I wonder if Snoy would've done this
Other urls found in this thread:
Sonychads aren't trannies, they wouldn't make these stages in the first place
wtf I love nintendo now
Good. Identitarian politics don't belong in videogames. Can't these ideologues enjoy anything without having to make it political?
i want to put on spiked boots and stomp on tranny heads
>respec all trans
>70 characters and no blacks
>9 hour bans for having a mental disease flag
Holy shit Nintendo is based. If they didn't suddenly start charging for online I would buy a Switch.
The company does it for them though.
>the state of nintrannies
They would have done the same if they made Confederate flags too. It goes against their TOS to have anything political. But of course a controversy has to be made every single fucking day in this industry.
fucking based nintendo
post yfw
Hey! It's the "I have a vagina" guy! Somebody post the pic lol
There are the black alts for villager and Ken.
Yeah, but those are reskins and they are white by default.
holy shit the first comment chain
look i agree trans rights are human rights but maybe this kids game isn't the place
>yea well trans kids exist too
yea i know but maybe this video game isn't the place for this
>yea but trans rights are human rights
yea but the TOS says anything political including lgbt and nazi stuff gets removed
>omg are you comparing trans rights to nazis
Friendly reminder that both Nintendo and Ps4 are pathetic and the real chad is the guy who owns all consoles. You know why we never talk about that guy? Because/v/ fears the guy who owns all consoles and including pc.
Donkey Kong's been in since the first game.
Why did they have to say they had autism three times
i only have this one
>Get bullied off twitter for being racist to Japanese
>Disowned by nintendo
fucking based
Didn't they also do this for trans squid posts in Splatoon? I remember those posts being notorious.
>game has limited amount of respecs
>anti-SJWs complain mere days ago about Sony censoring content
>now celebrate Nintendo censoring content
Can this one kill itself already jesus christ
Why are these retards trying to shove politics into a children's game?
Gotta love how the attention whores @ everything to make it as trending as possible. Still Works to get this place's attention.
First feet massage games and now this? I might have to buy a Switch now
You said it yourself, user. Autism.
>i'm taking a break from twitter for the sake of my health
>back on twitter in less than 12 hours
His profile pic is pretty cute desu.
Too bad he's a trans faggot
Kids eat up propaganda because they don't know what it is. Precisely why it's so effective.
onions basedtendo basedtch
>so long gay bowser
Mario has always been against LBBTGTPEDOs.
If the most creativity you can eke out is a tri-color rectangle, whether it's part of the stage itself or the background, you really shouldn't be creating stages.
>the chick monster
Say it with me, folks
Because they're trying to shove politics into children in general
Why are these mentally ill people taken seriously?
That's pretty offensive to Donkey Kong, and Gorillas. Donkey Kong isn't a nigger, he can live without gibmedats.
gdorf is a literal sandnigger tho
*encourages your child to take puberty-blocking hormones*
He's bound to be the 40%. Give it time, user. Patience is the key.
one thing is censoring devs another is censoring unnecessary political topics in games
Because they're naive as fuck and eat up anything that's said to them.
>trans woman on the autism spectrum
So, a speedrunner?
literelly give attention to an obvious false flag how mentally ill are you guys literelly pic related
so HE (HIM) gets 3 times the progressive points
you cant virtually say anything about HIM social media because then you're not only a bigot but also an evil person for attacking an autist
Even waifu Larry is ugly as shit kek.
>also if you call me by the wrong pronoun you'll be subject to bans, fines or jail time
liberals and niggers have zero foresight
Yes please eliminate yourself from the gene pool
>half of the roster consists of characters involved in political conflicts, if not actual politicians themselves
>including motherfucking Solid Snake, from one of the most politically-charged video games ever
As a Trans woman I am saddened today by Nintendo's stance on trans rights.
>Political statement
The American flag is a political statement
The Chinese flag is a political statement
Those aren't taken down.
This is wrong. And Nintendo will know about this. They will change their tune or everyone will know they hate trans people. Just like chick fil a. I hope they suffer for this.
If they allow it, SJWs are going to fill the game with faggot shit like this
If they don't allow it, they're bigots
Nintendo is FUCKED
You can see his soul trying to leave his body
What a fucking nightmare
>Trans Herobrine
>YFW it becomes 41%
Imagine setting this whole thing up and then you just come out as cis
all me
I bet it was the Chinese. Probably also why they aren't kickin loli to the curb.
Because trannies and homosexuals are usally pedophiles
Low effort post deserves a low effort (you)
There's your nibble.
Based Nintendo trannys btfo
>encouraging troubled kids to ruin their lifes just because of your own californian politics
yeah user fuck you
How do you feel about this image?
You sure about that, Dindu?
resetera is already seething about this
I'm not even surprised. Remember that whole trans bowser situation? Nintendies sure love they're transformers
That shadowing looks like the character has a beard.
Why does every single tumblrite have the exact same artstyle? EXACTLY the same. It's like the "im not like the other girls" except in the form of an art style.
>"I'm not like the other artists"
trans are the new pepe
Without Nintendo, this industry would be nothing. Bless them.
ResetERA DEMANDED Nintendo change the "racist stereotypes" in Smash Ultimate but they never did
Why would they give a shit about this flag
Yeah, whoops. My bad. I completely forgot Mario was a Trump supporter.
