Was this unironically the best N64 game?
Was this unironically the best N64 game?
>console fps where the enemy has to run up to you, stop, crouch, aim, then shoot
Elvis the Jew alien still remains one my favorite NPCs
My fav. N64 game, but I haven't played it since the gamecube came out in 2001 so i'm sure it hasn't aged very well but at the time OOT, Goldeneye, etc were beaten by my fun playing this game.
Seething PC Drone
>playing on agent
It is Rare's best N64 game
really the only issue in terms of aging is the low FPS when things get hectic, though the X360 port and the PC emulators out there do a nice job of fixing it
It's one of the greatest videogames ever made. It's one of the best titles on N64, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. I'm still mad that Rare Replay isn't on PC. I'm curious whether they'll bring it to Switch as rumours have been suggesting for a while.
The best cyberpunk game.
No, you will find that to be Conker's Bad Fur Day.
>No, you will find that to be Conker's Bad Fur Day.
Bad Fur Day has an excellent story and excellent production values, but the core gameplay is eeeeeeeh.
>all N-bombs
>1 FPS
The 1964 emulator allows for full mouse support at 60fps my man. Just get that
>playing on the easiest difficulty
I have major complaints with the accuracy of Perfect Dark's emulation. Hacking it to run at 60fps makes the problems even worse. We need a native PC version. With mod support, preferably.
A modern version of Perfect Dark would naturally have faster reaction times, but the basic ideas there are sound. Look at Metro Exodus, where you can punch enemies and make them surrender and stuff. This works because the enemies don't move super quickly.
conker is hilarious but the game sucks
funny in retrospect
or the XBLA port on PC
get an xbox
It's the best we got user. I can live with a few inacuracy to get the satisfaction of being able to play with M&K.
Also the version of 1964 allows you to overclock the n64 cpu allowing certain games that tend to have performance problem to well not have them.
>playing a 2 frames per second FPS with not only a console controller, but one of the worst console controllers ever invented
Nugamers need to get over this illusion that their childhood N64 console was good.
>ayyy lmao
still managed to be better than any fps on the ps2 or gamecube
Which shows you how shit PS2/GC FPS games are. PD and all the other shit N64 games still suck.
The fact that it makes you faggots seethe so much proves that it's good
The N64 controller is the ultimate brainlet filter.
I never had any difficulties with it, my siblings could use it just fine, everyone at school could use it just fine. Then I come on Yea Forums some 15 years later and every time it gets brought up there's a dozen zoomers whining HURR WHAT ME DO ME NO HAVE THREE HANDS DURR
Same year. Who did it better?
NOLF1 is kinda shit IMO
>what is timesplitters
A Literal who game that didn't get a 97 on Metacritic
Because it's made for children's hands which is what the entire console is made for: children who don't know any better. Look at Mario 64. A shit game that only appeals to kids because it's shiny and lets you run around in circles like an idiot.
Once again, you are seething about the most iconic 3D Game of all time. Nobody cares about your contrarianism
>PD got a 97 while TS2 got a 90
Is this an "amazing for the time" type thing, or is this game actually that good?
It really is that good, same with SoulCalibur since it got a 98
Rareware had the best games in every genre for the n64
an inferior game!
The biggest problem with NOLF is how it handles stealth. In Perfect Dark, you get seen by a guard, and then they run physically to press the alarm button. And there is plenty of time to stop them. In NOLF, you poke your head around a corner, and then a millsecond later it's game over.
Doom 64 was better, but Perfect Dark is still fucking awesome. WWF No Mercy was better as well.
> Doom
Stopped reading there
deep cover would have wiped the floor with both
>Overall Execution
>Most promising customization that ended up falling flat
Quest 64
>Best Strategy game
Ogre Battle
>Most creative game
Space Station Silicon Valley
>Best FPS for multiplayer
Perfect Dark
>Best FPS for speedrunning autists
Goldeneye (I'm kidding pls no bully)
>Best fighting game
>Best sports game
1080 Snowboarding
>Best "Sports" game
WWF no mercy/attitude
>Best comedy
>Best platformer
SM64/Banjo Kazooie/Banjo Tooie
>Personal Favorites
Star Fox 64, Blast Corps
This better be fucking bait.
> Perfect Dark (97 Critic Score)
> Metroid Prime (97 Critic Score)
> GoldenEye 007 (96 Critic Score)
> Doom 1993 (81 Critic Score)
> Doom 64 (73 Critic Score)
Literal Contrarianism, nobody likes your shit games