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At least it was before sharding fucked everythang up.

Sorry user but the magic is never coming back. Accept it

>Classic launches
>Millions of players overnight
>People realize that it takes more than a day to reach level cap
>People realize there is no dungeon finder
>People realize there are far less flight paths
>People realize you don't get a mount until 40
>People realize both levels of mounts are expensive
>People realize you have to actually do every quest in each zone
>People realize health and mana regen is far slower so you HAVE to eat/drink after a few pulls
>People realize more than half the specializations are completely dogshit/useless in PVE
>Server populations plummet
>Doesn't make a bajillion dollars like Activision had hoped
>Blizzard shuts down because the Activision jews aren't making huge profits off it anymore.

Everyone knows we're playing City of Heroes now bro

Friends and Family alpha/beta Ironforge > final Ironforge

prove me wrong you can't

>people suddenly realize all of these things that everyone already knows ahead of time
yeah no

Is classic going to bring back wallwalking? That was the most fun I had in WoW.

>yeah no

The beta test for classic was filled with people who had never played Classic before.

Nope, already confirmed out since Classic uses WoD engine version, which means fun things like wall walking and all other exploits used to get out of bounds in vanilla are long patched out

Attached: classic.jpg (1241x597, 164K)

into the trash it goes



you know it's just a little too late

nice pasta, everyone has been on private servers and yet still want this to happen, fuck off

>stop enjoying things!!!

Attached: 1555687921515.jpg (770x711, 178K)

So you're saying you won't play classic but you will shit up the threads hoping to bring people down to your level of being a downie?

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Ok, hear me out bros...

I *know* BM is the premier leveling spec in terms of pure efficiency and raw damage output. If your goal is to level as fast as possible then go BM and do not reply to this post.

However, for me, pvp is half the game. I always level my mages as fire, my rogues and sub, and my hunters as SURV. I do this because i want to be able to grief other players as hard as humanly possible while im leveling. World pvp is a big emphasis for me, so let me explain:

This is the spec. If you're a hunter and you like wpvp as much or more than you like questing/grinding, this is the spec. Im currently leveling a hunter on LH using this build, engineering, high level bandages and consumables, and I am literally unkillable in pvp in *literally* any 1v1 situation vs. same level players.

The ethos of any hunter is alwats to keep your target at range and beat him down using your bow or gun. The hunters #1 weakness is being engaged at melee range and having no escape. Survival spec greatly improves your ability to take minimal damage from melee opponents, and to disengage from your enemy so you can get back to noscoping him at range.

>tier 1
5/5 deflection. Ez choice since humanoid slaying does not apply to pvp targets. Parry also synergizes well with the overall theory of the build and allows you to use Counterattack more often. With AoM and 5/5 deflection, you will be sitting at around 24-25% avoidance (parry+dodge) passively at all times.

>tier 2
5/5 entrapment. 25% chance to proc a 5 second snare on traps. This happens often. In fact, immolation trap has a 25% chance to proc from each dot tick (6 ticks). Imp. wing clip we will use as a filler talent to move down the line, but entrapment will give you a better benefit right away. Dont bother with savage strikes, 20% crit is nice but we are not trying to be a melee hunter.

Attached: sketch-1555713011217.png (1959x1080, 1.8M)


>tier 3
1/1 Deterrence; 2/2 clever traps. No brainer. Deterrence is esentially a 10 second evasion for hunters, boosting your avoidance from 25% to 75%. During this time youll take almost no damage from melee save for arms warriors, and will guarantee you counterattack/mongoose bite procs. 30% more damage from traps is outstanding. Immolation trap is now better than freezing trap. I always place an immo trap behind me before i pull any and every mob, just in case. If an enemy player steps on it hes fucked himself bigly. The extra 2 points you have left put in improved wing clip.

>tier 4
3/3 surefooted. Ranged attacks cant be dodged or parried - they can only be missed. 3% hit is obviously wonderful, but the +15% chance to resist slows and snares is outstanding. It will save your life. And if youre really smart, you're already an orc for the stun resist too. Again, put the 2 extra points in improved wing clip.

>tier 5
3/3 killer instinct; 1/1 counterattack. Straight up +3 crit and another snare. Put the last point in imp. wing clip, now youre 5/5.

>tier 6 & 7
Spend all points here. No explanation needed.

Ok so now we are level 40. We have as much if not more baseline avoidance than a rogue. We have a 10 second evasion to pile on. Everytime we do dodge or parry an attack we can activate mongoose bite or counterattack respectively. Our immo trap does a lot of damage and will more than likely root the target. We are using rank 1 wing clip since the damage is negligible anyway, and its a very low mana ability that can be spammed in a pinch to get that snare if the others have failed.

you go bm for world pvp as well retard


So basically kiddos, any melee class is absolutely fucked. Theres no stopping you. Youre a smart guy, as I mentioned, so i know you're already dropping a trap before every pull. Dont pull your mob into the trap. That trap is for would be gankers. If you successfully land a trap on some unsuspecting faggot, your chance of roasting his bitch ass is almost certain. At the very least, you will almost always be able to find an escape from melee niggers, even if you get hamstrung/slowed. By neutralizing your weakness as a hunter you are now a killing machine.

This build however is NOT optimal vs casters and other hunters. Obvioisly pure ranged damage would be better. However, hunters as a class are generally well equipped to handle mages/etc. as it is. If you are on top of keeping your gear up to date and have your pet trained with the highest ranks of bite and claw, it should be no problem dumping on them. Rogues are public enemy no. 1 for us, they are our weakness, and this build revolves around neutralizing our weakness, not bolstering our strengths. There is a difference.

Speaking of pets... its gotta be a cat. You could use a raptor until level 32, but then switch to cat since cats can learn sprint at 32 and raptors cannot. Raptors and cats both have the highest damage modifier in the game (+10%) and can both learn two focus dumps for damage (claw and bite). Take growl off autocast so u can spam claw. Cats also have the fastest attack speed which is prime for disrupting casts.

I know to a lot of people this build sounds stupid. But I'm telling you, ive tried it and it works. Again, this is NOT a min/max leveling build. This is a pvp focused build that you can level with which allows you to take minimal damage in most cases and escape with your life. Its still good for leveling. Mana efficient and defensive. Wont have as much raw killing power are BM or MM, but the utility and evasiveness you get here more than makes up for it.

Any questions?

Objectively not as good as surv in *most* scenarios.