Was Velvet a good Tales MC?
>she didn’t take the dragon dick at the end
No, but she wasn't the MC.
Does shit smell good?
Does it rain when God cries?
Can you breathe in outer space?
Is OP not always a faggot?
Why ask something that is so self-evident?
She's only good for her pits
I want a nude mod, so yes.
shit, no personality
annoying, ugly
Only tales game worse than this was zestiria
I liked her a lot. I also liked how incredibly flawed she was, right to the end where she ditched Phi in order to eat her brother forever in space.
She tried addressing her obsession over her brother and how she was using Phi as a replacement for Laphicet but couldn't move past it.
She was a psychotic, tragic, emotionally unstable heroine done right.
She's pretty decent by JRPG standards.
Is there a better female MC?
too flat
Yeah I enjoyed her, I found her whole edgy persona to be more amusing than anything else really. Im glad they didnt cop out on her revenge kick with the whole "you'll become just like him if you kill him" thing.
Sequel bait.
S-she has tits! Look!
Just started this game and I like how this party has been a total walking disaster everywhere they go. It's refreshing at least.
Zestiria may be a bad game but it really makes you appreciate how much shit they fucked up in Berseria. They literally set the world back 1000 years in technological advancement.
Most f the party was so fucking selfish, and they just did what they wanted in order to get their own selfish desires and I loved that about them.
I’m not gay, but I’d totally suck off Eizen and Rokurou and let them finish off on my face. If you know what I mean.
She had quite the character arc.
I want to go back to her 16 year version and hug_ her.
I'd have a 12 hour conversation with Eizen about tunnels.
>subject is "Tales"
>it's just a berseria thread again
Then contribute, fag.
>Thinking one can be too flat
I finished Abyss the other day. I don't know how anyone can say it doesn't have the best final boss and ending in the entire series. And the best dungeons, but that doesn't have much competition.
ok let me dump my entire image folder with noncommittal low effort replies
Abyss is definitely one of my favourite and most replayed Tales games in the series.
>he comes to Yea Forums expected high quality discussion
Yikes, my dude. You fresh off the boat from Reddit or something?
That's one painful handjob
Vahn was cool, but his schtick about erasing the Score is really fucking JRPG generic stuff. As for the ending, I don't think it is the best but it definitely is one of the best ones in the series. Funny you didn't mention the cast being the best.
I dunno, Abyss is a good game, and it's fun and all, but when you're digging deeper into the combat on the second or third run, you realize how shallow the combat is. I do wish FoF stuff came back, that shit was cool. Also concerning the final boss, this theme is the best one for any final boss fight in the series, I think.
idk if other games had done it before but Abyss I believe was the first one that changed up the final boss scenes depending on your party comp. Freely getting to smack Van around during the Grand Fonic Hymn was fucking fantastic though. I really appreciated when Xillia 2 did something similar after you beat Bisley.
Fun fact the title of all 3 of Van's final boss themes are lyrics from the game's main theme song.
Yes and no. Part of the reason why Zestiria isn't technologically advanced has to do with the wars that were started by Oscar, Teresa, and Alisha's family because they felt that they should be the leaders of the world.
Their shitty wars then caused the malevolence to go out of control and Maotelus lost a lot of his power. Seriously, if the rulers just killed off this one family the world would have been better off.
The cast being the best is subjective depending on whether you like parties that sacrifice a lot of camaraderie in favor of much more realistic dynamics. With the exception of Anise, who's not only pointless but an active hindrance. Van looks a lot better compared to an utter retard like Mohs, but the game doesn't give him the chance to show his real feelings or history with losing everything like it did Guy, making his obsession with destroying everything seem a bit ridiculous.
Oh, and I'm shit at video games so he was raping my ass the whole way through. I shouldn't have lived through Celestial Elegy and I don't even know what AD skill let Tear and Guy live with 1 hp.
>Van looks a lot better compared to an utter retard like Mohs, but the game doesn't give him the chance to show his real feelings or history with losing everything like it did Guy, making his obsession with destroying everything seem a bit ridiculous.
