Why was this master piece so much better than all the other Persona games?
Persona 5
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I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but it has a damn good soundtrack that was stuck in my head for months.
The game however slightly goes to shit after the second/third palace.
It wasnt, only Persona game its better than are IS/EP
>inB4 seething P3fags and rosterfags come in and shit up the thread
Persona 2 is the second best Persona game after 5 though.
Literally the only way persona 5 is better than its predecessors is its gameplay
Nice Yea Forums hivemind opinion
Factually incorrect
p2 is better
It's my own opinion. Makoto completely derailed the nicely paced narrative and comfy gang vibe.
for a game to be good the game-play cant be so bad that its better to emulate on Youtube to than to actually play it
Factually correct
>it's my own opinion
>same opinion parroted in every Persona thread for the last two years with no deviation
because its possible to think something that a different human isnt already or didnt already think
Maybe it's a valid criticism then.
Why can't I play it on my switch if the protagonist is in smash?? It doesn't make sense
Not when it's the exact criticism with no supporting argument beyond it down to the word. It's like when people say "weebshit" to any anime game, does that mean its valid that every Japanese anime style game is bad because Yea Forums parrots that on every thread?
How does having models made for smash = a fully developed port?
It's a stage play user
It hardly needs a "supporting argument", because it's a sudden change in the game and it's that sudden change in the game which people keep bringing up. If we were talking about Ann getting gradually worse, then yeah, I guess a supporting argument would be sufficient.
As for your analogy, it's full of shit. I've got no idea where you're going with that.
>repeating the same thing day in and day out on Yea Forums makes it true
This is your argument and my comparison was debunking it
>No Yukari
>Best Persona game
MGS4 on Switch when?
You mean Fuuka right?
Your comparison isn't much different than a food analogy. You're not debunking shit.
If a certain element of a game gets criticized constantly, even with the exaggeration of "day in and day out on Yea Forums", there's definitely some merit to that.
You're right, every game with anime style is weebshit because Yea Forums's common criticisms have merit
>every game with anime style is weebshit
You said it, not me - with that pathetic excuse of an analogy.
>Yea Forums is one person
Make an argument next time
I thought P3 and P4 were better.
Hard agree but P5 still has best gameplay
you can say that about any persona game
I did, it's not my fault if your refute is to derail the subject and the thread.
That's exactly what you were doing by posting a hivemind opinion with no merit
they still are in more or less every aspect other than gameplay
A really dumb small thing I prefer about P3 over P4/5 is how characters get their ultimate personas outside of social links, it makes the characters feel more like their own person
The Virgin Nyx
>Wastes your time with 13 forms worth of filler before the main fight
>Skims the Wikipedia articles of the tarot cards to seem "deep"
>Silly design
>Final form is a slog that takes half damage
>One of his big attacks is hiding behind a shield like a bitch
>Theme is only appealing to soi boys who clap when they hear that Aria they recognize
>Ultimate move is a cheap shot that will only ever get you once and then never again
>Vulnerable to Armageddon
The Chad Erebus
>Plethora of dangerous high damage attacks that can't be grinded past
>Ultimate attack is very clearly outlined and turns the fight into a fun and intense DPS race
>Doesn't waste your time at all, either you lose quickly or win quickly.
>Cool genuinely unsettling design
>Doesn't talk, only goal is to kill you not give a boring sophomoric lecture
>Theme song is an original composition that gets the blood pumping
>Has never seen an Armageddon spell in his entire life.
Is the answer actually worth playing?
No. Only the last 10% is any good. Also most of the backstory is stuff you can already glean from the main game so you don't really learn anything new.
That doesn't sound dumb to me. Actually seems pretty sensical. It would prevent all of the weird character inconsistencies Ryuji suffers from.
>a masterpiece
Do Personababbies actually believe this?
Ryuji, Ann and Morgana are the absolute worst PT members. Yusuke, Makoto and Futaba saved gang dynamic.
>it's a nocturnefag
I've played more MegaTen than you, calling people personababbies while posting Demifiend is peak SMTbabby behavior. We get it, you played Nocturne and you think you're a cool edgy SMTfag now.
Real chads can appreciate both SMT and Persona
> a certain element of a game gets criticized constantly, even with the exaggeration of "day in and day out on Yea Forums", there's definitely some merit to that.
That's a fallacy called appeal to popularity. Just because something is popular in some place does not mean it's correct or good. In fact by employing this falacy you're deeply contradicting yourself because Makoto is by far the most popular P5 girl and the second most popular PT behind Joker (not counting Goro).
