Oh god the wait is LITERALLY killing me..
>47 days until E3
Other urls found in this thread:
will load up on snacks and get comfy
Probably gonna take my vacation time on E3 like usual
Kind of annoying when coworkers ask what I did for my vacation though
>work from 3AM to 8AM so I'll be home to see everything
Personally I'm using my vacation days when Super Mario Maker 2 drops so I can focus on building levels for a week
every time I see this thread the countdown lowers by like 20 days and I can't believe how fast time flies
who's ready for a drinking game boys?
>Take a shot for every game coming to PC that will be an Epic Store exclusive
What is there to even look forward to?
I want Spore 2
PS5 news perhaps
>PS5 news
Who wants to tell him?
>only Microsoft is attending out of the big 3
It's just not the same. Fuck Nincel and Snoy
Let's be honest, it's going to be shit.
Everyone pulls out and there will be no cringe. Cringeworthy moments was the only reason why I watched this shitshow. The best E3 was the 2013 one, Ouya's lemonade stand got shut down by police and microsoft shat itself with the XBOX One. Nintendo's Treehouse also was way more comfy back then.
What is there to look forward to? NuDoom and maybeitwillbegoodthistime halo is all i can think of.
What makes the new treehouse segments worse? If it's literally the same thing. I don't disagree, but I can't explain why.
I'm fine with it, Sony's conference sucked last year so I don't think it would hurt to have one E3 without them. Nintendo still makes announcements online while having a physical presence through treehouse.
>no sony
I sleep
Cyberpunk and Bloodlines
Actually looking forward to knowing more about infinite
I remember when I used to feel hyped for those
I know that feel, jaded boomer
I know what you mean but I'm not sure myself. Maybe it's the games? Or maybe people just got tired of the Treehouse after all those years.
>no Sony conference
what is the point of watching?
what is the point of watching?
because sony wont shit things up
snoy thinks they're too good for e3 now
>Almost everyone who is completely skippable to begin with isn't even attending
It's gonna be the Dragonball Kai of E3 and I love it.
and you'll have lots of free time when tyrone comes to pick up your wife
It's the the lack of game variety. The last two E3s have been all about one game taking over multiple segments.