Do this actually get fun?
Do this actually get fun?
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Depends on how you define 'fun'
Do you want to be occupied and pretend you have something to do while you're actually wasting time? Then yes, it's fun
Short answer: no, buy plat
Long answer: basic gameplay (shooting, slashing, jumping, ninja flipping) is good, but's overwhelmed by a fucking tsunami of grind and really poor design choices from devs. Add to that a yesman community and the fact that devs are canadian and you'll get: Wasted Potential: The Game. Buy plat tho.
Why would you buy plats when you can sell the hottest shit of the moment to the tryhards and thirsty fucks that constitute this community?
Can I play as a Juggernaut or knight type playstyle? All the game play i see is autistic jump and slide spamming, twirling around in the air like some lala girly boy. I want to use heavy armor, a heavy melee, and a big gun to slaughter xeno scum.
It gets faster, and you kill more things, but the core of the game doesn't change.
Honestly I find early-mid game more enjoyable than the late game retardation it's currently at. Power creep is insane.
Source: my outdated ass that last played this like a fucking decade ago, there may be more frames that fit the themes now.
Played roughly 200 hours because my friend is obsessed with it.
The cinematic quests were fun. The regular missions are kind of boring because 80% of the time you just kill everything in seconds. Also confusing to get into without reading the wiki.
Rhino. You are big and cause shockwaves when landing, also super-tanky like nigh-invulnerable. But yeah people are autistic about completing missions as fast as possible so everyone bullet jumps as fast as possible and a big part of it is being a ninja.
>Power creep is insane.
>Be new at the game
>Clearing out earth
>Get to do an alert defense mission because I got one of the relic thingies from a previous defense
>Due to the mission being an alert as well I see some high level players
>One of them is playing the disco frame, Octavia I believe
>Guy just drop his ass on the sarcophagus and launch his funkball
>I had absolutely no fucking idea what happened but I believe the funkballs chained AOE over AOE that had obscene range and nobody had to do jack fucking shit for the entirety of the mission while the ball was doing all the heavy lifting
It felt a little weird, compared to my hobo excalibur.
Atlas is fucking amazing if you like looking like that big tree motherfucker from Yu Yu Hakusho.
Rhino sucks because all he has going for him is iron skin and a stomp.
Oberon and Harrow are badasses with interesting mechanics.
Melee mostly doesn't matter in this game beyond aesthetic, I prefer hammers myself though I think a couple greatswords are meta.
There's a fucking hundred different guns you can find something you like eventually.
Man that's not even the worst of it, sometimes you just get Saryns or Volts who press 4 and the entire map is dead before you see shit.
pretty much this
Yeah but then it becomes really repetitive and boring
I'm just a little upset they started to cockblock frame behind the tenno lab, I wanted Nezha and Wukong but don't want to deal with guild shit.
I wouldn't give half a fuck if they were at least tradables so that you could buy them from clanfags but they ain't, so unless I'm wrong if you want some frames you HAVE to join a guild who have them unlocked.
I mean, some will say that they do the same with weapons and other gears as well, but to me there's kind of a difference between a gun and a whole fucking frame.
Stop being such an insufferable autist and just join one of the many big guilds in recruitment, steal all the blueprints and then abandon and forget everything about it. It's that easy.
>have to take 2 seconds to ask for a guild invite and click accept
Are you DSP by any chance
Why is Yea Forums so addicted to the game? I keep seeing the same type of threads claiming that this game is shit but you fucks keep making the thread for a game you claim is shit. What the fuck is your problem?!?!? Either the game is shit and move on or the game isn't shit so stop calling it shit.
>Currently top 10 in steam
>Can aquire all the jewcash content without paying a cent
>Mostly singleplayer if you want it to be and multiplayer doesn't force teamwork so you can just badass your way and carry everything
Literally the only thing holding the game back is the overly sensitive canadian dev team that has no idea how to play their own game.
Sorry that was me. Hope you enjoyed the song.
How do you determine the hottest shit? wf market?
Inaros = Literally can't die juggernaught mummy
Rhino = Line and Rank heavy damage buffer + frontliner
Oberon = Healer paladin
Atlas = Gimmick Rocky boi who can put a ton of rock armor on himself
Valkyr = The heavily armored beserker melee class
I beg of you, please don't waste your time on this game. I already wasted hundreds of hours for nothing and you shouldn't repeat my mistakes.
It's shit but addictive, much like gacha games (less gambling, more grinding)
>and multiplayer doesn't force teamwork
honestly the main reason the game is shit for me
Alright have fun on overwatch/whatever that team battle royale thing is now.
This is the Warframe endgame, because the grind to achieve anything becomes very severe, with more and more padding to force you to pay real money by caving in. So people come up with ways of making the grind as efficient as possible, shit like negative power strength Nova to make all the enemies run FASTER instead of slower to speed up survival or defense missions and so on.