This is the boat I'm in which is why it's obnoxious when people play baby's first SMT game like Nocturne and claim Persona is shit and SMT is better.
What happened to comfy persona threads now it's people screeching over p3fags, p4fags, p5fags, personababbies, smtfags
I wouldn't go that far but it's pretty high up there.
Gameplay: 5 = 4 > 3 > 2> 1
Story: 3 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
Characters: 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 > 4
Dungeons: 5 > 3 = 4 > 2 = 1
Music: 5 > 3> 1 = 2 > 4
Final boss: 3 = 2> 5 > 1 > 4
Waifus: 3 = 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
Overall: 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 > 4
It's because P3fags have gotten extremely bitter over the years and now we have rosterfag seethers mixed in with them who try to make every Persona thread hell because they're mad that people don't care about their game. P4fags have mellowed out in recent years.
Go back to /pg/
Literally the worst taste
master piece of DOGSHIT
>P4fags have mellowed out in recent years.
Too bad it affected their intelligence now they can never come up with a decent argument about thier game.
You're part of the problem
Fuck off back to the Persona general you braindead fujo
>Too bad it affected their intelligence now they can never come up with a decent argument about thier game.
This has always been true
>Kawakami that low
oof that's some shit taste
fuck off tierlistfag, nobody cares about your epic opinions in every single persona thread
Is it challenging enough to get satisfaction out of beating it though?
How? I don't actually have a problem with Persona 3 but P3fags are some of the most stubborn obnoxious people on Yea Forums
> Thinking anyone will believe you played any Megaten Game other than Persona 5.
No. There's no satisfaction to be had in The Answer. The normal mobs are easy except at the very beginning and end of the games and the red shadows are easy to avoid.
I have played many MegaTen games, and I'm telling you Persona 5 is still the best. Digital Devil Saga and Persona 2 Innocent Sin are some of my other favorites.
>Best story: 3
>Best cast: 4
>Best gameplay: 5
Surely this will not be a controversial opinion
>they still are in more or less every aspect other than gameplay
I'm sorry user but i don't have a teacher fetish.
It is because the P4 cast is the blandest and weakest group of characters in the series.
Best story: 5
Best cast: 5
Best gameplay: 5
p3 babbies, p4 babbies, smashfags, and port-beggars ruined it.
>Best story: 3
>Best cast: 4
>trying to accuse Persona 3 fags of this when the OP is literally designed to start this argument and is made by a P5fag
What's the deal?
The only way I think p5 is better is the actual combat. The story, s-link stories (general writing really) and the awful handholding and taking choice away from you constantly was a huge step back.
>best story: 2
>best cast: 2
>best gameplay: 5
fixed that for you.
Oh well at least they're not as bad as 3fags
>The story gets slightly interesting in the last month so it's worth slogging through!
There's one of these OPs for every 10 threads saying P5 is shit and Persona 3 is better
>awful handholding and taking choice away from you constantly was a huge step back.
You never played a Persona game before
People who circle jerk 3 and 4 generally haven't played 1 or 2
This, if anything P3fags have made me realize that Persona 4 is actually better than 3 just by looking at their flawed arguments.
Maybe they just don't like having pointless shouting debates with brick walls.
So you just called yourself retarded then?
Best gameplay. A remake of 3 would blow it out of the water though.
That last thread that was "what went wrong" with P5 and immediately P3fags swarmed it with their autism
>Avoiding a Sisyphean task is retarded.
Okay then.
that's easily 3. You don't even have s-links for half of them.
>lol bro only P3fags are shitposters, we dindu nothing
>a remake of a game where nothing happens will surely be good this time around
If by remake you mean completely changing the game from the ground up to the point where it's not even recognizable as Persona 3 anymore.
But the real question is how do you all think persona 6 will turn out
I have, that's why I can make the distinction between 5 and the others. 5 doesn't even let you free roam properly until you finish kamoshida.
I would kill for a new Raidou or even just a port of it.
Awful taste
>I would kill for a new Raidou
People who circlejerk 1 and 2 haven't played 1 or 2.
So what you're saying is that there's one thread about how Persona 5 has problems and another thread about Persona 5 is better than the other two Persona games
so what you're saying is that they're equal
No because the last 10 threads about Persona 5 have been shitposting threads pretending it was a bad game
Persona is not for ADHD children like yourself
Actually, all of the recent threads about Persona 5 have been about that Kotaku article.