Actually it does, you can find out about Van's feelings and how losing everything made him want to destroy the world by talking to the right people and making certain decisions. For instance following Guy nets you a cutscene where Van and Guy talk about how he and Guy were planning to murder everyone in the Fabre manor. Van saw himself in Asche and that's why he wanted to save only him, and protect Asche from becoming like him.
The King of Kimlasca and his grandfather knew all along that they were going to destroy these areas, but they didn't care and even treated Vaan as though he was ignorant for having a problem with what they were doing.
Best female mc in the entire franchise
...Next time I'll refrain from speaking about a game until I've done a second run with all the sidequests.
to be fair Abyss has like the deepest lore of the entire series and its super easy to miss most of it
>Funny you didn't mention the cast being the best.
Not him but that award would go to Berseria's. The girls drag Abyss' cast down.
Abyss lore is easy to miss, it's not as bad as Zestiria since it will spoonfeed you a lot of info, but it's still pretty bad.
Correction only Anise brings Abyss' cast down.
Would you tether?
Natalia is cute and lovable despite her Asch autism.
only if she lets me touch her bazongas first
>The “magic” of Auldrant is called fonons. energy of fire, water, earth, wind, darkness, and light
>Thousands of years ago a scientist proposed a plan to harness the fonons in the core of the planet and all of the nations of the world agree to it. He builds the Absorption and Radiation gates on the north and south poles of the planet
>It creates a visible “storm” of fonons that disperse through the atmosphere and return to the core. With all this new magic technology gets crazy
>A new Fonon is discovered in the storm “Sound” people discover that it can be used to see into the future
>Nations go to war over if it should be used or not
>All the new weapons created from Fonic technology stars releasing the toxic miasma in the ground which starts killing everyone. Still the war continues
>A girl named Yulia shows up and makes a pact with “Yulia” the sentient will of the planet and where the Sound fonons come from
>Yulia sees fucking everything thats going to happen for the next 2000 years and writes it down as “Yulia’s Score”
>She gets the warring nations to stop fighting after all of her predictions for the near future come true
>However she lied about the end of her vision saying that it was “Great Prosperity” when it was actually a plague that will finally end everything
>Yulia proposes the plan to raise the continents but some of the nations fearing her influence over the world want her out of the picture. She is betrayed by one of her closest followers and turned over to the opposing nations who sentenced her to death. The guy who betrayed her had a change of heart and rescued her before killing himself as atonement.
>The rival nations go ahead with the land raising project but they leave Yulia and the nations aligned with her in the Qliphoth with the Miasma.
>Yulia City is founded
>Tear and Van are direct descendents of Yulia
Natalie is just kinda there. Tear was alright for a while, but started to grate on me after it starts feeling like the game hammers in how 'perfect' she is. And yeah Anise alone lowers the value by a lot.
Fast forward a couple thousand years
>Mankind is still following Yulia’s Score religously in hopes of getting to that “Great Prosperity”
>Malkuth is running experiments in Hod
>Use Van to blow up Hod cause the score said thats supposed to happen
>Van, Tear, and their mom are the only survivors.
>This starts Van’s villainhood when he discovers that Hod’s destruction was written in the score and everykne just blindly followed it.
>Fomicry gets invented by Jade and its basically the only thing that wasnt predicted in Yulia’s score
>Van comes up with his plan to basically kill everyone on the planet and replace them with clones thereby creating a world free from Yulia’s score since none of them are part of it
>In the end though the discovery of the truth about Yulia’s final prediction being one of destruction rather than prosperity means that Van was fulfilling it all along
She doesn't make me want her to shut up every time she talks, which is more than I can say for a lot of other Tales girls.
I fucking hate the Team Symphonia games for constantly doing this sort of thing where major plot elements are tucked into scenes you could miss if you dared walk into a door when you were placed right in front of it instead of taking that split second moment of opportunity to walk out of the entire area and go back to the starting city to talk to some random person. Thank fuck there are chronological guides for the sidequests that ease up a lot of the annoyance, but damn.
