Webm thread

Webm thread.

Attached: 1463999140584.webm (720x404, 2.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: realistic game.webm (640x360, 1.15M)

Attached: sacrificial skeletons.webm (1000x562, 2.9M)

Your Ashen One is swole.

Attached: charlotte.webm (298x298, 192K)

Attached: doom2016.webm (640x360, 2.01M)

Attached: LoL vs SC2.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Attached: movieduels.webm (800x600, 2.87M)

Attached: atatatatata.webm (508x380, 1.43M)

Attached: CONTROL.webm (820x460, 2.95M)

why would they include this part lol

Attached: cloud.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Did they implement that spell synchronization in the mmo?

Attached: 1553978294689.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Attached: 4-10-2019_5-13-18_PM-nmtdu53q.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

why not?

Attached: 1552606313726.webm (720x540, 2.7M)


Attached: dmc4.webm (854x480, 1.73M)

Attached: not again anakin.jpg (2100x3300, 2.06M)

Remedy's Control

Attached: 1551384879150.webm (1066x600, 2.91M)


Attached: 2-8-2019_10-54-41_PM-yt5az1ha.webm (860x482, 2.93M)

Pathetic cockroaches think 1/2 are better than this

It was a simple time, but it was hours.

nippon steel...

Attached: There's no kill like overkill.webm (700x392, 2.92M)

Russian Overkill?

Now THAT'S how you magic.

Attached: go home gaijin.gif (400x225, 2.24M)

Thank God DMC5 added an Easy Auto icon on the screen

Attached: sekiro hitboxes2.webm (960x540, 2.83M)

Attached: turok_2_raptor.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Attached: 11-11-20183_PM.webm (720x404, 2.93M)

La hija de Max Payne

>I got hit
>It's the games fault
Sound logic

>add grorious nippon steel folded over 1000 times to filthy korean game
>it's shit
why does this always happen?

Attached: dishonorburu.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

I still haven't played the dlc for this game. Everytime i get to the weird infinite hole at the end i feel like i burn out and stop playing

Attached: ACE COMBAT™ 7_CORED OUT.webm (980x550, 2.99M)

Attached: Paying Customers.webm (1920x720, 1.83M)

Attached: ancient spaz dragon.webm (640x360, 2.71M)

Attached: 1548197428452.webm (800x572, 2.84M)

That hitbox is one of few in sekiro that are inarguably complete fucking horseshit.

Attached: HITMAN™ 2_20181218213942.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

Attached: sweating x.jpg (673x600, 56K)


Attached: kirby eel.webm (640x360, 1.84M)

Attached: mario fire.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

Attached: 1512612220925.png (421x500, 151K)

Attached: impressive.gif (350x255, 1.78M)


Attached: milk truck incoming.webm (750x512, 2.63M)

Attached: ooe crab.webm (480x360, 2.2M)

Attached: g3 triple.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

sauce me m80

Attached: firefox_CwLVEsgesP.jpg (1600x900, 177K)

Attached: 10687814.png (419x249, 6K)

Attached: deep combat.webm (960x540, 2.94M)



1 min 15 secs in. dont spam dodge.

DS2 is pure ludo

Attached: 1555560609940.webm (1024x576, 2.91M)

Invincibility frames don't make the hitboxes not shit.

Attached: sekiro hitboxes.webm (1920x1080, 2.3M)

Neat. Can you put objects on top of it? Would be funny if they programmed in weights for all the objects in the game just for one bathroom scale.

Hoping dragons dogma 2 gets greenlit, original was suppose to be bigger, with the world being so huge that you'd need hang gliders to travel around, also final dungeon was suppose to be on the moon youtube.com/watch?v=3G5o3KhXv6w

Attached: dragonsdogmae.webm (1066x600, 2.91M)

Kirby is a goddamn monster.

Attached: 1552057957907.jpg (640x636, 27K)

>Bing bing waho

Attached: +alarm+_bb95fee14a944c0f881e811c8f6a991b.gif (326x192, 41K)

the dlc is pretty great , much more action condensed into smaller places

Reminds me more of this


Attached: socks.webm (576x720, 2.87M)

Conceptualize the odor.

Attached: vr4.webm (420x232, 351K)

Attached: TK.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

I would drink a cup of that with a smile on my face

Attached: 1555669714559.jpg (360x361, 23K)

I'm sickened and disgusted

Love the combat in this, wish the level design wasn't atrocious

I know right

What a waste, I would love to drink that.

they are already working on it.