P3FES with controllable party members in the P5 Engine with the models from P3Dancing All Night = Probably best persona game if it retains the same combat of P5/Visual flair.
P3FES only has most of it's downfalls due to it being a Playstation 2 game, the story is it's main selling point along with it's characters being written well/realistically, pad out it's poor gameplay/outdated PS2ness and it theoretically could be the best Persona game
t. p3 zoomer
That's not a thread about Persona 5, that's just gamergate-tier shit
A REAL persona chad likes all the persona games.
t. Yea Forums parrot
Well P5 certainly is created as if it is. It doesn't let you get lost doing side stuff very often.
>P3FES with controllable party members in the P5 Engine with the models from P3Dancing All Night = Probably best persona game if it retains the same combat of P5/Visual flair.
Except for the part where nothing happens in the story and there's nothing to do half the time. And Tartarus which is ass and the boring full moon bosses and lack of any real plot even by P4 standards.
Which is why p3fags are not Personachads
>P4 fags trying to use pretentious "big" words to sound smart
>there's nothing to do half the time.
p3 has the tightest s-link schedule out of all of them though.
Not at night for the last 4 months of the game. And the social links you do do are shit most of the time, even the good ones only have a few good moments in a sea of mediocrity.
Well, then the next bump limit thread about P5 I can find in the archive is this one which hardly mentions P3 outside of passing mentions when talking about the series as a whole and when bringing up the possibility of P5 FeMC.
Night time is half (the VN part of) the game user. Around September/October there's literally nothing to do at night except grind stats at the arcade (which actually wasn't in the original version of the game)
>the story is it's main selling point along with it's characters being written well/realistically,
holy shit, you p3 babbies are delusional. the "story" is nonexistent until the last month. the only time the writing is any good is in the p3p femc route.
You could always play P3 FES in pcsx2 with upscaled graphics with the widescreen patch and controllable party members mod.
Oh, there's also the guy who didn't know about Koromaru.
WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY where people unironically find Persona 5's story "good" when Hashino and co explicitly stated that they ripped plot elements from P2. This game is basically a diet P2 plot wise and its depressing.
Which game has good night time s-links? P5 doesn't even let you go out at night half the time.
>p3p femc route
Bad bait. It actively makes the writing worse, like giving you to option to bring Shinji back to life for literally no reason.
t. didn't play P2
There are not many similarities at all between the plots, and both are good games in different ways.
Real reason: more people bought it
Personal reason: jail lolis
fuck off faggot. the only other thing p5 did right was let you romance older women.
the cast are retarded, it took a page from p4 and barely have characters grow after you go through their dungeon/recruitment besides the confidants, and you have an autist as a party member.
I love Fuuka!
Doesn't Groo have most of his story ripped from the guy who has the same name as the MC or whatever
>Going out at night is good even with nothing to do
Minus like that's a lie, every month full moon
Tight s.links
Mini arcs with characters you can't even interact with
All the clubs interactions
Fuukas arc
So on so forth, along with (if you're one of those players) a bunch of side missions that do Elizabeth's Arc too.
Y'all ever hang out with a man that's literally dying? And feel genuinely impacted by his character because he's surprisingly on point? Then deal with a child and her parents divorcing?
Y'all ever genuinely try to get someone to be your friend rather than just "co-workers fighting evil" because that's what your are to every member of S.E.E.S at first, you actually have to build a friendship with your main niggas unlike P5 where you're all unspoken kin-ship for no reason or development.
There's a lot going on, Tartarus is easily the biggest downfall I'll agree, but a good remake could easily spice up each floor to something amazing like P5 palace design.
Persona 5 does. You can go out plenty and there's actually things to do beyond social links at night. If you're not using a guide to figure out that Chihaya makes it easier to get everything done you likely won't finish all your social links or complete stats by the end of the game.
you do realize that hashino was ripping plot elements from the first two games all along, right? nyx was straight out of the snow queen quest, and p4 rehashed the concept of shadow selves from p2.
>Personal reason: jail lolis
This is unironically the reason I bought P5
Akihiko, Fuuka, Mitsuru, Ken, Yukari and Aigis don't actively change outside of their social link or outside of their "arc" They have one scene where they get an anime powerup and sum up their character arc up to that point for the brainlets in the audience and then that's all they get.
>no u
Rent free.
>you have an autist as a party member
So you're talking about Persona 3 with Fuuka, Akihiko, Aigis, and Mitsuru?