>moderating user created content =/= directly censoring and limit game dev's freedom of expression and creativity
fuck faggot and fuck niggers
Based. Fuck trannies.
You offering?
are they being forced to strip for gay men?
20 trannies killed themselves over this
You shouldn't be censoring SHIT on mature games because that's their whole fucking point you fucking retard.
Political messages on a game that's for everyone, especially for kids, is a no go. Be it right wing or left wing.
He couldn't even handle a little bit of edrama, and had to quit social media for a few hours. He'll off him self sooner or later. I can't wait until Kotaku fires him, when they fire 90% of their employees in a few months.
jesus christ the absolute state of nintendr*ids
kek resetera is literelly more tolerent than Yea Forums kek
unironically this
>Nintendo doesnt want any political messages or symbols in the stages
>make political symbols
>reeeeeee wtf Nintendo
what is wrong with these people
post the pic, you know the one
this old broad is right
This is your mind on estrogen.
What fucking part of
>no politics
is so hard to understand.
That's also stupid. they probably don't even know what that's even about and are only dressed like that for their parents facebook page
Pushing kids to commit genital mutilation is still far worse
>I share a name with this guy
cool, fuck me.
I hope not. Suicide is horrible and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.
Demeaning to the girl and unless the boy asked to dress that way it's apex faggotry.
we need bigger numbers
>One (1) character is loosely related to politics via his series criticizing nukes and modern military practices
>Despite his inclusion in the game having nothing to do with this, he means that a children's game is fair ground for political debate
being trans isn't political
Umm, excuse me Smash players but where's the dilation station stage? You can't be for Trans rights and be insensitive like that.
I have gobernment certified autism, does that mean I'm allowed to call them out on their shit while avoiding the bigot card?
Funny coincidence. Yea Forums mods also like to take down threads that contain the trans flag.
>trannies keep getting dabbed on
Based Nintendo
Fuck Trannies and Fuck ResetGender
Guess we have to remove Peach, Daisy, Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf, Marth, Roy, Chrom, Corrin, Snake, Cloud, King K. Rool, King Dedede, Villager, and Isabelle from the game, then.
Hi Jake
trans rights is a hot topic political issue whenever you are for or against trans rights
As an underachiever college dropout, im glad trannys exist. They set the bar really low for avoiding disappointing your father. My dads just glad im not dying my hair blue and dialating an open wound where my cock used to be.
Fucking awesome
Everyone report those maps
based parents dabbing on trannies through heterosexual biological born kids and success
you cant do anything about this pic, just stay mad about it
>complain about Sony censoring things to push a political agenda
>celebrate Nintendo keeping politics out of games
I don't see a problem here
Has Nintendo responded to the hate?
>trans people exist
I hate how this is even an argument. A demographic exists so it needs representation? Japanese people exist too, why don't they get to go in Smash?
hahaha get fucked you freaks
You make it sound like it's a fairy tale or something.
Heyo Jake.
Dumb tranny.
What did you expect?
Those poor creatures need constant attention. They are mentally ill after all.
We really should reopen those institutions we once had(without the mistreatment of patients) to help them getting better. Letting them run loose like we do now, is evidently a very bad thing for everyone involved.
Taking the easy way and getting Pozzed doesn't seem beneficial to me so I'll pass on what you consider an accomplishment in life.
Is this 1998? Because that lie aged like shit.
um no?
Yeah I liked the part where that robot ninja got stomped on by a giant dinosaur robot, that was a really politically thought-provoking moment
Could be higher.
>It’s a shame that this seemingly went under the radar of most gaming news outlets. I was hoping that Source Gaming would try to reach out to Nintendo for a comment like what happened with the Mr. Game & Watch side smash situation.
Trannies BTFO
flags are political
it's a videogame aimed at children, they can't understand politics like we do.
You're a different lifestyle by default, for someone to go LGBTQ+ they first need to not already be in that community.
Kids shouldn't choose modificated ideals because they don't understand the ramifications of their choices. Deal with it
Daily reminder that they're here.
yeah the person got fired lol
So it's officially. Nintendo is more alpha than Sony, despite the former being for kids and the latter being for adults.
i can agree with you there user, i'd honestly be happy enough if my son is not a trannie, doing drugs, being a commie or a combination of the 3
That is not a gay flag that's pretty rainbow
god I hate homos for ruining rainbows
This is unironically good though.
It's better to catch transgenderism early, so kids and transition into normal-looking adults. Otherwise you end up with the manbeasts everybody hates (including themselves)
>be mentally ill
>ends self
There's one on the page with the most popular stages. Report that one quick.
The best part is that the first couple few were fucking shitposts with Snake Eater as the song
What is wrong with Nintenbros, I thought that snoyfags were the trannies, I guess I was wrong
>40% and rising
someone tell me with a straight face that these aren't just ugly incels who decided to become women because they failed at being men
How dare they put in such offensive white supremacist imagery in a children's game.
alpha literally going to pussy out
Based Nintendo getting this degenerate identity politics outta their games.
When you use it as an identity and ensure that it is brought up in every facet of conversation/society(education, employment etc) it definitely is especially when it's being debated in multiple countries w/ regards to public restrooms, serving in the military etc.
Aren't there?
so they just chop off the balls, turn the head into a clit, and turn the shaft inside out?
Wrong. The fans themselves are the trannies.