Attached: pearl marina.webm (640x360, 702K)

Attached: 1547935119925.webm (800x450, 2.89M)


OP's webm makes me imagine The Ancient Dragon is playing while they charge up their holy occult attack


Stop making me want to buy a bone just for gears.
Stop it.

Sorry Stratos.
My new carfu.

Attached: Boop.webm (852x480, 2.87M)

forgot the link because im retarded

Its on W10

I think I'm fap to Rainbow Mika tonight.


Rather just buy a shitty xbone than get a shitty OS desu

That's unhealthy

Attached: ishizu.webm (800x450, 2.6M)

lol king gizzard. fuck yeah my nigga

Attached: Spatial Awareness.webm (860x484, 2.85M)

that's not the point brainlet

Please tell me you can say yes

Attached: smodoc2.webm (1024x576, 2.88M)



Attached: Smodoc14.webm (480x270, 2.92M)

Yup that's a game

Attached: team rocket's blasting off again.webm (640x360, 1.53M)

banter club

Attached: SMODoc7.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

Attached: T-thanks bro.webm (1670x1000, 2.47M)

Not cute feet and not cute face. 0/10. Would not drink.

Attached: test.webm (1046x540, 2.92M)


honestly the best girl in vidya, but that's my just obscure pro-wrestling fetish speaking

god i wish that were me

is that a lancia?

Both can be good.

Attached: Final Heaven.webm (1280x720, 817K)

Looks like a BMW, though the overall shape is similar to the Lancia 037.

Attached: Zapped.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

this shit is broing as fuck, shit taste brainlet

what game?

Attached: 1527627318849.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

BMW M1 Procar Rallye
Designed by Lamborghini, German engine and construction.

Attached: 20190412231106_1.jpg (1920x1080, 534K)

Attached: 1551410468129.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

is this p5?

>That perfect jiggle with such low res
Whoever made that sprite is a true artist.

Attached: 1537017946310.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

what happened?

that was a nice flank but those guys were probably onyx 1 max

Attached: 1540377914428.webm (1000x562, 2.97M)

Are they? Wasn't it put off because of DMC?

Attached: 1540618224687.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

That suave fucker in the suit is the same fucker you can beat up in drunken bar fight.

itsuno said he had the choice between dmc5 and dragons dogma 2.

dmc5 is finished and he has a team working on a new project. doesn't take a genius iq to figure it out.

There's this monster called the Kirin, which can summon lightning and use it for attacks. What happened is that it used one of them. But as you can see the hitbox extends way more vertically than it should

based but, holy fuck, dude

>Remedy's Control
they really dropped the ball on marketing this game. This webm is literally the first time I ever heard of it, and it's coming out this fucking year? What the fuck are they doing, they should fire their head marketer guy.

Attached: dawn of war 2 retribution_1.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

this webm is fake

What game is this?

It isn't.

Check the title

Is he trying to pretend to be a hardcore gaymer? Hes not even doing anything it seems.

Attached: 1535588136245.webm (640x480, 2.15M)

No filename, doggy.

Attached: 1549708305396.webm (832x720, 1.66M)

Attached: 1538958419372.webm (900x686, 2.95M)

Title doesn't mean filename.

Attached: VtMB.webm (942x808, 1.86M)

ミハイおじいちゃんの真似したい エースコンバット7 ACE7 PS4share

ace combat 7

like LITERALLY all "hur durr APM" retards
99% of the time they are achieving nothing with the turbopressing

he has several bases, you bind them to hotkeys to make macro faster and he's scouting at the same time trying to figure out what's opponent is doing

Attached: brainlet.jpg (1170x742, 70K)


were you trying to emulate the cutscene with mihaly later in that mission? pretty good job

Attached: 1555339860347.webm (820x626, 2.26M)

Have you never played or watched an rts before?

back in ye olden days of Starcraft someone made a program that would analyze all of your keypresses in game, among a lot of other far more relevant data, and give you a generalized "actions per minute" or APM readout. autists immediately believed that the higher your APM, the better you were at Starcraft, thus an unspoken competition of "who can spam the most buttons during the game while also winning" began that rages on to this day.

Attached: ISOLATED.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)


How it feels to chew 5gum

That's pretty creepy and pedophilic...

this board is pathetic.
Kill yourself

>white people trying to dance

SSSS League

cute post more

>this board is pathetic.
then leave.

none of which demands 200 key presses every minute, you fucking autist.

