Holy shit, this game plays like garbage. I knew it had some design problems and all, but I expected it to be fun in terms of actual gameplay since PvPfags like it. But it is janky as hell. What the fuck is wrong with the movement and the animations?
Holy shit, this game plays like garbage. I knew it had some design problems and all...
Other urls found in this thread:
it was mocap instead of hand done animations
Is this the daily DS2 complaints thread? For how much Yea Forums hates this game, you guys sure as hell make more threads talking about it than literally any other soulsborne game. Only second comes bloodborne memes about it being the only game on PS.
Have you tried gitting gud?
I honestly laugh every time I see the Falconer run animation. Jesus christ this game was a disaster
deadzones. For some reason the From B-team that was assigned to work on DS2 decided that it would be a god idea to lock your movement to only eight directions as if you were using a d-pad to move around instead of an analogue thumbstick
Yeah, defenders of the game praise the mechanics behind it, but I for the life of me can't figure out how they're able to keep playing such a floaty, janky, and unsatisfying mess.
There's no weight behind anything, because the animations and sound design are so poor.
this game is so polarizing that it pisses me off that I havent played it for some reason
Yet, ironically, they're the ones playing it, yet the """soulsborne a-team only purists""" can't stop talking about DaS2. Wonder why.
Animations are trash and movement takes some getting used to even without the deadzones. Game feel isn't everything though, and beyond it I think the game, particularly DLC, has its merits.
it's not polarizing really. i mean as far as games go it's not terrible or anything but compared to fromsoft's other games it's shit. the people on here that claim it's the best souls game are just contrarians.
you just described the definition of polarising friend, its shit / its the best
i know what polarizing means, my point is nobody actually truly thinks it's the best, they're just being contrarian because they're on Yea Forums.
OP you have been making this thread daily for awhile you really need to calm down..
It's like playing an uglier version of DaS while underwater.
I was in the middle of a sl1 run but put it on hold when I got busy. Any tips for beating sinh?
fuck you, I think it's the best and have more time in it than every other souls game
Why is it the best
Get a mod to fix the deadzones.
>Darksydephil beat Isshin, Sword Saint in three tries
>He only beat Looking Glass Knight because he summoned two people to help
Dark Souls 2 is BASED! FACT!!!
>SS Isshin
>3 tries
I'm still in awe.
DS2 did a better job exposing people than any other game in the franchise
i honestly think DSP played sekiro offstream first (or at least after he got embarrassed by the guardian ape) and then when he did his stream he already was familiar with the bosses and had practiced beating them. considering what he used to do for souls games was spend 8 hours offstream farming for souls so he could get ridiculously overleveled i think he probably did this so he didn't make a fool of himself.
It's called soul.
He overleveled himself in BB as well, BL40 before bloodstarved beast, the 3rd fucking boss in the game.
yeah i know hes' pathetic. he only admitted to it because people could see his level when he went to level up and saw that it was a lot higher than it was when he finished streaming.
he doesn't need to admit that he already played sekiro and had beaten the bosses he can just pretend he's so good he can beat sword saint on the 3rd try (which he isn't).
>exposing people
get real das2 fag. the only reason anyone has trouble with it is the jank ass hitboxes and terrible enemy design/placement
>TFW i invade in ds2
>It's always some faggot anting to duel near the bonfire
duelfaggotry was a mistake
>People hate the game because it's hard
I know, that's what exposed means
I've played so much of DaS3, that I find password summon ganks fair. Duels will always be boring for me.
They've realized that it could have been the best one if it played like they wanted, so they keep seething.
I yet to see a single person who posts that webm and knows what they are talking about. You have full 360 degree smooth movement when running. But when walking you can walk only in straight lines. If you played DS1 and reached Anor Londo you should figure out why they did that.
Anyway you spend 99.99% of time in this game running or standing. Also you can still spin in place in DS2 just like in DS1 part of that webm.
because none of the people that save it have their own opinion, it's an opinion they've copied from the rest of Yea Forums and reddit youtubers.
has the most creative soul and new ideas
Can you imagine sen fortress with deadzone turning movement?
I love DS3's phantom memes
>Use KB+M
>Never have to deal with this