Barely anyone in P3 changes, they have one tiny plot moment where they "grow" which is never addressed again and is hamfisted in.
Because it actually has demons, I don´t know why the fuck they did away with their whole main theme for Persona 3 and 4. 1 and 2 are nice and have demons... then the next gen games ditch it?
Persona 5 is simply what we should have gotten since the PS2 era
>Cries about nusona literally every single day
Y-yeah r-rent free.
And none of it is good whatsoever. The fact that Hashino claims "oh no we can't remake the older games out of respect for the creators" but turn around and rip plot aspects galore from them for Persona 3 through 5 is retarded. The self awareness there is lacking severely.
you mean like what fes already did with chidori? face it, fesfag, your game is the worst in the series.
>Barely anyone in P3 changes, they have one tiny plot moment where they "grow" which is never addressed again and is hamfisted in
This applies to literally every single Persona character but Junpei, Kanji, and Futaba.
Jun was actually good unlike Goro. And no, you're confusing Tatsuya Sudou with him
Most of the people in here aren't personachads
Junpei was the only character to go through significant shit thorughout the game and nupersona still sucks anyway fags.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Exactly, I just wish 3fags would stop pretending otherwise.
>Oh it's good because they force me to watch it!
Fuck off /pg/
>Unironically defends Nu-Sona
It's called Nusona for a reason. Not all of us like devouring shit. Persona as a whole has never been "amazing" but the newer games completely derailed the feel that the previous titles had. How do we go from occult adventures to high school rom com?
The fact that we have to fight stupid shadows in P3 and P4 instead of SMT demons makes P5 better than them alone
>Personafags cry about SMT every day
>Not rentfree
I only replied to the /pg/ poster with Goro because I had a feeling he would sperg at me if I said Akechi
but that IS why it's good
If any of those three characters didn't change as people throughout the story they'd be shit
wrong, p2's cast has meaningful character arcs.
3 > 2 IS > 4 > 2 EP > 5 > 1
Terrible taste
5 > P2IS > P4 > P3 > P1 > P2EP
>Oh it's good because instead of forcing me to watch it they don't include it at all
>Not all of us like devouring shit
I thought you were a P2 fan?
the shadow maya arc alone shits all over 3, 4 and 5 when it comes to depth and writing.
Wasn't Sudou the one with the daddy issues?
God, can we please delete the fucking wild card mechanic? It serves no purpose other than to make the MC look like a special snowflake.
not an argument
Fuck off P4fags
Both Jun and Sudou have issues with their dad but Jun was the one that was in the party and had a bunch of similarities to Akechi. Play Persona 2.
it's a P2 reboot so that's why
It's in the social link. Literally the same exact powerup scene but it requires playing the game. P3fags are so delusional it's ridiculous.
>he didn't play confidants
God I love Persona 4. Best game in the franchise.
Maybe since Igor is dead and Hashino is gone they'll bring Philemon back.
Haha yeah.
>It serves no purpose
Gameplay balancing and to give the player an actual reason to fuse personas. You wanna go back to P2 where there was no reason to use any other personas that wasn't your starters
>MC look like a special snowflake.
It doesn't.
I'm genuinely curious, how does progressing with the confidants affect how the characters are by the end of the game compared to if you just let them be? I don't mean their combat skills and ultimate personas either.
>play Persona 2
It's on my backlog of "old JRPGs I need to play" alongside FF6-10 + T, Xenosaga/gears, and Chrono Cross.
Endlessly repeating "X GOOD Y BAD" ad nauseum has never ever been an argument either. That's all 1 and 2 fags do since they've never actually played them and can't actually go into any depth. Therefore, there's no point in engaging with Yea Forums parrots any further than the effort it takes to mock them.
Man I love Persona 4, only game in the series worth a damn
>It serves no purpose other than to make the MC look like a special snowflake
That's the whole point, they're self-insert special guys.
They were progressed in their initial arcs where they joined instead of just wandering in like Ken who had his one moment of stupidity and then fucked off back to irrelevancy again.
Just so you know, Jun is a way better character than Akechi.
>It doesn't.
>everyone wakes up a power inside of them
>except for MC that has everyones power and more
It isn't, it's as good as p3 and p4 just in different things. It's main cast is garbage but it's gameplay is stellar.
Oh that happens after their dungeon. 3 just stretches it out over the whole game. They act exactly the same except become more sociable/more determined in 3 exactly like in 4 and 5.