>it's another "autistic RTS babby gets triggered when told his APM spam doesn't actually make him good at the game" episode

Are you sure? This is just basically a warmup because you need a fuck ton of concentration and speed to play RTS on a competitive level.
The fact that you don't understand what he's doing only means you are a fucking casual and should be quiet, bitch.

>he has several bases
if he has two bases, bound at button 1 and button 2 for example it takes him 4 total button presses, one to select and one to center on camera
people trying to act like all the clicking, unit-selecting with mouse and keypressing is necessary are dumb as fuck

I love how easily triggered MOBA zoomers are when shown their inferiority.
Your game has millions of fans because it's been dumbed down so the average retard can still play it, keep crying for Sekiro to add easy mode.

Attached: 8k never ever.jpg (6144x3456, 1.03M)

40% was best.

He's checking amount workers on both bases, he's building something, probably a gateway.
True, for toss you don't need too much APM compared to most races, but any fuckup, and I mean ANY can cost you the game - overbuild probes and you don't have enough minerals for +1, forgot to place gas at exact timing - and your rush failed and so on and so on.

You ever just start saving stuff just so you can post it later to get replies?

Attached: 1508537472006.webm (800x450, 1.86M)

Attached: Are you a wizard.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

At least the game devs knew they were too retarded to make an actual story when they made this game 100% gameplay, gotta give them credits for not lying to themselves.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bleach - 280 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.35_[2010.07.20_21.24.20].jpg (1280x720, 63K)

seething XVfag

>glory kills

Attached: 1fs.jpg (1240x786, 175K)

Attached: Radoonhageedoon.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

they did make a story though.

>higher end of damage every time
This is what lucky people who tell you to "git gud" see.

Are we just ignoring everything else one does in an RTS besides look around with the camera? I'm pretty sure the point is that he's checking those areas while also inputting all of his other commands.

Dammit i haven't seen melee underwater in games since fucking oblivion.

Attached: Tactical Espionage Action.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

Would you rather I post a webm of a completely mundane and unimpressive fight?

Attached: 1553604229412.webm (940x528, 2.6M)

>ugly face and feet

Attached: Norris.gif (320x175, 203K)

Boring realism of a cold indifferent universe > style

Take estrogen

>I grew up on Dead Space and need to reboot the franchise


I wish that world war 2 online game wasn't so dead.
I loved playing it back when it actually had enough people to get multiple battles going.
Also wish Planetside 2 hadn't shit the bed so hard.

Can't see shit, Captain.

Pretty sure that's a proof of concept video from Negative Atmosphere. It's from former Dead Space devs who left and started their own studio after DS3 got fucked by EA.

>dat neck-crack
>dat true-monk punch and sound
Daimon is one of the most imposing bosses ever


One can only hope.

Attached: trains.webm (1000x566, 2.48M)

Attached: i wanna fuck dat.webm (642x362, 1.79M)


Is this japan?

I was really hoping they would torpedo off into the lake or something but it still made me chuckle.

there was an old xbox game like this, something PSI fun telekinesis combat


Attached: new captcha.webm (396x586, 1.9M)

>webm is 43s long
>50s goes by in timer

Attached: 1545926300201.png (112x112, 11K)

>The fact that you don't understand what he's doing
You didn't even watch the video. He's literally APM spergcycling through 2-3 groups without issuing any commands you absolute retard.

Life kid. The game is life.

Doom 4 as an experience is a fuckin mastapiece. I just wish the music didn't start 4/5 of the way through the fight every time.

Someone just made this.

Attached: 1555720204391.webm (1000x562, 2.86M)

you'd basically only be allowing hyper-autistic shitposters to create and reply to threads.

Attached: Mega Man ZX Omega No Damage.webm (640x480, 2.91M)

isn't that the character from that one janky metroidvania?

Oh yeah, well someone made this too.

Attached: 1548201070858.webm (800x516, 2.92M)

(You seem to have bombed the Spell Card)

I have to do that WITHOUT a bomb?

>He's checking amount workers on both bases
Which only needs two presses of a button to focus the camera on the base, the group of workers or a double mouseclick if he's already focused on the base or drag-selecting
>he's building something
He builds one pylon and something else later on and that's it I think

You can watch the video on repeat and slowed down and you'll see that he does like 4 ACTUALLY RELEVANT actions. Everything else is cycling selections back and forth and pointless drag-selection. It's a known fact that Starcraft players do make A LOT of useless actions because they are just used to it anyways so not sure why suddenly pointing that out is a problem.