Yea Forums, you're not being a bigot and reporting all the stages with the trans flag, right?
Thats exactly what they are
Being a tranny isnt the problem
Respecting Trannies isnt the problem
The problem is force feeding it into the minds of kids were don't have the mental state these people do
Sony were always seen as self hating Japanese by the Japanese.
Full of cucked westaboos
can anybody help me find an actual girl in that pic? this is like looking for waldo
Fuck California (in a bad way)
Fuck lolis (in a good way)
based nintendo
yeah its pretty hot I fapped to that shit
MGS takes place in an alternative timeline and not the real world, try again tranny
the very notion of "rights" is political
Maybe that’s why they kill themselves, because they think they are women and they can’t stop that incel desire to kill women
Every time.
yes I am, if they want politics in a children's game they can go Snoy's side
>Know the board is Obsessed with RetardEra and screencaps habitually
>Outs himself as a cross-poster anyway and begs for Pol to stick arond and shit the board up some more
Great fucking job, retard.
Why is Resetranny even a thing? What went wrong in this universe that such a site exists?
Make like the 40% and kill yourself.
I don't like lying to people.
Yes, yes, yes they are. It doesn't matter if it's basic human rights, it doesn't matter if anyone who argues against trans rights are transphobes, it's objectively, factually politics and denying that is denying reality.
60% too low
This is completely true a psych user made a good post about how most of them just have severe autism and aren't actually transgender, which is extremely rare. I don't have the screencap though.
I doubt making a flag on Smash Bros will do anything for your cause. If anything building your flag in the same stage builder where Mii's of Steve Harvey, giant Waluigi's and videos of Kirby gunning down Lucas with a tiny airsoft gun regularly reach the front page cheapens the issue.
They won't exist few years from now because they will all literally kill themselves.
can we please appreciate that a company is doing the right thing without turning it into console wars?
I hope they remove Sheik, the Mushroom Kingdom 2 stage with Birdo, and the Vivian spirit too.
Also, Kirby should no longer be able to copy female characters. Male characters wearing women’s clothing is degeneracy.
Wouldn’t want any politics in the game.
Yea Forums is literelly obcessed with resetera yikes
They start falling apart by the time they turn 22
SHOULD be higher
MGS is a steal action game, does that make smash a steal action game cause snake is in it?
Usually when someone catches the ire of the Twitter SJW clique they back down pretty quickly so I'm not expecting this to last, sadly.
disgusting hangers
>we live in an age where stages in Smash Bros. are used for ideology propaganda
What are the most recent reports on an asteroid hitting the Earth? It's not coming here fast enough.
Honestly I always thought that people who are active in multiple Yea Forums boards should be dragged out to the streets and shot in the back of the head
>decipting politics ≠ advocating for said politics
By your logic Wolfenstein games advocate for national socialism due to decipting nazis in them
you people are obssessed with trannies. not a day goes by without at least 1 tranny thread in the catalog
This is why no one likes trannies.
Can't wait for white people (especially white women) to fuck off so the rest of us can finally solve the tranny problem.
Fug politics :DDDDDD
based Nintendo.
Trannies are subhumans and should kill themselves
Had to change names after getting caught defending literal convinced pedophiles
Same group of pedophile defenders
>pol is to blame for that state of the board and not the constant console war wojak faggotry
Leave tranny.
>gay autistic trans woman
>gay trans woman
>gay and trans
what the fuck does this even mean? if it means that it likes girls, then is this person just too autistic to get one as a man?
>children can consent to life-changing procedures
opens up a lot of uncomfortable discussion
>will still probably kill themselves
Don't forget trannies and SJW are a scapegoat created and funded by (((bankers))) so people will get angry at anyone but them
Oh fuck me that's funny
Cool. I do though.
Can't I just stay dead?
No, but they do actively advocate against Nazism by depicting Nazis as the villains they are.
literelly obcessed with us ohnoohnohohnoohnohohonononohononohoonoo
>all of the resetera cross posting itt
and people claim discord groups arent a thing
Dumb joke thief.
No, Sonyfags deserve this.
>RetardEra having a meltdown ITT.
Go cry to Sony.
You're right but they are absolutely wretched looking as women. They should have just tried getting fit, at least they wouldn't feel like shit all the time and would be mentally stable
Shut up you retarded tranny.
die tranny
just bought a switch and smash bros because of this
based japs
Yea Forums gets everything from resetera, reddit and twitter.
This shithole couldn't possibly sustain itself on it's own.
fuck it
I want to cuddle you
t. tranny who won't celebrate its own 35th birthday
Why does Yea Forums hate trans people now?
Anything we can do to boost that 40% is good.
nintendo won, its over
About time Nintendo tells these freaks to fuck off. They act like Splatoon lobbies are the best place to prattle on about being trans.
>mfw seething discordlets trying to act like they don't care
I don't even need to read the news articles to tell this is probably cherry picking. Tendo is probably taking down all the innapropriate shit.
It's not a joke, it's true!
Did some /pol/fag edit this? I don't remember the jew being there.
the fucking nerve on these cunts
man i still have my ps3 and like some of the games on it, but i srly cant bring myself over ever liking sony again, just fuck my shit up sempai, why is any of this necesary
>"we're just normal women!!"