>He's good if you have all these expensive/rare, fully upgraded mods
Every time.
I'd say the community inherited most of the tf2 oldfags, myself included.
He needs next to nothing to achieve that for the majority of the normal game content.
Rare/expensive fully upgraded mods are only needed if you start doing endgame retardation like arbitrations, sorties, and unlimited missions beyond 30 minutes.
>yesman community
The worst part about WF desu.
And maximizing leveling speed with sanctuary onslaught. That's all I really want that shit for.
Here's how you make a shitton of plat
>Play game
>Get to the point where relic grind is current and something you regularly do
>get burnt out
>quit for 8 months
>come back to the game after seeing a thread on Yea Forums and feeling like trying it again
>sell all your shitty relic primes that were worth maybe 5 plat at the time for 80-200 plat each because they're "vaulted" now
>buy all the jew shit you didn't bother with because you were burnt out
>have fun for a bit longer
>burn out and quit again for another 8 months
It's free money on interest.
The most efficient way to level in SO is to kill nothing and let everybody else kill shit for you. ESO however yeah you should be contributing as hard as you can.
For the tryhards?
Just look at /wfg/
For the thirsty fucks?
Region chat.
>shit like negative power strength Nova to make all the enemies run FASTER instead of slower to speed up survival or defense missions and so on.
>Have to play the game backward to make it work
I mean, it's fucking genius but holy fuck
Well but that logic, you should be doing everything you can to buff other players yeah? Any recommended frames? (Also ESO or SO for leveling, I can never tell which is more efficient)
we postin screens?
Trinity is a good leech frame, you actually help your team by refilling their energy and keeping them alive with blessing.
People like Rhino with a roar build, just slap as much power strength as you can and ignore everything else.
or go trinity with an ev build.
Thanks senpai. Rhino seems more fun since he can buff my unleveled weps.
You can do the right thing and start a solo clan.
I was given control of a dead clan, i'm tempted to kick everyone and keeping the dojo and research to myself.
>Rhino sucks because all he has going for him is iron skin and a stomp
He has the only buff in the game that increases damage from all sources. And it's multiplicative, meaning the bonus is calculated after the mods.
How much money have you got on you?
I know some people do that but is it really worth it?
the core gameplay is fun but you run out of new things to do quickly
In addition to the other mentions, I'd like to nominate Hildryn.
>Shitton of shields
>An ability to remove armor and shields from enemies and gain it all as shields
>Her signature weapon Larkspur, is a vehicle grade chaining beam gun combined with a mortar launcher, and when Hildryn wields it gains additional ammo reserves
>Tricky to obtain her and the Larkspur without spending money, the blueprints, parts and one of their materials drops from an event boss
>Since she is shield based she most definitely needs Adaptation, and you will need to either grind Arbitrations or trade for it
>The whole reason she has massive shields is because all her abilities consume shields instead of energy
Depends. On one hand, it takes a lot of resources to research everything, and some stuff is really obnoxious to research solo (mostly the hema), but being in a solo clan lets you avoid any clan related drama bullshit.
I only started a solo clan after I got every bp I needed from the dojo and had loads of surplus resources.
Played since U7, am a Master Founder, and have communicated with the devs directly when they used to lurk on /wfg/
This game is beyond salvaging due to feature creep and pandering to cosmetics. If anyone wants to buy an Excal Prime and Skana prime account, hmu
>All the game play i see is autistic jump and slide spamming, twirling around in the air like some lala girly boy.
unironically that's all this shitty game is.
>Why is Yea Forums so addicted to the game?
that aint it, some retards managed to escape their containment general and came to shit the board even more.
nobody outside their retarded circle gives a shit about Warframe.
when you get a fun frame like zephyr or saryn
I dunno, as shit as the game is it's incredibly popular, seems a stretch to me to say that outside of a particular group of autistic nerds farming big numbers to wave their e-cock around nobody give a shit about it.
It's fun just like the fanbase (in this place)
The playerbase is also pretty nice, but that's probably because this game is coop grinding
>the game is it's incredibly popular
steam numbers unironically mean fuck all unless you are a competitive game, i've never heard or seen anything Warframe related outside their inner circles or comparitions to Destiny and how it is "better"
meanwhile i hear people talk about Destiny daily and i see people unironically use "gaymin" appareal about the game, Warframe is only popular in their community feeble minds and they like to think that they are the best F2P game when Fortnite exists.
I bought Nidus then got bored but I still want to play him, the players just don’t play survival long enough. Should I get Hildryn? What’s her shtick?
Am I the only one here playing this on Switch?
>it's not popular because I've never seen someone wearing a shirt with their logo
>barely a fraction of Destiny userbase
>"hurr its popular"
yikes indeed.