>fake nupersonafans shit constantly on p1 and p2 constantly for being "too old" or not being dating Sims or some other stupid shit reason
>p1 and p2 actually talk about all the games in the series, have likely played all of them, and thus have the points to shoot down nupersonafags hypocrisy.
>"h-hey guys stop being mean to nupersonas! Th-those 1 and 2 games don't exist r-remember... I-I'm the real fan! :^["
Rent. Free.
4 > 5 > 3
From what I've played.
People tell me to avoid 1 and 2 though so can't comment on them.
The casts of 3 and 4 are utter shit
The argument is that Junpei and Futaba actively change as people throughout the story instead of characters having literally all of their development locked in social links/confidants that ignore the rest of the story and sometimes seem completely detached from it. If Ryuji was a Persona 3 character, he would've gotten his Ultimate Persona after Shido's palace blows up instead of the entire scene being played off as a joke.
Hahahaha okay shit eating poser
Which did you like better? The Mikage Ruins or Devil's Peak and why? I'll give you five minutes to google search.
P1 and P2 are good you should play them
Revisionist claptrap isn't going to fool anybody here, user.
>"""Self insert"""
Ding ding ding, there's the issue. Instead of them being proper characters the MC has to be some epic insert. Look at Tatsuya or Maya and compare them to any of the newer protagonists.
That was P2, this is now. Of course the gameplay would easily be balanced and properly fixed. There's no reason why the "Wild Card" should exist when everyone used to be able to access the Velvet Room. The MC isn't special, period.
>No it doesn't
Not an argument.
holy shit this so much
why does everyone act like their game is different from the others when they are all the pretty fucking same
Because it was made with casuals and normalfags in mind. And that's a good thing.
And this is a fallacy called ad hominem, you're attacking my person instead of my argument further proving me right.
Play them, the people saying that are faggots.
It's understandable how buttblasted P3 shitters can be, considering P5 stole its only notable niche as the modern urban Persona and made it entirely irrelevant
>P3FES with controllable party members
But wait, I thought P3 not having controllable party members was part of the kino, of the gameplay reflecting the growing relationship between the party? P3 fags cant have been talking out of their ass right?
>This butthurt about 4 he tries to falseflag
Why are 2/3fags the most bitter and angry people on the board?
Would the p5 cast be friends without MC-kun around to anchor them together? Would Futaba hang out with Ryuji? Or would Haru hang out with Yusuke?
>everyone who likes P3 is the same person
OP confirmed for only having played 5 and now he's talking out of his ass to rile people up.
Ignore this thread and the fag that started it
Hmm no response? I thought 1 and 2 were kino? Surely you're able to remember the awesome dungeons right?
>P3 fans are all actually the same person
P3fags truly are delusional
>the gameplay reflecting the growing relationship of the party when you get all the tactics halfway through the game
This was always a stupid argument.
God I love Persona 4, it's so amazing
P4 > P3 > P5 > P2 > P1
Fuck off back to the Persona general retarded fujo
I've played every Persona game and most MegaTen games, dumbass. After all of that I have come to the conclusion that Persona 5 is still the best.
I mean the fact that you keep responding after user left only proves the rent free thing was right.
>This paranoid about shitposting in a Persona thread post Smash
Wew lad
>Gets BTFO in an argument
>R-rent free
Truly pathetic
Is his name Makoto or Minato?
That’s fucking sad, dude.
>Look at Tatsuya or Maya
Yeah one character was a self-insert in IS
and the other was a self-insert that ruined her character in EP.
>Instead of them being proper characters
They are.
>There's no reason why the "Wild Card" should exist when everyone used to be able to access the Velvet Room.
There is and it's for gameplay balancing. Persona also function differently than it does in the previous games so there's that.
Some people cant just admit that maybe a change a newer game made over an old game is good
Reminder that Persona 4 is the only game that matters in this series besides Persona 5
It's exactly the same game as before, but with more QoL improvements. Therefore it's better.
Is it karma that the people playing p5 for the first time are already shitting on p3 and p4 because of how aged they look now?
What's wrong? Does your identity depend on contrarianism? Do you have to claim Majin Tensei 2 was the best MegaTen game for Yea Forums cred or else you can't pretend you enjoy video games?
Is it pathetic how you make this same post over and over again?
It's by far the worst written game in the series, but it's also by far the best in the gameplay department.
