What games did those cool xtreme kids with heelys play?

What games did those cool xtreme kids with heelys play?

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pretty sure there was a game based on it

heeleys was post-extreme after the actual xtreme kids broke their legs skateboarding and white moms nerfed everything

i mean honestly look at this ad the kids are wearing helmets for their walking shoes

The "xtreme" thing died years ago. Now kids are lethargic, out of shape, and glued to phones and tablets.

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That's why the OP says "did" not "do".

soaps > heelys

I'm pretty sure it's the law that you have to wear a helmet when using shit like this, skateboards, bicycles, etc, so they're probably trying just to cover their asses so someone doesn't sue them or something.
In reality I never saw anyone wear a helmet when using these.


The game of life.
Meanwhile you spent your childhood in your basement becoming a socially inept individual.


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Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

I can't help but remember a fat kid in my class wore these to class one day. He slipped, broke his ankle, hit his head on the desk, broke his wrist, and the teacher tackled the kid next to him thinking he was beating him up.

Don't project unto me, fag. I was a cool heely kid.

Rallycross is still a thing, and WRC is going strong in 2019.

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The "avoid the Yea Forums pedo" game

nothing screams projection more than using the word as a 'counter-argument' lmao seething

>WRC is going strong in 2019

What teams are competing?






>game has Sonic the Hedgehog wearing Soaps

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Those things were an absolute lie. You couldn't just casually walk around with the wheels in and getting them out was a bitch.

>"no u r projecting"
>uses projection as a counter argument himself

Kek. Fucking retard.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

>no quattro
>no stratos
>no evo
>no STi

Seriously why even go on? To watch some eco boxes larp as rally cars?

The Safari Rally is no longer either. Because of muslims I assume.

fuck you I played that

Mitsu stopped making the EVO, and Subaru has been turning the STi into a road car for years now. It sucks, I wanna see that old rivalry alive again.

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>"no u r projecting"
lmao seems like you were homeschooled too

cope and have sex, you need it

You mean Rally Dakar? Really?

>rally dead
>Nascar only does ovals now

GT is all we have left. F1 a shit don't @ me

Dakar rally is cancelled too because of muslims but I meant the WRC rally in Africa called the Safari Rally. Dakar rally happens in South America now.

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>Dakar rally happens in South America now.
Why even call it Dakar then?

>still replying

because nobody is going to watch the Lima to Lima Rally.