Meanwhile on dating sites I constantly get messaged by trannies asking to suck my dick or some over upfront sexual act. From the small chance a girl messages me 1st, it's always something like just "Hi".
it's neither, trannies just have an entire journalist industry pushing their tiny agenda
Some of the most prolific attention whores I've ever come across on the internet. Worse than any fandom.
The hell is wrong with him?
God, I hope so.
I’m trans and 40.
The rise in modern feminism LITERALLY coincided after certain protests during the recession
All these “social justice” movements are for us to divide the general populace from uniting against the one true oppressor: international banker Jews.
>Who is Mr. Game and Watch
Why do trannies love shitting up the nintendo based social apps so much?
Is jake jones trolling? I literally cant tell.
My country has universal healthcare that covers these "gender reassignment "surgeries"". Trying to debate stopping these mutilations without any medical grounds get you and your career destroyed. The hellscape is already here.
I'd almost feel bad for trannies with that suicide statistic but almost every one I ever talk to is a psychopath who tells me I should be shot for not pretending he's a woman
the art of squandering good will
>Mods delete the other thread on Transgenders but leave this up
Will fuck if they're not even gonna do their jobs properly I'll jsut put this here.
Gender dysphoria is an actual condition where someone's brain is anatomically more similar to that of the structure they identify as, as a result they suffer from anxiety like symptoms, which lower drastically once they transition. To anyoe who wants to mention the suicide numbers, pic is related
Are trannies the new furfags? Holy shit, do they spam their shit everywhere.
Because they are trans gamers, not trans movie watchers
No wonder SJWs and ResetEra want to culturally conquer Japan. They're one of the few who don't coincide with the Hivemind that was created.
we should make and upload levels with 40% in them to counter the tranny flags
>those man faces
Not nearly high enough.
hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick
because they are probably trying to lure in young children since they are also pedophiles
>/pol/ isn't to blame
>Gets triggered by their mere mention and goes through mental gymnastics to paint any back talk as "Tranny"
/pol/ isn't the problem it's retarded meme obsess normies like you who come straight from facebook and reddit.
how about you 40% yourself instead
Kill yourself.
Yea Forums is a non-white board now, and we don't tolerate faggotry.
Bring on the cute lolis though.
based and bingbingpilled
>still playing consoles
I'm so glad Japan hates all foreigners
It just shows how racism is a great thing for your country
I've never seen such genuine anger in a single image.
Did you just start browsing during the resetera invasion?
At this point, even furfags are tolerable. Who could have seen this coming?
i'm 44. i browse and post here daily.
user why do you think their suicide rate is so high! kek
You mean I don't look like my cute cat boy avatar irl? OH NO NO NO
>The five former clinicians at the Gender Identity Development Service, which is based in London and Leeds, expressed their concerns to the British daily The Times. Each of them was part of a team charged with deciding whether patients as young as three should be prescribed hormone blockers to prevent the onset of puberty. The number of child referrals to GIDS skyrocketed from 94 in 2010 to 2,519 in 2018.
Everything is fine. Move along. It doesn't affect you.
The rainbow flag is for gays though, not Trannies.
most trannies ARE furfags
It's a shame the Japanese wont drop his ass in the pacific ocean.
Yea Forums here.
but traps?
Traps are alright.
I could see Nintendo banning those two once NOA communicates the meaning behind it. Still funny though.
hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick
hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick hey Yea Forums suck my dick
d-do you prefer us user? :3
We can do so much better
Ganondorf a nigga.
this is the same guy who refused to admit he was wrong about P5's retarded lyrics
Did he poop?
Take estrogen
They definitely are.
I fucking hate them all dude.
He never had a father figure.
>Nintendo has always been a very conservative company
So why do they care?
Look at trump, even when you think you know what to do to win and put all your effort behind it and succeed, it turns out to be a Jewish trick
White people are just too dumb to win
too old/developed
that's just too cruel, user. there are things in life you just don't joke about.
alright pass the controller bro
>>children can consent to life-changing procedures
America loves doing that though. Highest percentage of mutilated penises (circumcision) and almost all of them are during childhood.
tranny mad
>man has genetic defects that belong to women
>''Better gets homone treatment to become a woman!''
>instead of getting male hormone treatment
Bullshit you joke thief. DK isn't real.
Gorillas are though.
Fuck off trannies
Extreme cringe. Traps are gay and anime is too.
God I fucking love this clown world
Thank God I dont live in the West
I wish somebody would strategically announce a Trans parade to gather them up and shoot them all down like the worthless wastes of oxygen they are. Get the fuck off my game.
I know that look of fear, panic and anxiety on his face where you breakdown in tears. Petty fucking painful watching a loved one go through something like this.
>Uncomfortable labels
>Still label themselves
I can't handle all this stupidity. Jesus christ, everyone's fucking weird and by norm, that makes everyone normal as shit. So no, you're not anything special, because people get bullied all the damn time.
based cunny poster
This is pure child abuse. Black and white.
>dude lmao let's encourage mentally ill people to chop off their dicks and prevent their pus-dripping septic wounds from healing
history will remember you like we remember proponents of lobotomy
Exactly. This is why the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon disappeared so quickly, and the social justice movement exploded. Activist groups were paid to start talking about gender, race, and sexuality instead.
Imagine spending your time replying to every single person on your time line trying to refute every tweet they make.
Imagine being a fucking tranny lamo
They make the furfags look normal.
name a non-kike puppet president
was this supposed to be an argument against what I posted? I'm opposed to circumcision as well.