Anyhow I don't care enough about this shit to keep arguing so whatever

Attached: Bootleg MK.webm (1600x900, 2.56M)

you lost me

A lot of it is back n' forth checking on base and units. But the high APM is part of the game, it keeps you on your toes and your mind active. SC2 is a very active game and if you're all sluggish you'll fail to keep up. Just watch any good SC2 player on Twitch or wherever that shows their keyboard presses and even some have eye trackers. It's hard to even process what they are doing.

Vanilla Doom 1 and 2 are pretty mediocre, but there are mods that make 4 look like shit.
The enemy limit really drags down the whole experience.


>Are we just ignoring everything else one does in an RTS
you mean like hotkeying and spergcycling through groups repeatedly without taking any actual actions in the game, as in the video? yes, very necessary RTS tactics. what a pro.


Attached: Holy Knight's Straight Sword.webm (782x752, 919K)

Is that what that red stuff on your hand is? jam?

Attached: 1554881511121.gif (336x372, 1.66M)

why would they be shitposters?

Combat flight simulator?

Attached: Cocksucker.gif (382x554, 2.57M)

why does she keep pointing to her other hand? is there something wrong with it? does she require assistance?

Attached: Gauntlet - Spells.webm (1536x864, 2.41M)

Someone pointed it out the other day, and now every time I see this gif, I look at his foot because that is the smoothest movement ever performed by man.

>but there are mods that make 4 look like shit.
yeah, like this one. a true gaming experience.

Attached: doom deepdream2.webm (746x480, 2.84M)

She's requires Ponos in Vagoo right now.

DCS World
F-14B module by Leatherneck

Is that like Honey Select or that other game that starts with a K?

There's not title and I can't find it


I want to be excited but it just seems like it's Quantum Break again.


Why? Despite the far lower enemy count on Doom, their behaviour forces you to move a lot more than the old Doom AI.

Attached: Gauntlet - YASD.webm (1536x864, 1.14M)

Ha no. It's their next try at Sexy Beach probably after the last fiasco. Looks like it's going to run about the same too.

The K one, got it.

Thank you good user!

that strut

all legitimately autistic people are shitposters. plenty of non-autists are shitpsosters as well, but autists are exclusively so.

Attached: BerserkRL.webm (524x250, 2.49M)

the fuck game is this?

We're reaching levels of projection previously thought impossible.

Don't (you) me ever again.

Attached: Goodybye, Red.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

are those moons of Jupiter or something? she wants to collide two moons together in space?

Yeah!! I tried 1 and 2 but wtf they sucked so fuckin much they didnt have any gfx and I had to mod (thats when u modify the game using hacks) in gore kills without it is wasnt epic at all but even then it was just 2d shit lol

pannenkoek is a level 100 autist but he's not a shitposter.

Their big ass reveal trailer was smack dab right in the middle of Sony's 2018 E3 conference. Every nomalfag saw it, they just don't care.

Attached: best johnson.jpg (235x320, 32K)

Dammit Shirou.

Sorry! I wont! My bad!

Attached: 1548624677699.jpg (500x376, 92K)


>another (you)

Attached: Nine Years Later, Still Works.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Saw it at PAX East. Enjoy the framerate.

it's in the title


god damn, some of those weapons looks cool as fuck. I really wanted to try this game but I heard it was fucking hard and you had to do things in a certain way or it will fuck you over.

Dragon's Dogma

Attached: REMOVE SKELETON.webm (1067x600, 2.73M)

this better be in VTMB 2


Don't say I never did anything for you faggots.

Pretty sure the game isn't called "i wanna fuck dat"

Never thoughts I'd see the day where kirby is a monster. How much can that fucker swallow?

>turn based combat

he said title, not filename.

>you and 1 girl on an uninhabited island
I honestly thought it was AG.

SB is fine too but dammit they keep falling for the open world meme when they don't have the chops to pull it off. That last SB's world was empty as fuck, full of jank, and ran like arse. I remember getting stuck on geometry while getting chased by some hooligan in the shanty town at 15fps and giving up on it till the update with the fuck mode.

distance traveled and leg movements don't match, that's janky and floaty, bad design desu.

shut up faggot


Her shoes are wet.

Only if it's DaS2, right m'friend?

To be fair, the SC2 player is hitting a lot of keys unnecessarily considering what he's actually doing.

Attached: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl 2019.03.17 - (640x360, 2.61M)

Lots of games have bad movement animations, I'm just a bit pedantic about that, you don't have to lose your shit over it.

Look at Ni-Oh, game is widely loved, but if you're autistic like I am, you'll notice the walking/running animations don't match the actual distance traveled, it's like walking on an invisible escalator sheet over the ground.

