Which FPS game does it right
Which FPS game does it right
catfield 5 modern litter box
Battlefield of those 3.
Bulletdrop is only noticeable on large distances.
postal 2 did it better
missed opportunity to call it a catling gun
The one that does it right is coincidentally the only shooter that matters - Quake, where you put your crosshair on your enemies and shoot, or place the projectile right on them.
Stupid but that reload animation is pretty great.
Counter Strike. The first bullet will always hit the target straight on, but it's when you spray or start moving and shooting that the bullets start flying out of place. It's more realistic without being too ridiculous, since it's relatively easy to control. The others are too easy
Recoil or bloom, not both. I got to shoot an MP5 at a range once and even on FA it's very easy to control for a novice. A trained counter terrorism expert shouldn't have bullets coming out at 45 degree angles
bullet drop games and quake
Opinion officially discorded by me, Anonymous. Here’s your (You) go fuck yourself with it.
Hitscan will always be better than projectile. Prove me wrong.
>more realistic without being too ridiculous
there is literally nothing wrong with this
>The first bullet will always hit the target straight on
Not in GO.
>rage face
Fuck I miss soldier front
except that's not CS:GO at all and in real life you cant memorize bullet spray patterns to headshot someone while full auto firing at their penis
I just wish the gun had some sort of sway or position shifting to accommodate for the recoil in a visual, non-intrusive manner rather than relying entirely on tapfiring and a spreading crosshair for t-shaped spread.
Call of duty.
You hit where you aim and recoil can be managed if you're skilled. the other two are pure rng.
Just depends on the type of skill you're trying to emphasize and the style of game you're trying to make. I think "realistic" FPS games are retarded anyways, so the question you need to ask yourself is how adding projectiles to your cool arcade shooter is going to make it better. Do you have a level design set up to challenge projectiles in interesting ways? Do you have guns that do interesting things to projectiles? Is your shooter more 1v1 confrontations or man vs army confrontations? Projectiles probably have more potential to be interesting in the former.
While I understand and respect the skill aspect of both of these mechanics, I hate bullet drop and I hate bullets that take time to travel.
Retard. There's no first shot accuracy in csgo
At least we're done posting that retarded one where PUBG is a wavy line even though it's literally just bullet drop like Battlefield.
Unironically how war actually works.
Not even remotely realistic. The fuck are you smoking?
If so then where's the drone?
Original Doom
>shoots a shotgun
>an enemy all the way across a huge fucking room that you were pointing your shotgun towards dies
I wish FPS shotguns didn't all become the spread of the Super Shotgun with none of the power.
Call of Duty spray is more realistic than the dumb bullshit CSGO uses.
You've spelled DOOM wrong.
Because it's the only one doing it right. Besides, you can do it with super shotgun + quad in Q as well.
Literally fix your internet connection bro
That's like a really lame version of Postal 2's cat gun.
needs more friendly fire
shit's situational
it's kinda dumb because then you have shit like AWP where hurr shot foot = kill and some faggot sitting half a mile away
cs has regular recoil patterns tho
fuck off zoomer
You're right, but only if a single weapon has it and that weapon has a very long reload time to offset being hitscan. Every other weapon should be low damage hitscan or projectile weapons
Call of duty doesn't have recoil
Reddit meme.
Cod is great.
Halo always did it right. As popular as it was, there was always that group of retards who could never get good, so they shit on the series.
>implying that wasn't friendly fire
Still better than frog and nujak trash
Why do you tell lies?
You don't need to deal with it if you're in close range, if you're in medium range its noticeable, if you're in long range you must single fire to hit anything.
Cod has the most realistic recoil outside of Tarkov.
COD is best of the 3. CS is an absolute joke
>remember Call of Duty 3, back in WWII
>Reload with 3 bullets left
>discaed the 3 remaining bullets and use an entire new clip.
>reload in modern FPS
>Just adds more bullets.
Which is better?
Bullet drop is wayyy over the top
Red Orchestra/Rising Storm games:
>bullet drop
>adjustable scope/sights
>shotguns actually do damage beyond 10ft
>shooting someone in the foot won't actually kill them
If it's a sim or similarly slow shooting game, the former. If it's an arcade shooter, the latter.
Modern. It's not real life.