>mc doesnt care about saving the world, only about having revenge against his brother-in-law.
>her brother-in-law is evil so its fine that she wants to fuck him and his evil organization.
too bad they pussied out with the revenge story.
You know what? That's another thing
>finish the tower of rem
>"hey luke you're looking pretty rough we should get you to bellend to get you checked out"
>screen transition and i'm there
>go to baticul to have a conversation about basically nothing for the 15th time
>"okay now let's head to daath again for more cutscenes"
>forces me to go ALL the way back out of baticul, through the world map, and ALL the way through daath to the cathedral instead of just warping me there
What is the logic behind this?
Natalia is great, but you're right that Tear is overrated.
I wasn't even referring to that as I was specifically talking about the side content being extremely obtuse and impossible to view without a guide, but that's true too. Abyss is the absolute worst offender, a lot of portions of the story are just travelling around the world map talking to people. They have some parts where they're willing to warp you to the area you need to be in next and I don't mind a lot of cutscenes, but then they'll randomly not warp you right afterwards like you said.
I know people have mixed feelings about Abyss, however, the battle system is definitely one of my favourites to date. The FoF was such a breath of fresh air and being able to change artes while a battle was going on felt so unique to the series. The combat itself was fast and fluid and most of the characters felt viable enough to use to switch things up. I'm aware Vesperia seems like the upgraded version to Abyss, but it somehow felt a little flat, not to say I don't think Vesperia's combat isn't amazing.
I really hope we go back to something similar when they announce the new game. Berseria and Zestiria felt so awful in comparison, even to the other games like Xillia and Graces.
Abyss' combat feels a lot more deliberate since a lot of your time spent in Vesperia is just manual cancelling the shit out of everything because every move has 3 years of endlag.
So what was the story with these three girls?
Why is this game shipping the blue one with Asbel?
Based Legendianon. Yeah, I really won't even consider the series anymore if the next game doesn't return to 2.5D, instead of the behind the back combo tree bullshit Graces introduced. It'd REALLY make me happy if they could make a Switch exclusive game and a Xbox/Playstation/PC one, because I really want the series to look more modern. I don't think any Tales game has looked as good as Vesperia, and that game came out 11 years ago.
I fucking hated Vesperia's combat after Abyss, despite it technically being more open, it's so janky and slow. A shame Abyss combat kinda gets really repetitive though doing the most optimal things in Vesperia gets like that too.
She was decent but someone stole the show
gr8 t8 m8
I liked that she was as overpowered as the story said she was.
>Press R to devour
no tits, yes butt
I think that was the issue too. I remember when I first played Vesperia back on the 360 and all I could think of was why every attack had such a staggering amount of 'lag.' I can't remember if the game explicitly tells you about manual cancel, but it took me a couple of playthroughs to stumble across the technique.
You need to give credit where credit is due, and Abyss surely deserves it, at the very least, for a solid battle system. The rest of the game is up for debate (even though I love it). I would honestly love for Switch to get a tales game with the look of Vesperia and then a 'modern' visual game for PS4/Xbox One. You're right though, Vesperia still looks incredible after all these years.
Every tales battle system technically gets stale after a while though it shouldn't take a full playthrough to get the best out of the combat, which is where I think Vesperia fell a little short.
Hello Legendia user.
They let this nutcase near Collette? Why then?
Do we have any concrete evidence about a new Tales game for consoles? I swear I remember them doing a 10 second tears last year. It could have also been for the mobile game.
Hello ace, always a pleasure. I hope you are doing well.
Nope, we're stuck in mobile hell forever. THere's just no future anymore for tales of on consoles
>Yea Forums is only for shitposting
i like melons
The irony is sad with that statement. Aside the point, there was that interview where they said they were interested in bringing over more ports, specifically games that weren't released in the west. I wonder if we will see anything come to fruition. I would absolutely love to play Rebirth or Destiny 2 in english. I can only assume Vesperia did well across all consoles/PC? Were any official numbers released or Namco talking about how 'it exceeded expectations'?
In a happier, more realistic reality, Lloyd ends up with Sheena.