It's pretty funny how P3 and P4 fags are getting the same treatment they gave P1 and P2 for years. It's all downhill for them from here, they will become more and more irrelevant and be forced to pick up some other contrarian opinion to be cool. More and more new people playing Persona 5 play those games these days and see them for the garbage they are.
Well, we may be getting there, with joker being way less of a self-insert like the previous 2
It's the best written, you cannot claim any of the other games have good writing compared to Persona 5.
They actually have character arcs in the opposite title. Maya in 1, Tatsuya in 2, but even then they have their defining moments.
>They are
Feel free to list some examples, I'm waiting.
>Gameplay "balancing"
That's not even a proper argument. You act like they couldn't remove the Wild Card feature right now and give everyone access to the Velvet Room without breaking the game or something. The combat in these games has never been particularly amazing to begin with outside of buffing, spamming weaknesses, and healing yourself when needed regardless.
>It's by far the worst written game in the series
Someone hasnt played P1
P4 was better.
Imagine being this upset someone likes a toy you don't.
yes, once, and be prepared to die multiple times to the 3 samurai fight. also all bosses get dodge+ against their weakness.
What? No, I just don’t think P5 is the best.
This is P3fags and P4fags at their core
They looked aged when they just released, so image how they look now compared to P5
Not really. I mean they weren't the ones who make posts like this
Can we atleast agree that Joker is shit?
Once Persona 6 comes out Persona 3 and 4 will become so irrelevant nobody will even talk about them anymore.
He's the best protagonist along with Tatsuya
>This incredibly obvious samefagging
IP count didn't go up after this post. I wonder why.
Are you not allowed to make statements in a thread if it's not your first post? Do you have autism?
>Best writing
>"Persona 3 ending with a tower including busting a God's ass"
Yea.. No. Persona 4 is the only good game in this franchise.
Should I watch the anime?
>argument is pure memes
Speak English next time
Characters are extremely bland and useless(aside from Futaba who is far too useful actually)
Villains extremely lackluster
Game for some reason tries to paint Akechi as a sympathetic figure despite the fact he's a serial killer "But he has a bad relationship with his daddy, guys!"
The entire part where Morgana left the party makes no sense at all. He shits on Ryuji for being useless literally the entire game and when he finally stands up for himself Morgana can't handles it and fucks off. Again, why should I be sympathetic for Morgana here? The game gives me no reason to.
See P4fags can never come up with a decent argument
I disagreed with what he said but that doesn’t automatically mean he’s with “the Yea Forums hivemind” I think it’s just what it is, an opinion. I personally enjoyed the game very thoroughly and it kinda got me back into the genre.
>Once Persona 6 comes out
>Directed by Wada and Hashino's kooks, aka the people who worked on the dancing games
>Will probably be an utter catastrophe plot wise
>As usual people will gargle shitty social links and argue about which girl is best
*Slow whistles*
Getting upset enough over 10 year old games to the point of making the same statement over and over again is pretty autistic not going to lie.
You mean fags pretending to be 4fags.
woof woof
bark bark
arf bork arf
I just started P3 fes and I'm nine hours in. There isn't a whole lot of real story exposition besides a brief explanation of the Apathy disease but it's addictive as fuck.
Got my Red Bulls and Persona 3. Thngs are good.
Considering how Personafags don't have the mental facculties of grasping a plot more complex than "haha highschool schenanigens, haha team of unlikely allies, haha waifus and stands from Jojo haha"
You should probably leave the thread.
>Meanwhile at Paulownia Mall Block Yea Forums...
>Characters are extremely bland and useless
Compared to P4, where nobody on the team contributed anything and never grew as characters
>Villains extremely lackluster
Compared to the other games those 5 guys are the best villains in the series.
>He shits on Ryuji for being useless literally the entire game
No he shits on Ryuji for being retarded.
>when he finally stands up for himself
He always stood up for himself when Morgana insulted him. Play the fucking game.
>Morgana can't handles it and fucks off.
You're missing the context you fucking idiot.
Luckily no SMT game has a plot more complex than that.
Just started a New Game since launch. I forgot how fucking good this game was and I'm having a blast so far.
>Characters are extremely bland and useless(aside from Futaba
But Makoto is a Mary Sue
Considering its filtering casuals, I'd say so.
A Raidou game with good combat would be a dream come true. A game like that could easily become my favorite game ever, but it's not going to happen unfortunately.
bad bait
Not because of the 90's anime plot.
>The entire part where Morgana left the party makes no sense at all. He shits on Ryuji for being useless literally the entire game and when he finally stands up for himself Morgana can't handles it and fucks off
>Someone being able to give it but not take it is bad writing
Have P5-haters ever met another human being?