Bullet drop is an excellent mechanic when implemented properly and you will never change my mind
When are they gonna add wind to bullet trajectory?
Each mag is seperate and reloading switches between them. You first go through your full mags then use the halfway empty ones
See R6 and Swat
A bit exaggerated but zipping people within ingame distances would suck
>tfw remember when Yea Forums would make fun of anyone trying to talk positively about cawadooty
fuck man maybe its past my time
Perspective. Each new horror unleashed by the AAA publishers makes the previous one look not as terrible in retrospect, with that one's predecessor looking not half bad, in turn. I still think CoD, MoHAA and the like are cancer, if it is any consolation to you.
>Because it's the only one doing it right.
Left 4 Dead's shotguns are tight as fuck.
I was talking about hit registration and its consequences. Gibs > cheap ass pseudotacticool.
Shouldn't you be playing Brootal Doom, kid? You already fit the profile to a T.
A trained player learns the recoil pattern. Learning this pattern is to emulate the process of a soldier learning to control full-auto.
It's not to imply that the avatar cannot control the gun, the player has to "control the gun"
>Brootal Doom
It's fun for a short while but repetitive and fairly shallow overall. I usually play Chocolate for both DOOM, Heretic and Hexen WADs.
Tell me you're at least 30. I don't want to feel too old in this conversation.
>the profile
There's a profile?
No one else on this board is at least 30 bro
yes, i agree thats what the recoil mechanic emulates. the gun bucks around and you need to reign it in.
reticle bloom is supposed to emulate the gun somehow becoming 60 moa after firing a dozen rounds, which is not how guns work. it takes hundreds of rounds for a barrel to heat up enough to lose that much accuracy
one or the other is fine for fps gunplay purposes, both at the same time is just stupid
Never happened.
Only retarded kids hate call of duty.
t. zoomer
If it's way over the top, maybe you should try to aim lower.
server still up?
.t redditor.
Honestly there's no right or wrong. It's a matter of what the developer wants to communicate to the player with whatever design choice they go with. If you discard the remaining ammo on a reload then you'll probably lead the player to conserve their ammo and think about reloading more. It can have quite an impact on the game feel.
I like it when each mag is tracked separately and something like Arma even adds an option where you can repack the ammo to however many full mags you can with what you have remaining. I'm not quite sure how one would deal with clips the same way.
>Red Orchestra/Rising Storm games
I love their approach to realism. They added all these cool little things that add to the feeling of the game yet aren't a detriment to the gameplay. Stuff like the option to not automatically work the bolt of your bolt-action rifle and needing to click fire again on the mouse to do it. (Same obviously goes for pump-action shotguns.) Also Rising Storm 2 actually provided both slugs and buckshot for some shotgun loadouts and you could swap which you were loading.
CS recoil is the least realistic but it feels the best for some reason. It just makes the skill cieling that much higher, makes the difference between retards who can't into spray patterns and people who can magdump all 30 rounds directly on target. Compare it to a piece of shit like Siege where it's exclusively a matter of who aims first.
quake, only quake
>ctrl + f arma
>2 found
my niggas
bullshit, soldiers are holding their guns at level and not 45 degrees up into the air
Modern Warfare and even Modern Warfare 2 were kinda fun even if that started the cancer. Black Ops was the last CoD I made the mistake of buying and holy shit was it a shitshow. A pc that ran MW2 great had massive fps issues with Blops and the game kept crashing and disconnecting all the fucking time. I was never able to play the single player because it crashed right in the intro mission always in the same spot and after some patch the multiplayer was rendered unplayable as well. In launch the game actually ran better if you copied over some files from the MW2 folder for whatever reason.
Spray patterns a shit. A proper game does pseudo random spread and recoil depending on the characteristics of the gun.
shanhai, home...
Killing floor
>an enemy all the way across a huge fucking room that you were pointing your shotgun towards dies
actually fairly realistic
even with scattershot, it's only about the size of a basketball at around 100ft, IIRC
depends on barrel length, of course
the right answer. best of both worlds.
SF is a fun game
Treyarch is incompetent.
I like the way Adp Warfare did reloading where a standard reload just adds more bullets but if you double tap the reload you throw away the rest of your mag to insert a new mag for a faster reload.
Advanced* not sure how auto correct did that shit.
>doing a shape with the mouse is now considered skill
wew lad