And in a more close-to-canon reality, Lloyd ends up with Colette and Sheena with Zelos
he's right
when have you seen a serious discussion around here, newfaggot?
My gosh I love how this series has so many characters at this point you can just take a grab bag and make an anime intro out of them. That janky single Colette tear.
I almost wonder if Tales can feed its own beast purely on mobile, since I always figured the overlong console melodramas were what got people more invested in the series than it's really worth.
I like Sheena's smile
the one and only
What other game series have both top, God-tier waifus AND husbandos?
All right, I can deal with this too. Zelos is a total bro and deserves happiness.
Farah is a literal beast.
I am down for Mama Farah
I love Sheena's low INT
Dumb girls are cute
She's my favorite Tales protag
How do you not know Tales of Asteria? It's so far 5 chapters deep into a story where ALL tales of protagonists even ones from spin offs like Kannono exist in the same world, Millia, Lloyd and Yuri had lost their memories by that chapter and that's why there dressed that way and why they were fighting their friends.
This is the opening for the first chapter
"Star Fragments"
Chapter 2
"Savior of Light and Darkness"
Chapter 3 "Light of the Guidance and the Crystal of Earth"
Chapter 4 Recollections of Eden"
Chapter 5 "The Crystal That Sleeps in Avalon"
If you're wondering why you keep seeing them all with different characters they keep getting separated from each other in the finales.
I feel bad for Eizen the most, he's stuck with a group of idiots
I know what it is, I was marveling that Asteria can do what it does.
I have no desire to play mobile Tales, but those are pretty sweet Openings. As probably the only person to enjoy the game. It's not to see they haven't totally turned a blind eye to Tempest. I really wish they would have made a Tempest R. I really like Caius and Rubia and it would have been nice to see their characters more fleshed out.
I liked her and felt bad for her. So yea, I think so. The ending was also bittersweet. She mostly got what she wanted but what she has to do to maintain it is unfair.
That section in the fake village was fucking heart wrenching.
Big Bang!
I agree that scene was something else. It was also bittersweet in the way that I thought it dragged on way too much after those events unfold.
nothing will ever hurt more than Ludger doing what he had to do to his brother, especially when he started humming the hymin, even the scenes of having to watch either Ludger or Ellie die of the curese weren't as gut turning as that. I honestly hope if we ever see a new tales we're finally be done with this kind of thing, even Zesteria had the scenes of Alisha being treated badly by everybody and having her own teacher commit suicide on her spear and spend her remaining time cursing Alisha with her last breath then for good measure they make Alisha relieve that moment again in her DLC episode. It felt like cruelty for the sake of it. Kinda like everythign to do with Shirley in Legenda, by the time the game was over I just wanted her to die because even in post game she still doesn't know how to control her yandere like attachment to senal
>Shirley to die
I think she grasps the concept between her and Senel during the character quests, personally. I also think she went through a lot, maybe not to the extent of putting everyone at risk, though I can sympathize with her to a level.
She does something like a Tiger. I always forget.
I hear she fucks like a tiger have Mel, Dio and Lorinne ever appeared in a tales of spin off? I rather liked their styles and wished that game came stateside
Hmm, now that you mention it.
Did you just kill that poor creature with a bad pun, (burning) lake lady?
I'll answer that, the answer is no, the Nikari Dungeon protagonists have yet to appear in a recent game since their debute probably because Mel and Dio's fighting styles are too hard to implement, they were class changers and had no canon preferred class and since Lorinne is tied to them along with her appearance in the remake of Phantasia if they're not there neither is she. The same holds true for Kleus's ...kid? I think? who is further down the future from Mio and Dio's arc
Eizen should have been the MC
Well, Alisha isn't meant to be seen as sympathetic or even likable. All the things that happened to Alisha were a direct consequence of her behavior.
When is the next Tales festival again?
Also what are the chances that they will show a new game there?
Still, what a stupid thing to write, hey let's make a character shit on purpose! Who the fuck thinks that kind of thing is okay? tales of has a history of this but Alisha was just extreme upon extreme,what made them think players would enjoy something like this, who goes into a game to antagonist the player?