Persona threads were never very good if you ask me. They've seen better days, but it was a lot of shitflinging over which game is the best in the past too. The most civil it ever got was just when some waifufags would just dump images of one of the girls, and those threads weren't very good either, they just had less bitching.
Who else comes into these threads purely to shitpost and stir up arguments between games? I can't even count how many times I've false flagged as someone who played 2 or 3 to piss people off.
Based and woofpilled.
By the way FUCK the dancing games
This. I pretend to be a 4/5 fan. Just saying that makes people seethe beyond belief for some reason.
I pretend to be a Makotofag to shit up the Ann threads.
They get really triggered over her for some reason.
Was it based off of that place?
Glad you're enjoying it
Kill yourself
I prefer Minato, just 'cause it's what I heard first and I stuck with it. Doesn't really matter too much.
I like how P3 and 4 look, it's like looking in on a little diorama.
So are we Green or Purple in the next game? Either way, RISE UP
I dont even have to pretend
You should try it sometime
Jesus Christ, Koro-chan. This is a blue board.
He's my second favorite MegaTen protagonist after Raidou.
it wasnt. not even close. 3>4>1>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Glad you like it so far.
Honestly I think Persona 5 might be the worst game I ever played.
then you clearly havent played vanilla 3
I have, don't worry. At least it doesnt have a 7 hour long tutorial.
meant for
>There are people who actually like Fuuka
>Persona 4 is goo-
>Wasting time debating irrelevant philosophy with a murderer
His whining has nothing to do with the reasons he was getting brought to justice. Can you say "Adachi wasn't a murderer" so I know not to waste any more time on you please?
Koromaru is by far the least offensive mascot
>no dialogue
>based on a real story
>less prevalent
Although I guess there's the argument that Aigis is the real mascot
They point out they have no rebuttal, but they also know they have to bring him in.
I'm sorely tempted to give 5 another chance at the moment. was trying to do the same with SMTIV, but holy shit those monster (re)designs are awful.
What went wrong?
You dont know how bad they can get until the end
The dungeons.
It’s far better to have actually designed dungeons than randomized dungeons in a game like this.
A lot of them look better in IV:A where Doi drew them.
what the fuck is that
It gets worse? How much worse?
Lilith is really bad and the angels sound alot better in concept than reality
The SMT IV redesigns aren't that bad
Why not? Fuuka is so lovable and nice!
Reminder that Fuukaposters are based and deserve kindness
Fuukaposter, lots of girls in JRPGs are lovable and nice. Why Fuuka specifically?
Man I hate the ending as much as the next guy but this argument just reaks of incel
Your guess is as good as mine!
Maybe it was her brilliant mind that drew me to her like a moth to a radiant light. Maybe it was the fact that we hare similar views and ideas about life. Perhaps it was her captivatingly beautiful eyes, which gaze purifies my soul and eases my mind.
There could be a hundred reasons for why I love Fuuka, but they are not important. What is important is that I love her. And that I always will!
Ah, man. Cringe.
What is your opinion on the parts of P3 without Fuuka? As unfortunate as it is, Fuuka gets a rather small amount of narrative focus compared to Yukari or Mitsuru.
It's still a very nice game even when Fuuka isn't there. But it's hard for me to remember much about it that isn't Fuuka related!
Imagine being so insecure about your mediocre taste in games you have to make low quality posts on it daily.
This. 1st, 4th, and 6th are the best. 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and first half of 8th are good but not the best. 7th the end of the 8tg are trash.
Yes, OP is seething.
t. seething
I'm inclined to believe you're OP considering how desperately you're repeating yourself.
OG Lucifer isn't that great honestly. He's just better than both IV and Final's designs.
You know, I almost believed it. I almost believed that we would finally get a MegaTen game where we wouldn't fight some God at the end of it.
It's the beginning of the game that really got me. The fact that everyone thinks your some violent delinquent, your team of social outcasts, the pessimistically realistic portrayal of Kamoshida as a villain, with the menacing Shido being the obvious endgame, made me more than a little excited. The entire cast, sans Morgana, were all affected by the actions of the antagonist. Not to mention total tertiary characters like Kobayakawa and Shiho, and non-characrers like the teachers were actually given portraits, names, and in some cases, relevance to the plot. It sounds ridiculous, but not knowing who would be a Social Link made me worried about everyone. An SL won't die, because that would impact the game's balance, but since portraits were usually only given to SL's or key cast members (Ikustki, Mitsuru's dad, Adachi, etc) it made things kind of predictable.