>but if you're autistic like I am
thank allah I'm not.

yeah it never got a sequel, it would be a great game on modern engines

Attached: psi-ops-1.jpg (1170x680, 164K)

Fuck this game was great.

Jesus Christ this. Pure mazes and a useless map

Doesn't Microsoft now just let people buy all their xbone games on PC?

Attached: Gurumin.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Retarded tub of lard

It is nessesary. You have to keep your apm high at all times to stay warm, anyone who play rts at high level know this.

Attached: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl 2019.03.27 - (1280x720, 1.73M)

Still makes for a stupid comparison in the webm. One is pressing few buttons because it's unwarranted and the other is mashing like mad but accomplishing nothing.

Attached: evo moment 37.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)


But that's the gun button lmao, atleast make it right next time

Attached: ff15 x DMC.webm (1178x332, 2.85M)

webm post IS the makerter guy

>someone was butthurt enough to make this

ooo nice

Attached: WAHOO.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

the black guys do the same animation lol

Even as a stage he's broken.

Attached: Tails delivers tofu to the President.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

They're surrounded so they have to fit in.

hey user what game asking for a friend.

>hit the side at the end
Mission Failed

Attached: Tokido Murderface.webm (320x240, 917K)

Katana ZERO is fun.

Attached: katana0gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.69M)

Barry are you okay?



This is why I don't believe this is subjective.

Attached: Bombergrounds.webm (852x480, 2.95M)

You both have shit taste. It has some of the best level design of any FPS.

Is that blood from being deflowered? if so NICE

red dead revolver

Attached: 1482119051401.webm (640x360, 819K)


>clicks on a unit to auto attack
>waits and does nothing


>selects workers to mine
>rapidly swaps between his production facilities and queues up 1 unit on each
>rapidly changes camera to another part of the map, selects units and commands them to move
>swaps back to the higher level tech and queues up research or a high level unit to be constructed
>swaps back to the facility and builds more worker units

He acomplishes being warm so he won't shit the bed the moment the game enter more active phase, I just said this. The other game is slow and undemanding so the guy can afford doing nothing and still be fine.

Attached: Win64 10.17.2015 - (1280x720, 2.67M)

They're both repeating what they heard from their favourite e-celeb streamers.

Everfall is genuinely the least interesting part of the game, DLC is pretty good in comparison.

Attached: 1549448663144.webm (898x1072, 2.88M)

The game is but poorly laid out and convoluted. Most of them are just empty hallways. It's shit design

Attached: ikemen 2019-04-13 23-13-54-94.webm (640x480, 1.2M)


Attached: 1531980666437.png (500x509, 310K)

Attached: too much for, couch potato Ed-boys like yourselves.webm (1214x758, 2.81M)

>they pull out their lightsabers
every time

Attached: kek.gif (300x180, 453K)


You did not understand the post you replied to.

No one is arguing that RTS requires the same or less APM than a moba. The point is that he's mashing buttons and doing the same thing repeatedly, accomplishing nothing, yet the webm is set to look like his going a mile a minute is necessary for what he is accomplishing on screen.

>See a clip of guys running this when it was brand new
>One guy pipes up
>"Yeah, we're fucked".

I fucking love that mod

Attached: KNOCK KNOCK OPEN UP THE DOOR.webm (708x400, 2.95M)

>those early progs where people thought Almagest was a mechanic

Attached: Almagest.webm (1138x640, 2.7M)

>Many doors Ed-boys

Is this FF XIV?

>accomplishing nothing
you really are retarded, arent you
im sorry

Attached: 1554007802729.jpg (397x361, 37K)

How the fuck does this not break the masquerade. You're some ugly as fuck nosferatu gettin sick nasty on the front of the dance floor. What the fuck is with clubs in this game, everybody dances hard as fuck, I can suck on some slut's neck and leave her there practically lobotomized, and this PUMA (possibly the ugliest motherfucker alive) can get down with nobody going apeshit.

Attached: MOTIVATED.webm (708x400, 2.93M)

Apm is tactics nigga. If high level requires apm, then youre playing a shit game.


holy shit memories, i loved that glitch in particular because of how easy it was to replicate

>i have no response whatsoever so here is a shitpost

As expected

Attached: Oniken1.webm (640x480, 1.88M)

It is necessary. You can't be as fast as you need to be at the moment, you have to always keep your pace as high as possible. It's obvious for anyone who ever played rts on higher level.

user, they added skulls to Halo 2's multiplayer in MCC.