He edited it out of his post kek.
If you wanted your dick sucked you shouldn't have ripped it off.
unironically based
but only if they are ok with it
if they didn't like the costume i thought up, then i wont force them to wear it if i was their parent
the little guy is absolutely lovin it, hes a natural
not sure if the girl likes it, probably not
be kind
based pedophile
Absolutely based.
Reminder that transsexualism is just a fetish, and if you appease a tranny by calling them whatever gender they're masquerading as, you are participating in their fetish and giving them sexual gratification.
imagine being a incel in 2019 loooooooool
>Yea Forums is probablt behind this
>games like TF2 are shit because they have a black character in them
This is your brain on /pol/.
it's obvious who they were catering to
because they have incredibly unlikable personalities 99% of the time
Furgins are marginally better than trannoids now.
>stomp censored by the post
kino fimography here, we've got a Zimmer in the making.
You're swinging at 40%, but have you tried aiming higher?
You see them try the same strategy with the yellow vests, it’s fascinating because it isn’t going to work again.
Social justice is a corporate farce.
actually based
basedtendo? splatoon is infested with trannies and this case is likely a false flag, there are already lots of shitty trannies smash stage
Nobody loves these people or the shit they spam except their own ingroup.
Oh no, guys! We have been exposed out of the shadows!
chop off your penis and hang yourself, tranny
Unironically yes. I still think you guys are cunts but you aren't being propped up by media conglomerates and multi-billion dollar corporations.
>Nintendo wants to keep politics out of the game
This image needs the woman to have big tits and wearing a bikini
Reminder transgenderism is literally the textbook definition of delusional.
the vast majority of furfags are faggots
who did it? was it Yea Forums?
This one?
incel confirmed looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool have sex
Eh, it depends on how you view the issue, MtF process the world in a similar way to that of women and get anxiety over seeing their own body as their mind is telling them it's a mismatch. That's why proponets of this stuff refer to them as actual women rather than men.
Okay grandpa
Autism is a common denominator of trannies. Wonder if there is a link in illnesses
I hate the media who promotes trannies more.
The fact that this thread is moving so fast tells me that there are a LOT of fragile white male virgins on Yea Forums. No wonder everyone says this is the worst board.
>the audience claps as a box-jawed, broad-shouldered man with stubble, wearing a pinkdress and high heels, walks on stage
It's like something out of a comedy, but the reality of the situation is that it's a tragedy.
This is a good study into their mentality because they clearly think they're above the rules.
I think they might be worse.
Furfags never successfully turned their fetish into a political statement, so I could actually get away from their stupidity outside of the internet.
Trannies are a genuine cancer and both them and their enablers need to fuck off and die.
I'd be enclined to agree with that lass but there is surely a small quantity of people that genuinely have gender dysphoria, both male and female, to the point that they need that fixed in their life to function. I don't believe it's nowhere near as many as the proportion you see in AGDQ but eh, who the fuck knows.
Why don't they use this as their flag instead?
International rich people are oppressors, but you're being manipulated by a third party with regard to the jew part.
Holy shit that poor man
But all trannies ARE incels.
I'm all against degenerate trannies but why is pedophilia like this allowed?
I've not gone a single day without this site banging on about trannies. A general I frequent had three at one point and they completely dominated the threads. I just want it to stop.
chop it off
they don't want it to turn into Splatoon 2, completely understandable
Ganondorf was a king. A leader.
because we are what you gonna do about it you stupid nigger
sums up nicely
Too ugly for normal womens so they try their luck with lesbians. WHich just increase the TERF
Both are Jewish and both should be capital offenses
Probably why he got shot
resetera BTFO
Does someone have the TRANNIES BTFO dancing meme crab video?
Why do trannies love calarts?
i dont know about you but i think nintendo is BASED
Only white people get triggered by lolis.
jump off a building, tranny
Lmfao kill yourself Sinfamy.
nobody cared until you and the pharmaceutical industry starting experimenting on children
Don’t pretend you’re any better
pedophilia is love of children
trannies want to destroy children
polar opposites
mario maker 2 at risk
It won't stop until you put a stop to it, user. Have courage.
>muslims confirmed for pedophiles
white people are based
fuck off to
>things i learned from mario's butt
>pic is luigi
>Demands that society finds them attractive or else calls it oppression
Those are incels alright. Anyways found it ironic that they use it to insult others
>a party game made for children by the Japanese does not allow degenerate behavior
>trannies are outraged by this
Proof that tranies suffer from a mental illness.
>slaanesh trannies will be the educational figures to the current generation
Worst timeline
join the 40%
I like this design
Just because he's a thief king ? fucking hell !
I mean, yea, Muslims are probably pedos, considering their prophet fucked a 9 year old.
Do all white Eurotards think all non-whites are Muslim?
Shit, they're on to us. They're gonna find out we hacked into Nintendo and stole their Trans Rights stage. Fuck what do we do
Not a day goes where the media doesn't bang on about trannies.
Sorry, don't blame us for reacting to things that happen in gaming. We wouldn't care about trannies if they weren't shitting up games with their propaganda
Riddle me this, loliculture has been a thing in Japan for decades, never has any study come out showing that liking this shit makes you like actual kids. It's the same argument as how playing violent video games makes you a school shooter. If loli stuff is pedo tier than why do actual pedo's like the rurouni kenshin author risk thier lives to find actual 3d child pronography when there's a plethora of loli shit that wil llast them their whole lifetime?
