What's the video game equivalent to this scene?

What's the video game equivalent to this scene?

Attached: GohanGokuDefeatCell.png (576x432, 456K)

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Dragonball FighterZ

Snake and Raiden fighting back to back in MGS2

Attached: dbzbudokaitenkaichi2.jpg (1280x720, 105K)


Attached: 1441355413_Objex.gif (700x300, 301K)

Chrono Trigger.

every game that has the power of friendship

Fuck you beat me to it

can't get any close than this

ending of the wind waker

This right here

Attached: balder.webm (500x281, 293K)

Easly this

Fuck off, Trannyeta is SHIT

haha tenkaichi 2 is where I learned the whole story of dragon ball z in the first place so don't beat yourself up over it

t.mustard who can't git gud

Fuck off, I'm still pissed about the $60 I wasted on the double pack for Switch. I had more fun playing the shitty DmC reboot



>Could be the best character in the series but decided to fuck off to do lame shit and study instead of being the top dog
Nothing particularly comes to mind, gohan a shit

Not a character but MGSV

not vidya but nu-Luke comes to mind