Attached: Skyjacked.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Attached: ittle dew eats shit.webm (1024x576, 2.32M)

It is not necessary for what is being accomplished on the screen which is the point of the webm. He can keep his hand warmed up just as easily by pressing buttons on a keyboard that isn't plugged in. Why are you having so much difficulty with this?

I have no idea what you just said.

Attached: whoops.webm (1024x576, 2.47M)

that's how mafia works

Steak driver is ultimate bullying weapon

Attached: BullyingBriBri.webm (640x360, 2.2M)

i'm referring to the bounce you do to do the initial jump. you'd get one of those black marine shield things and move it closer to the tower and stand on the support for it while aiming a rocket launcher at the top edge and then shoot; it would launch you about that high, the point being to get on top of the spire thing.

APM is for tactics, not strategy. If you're playing a "strategy" game, and micromanaging everything is necessary to win, you're playing a shit strategy game.

This webm now doesn't matter. The whole point of this webm before was to show that ripping off an RTS for shit moba gameplay was obviously garbage. Doesn't matter because it became a whole genre that led to other shitfests like overwatch. At least we got porn from it

Attached: 1555448442216.jpg (1218x1000, 808K)

Attached: Furi first boss.webm (852x480, 2.95M)

>literal autism prevents me from understanding that APM is important and although some commands are repeated, they're still a fuck ton more commands than the comparison, meaning the APM is both needed and necessary
>But no, everyone else is wrong!

Attached: 1553490089296.jpg (480x480, 37K)

damn, i always wanted to play this for the soundtrack but was putting it off, time to get started

Attached: next gen console grafix.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

Again, you clearly do not understand the post you are replying to as your summary is incorrect. You need to go back and read carefully.

Attached: Goddess of Being Exploded.webm (852x480, 2.81M)

Attached: Epic Games invents fortnite.webm (1280x720, 2.46M)

I love these pile bunker type weapons.

This is such a dilettante thing to say. I bet you also think chess is about predicting several turns ahead and not about memorizing patterns.

never played DD
what are the options for the UI? that bit in the bottom right looks awful, is it really necessary to show controls on screen like that?

Attached: 6373556456.jpg (673x1024, 123K)

Attached: DzUgbXlUwAIV19D.webm (640x360, 522K)

Attached: Slap City space program.webm (852x480, 2.95M)

>It's treason then?

there's more platforms and jumping than actual enemies

Fucking horrible who know nothing about Doom.

It's a pretty unique game. Boss rush with short walking sections in between that explain the story, etc. There's a mode that skips all the story stuff if you just want to do a boss rush, but I think you have to beat the game first. Controller recommended.

Attached: Shadow of the Colossus PS4 sword jump.webm (888x500, 2.94M)

You can switch it off on PC I think, but they're there cause those are assigned skills, not default abilities.

You can do either. But who the fuck cares about chess? Literally obsolete POS.

Attached: Project Wingman demo.webm (852x480, 2.95M)

Attached: Fight'N Rage Gal.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

>youll never have as much fun or be as immersed as him

Attached: chadhotd.webm (480x854, 2.93M)

Attached: Lost Legacy.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Attached: Odallus The Dark Call Amargein the Liberator.webm (858x480, 2.95M)

>You've been my rock when I needed to sit...

Attached: 1544138299830.jpg (600x600, 51K)

never wanted to fuck marble so badly

I'll make to pass your words to every RTS player. I'm sure they'll realize they can slow down at will when APM isn't a necessity.

Attached: Ikaruga final boss hard.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

Not a filename thread faggot.

Attached: exploding pen.webm (852x480, 2.83M)

>make sure*

It's a SaGa game, about mid tier in difficulty as far as the series go, not that bad as an introduction either, but compared to your average RPG it's pretty hard due to the sheer learning curve of its systems.
>you had to do things in a certain way or it will fuck you over.
Nah, at best you get locked out of the ancient ruins and a few secret recruitables, but nothing really gamebreaking, and there's NG+ for those either way, the game actually gets harder the more things you do, in fact all the optional hard content is locked behind quest completion, meaning that if you do miss stuff the game actually gets kinda easier as long as you understand the mechanics and don't try to grind your way out like a retard.


>wanting DD2 after the disappointment that was DMC5
No thanks. Fuck Itsuno.

Attached: Negative.webm (770x422, 1.09M)

DMC5 is miles better than DMC1-4 though.

it is desu, too short sadly

Such a good game that's fucked by the non-existant level progression system.