From what I've heard and pieced together from the interviews it's because they originally planned on Alisha facing direct consequences for her actions (ie turning into a hellion) and therefore becoming a burden to Sorey who realizes her faults but Alisha's design was popular with the staff so her payoff was removed.
>story winding down
>feels like it's nearing the end
>jk you're only 2/3 done
this was the absolute worst feeling.
Why the hell did they introduce her as the fucking heroine then if she was meant to be disliked, gt shit on by the cast and eventually turn into a monster and be killed then!? What the hell wrong with these people? It's even worse with Rose she has no reason to be in the story, honestly Zestira really suffered from this crap and the anime suffered even more for trying to make Rose and Alisha actually matter to Sorey's adventure when all it did is show how utterly pointless both of them are in the grand scheme of things no fucking wonder they made them gay at the end, they deserve each other after this wonderful mess of a shitshow if nobody will love them they can love each other and roll around on a dirty ass cabin floor some more for all people care.
Mid-June. There might be an announcement, it's already been stated another one is being worked on. Worst case we only get Crestoria there.
No she is yet a SJW pandering shitty "STRONK WAMEN" protagonist who constantly gets praised by retarded leftys who cant stop guzzling soi from the big black cock of the man who fucks their wife every day
Women are not strong deal with it you fucking retards
please no more mobile titles. they don't even last in the west so what's the point? they should bring back Sword of Legendia... they must have had something produced besides a single character concept art.
Is there a reason why Kongman, Lilith, Chelsa weren't in this game? Only the sword bearer's were and even then, Woodard and Philia only appeared in one scene, Rutie was there and didn't do shit I can't believe she didn't recognize who judas really was, his mannerisms alone should have given him away and if not those his swordian definitely would have even if he didn't speak. Leon's entire tale is just sad and his death was one of the most horrible ways a person can die,too
>finally done with the TIDALWAVEBLAHBLAHBLAH grind
Thank fuck. This was the only thing I feared when I picked up ToV:DE.
It's the best feeling when you're enjoying the game.
That fuck up happened before the staff raised a fuss about Alisha which actually did cause them to change her story so that she didn't change into a hellion. But Alishafags on staff insisted that Alisha shouldn't just not be temporary but also be the heroine because she was cuter than Rose. The director agreed with their sentiment but then while rewriting the story everyone on staff realized that the story made no sense with Alisha as the heroine and decided to make her a side character after, all albeit after gutting her story so she didn't do anything truly bad.
Baba didn't keep track of Zestiria's production and he might have seen the script where Alisha was the heroine and ran with it, without confirming with the director. He found out to late that he fucked up, which lead to the marketing ignoring Alisha immediately after they revealed the seraphim.
The point of Rose was to show that people can change, they just have to do it themselves. But the rewrite fucked her over too.
Yeah it really fuckin wears on you after a while huh?
All the best to those people. I was genuinely happy when the game was over.
>he point of Rose was to show that people can change, they just have to do it themselves.
What about Rose needed to change?
If you didn't like the game you shouldn't have kept playing.
Not even that bad a grind if you're watching netflix on your laptop or something in the meantime.
The most annoying grind was fell arm kills. I got through my four characters that had decently high kill counts prior to starting the grind (Yuri, Patty, Rita, Raven), then gave up halfway through grinding Flynn and just left the file sitting ready for a full NG+ run.
>Fell arm kills.
Why would you need to farm for those? You can do absolutely everything in the game without them. Just save them for a NG+ run when everyone already has a shitload of kills under their belt.
>When you notice that one Fell Arm is worse than a the weakest weapon for that character
Guess thats what i get for hard benching Karol
She actually had a daughter you fight in ToD2 and she herself does show up briefly. And the PSP version had her as an extra boss in the coliseum.
>The point of Rose was to show that people can change, they just have to do it themselves. But the rewrite fucked her over too.
