Just beat this for the first time ever (v1.2 on n64 if anyone cares,yes i like being autistic about the games i play)...

just beat this for the first time ever (v1.2 on n64 if anyone cares,yes i like being autistic about the games i play), it was a good game but not even close the best of all time,ganon 2nd form was a letdown by being one of the easiest bosses where just spamming normal attack works,i've also had more trouble with the water temple than every boss together,the visuals are pretty shit and forgetable for the most part but i guess it's ok since the n64 couldnt handle shit making every temple look almost the same,i just dislike BIG ASS planes with 64x64 blurred textures;also,the music was pretty forgettable considering it was playing at 10% of the other sound effects' volume in most dungeons,idk why you fags praise it so much, i only remember the title screen song tbqh,in fact i dont know why this game gathered so many autists behind it,any reasoning to this? also why was epona a side quest? i thought the horse was a staple of the series since i had heard about it before even playing any game,
i'm honestly surprised at how well the game played at 15fps,but this gets me to the point that i'm not exactly sure my inputs werent registering at times because of the fps or the emulator or how the game works,most times i found myself trying to throw bombs and end up dropping them by my feet or running then stop pressing run,click bomb and end up throwing far away instead of dropping in place,idk if it's any better on the real system but aiming with a bow/longshot was also a chore on the emulator,i give this game an overall 7/10 and that is pretty high on my standard still,i've played better zelda clones such as soul reaver

is the 3ds version worth playing? what other games in the series you fags recommend for someone who just beat oot?

fill me in with your autistic knowledge about oot,i finally feel it

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Didn't read lol

Dark Souls is the best legend of zelda game.

its about nostalgia, the "importance" of the game, and how good it feels to play

its not a very good or deep game

T. Zoomer that didn't actually play it

holy shit learn how to format a paragraph, got damn are you high

Post SEGA megadrive music youtu.be/P5OCfGgEtqk

>wall of text with no punctuation
yeah, no, next!

how does it feel to play the version with inferior fire temple music?

I'm pretty sure revisions just add censorship and fixes glitches that you'll never encounter in normal play. v1.0 is ideal.

fpbp, that shit's a mess

v1.1 is just glitch fixes
1.2 is where the censorship starts and it only goes downhill from there

not an argument

i couldnt hear a single temple song the volume was way too low compared to hyrule field or gerudo valley,is this normal or just in 1.2?
i already beat it,was there anything interesting in the early versions?

People suck its dick because it was revolutionary for the time it came out, completely blew everyone's minds. That said it didn't age amazingly well but it's still a pretty solid play. I can't say I really know what you're talking about with the controls/fps, it plays fine for me whenever I break it out again (although I do play on original hardware: the normal + Master Quest version for the GC). The 3DS version doesn't really add much to the game, just fiddles with the textures/fps/resolution. You won't get much more out of it.

Also, Master Quest is the definitive version of the game and if you disagree you're a shitter. It's fine to not do it as a first playthrough though because it requires a decent understand of the game and its mechanics to complete.

OoT is just one of those games Zoomers will never understand why its so highly rated.

This, threads over

Play Majora's Mask next. I don't like OoT that much either, might be because I played a bunch of other games like it before playing it. MM's different enough from the rest of the series and other various OoT clones that I think it stands out more.
Try to play on virtual console if you can, N64 emulation can be a little crude. I think you could even emulate virtual console too which might work better. Or play on original hardware I guess if you really want.

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>not playing v1.1

Anyone else hate people who are younger than you?

>i couldnt hear a single temple song the volume was way too low compared to hyrule field or gerudo valley,is this normal or just in 1.2?
No. Get your hearing checked.

All I remember about Master Quest is that it somehow made most of the dungeons easier than they already were.

>Also, Master Quest is the definitive version of the game and if you disagree you're a shitter...

Can't agreed more, lulz

OoT is a good game, even if it didn't "aged well", but definetly the Master Quest is another level of the game that players must play if they beat the Original OoT. I do have also the disc with the Original + Master quest.

Still prefer ALttP / MM, but this is just my personal taste.

>...also,the music was pretty forgettable...

WTF user?!! Music is the best OoT have!!! Go play the game is a proper hardware or look for a better emulator.

And learn to use punctuation, that wall-of-text was a nightmare to read ...

To all you Zoom Zam Jims out there, why don't you ever consider walking in our shoes when this game was released when wondering why its so highly regarded? Why do you never wonder why even developers of your favorite games hold it in such high regard? I get you never grew up in that time period, but try to be more empathetic towards us during that time. We never had 3D games like OoT before.

Dark Souls is like zelda for ADULTS! Hahaha upboat upboat!!

This is how all the posts in the future will be like. Zoomers and whatever comes after them will play all these Boomer games and say how they didn't like them just as a form of pseudo Vidya conversation

there's NGC version oerfectly playable on Dolphin

You have to understand that when this came out it was the game that took Zelda into 3D. That transition was in broad strokes being made in that era and Ocarina got a lot of acclaim because of it. The opinion of that time period that it was the greatest game ever (also exaggerated but to show praise then) then mixed with nostalgia to produce the opinion today that it is.
Also the music is incredible, not sure how much of a tasteless pleb one has to be to not appreciate the music in this game. Ocarina is probably the only reason I like music in the first place ffs

Well puzzles are kind of subjective. A puzzle that was difficult for me might not be as difficult for you, and vice versa. Objectively though, Master Quest did require you collect formerly optional equipment to beat the game, the scarecrow's song and the fire arrows.

>one of the easiest bosses
It's a Zelda game.

I should probably play it again. Only went through it once years ago. I forgot it made stuff like the fire arrows necessary. That's pretty cool.

It's actually the best game of all time relative to its time and still holds up, while the majority of games that were considered good in their time, don't.

Yeah, the only bad part about it is that the overworld is the same, only dungeons were revamped. They really changed them around though, I remember the Forest Temple especially giving me hell

You had to be there

Some aspects of the game aged very quickly

Some aspects of it are exemplary even now

I would say that there's at least two 3D Zeldas better than it though and neither of them are Majora's Mask

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Super Mario 64 is absolutely unironically the better game, far enough ahead of its time that games are just barely catching up. Games that mimic Zelda are handholding fucking nightmares that take away player control ceaselessly, whereas from the moment you pick up Mario 64 to the second you put down the controller it is 100% player agency. I can't fucking stand Zelda games, you'd have to have the cognitive abilities of a toddler to find them engaging

20 years have passed since OOT, frame your expectations on what came before it, of course it doesn't hold up anymore. Super Mario Bros was mindblowing when it came out but now its nothing special

They will never know what it's like to be on the cusp of genuine video game revolution. Where seemingly anything is possible and even a vast empty field can fill your imagination.

Super Mario 64 is godly, even now

Ocarina of Time was slightly disappointing to me at release, even though Zelda was my favourite game series at the time. The overworld feels kinda cramped, and Hyrule Field is total shit. Fantastic dungeons, though.

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>and how good it feels to play
Is that not massively important to nearly any game