Attached: pyra smash.webm (640x360, 2.34M)

Is it really that much better though? I was bored with 4 because it's a sandbag beating simulator, people told me to play 3, but it was the same shit and so I didn't even consider to touch 5.

Buddy my first fucking experience of Turok 2 was a used copy I got from a now defunct pawnshop nearly 20 years ago. Turok 2's level design was god awful then and it's god awful now. Twisting featureless hallways, and a ludicrous lack of good signposting, I can respect Iguana's vision, which was in effect, a proto-Metroid Prime, but the technology was not there, and the game suffers horribly from it.

Yeah yeah sure, whatever you say.

i hope this game is good

bomberman battle royale sounds fun. ill take any online bomberman with players

Look at the ground in the webm you just posted. This is a shockwave.

I don't mind the length, but the ending just being a stinger for a sequel/DLC felt bad.

Attached: eggthief.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

>Mory Shekelstien

I want to play that to experience more uncharted, but I just had teeth pulled and I've 0 money for games.

How is/was it?

Attached: cerys.png (245x245, 104K)

lmao imagine someone saying this unironically

if it was a shockwave you shouldn't be able to deflect it and give the boss posture damage from it, but you can.

>TLR is removed on Steam
The remaster is on its way, r-right?

I bet he gets all the bitches

Is that the Warhammer action rpg?

Attached: timegal.webm (640x480, 588K)

Attached: sf alpha3.webm (584x436, 1.45M)

what game?

this is amazing

Wouldn't count on it, just pirate it anyway, it's a ten years old game and the remaster ended up fucking the lighting and cloth physics either way, a shame since the textures are better, but what can you do.

Attached: Midare Setsugekka.webm (700x392, 2.65M)

wut game?

Imagine VR Second Life in in 10-15 years.

Attached: sweating.png (208x243, 9K)

Arx Fatalis was fucking awesome.

I don't know if he's in this thread because I have him filtered, but here's an important guide for webm threads.

Attached: bye bye horizonfag.png (1063x3100, 922K)

What game?

what game is this

kek I just started playing this game. Is it me or do drop pods always home in on the nearest player when you join a multiplayer game? I have a 100% kill rate with those things. I need to macro the respawn command since it happens so much.

Night of Revenge


Dirt Rally 2

Attached: Bounce.webm (480x270, 2.84M)



thanks user...is this safe to download?

fuck i want more

>I'm pretending to be pro:the post

fuck, i wanna smell that ass

Attached: snifffff.gif (363x270, 1.2M)

He's been gone for a long time

He's moved on to a new game called "Control" now

Nah I saw him like a week ago.

Literally impossible, u don't fool me

No it's dolphin porn you fucking retard.

Remind me never to spoon feed faggots like you again.

>he even tried using a trip

Go back to r*ddit underage newfags

They should hire at least one more guy, come on
I'm jobless, I wonder if they would hire me?
I would totally be willing to spend 24h every day shilling here

That's Helldivers

Attached: ToT-TheAoETrap.webm (900x700, 2.88M)


Attached: SpellForce3-Gameplay.webm (850x550, 2.92M)

Attached: ragdoll.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Wow those animations are awful

I'm so sorry youre probably in your 40s and still live in mommy's basement. kys you kike.

It actually is?
Google what a hitbox is.

Sauce please, I'm kinda new into FPS

What is he listening to, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1555295155744.jpg (544x599, 60K)

>moving to an xbox game
Nice falseflag faggot, stay on neogaf

Killed any interest I had

hope you're the same user that made the webm, or at least, around during it's original posting
ddg was so nice and comfy then

this was so satisfying the first time

no u

Attached: 15342435341.webm (960x540, 2.05M)

Attached: DragonAgeTheSameAnimations.webm (1280x698, 1.15M)

>not a multiplat
nice retardation, xbro

>moving to an xbox game
what did he mean by this?

Attached: Capture.png (1218x594, 122K)

Vorefags report please.

forgot webm

Attached: 1459792138143.webm (853x480, 2.98M)

I love how brutal Connor is
>getting the war club or navy axe

>Mory Shekelstien

Says the faggot begging for cartoon porn on a chinese basket weaving forum.