>Rose is amazing, she an do whatever whatevr she wants even kill a child because she doesn't doubt any of her actions as wrong or evil
What kind of dumbass writes a world where you have to be a sociopath to be able to function as a normal human being anyway?! God fuck Zeteria and by extension Beariseria just thinking of those games gets me as mad as I get thinking about Xillia 1 and 2 especially when the subject turns to Alvin
I would have bought this game if she had any other default outfit
That was my plan for not going crazy while doing it, but I found it really difficult to keep track of the OL duration if I'm too distracted by anything. Ergo, I spent the hours pretty much eyes glued to it.
Tales is one of my favourite series so I always hope for the best when a new game comes out. I'm not going to drop the game when I've already committed most of my time to it. I just wanted it to be better than Zestiria and all that I've learned was that I appreciate Zestiria more than ever since playing Berseria.
look where?
>tfw i have well over 5,000 kills with rita and only about 4,000 with yuri
I didn't need to, mostly it was something to occupy my hands while reading a bunch of documents for a few days. Eventually I couldn't even muster the will to do even that.
Replayed Xillia recently and realized he did nothing wrong. Jude was the true faggot and evil of the game.
>Leon dies because someone has to start the lift
>Several of the characters have ranged attacks they could have used to hit the switch from that distance
I know from a story standpoint Leon was a dead man walking as there's no realistic way for him to take 8 other people on in a fight and win but they couldn't have made more believable he was fucked?
You know, kinda like Chal's two friends in Hearts, they were stranded with no way out and had just given most of their power to Chal so he can get away, they flat out burned to death,too.
You get access to a more modest villager outfit right from the beginning.
Basically, Sorey and Rose were meant to learn opposite things. Sorey in how to save with killing and Rose in how to save without killing. She was supposed to give up on being an assassin to take up the dream of purifying the continent and creating human and seraph coexistence. Basically the classic Asian story of a murderhobo becoming a monk who values all life.
>Get a 10x experience roll with Patty's bomb arte in the 2nd EX dungeon.
>Run back and forth between rooms for kills, salivating at how many levels I'm going to get once I finally "end" the fight.
>Suddenly the screen fades to black while I'm fighting a group of enemies.
>Screen comes back on, I'm going back up the elevator.
This dungeon fucking kicks you out of you fight too many battles or something? What the fuck?
marry sue that didn't do pretty much anything during whole game.
See Rose's story was very different. Heck in the script she only killed hellions and those that caused them. Basically she was a Vigilante.
The shota was the real MC, at least he had some character development.
Were you lingering in one room too long between room changes? I remember someone mentioning that the game kicks you out for staying in one room too long while waiting for the respawns.
>bunny ears on rita
>not the dog ears
No I was in the middle of a fight. I had an enemy in a combo and everything started going dark before it even died.
Gotta get that Bunny Ears trophy.
I've spent about 40 minutes farming Chimera siblings before so it sounds like you got fucked
I know that now, but I just noped the fuck out back when I saw the promotional material.
hell yeah she was. one of the best in the series and probably one of the top feMC in jrpgs in the past decade.
she was a breath of fresh air compared to the idiotic tales leads from previous games.
Hearts R port when?
Xillia duology port when?
Graces F port when?
someone ask the official twitter about these as well
no but the /ss/ that came from it was worth it
Out of all of those the only one i want is Hearts R
Not buying a dead console for one game
Good news user there is a port mobile only in Japan
I don't have a Iphone or something similar though
how do you fuck can ever finish games like these
>play game
>finally get into battle with boars or some shit
>velvet keeps shouting every time she attacks
>every fucking time
I couldnt handle this shit
An Xillia 1+2 port to consoles/PC that would actually run at a stable framerate would be amazing. And I really want more people to be able to experience Graces.
She was good for my dick. She deserves more porn. Her and the witch chick. And all the chicks in this game, really.
buy a vita tv? i swear you can find them for like $30.
I wouldn't mind replaying Graces f
Outside of some gimmick puzzles and the story one of the Tales i've enjoyed the most
Chaos was too much fun
She was definitely hot
First time playing nip games, user?
like 6th time
Sadly Tales isn't that popular. It needs a game to boost it like Fire Emblem had.