>Destiny vs Warframe
I still don't understand how people even manage to compare them both.
The only thing they have in common is being science fiction.
>picture perfectly represents this
post on every fucking level even the link
warframe fags truly are fucking retarded and predictable playing repetitive flavors of slightly changed backwash every 6 months.
>what’s her shtick?
makes the lgbt community feel more included to have someone properly represent male to female transitioning
user, I didnt even pay attention to that shit, I just wanted to scratch my musclegirl itch
2 weeks and they still think this is acceptable
>all powers are non physical
have fun taking pictures in the instagram reddit mode
What is this even
no, stay the fuck away
also warbros #1 and zamboni was right
a skin for a very terrible frame
>added secondary energy color for adding a forma
When are they going to update this so we can have an energy color per forma on frame. I want to have a stupid reason to 100+ forma Nezha.
>Those massive tits with that figure on that ember
yes i too enjoy minion porn
>Oberon look like he have a massive dickbutt on his head
>Wasted potential: the game
I can only weep at the vision of this game in the hands of a competent, properly funded dev team.
Inaros can die. Not the best tank frame out there.
Look past the arsonal numbers user, Ehp calculations are a thing.
Inaros only really is "immortal" with 2 arcane graces. And even then, you can still easily die to something with high sustained dps like a corpus tech
I'm at Uranus, all frames, weapons and mods leveled to max, rank 7
how the fuck do I get stronger? feels like I just hit a fucking wall
which frames, weapons and mods we are talking about?
Even with the two graces and a set of umbra mods, you only have roughly 9k hp. He cant recover from getting hit for anything more than that. Of course running into that kind of raw damage in the field is unlikely but that's another matter. Excal Umbra for example can hit 14k ehp, and Chroma prime can still nail 150k both without accounting for Adaptation.
Chroma doesn't have invincibility frames.
true endgame in warframe is posting tater
9k hp or 9k ehp? Because I remember using an ehp calculator and getting something like 20k ehp with two umbral mods. Regardless, I find his abilities really boring and I only use him for hijack missions.
Those really dont matter. You are not dealing damage when doing the sand succ and the shit that bopps most frames is immune to powers anyways.
Just hp. Ehp is around 20k yeah. Plus the dull as sin kit.
If you want to be like that play Wukong then. He legitamilty cannot die. Just mist away after you die 10 times and recast.
Why would you ever want candy corn scented hair?
it only took one taterpost for the antitater poster to show up
I'm also a Switchfag
I mean, it's keeping the thread alive I guess
I fucking love masked women with fat asses, god I wish Warframe had less of a fucking fart-fetish and inflationist / fatfag community, just gimme women with wide hips and masks, aaa
as alive as the /vg/ general
If you play PvP, yes
Which frame is this? Looks like Wukong but he doesn't have a prime, does he?
That's Harrow. There's still Atlas prime before we get Wukong prime
Gotcha. I can never decide on a frame I like. I just use Umbra to mow through most content right now.
What happens next?
>Paladin/Fairy frame
>Mad, invincible catgirl
>Muscle and shield maiden
>A spiderman villain
>Dragon Knight
>Spanish inquisition
>Saryns or Volts who press 4 and the entire map is dead before you see shit
Unironically my most hated thing in the game right now. Defense and Onslaught are unplayable right now because some Saryn will park her fat ass on the objective and dab every enemy on the map out of existence. In a perfect world they would heavily buff the worthless frames like Vauban and Wukong, mildly buff the off-meta frames like Valkyr and Atlas, and give an across the board buff to all enemies. That probably won't happen though so I'd settle for nerfing Saryn and Volt into the ground, for spite if nothing else
Haven't gotten her yet, but couldn't Hildryn play as a juggernaut as well? Then again, if user is willing to play I doubt he'll get Hildryn unless he caves in and buys her.
Man, I really hope they do a little rework on Atlas before his prime drops. He is not that great right now.
operators are honestly the only good part about the game
Beginner here.
Are snipers and semi-autos even worth it?
Everytime I see gameplay from webms, or even youtube videos, it seems that the most popular way of playing is blasting your way through spamming dashes, melee, and spraying the shit out of everythings.
While it look ridiculous at times it also do look to be an efficient way to play, hence my asking
Yes, now go play.
Sure for tough levels but for most regular missions try to get your hands on an ignis wraith(ask in trade chat) or an amprex (clan energy lab for BP)
They just melt huge crowds of enemies
In a game where you absolutely have to deplete the game of enemies on-screen, snipers and semi-autos are gonna get left behind. However, you can still make do; if you're determined to use a single-shot or semiauto weapon, make sure it starts shitting out huge colored numbers on screen. As with all things, build appropriately, critical or status.
you just grind more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and then you can afford to build boltor and then you grind more and more and more and more and more and more and more