That's because the timer accelerates at sec 15



I should've played mage what the fuck


>Easy modo
Normalfags BTFO

Attached: 1555635248.webm (1440x1080, 1.27M)

it was good, if you are wanting more uncharted, it is simply more uncharted,
gameplay wise it runs exactly like U4, same engine and everything obviously,
it even includes U4 multiplayer
the assets and setpieces are still unique though, it still feels like quality work in the environment and animations, despite being a side game
being a smaller title might actually have helped it, since it cuts back on a lot of the filler like climbing and such
good villain, good characters all around
they managed to make nadine actually likable in this one
they chilled her out, and made her more of a sidekick type
most likely due to LL not being directed by neil

Attached: chloe.jpg (665x1000, 55K)


I don't know, I remember at least 2 other videos of guys goofing off and acting along with light gun games, one was THE KEISATSUKAN and the other was I think Crisis Zone. Both of those were way more into it than this guy.
>THE KEISATSUKAN has motion sensors, guy was bobbing and weaving all over the place like a boxer
>Crisis Zone guy ducked behind the gun stand to toss a grenade and fell over when he got shot

Based redneck

Bitterblack Island is pure dungeonkino from start to end (excluding the few copypasted areas anyway) and the Daimon fight is the hypest fight in the entire game.

Attached: Jade-Lich Acolytes.webm (853x480, 2.93M)


Attached: forgotten_fan_favorites_by_maniac_kagesenshi-d9exhhy.png (1900x1425, 1.39M)

Are enemies supposed to be able to go in the water or is that a glitch? Also, nice file name.

Attached: Branch physics.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)


Attached: GATE JSDF Throne Scene.webm (840x473, 2.86M)

>You'll never own the arcade system
why live

Attached: Poleaxe_is_OP.webm (1400x712, 2.65M)

thanks user but
>You must be registered to see the links
I fucking hate these forums

explain further

That's one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen and look at him strut off happily like nothing happened.

do you need a wheel for it or am I fine with controller?

yes it's intentional
you really miss the point of the game
why even play

Attached: pogo gogo.webm (960x540, 2.26M)

I've been meaning to play this. How does it compare to FEAR?

Attached: Extinguisher.webm (1024x768, 1.56M)


Blade & Sorcery

Attached: blade & sorcery.webm (1280x800, 553K)

Attached: Skull_Spliter.webm (1408x720, 2.92M)

What game?

>Still banned from posting files
It's treason then

bc2 is on steam and is not w10 exclusive

Attached: minimap block.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Remastered

fuck you guys you made me wanna reinstall dragon's didgeridoo after uninstalling because the first 4 hours bored me to death.

thrusting is op even with one handed weapons

i know that but gears mang

How did that happen?

Attached: Fist.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

Please, like everyone else isn't using macros for their standard loadouts. Same thing happened with Magicka.

>mory shekelstien
fucking lol

goddamn i miss playing GOW3.

Attached: axis.webm (1632x918, 1.61M)

why are you even playing Helldivers?

how is the game btw? How's the combat to be more precise? doesn't look that great from that vid desu

Attached: Dodgeball.webm (700x442, 2.93M)

Those tits are too big for Rin.

is this dead space?

>69 Gold

I like it. The combat is a bit rough around the edges and takes a little getting used to, especially at the start when you don't have any skills and shit items, but you could do a lot worse as far as RPGs go. It's like a jankier Souls system but with trap laying, lantern throwing, and a hotbar. Can't coment much on the magic system as I only use it for buffs on this character. The biggest issue I have with the combat is that movement speed is easily abused.

Attached: Caveman In Bird Cult Takes On Dinosaur.webm (853x480, 2.38M)

Attached: 1555708335379.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Didn't make the thread but I'm lurkin'.

I might pick up the digital version of DDDA on Switch when it drops.

Attached: Bullying Thunderwyvern.webm (640x360, 2.99M)


ItS aLl PaRt Of ThE pLaN

Thanks user but...
>you require a profile to see this


Attached: 1555708404546.webm (768x432, 2.85M)

lmao imagine thinking this is impressive enough to make a webm out of

Attached: drum belly.webm (1280x800, 2.14M)

Attached: RE2 freecam mod.webm (790x720, 2.97M)

What is going on there

Attached: 1494113829111.jpg (251x251, 7K)

Holy shit look at how he owned that arcade

Attached: 1555731794.webm (1280x960, 2.77M)

Dunno where I should even start.

Attached: 1555708206633.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Normal day in the life of Truck-kun.

what's this?

Attached: 1545358184092.png (578x572, 282K)


he said mods.

hideous destructor for example makes vanilla doom feel like a nightmare.

I'm not pretending to be anything, you dumb faggot, it looks like hes doing a lot of nothing for no reason.

I was thinking of picking that up too, just to keep supporting ddda
nice to see muscle wizards doing their thing

mystic warriors