>It needs a game to boost it like Fire Emblem had
>Fire Emblem got popular with a bigger crowd by pandering to waifufags
Time for them to bring back the relationship thing from Symphonia.
I liked her. It's subtle and gradual but the change in her character over the course of the game was nice.
I maxed out my Fell Arms and and grinded some Artes to 9999. My save file is sitting around 400 hours. I don't really recommend it unless you want to absolutely curbstomp everything in the game because even the Radiant Winged One on Unknown dies in under a minute at that point due to your maxed stats and tripled Arte damage.
Your relationship with JRPGs sounds very "It's not you, it's me" despite the fact that you have, for some reason, not noticed this fact yourself. I dunno how you can attempt and fail to enjoy a genre 6 times without realizing that maybe you're not a fan. Don't bother asking why people like it, just acknowledge that you don't and move on. Despite what you may see here, you're not obligated to love or hate everything you play.
Now now. If someone has genuinely played 6 or less nip-made games in their whole life, they're most likely still a child or someone who just bought the Fifastation and called it a day.
Why were the costumes so shit this time around? Although to be honest, I haven't played a tales game since Vesperia on the 360.
I got Berseria on PC for free and felt like the bodies were very janky which I see alot when the japs try to apply motion capture to weeb bodies. I was also wondering why the story went to total shit whenever that green elemental guy appeared. I did a little research and realized this game was a prequel to Zestria and that Zestria itself was considered shit in more ways then one. Combat in Berseria felt like such a slog that eventually I switched from the hardest available difficulty down to easy because I didn't feel like chaining combos together for each goddamn battle. The higher difficulties weren't harder so much as it was soul destroying to try to level up equipment and shit. I played JRPGS for direct upgrades, not to see if something may work out if I align things juuuuuuuuuuuuust right.
flat is justice
Fire Emblem always had waifufags, its just waifu wasn't a term used back then. People just called their waifus, best girl or favourite girl/character etc. You had the whitewings, then you had Ayra, then you had Lyn, then Lucina if you want know which bitches got the most attention.
Sadly waifufags don't spend enough money to justify it, and Fire Emblem has its own new set of problems due to them following this attempt.
Pretty much, if anything you could argue that it's really Husbando Emblem that helped FE take off. As FE had been Waifu Emblem from the game's inception.
Tales panders to the otaku audience just as much or even more than FE. Only difference is that there is more of a focus on pandering to husbandofags and fujos.
The reason why they focus more on husbandofags and fujos is because that group unironically buys more than the waifufags and otaku.
Tales as a franchise in reality might be making a lot more money than Fire Emblem's.
She has a fucking demon arm I dont think looking at normal human versions of strength is reasonable
even then I dont see the point of being so upset by it. Seriously fuck off why is it after 2015 or so everything had to be accused of having some kind of fucking agenda what the fuck ever happened to just enjoying games why does it feel like im making a political argument when I talk about modern games I like?
I would
I know I'm really late to reply and you're likely not here anymore but I thought I'd throw this out anyway
Rondoline (where did you even get Lorinne?) is in Rays already and Dio + Mel have been in a 'who do you want made playable?' poll too.
She looks terrible in my opinion, but some alternate outfits helped with that.
I thought she was a refreshing departure from the norm. Edginess and badboy/girl routines suit cute girls more than it does the typical shounen dork
I want to fuck Luke
>Xillia 2 with a stable 60fps framerate and the weird contrast problem fixed.
This is all I need.
Vesperia was the last Tales game to have good costumes, the rest are swimsuit/crossover DLC bullshit and barely anything worthwhile in game.
i wish, she was playable in zestiria.
Raine is my wife
But he shot Leia!
you are a faggot
The best
T. Tear or Asch
Tear did it.
How much did Asch want to hatefuck Luke by the end?
Her jap va did the job well
>that sequence of event after she goes back to her village
I preferred her english va because of how psychotic and broken she could sound. Sold me on the "velvet is a fucked up bundle of rage" better than the jap one did.