It's all degeneracy and you need to hang with them
>I wonder if Snoy would've done this
Considering the turn they decided to take on the recent months? Unlikely. They dont give a flipping fuck as long as they are making money.
even if the jews didnt control him, he almost got us in WW3 and he was a fucking retard and he only got into politiks because of daddy and his wife's connections
kennedy is a fucking hack and i hate people remember him as 'good' and nixon 'bad'
leftist revisionist history
>you hate my kind so you are definitely ugly and also a virgin
Aren't all trannies incels though? Too ugly to make it as a man.
>games like Smash Bros are shit because they don't have POC or LGBT characters in them
This is your brain on Twitter
at least this picture made me laugh
If I looked like that, I would have killed myself out of principle.
Can't accuse others of being fragile when your entire identity is fragility. Transsexuals are the most easily offended.
The hugely simplified art style lets them temporarily forget the fact that everything from their skin tone to their skull/jaw structure betrays their actual gender.
you want me to hang out with children? got it
the only people that hate trannies more than white people are non-white people
What, 5% of EVERYONE kill themselves?
That's crazy high
it's just one thread user, and my first that's this successful, let me have this moment
The Chad Skyrim
The Cuck Bloodborne
It'll be fun to see how these "studies" hold up in 10 years when most of the tranny population has taken themselves out.
>buhh trump work with da joos!!
I'm one hundred percent better than liberal faggots though.
this is not bait, this guy is for real a fucking faggot using cal arts reaction images, fucking kill yourself
Shit,they finally realized that all the trans bashing comes from only one site.
you might want to check that, bro
What if he lands on a pole and survives?
Like that one french guy.
they aren't technically incels since they have sex with each other. they also try to guilt lesbians into touching them
this is fake, right?
You know what's sadder than a tranny? The faggot who willingly fucks their infected puss filled wound.
I have never in my life met a tranny that I didn't want to throttle because they were annoying cunts.
And since I live in Massachusetts, I've met my fair share of trannies.
And a lot of them REALLY think that they pass, when they don't.
>Yea Forums is behind this
As long as the sickness persist the symptoms will continue. Sadly, 40% is not enough to eliminate the sickness.
Multiple lolifags on here out themselves as pedophiles all the time like kys child diddler
the fuck is that thing?
Thanks doc. Still fuck trannies and faggots though.
All people have to do is not reply, but they seem incapable of doing that. Even I'm guilty of it. 216 people were tempted in this thread. It's futile.
No. Your just as bad as the tranny fags
fun fact: gays, traps and crossplayers hate trannies due to the later trying to yank and indoctrinate them into their own lunacy, and speaking in their behalf despite not really understanding their thing
>ch-chopping your dick off suppresses suicidal thoughts!
Why are SJWs so fragile?
ty dr
where's my surprise fucker
[email protected]
>Sony users wouldn't defend LGBT pandering
Nominee for most delusional post of 2019
Daily reminder that there are actual trannies on Yea Forums
Thanks doc,
If a tranny is going to dress up like that to read to my kids, they can shove my 2 dollars right into their gaping wallets because I’m ok with that.
This literally makes me hard. I love it. Trannies need to kill themselves.
Oh I just got it... his hands a lot further away but he's using forced perspective to make his dick look giant
pretty cool
I see this is the designated shitposting thread
>start hormone replacement therapy early as a child
>genitals stay small due to the treatment
>there's either not enough to work with to create a fake vagina, or the result is too small
>40% meme
Do some of you lurking the thread not see a problem with this?
it'll stop when trannies stop trying to abuse kids
he means 4channel right?
Second dose today already, thanks again doc.
what was in it? Archives not working
I'm pretty sure thats a lie, Akihabara is more successful than ever
Based and redpilled
Yea Forums is literally the Weimar Republic with nazis and commies shanking each other on the street.
I... I didn't need to see that, thank you very much.
Getting my brain far too blown on human knowledge, as there is simply far too much shit to humanely be capable to handle
even if that were true, it's still a big cock
Inb4 triggered wh*toids.
We fight back
Rape me, then.
All me
Not a life for me. Lustful sex without any passion or love is trash but hey, they're soulless anyways.
Why the fuck did people even register there, if you needed to do all that?
Murica has crazy high countries, in my 3rd world shithole it's less than 1%
it was BASED
all me
Bend over, tranny.
only if it is not loli comics. else they go on a virtual ISIS-like rampage.
Politics aren't the only thing trannies and homos are trying to shove into children.
based retard mass replier
do people really think that they look smart when they mention a shitton of posts?
mass reply of this scale
>Fragile white male virgins
Im black and fuck yourself, make sure to do a 40° backflip on your way off the bridge faggot
every single thing that comes out of a tranny's mouth is a delusion.
I need to get a switch.
>music isn't "Snake Eater"
Missed opportunity.
Yes I'm a pedo, what's the problem?
the trans flag is the new alt right symbol, it must be purged asap
danke, doktor
Aaaaah, well that explains the 40% rate on trans snowflakes.
None of those actually "try" to commit suicide - they cut themselves up a bit for attention. Jesus.
>instead of killing off pedophiles we should enable them by letting them draw pictures of children
stupid nigger
What was the name of that place before?