I've gotten off-topic. Suffice to say, I thought the narrative would be a lot more character driven. Kamoshida and Madarame were both great in that regard, since their relevance to the story comes at the expense of your party members. By contrast, Kaneshiro, fake Medjed, and especially Okumura are garbage by comparison. If we're not given enough time to see the impact they have on us, then they usually don't have any real impact on the story. Kaneshiro is just a cheap excuse to get Makoto to join the team, fake Medjed is a tool for Futaba to become relevant to the story, and Okumura is a shitty balancing act between introducing Haru, who has no real personality, and Morgana, who gets so much of the focus but doesn't really change at all. The endgame is decent, even if I'm peeved we need to fight another god, but the middle of the game is such a drag, it ruins the whole experience.
The only 2 good palaces we're futabas and kamoshidas
I agree with a lot of things in this post. P5's beginning is just so well done and the rest can't match up. I wonder if it has to do with how long they worked on it; with so many people working on it for so long you're bound to get inconsistencies
I literally have no problem with the stuff after Madarame, it was all good
The only way you wouldnt fight a god at the end is that a person or group replace them and they would probably use demons anyway since that is half the appeal of the series
And like 80% of you other complains are more fault of how the calendar system works and forces deadlines and what not
It had everything down, why did it have to have such a boring story
>Series' name literally means "Reincarnation of the goddess"
>Hurr why we fight gods at the ed"
>implying it couldn't mean a metaphorical goddess
>implying that matters when even that one time the goddess from the series' namesake actually appears in Persona she doesn't reincarnate
>implying the goddess part isn't metaphorical
t. Athiest.
Ok, in fairness, it was unreasonable of me to ask for an SMT game where you don't fight some god or devil. I can admit that. But the game had already introduced the supporting cast for Futaba's arc with Sojiro, and Makoto already had decent development with interactions with Sae, Akechi, and the school respectively. The investment had been built up in the narrative naturally. There was an opportunity for real, genuine character arcs for every party member, alongside the buildup to the conflict with Shido, with every new party member adding a piece to the puzzle surrounding the mental breakdowns.
How do you figure that
Anyone who puts Naoto in or near thrash-tier is an enlightened person to me.
>bring Shinji back to life for literally no reason
And only for him to die of Persona cancer in the near future, but hey, at least he witnessed the dead of his gf :^)
Makoto ruined the game.
I mean that Makoto is acquainted with Akechi, not to mention she's Sae's sister. Sae is one of the first people you meet in-game, so the resolution of Makoto's inferiority complex should probably be resolved by involving Sae in some way, not just have her try to take on the not-yakuza by herself. Not to mention Futaba's mother was killed off in a government conspiracy, likely by Akechi, and that doesn't factor into the plot at all after she's introduced. If she mistakenly blamed herself for being the cause of her mom's death, shouldn't she want her mother's killers brought to justice? Yet after her palace, she has almost no involvement in the story outside of being a normal party member who happens to be an elite hacker.
I figure that if these party members are personally connected to the endgame baddies, then their own arcs should more closely coincide with that of the protagonist as the story progresses towards the end of the game, the same way Ann's and Ryuji's arcs do at the start of the game. Basically, there was a lot of potential for interesting story-telling with each addition to the cast, but the developers failed to capitalize on it, so I'm kind of upset.
P3 and 4 are genuinely cheap games which happen to have an inspired art direction.
I don't even aim to start even more shitflinging between fanbases, just stating facts.
Kaneko was always very good at designing his characters to look good not just in concept art but in game too. There's a interview with him where he talks about how he did the sprites for the old games simultaneously with the art so he knew stuff read before he went through with it, which is probably why a lot of old demon designs are so simplistic.
P5 was in development hell for a while and a year more was a no-no
Soejima did the art for Persona 3-5.
Persona 4's blur effect was so fucking ugly, who thought it was a good idea?
Yes. Kaneko did the art for the other games in that photo. Which is why they hold up better.
its a bit more than just design, that Yu model could run on a DS game
Yeah, with how the Persona 3 and 4 dungeons were just random generating the same textures and objects and the areas you could go in the overworld were tiny it shows they had a lot less work put into them compared to Nocturne, DDS, and Devil Summoner, which all had proper dungeons and well designed overworlds.
How can one man be so right
he did a good job