Is there any way for me to get an FOV beyond 90? 90 FOV makes me motion sick incredibly quickly
Is there any way for me to get an FOV beyond 90? 90 FOV makes me motion sick incredibly quickly
Imagine living such a lazy life that just looking at a simulation of activity makes you sick.
90 is too much and that's what makes you dizzy with all the unnatural distortion.
lrn2console dumb zoomer
Fuck off you reddit niggers, FOV below 100 is literally unplayable
>90 isn't enough
Try playing FarCry 2 OP. Then you'll really vomit.
I already tried the console, it's capped at 90 there too.
Unless you have a reddit ultrawide screen, you're wrong and you're turning your vision into a fish's.
Fucking nigger.
Imagine living such a lazy life that you didn't even bother googling your issue before making a thread asking to anonymous people.
type default_fov (value) in the console you absolute disgrace
>110 FOV is fish-eye
Based retard
>what are math and scale
Ultra based dumbfuck
I already tried you dumb fucking nigger, fov_desired will not go above 90
>Math and scale have anything to do with FOV preference
Extremely based literally braindead monkey
Gee I wonder why it won't go over that
This is a great thread.
>games making people motion sick
when will this meme end?
He means the PC console. Like with tilde
have you tried enabling sv_cheats first? it may cap it with cheats off.
OP here, I already tried that too.
Because Valve is filled with hacks?
hl2 doesn't really hold up
funny enough i didn't really like doom 3 when it came out but it holds up way better now
lets you change fov to whatever you want too
sv_cheats 1
You can't play Doom3 at 144fps though therefore it is now unplayable
I booted HL2 for this, it actually is capped, sorry for being a hothead OP.
After some research it seems that you can't change FOV until you meet Alyx on d1_trainstation_04, when you get the suit. The max FOV with sv_cheats 0 is 90, while with cheats enabled is 140 max. I think you can make a workaround with a cfg file. This is odd, never thought there was a hardcoded FOV cap on HL2 before.
I played both games for the first time two years ago, Half-Life 2 holds up a hundred times better. Doom 3 has aged like shit, especially the graphics are subpar compared to HL2.
Stop being dumb, boomer
That doesn't really have anything to do with how active you are. One of the most active guys I know gets nauseous from playing FPS games.
Again, I already tried that. I played the game until I got the suit after I heard that you could change your FOV there. Still doesn't work.
Nevermind, not even with sv_cheats 1, game seems to be hardcoded to stay on 90. You can try doing a trick with r_aspectratio and see if that works, otherwise you might have to either run an older version of the game or mod it. I'm looking for more solutions atm, I can't imagine why did they patched such feature.
To the fov guy, I know some server plugins enable that, so try and see if you can get running on a listen server.
Get an old version of the game