>my vagina is going to fucking collapse
This is what they're paying thousands of dollars for? Jesus man
Of course, the ultimate irony to this is neogaf and resetera is founded by convicted pedophiles
Imagine clicking all those posts to make this. Literally OBSESSED.
I stand corrected. I guess there are a few fragile black male virgins as well.
i'm going to rape all trannies to death Yea Forums!!!!!
no but it gives me (You)s
Blessed be my brothers, we will hang them all together when the day of the rope finally comes.
New tranny bashing bread when?
What's better?
To receive a lot of (You)s, or to hand them out?
Fucking based as heck
Just did, and your mother wished she gave birth to a better user than you as she came
>muh trump
>40° backflip
holy fucking shit my sides! based
I'm fine with gay people. I'm not fine with flaming faggots twerking in the street with hardly any clothes on. Regardless of whether the person is gay or straight.
Shit like this webm is why God doesn't talk with us anymore. Mentally insane faggots dancing in the streets. For shame...
>we look at child porn b-but look at these other nations t-they're doing worse!
You want to know a better option? Stop jacking off to anything child related retards
Not the one who made it.
>This blatantly retarded moderation
>Industry representatives (all westerners) post there
>mods only ever protect and sterilize discussions about upcoming/new western games
Surely this is just one big shill forum.
This looks like a gag of some saturday morning slapstick cartoon
You should feel sorry for trannies
they were people once like you and me, they were just victims of brainwashing
With that Persona 5 article, are normies waking up to the retardation of these people?
as a dad myself im deeply sorry for these guys, its like watching a train derail
Dude what in the fuck
How are these creatures real
It's like some John Carpenter horror
I blame shitty anime
I'll take your advice when your race stops being full of child molesters.
I don't care about the opinions of white people.
Anyone got the Jazz pasta?
right now
remember to distinguish between gays and faggots
How the actual fuck do these people function, what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to convince yourself this is the life you want?
treat the wound between your legs
I'm not as harsh as some people here since I have compassion but I definitely don't like them or gays. I
When they keep to themselves and live their lifes without being obnoxious and breaking the law I don't care. Same goes for most other controversial figures like homosexuals or Muslims or whatever.
But for the love of god, don't force your shit down anyones' throat and most importantly, leave the fucking kids alone. Let them grow up naturally.
They wanna be trans when they're 18, it's their decision.
Before that, do not talk a kid into making a decision that leads to such horrifically high suicide rates.
But I'm not a britbong or jap
>my vagina is going to collapse
I'm completely oblivious to this whole procedure when they get their vagina. They have to maintain it before it closes? What does that even mean?
>intead of killing off murderers we should enable them letting them make violent video games
stupid nigger
They were mentally weak, no sympathy from me.
Is this real? It's horrific
Mortal Kombat 11 will kill all other fighting games. It actually requires skill.
They all have that 'woman in the institution for having a nervous breakdown' hair.
The only 'normal' gays are those who are suppressed by society. Tolerance leads to ever greater faggotry and harm.
it's literally an open wound
Sekiro Easy Mode
nobody is immune to propaganda
>implying this is not his wet daydream
>1 single murican trannie trying to change a full country with centuries of traditions
It's sad how true this actually is. Drawings are drawings, while sexual acts are sexual acts. Japan may be objectifying women, but in a sense, they mostly regard it as a blessing or pure in most anime. And even if they have no taste for "uglier" women, they still give those women a chance at the industry and they do eventually find their love sooner or later. Being this close-minded, especially at such a mature age can't be healthy and you just have to accept that sexual urges simply are a humane thing. Although there's also the interesting fact that that's the particular reason why birth rates are unbelievably low in Japan.
Every white country has higher rates of child abuse and sexual assault than Japan aside from maybe Iceland and Switzerland.
Again, I don't care about the opinions of white people.
nice logic pedo
What the fuck
It's to keep the wound from healing.
>makes an example
The guy need to see someone
It's literally an open wound; a hole where there should not be a hole. Their body is trying to heal itself.
Who could have guessed reality would turn so insane cartoons would look normal in comparison
Yea Forums, I'm gonna be honest for a minute here.
I used to be homophobic, but these days I'm not anymore. The gays aren't so bad at the end of the day.
But trannies, I can't fucking stand these cunts. Not a single ounce of me has found any room for sympathy for them beyond the fact that they're mentally ill men that need help before they start on a journey of self mutilation etc.
In fact I feel my hatred for them growing more powerful as time goes on.
Does anyone else feel this?
It's just a wound that they have to keep open. Obviously they can't give them real female organs.
This, its hilarious watching people push for loli bans even as muslim rape gangs grow in size
>Impyling im male
Never gonna pass, hon, deal with it
The LGBT movement should have stopped after the third letter.
>Highly Attractive Transwoman
based roll-baiter, getting newfags banned
simply epic...
It really is, since media does nothing to actual adults
my fucking sides
I know pic was posted already but come on dude
>highly attractive transwoman
>professional speedrunner
kek, it's all there
Is there a deeper meaning to Snake Eater that I'm missing or is it literally just the fact that the title can be interpreted as chopping the dick off?
>3 instances of "have sex" this thread
>2 instances used to "OWN THE INCELS"
unironically have sex
Welcome to clown world, user. Remember, finding this horrific confirms that you are a bigot asshole to the current radical leftist crowd.
