that situation, so we can forgive your ignorance.
If you are too stupid to built your own PC, buy a console.
PS4 also overheats a lot, both OG and PRO. And when it does it sounds like jet engine. You will be interested in buying accessory vertical stand for it as well.
And honestly at the end of its lifespan it didn't produced that many games worth buying. At least even on shitty PC you can pirate shit.
Cite one peer reviewed paper that suggests the father go shirtless. Oh wait, you can't you dumb People magazine reading faggot.
Lad this shit got picked up by those popular science shows on youtube with several sources in the description
Stop embarrassing yourself
Buy a middle tier pc and save the rest for PS5.
I've caused a shitstorm on a Goddamn uganden goat herder enthusiast anime web form because I want a gaming labtop
You have space for a desktop, you're just being a nignog.
Who gives a fuck if it has any tangible physiological affect? It helps to build a relationship. You do not need a peer reviewed paper to tell you this
PS5 is looking horrible so far, why should she?
1500 isnt a lot of money in the bank, bro. Unless you have steady income, i would just save that shit.
I'm a guy dumbass
I make that in a week and a half
W-why is he naked? Was he the one that had the kid?
no you don't
a man will build his PC
Not anymore they don't. And if the "thermal shit" (thermal paste) stops working, which it rarely does, it's very easy to replace it yourself.
t. Gaming laptop user who initially thought the same
Cool, what type or manufacturer
don't get a gaming laptop. your room will become a sauna and it's not worht it. either build a pc or just go console.
>that will be 60$
>popular science youtube channels as a citation
Is your caregiver distracted or something? Walk into traffic as soon as you're allowed to leave the house, retard.
>Alienware makes good ones so I might buy one from them
Don't be so rude for lacking knowledge on very basic things in life! Better yourself as a person and let growth happen! Never give up!