>you just compared trans rights to hate speech
Why do all these faggots try spin the fucking argument like that?
Thats fine.
Kids born with Gender Dysphoria actually have an issue that needs fixing. Maybe 1 in a few thousand of the trannys out there actually suffer from an anatomical abnormality in their brain, that is actually treated with hormone therapy. Lord knows this is not about helping kids with Gender Dysphoria and more of a freedom of choice thing.
Except it's the parents that "choose" for a child who was other wise healthy or had OTHER mental issues and then proceed to ruin his life. Same goes for the others who choose to transition at an older age, which is how they end up in the 40%.
And it's just 40% who kill themselves, there's a large percentage who don't kill themselves but are just as miserable and regretful. The amount of people who actually ended up feeling happier and more fulfilled after changing their bodies like that are few and far between.
>lewd photography
Oh no
Kys machoma'am
Wtf, I love botw now
Have you heard of the high elves?
It's literally an open wound and the body is constantly trying to heal itself. So they have to "dialte" for hours daily so the wound doesn't heal. It also spills sludgy blood and hair everyday and they call it it their period
>even furfags are tolerable
lets not get too ahead of ourselves now, you let them a bit of wiggle room and shit like the recent necrobestiality + child grooming group scandal happen
>the snake eater stage is still up and is probably still getting tons of yeahs from trannies
This is perfect retribution for freaks that give up the pleasure of having a penis.
what the fuck
every "doctor" who supports that should be imprisoned
I love this shit lol
I'm perfect in every way
Bro he has a group
This dad is what real a man looks like, incels. Yes it hurts and he has to go against a lot of reactionary programming passed down by generations of bigots but he still does it because his daughter is more important than him in this.
Nah at least the trannies have the excuse of being mentally ill. They're not the ones spreading a ridiculous amount increasingly antibiotic-resistant diseases
someone tell this dude that he missed halloween by like 6 months
are you implying that 40$ suicide rate is just failed trans attempts? are you that much of a bigot that you shame your pride bros like that?
>be bi
>lgbt """community""" allows trans, an identity at best, to be included to a movement about sexuality
>meanwhile everyone else hates bi for not exclusively matching with people with the same bits
Any older gayfags want to explain to me why trans were allowed to be glued to the gay community? Most of these fucks are straight guys so desperate for puss they'll pretend to be a girl. It's fucking Chris-Chan tier.
Good lord. Don't know why they just don't have buttsex.
>Mfw they thought it was an unironic post
Shit, I guess they are mental ill.
Have children.
Even the 40% is just those that are recorded as suicide. The countless others who eventually OD (they all have drug problems) don't get counted unless it is obviously intentional.
That's very transphobic of you user!!!!
Honestly, he'd probably be a decent normal looking guy, if he didn't fuck him self by becoming a tranny. Such a shame.
what's with USA and their addiction to SJW trannies on the videogames industry?
Go dilate.
>collapsing vagina
I love this new meme.
Marxist rhetoric
I don’t support abortion.
>why do you hate women?
I think we should do a better job vetting our immigrants
>why are you ok with women and children getting locked in cages
He's not the one projecting fiction into reality.
Maybe you should clean your own closet before pointing fingers at others.
MTIA Make Trans Illegal Again
trannies are the real incels, the ultimate and final expression of inceldom
>a real man looks like he's seconds away from a murder-suicide
toxic masculinity in action folks
really nice, more pics please
>sludgy blood and hair
Holy shit.
America is the vehicle through which (((Satan))) enters the world
Based Air France trying to keep that filth away
>Imagine watching a movie or show and then claiming that it's forcing the gay agenda on you instead of just being a show featuring gay characters
That entirely depends on the show.
Reminder that this is the same fuckwit (He's actually TomSka) who defends Islam and hates OneyNG for making a tranny helicopter joke.
9/10 times they're just super left leaning incels yeah. At leas the MtFs are. FtMs tend to be not horrid people.
>I tried to read pass the first sentence
remember to raise your shota right
protect him from tranny brainwashing
That’s not the worst of it, your body doesn’t know what the fuck is happening so it doesn’t know what to grow
it can grow non functional eyes and teeth
not banned lmao
Please do us a favor and kys along with the trannies
Which Snake Eater stage?
As cis gay man, I hate them with a passion. They ruin everything. Leading trans activist flat out states that the trans movement is parasitic in nature. Not only that, but that they deliberately ride the coattails of gay rights while simultaneously having an exclusive movement of their own.
No matter how much your life sucks you will never be as pathetic as this guy.
user stop. Please.
Shota thread?
That's anti-Semitism, user
I feel you user. I really do.
I used to be drinking buddies with a guy. Let's call him "Steve". Steve had issues due to a shitty childhood and he couldn't process life. Instead of going to therapy and figuring shit out. He got sucked into cross dressing. Which eventually went from a hobby to full time. After a year of that he decided to become trans. This was in 2014 mind you when this shit wasn't the popular topic. After going FULL trans and having surgery, taking pills, and etc. Steve became Stevie. Three years, three fucking years I watched as someone who needed help destroyed their body and let their mind become poisoned. I tried to help only to get pushed away. In the end, Stevie wasn't happy and killed himself.
Fuck trans rights.
Maybe you should take your own advice, Mr.Hypocrite.