Name some games where you can pussy out of tough encounters

Name some games where you can pussy out of tough encounters.

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he fat

But nice beard

did this faggot drop his lawsuit against the guy who rightfully knocked him the fuck out?


>That shaggy mess
Dude needs a fucking trim and shaping bad.

you're probably disgusting

An antifa cuck sucker punched this guy at a convention or something.

an antifa hero punched this faggot in the face and he cried like a bitch

His beards fucking disgusting. It looks like he ate out someones ass who then shit all over his face and it crusted on his beard.



You can science your way out of a boss fight against President Eden in Fallout 3 if I remember correctly, and just get the AI to terminate itself.

do people actually take youtubers seriously? they're all absurd caricatures shouting memes to see what brings in the most monetization.

did he pussy out or did he make someone else pussy out. Also literally who?

Unfortunately yes. What essentially amounts to shitposting for money is a highly lucrative field, though very unstable.


Arcanum. Almost every fight in the game you can talk your way out of, including the final boss.

You're not scared of my dad are you fatty?

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>unironically misusing the word cuck

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It's "what are some games" you filter dodging faggot.

Magic The Gathering
If you're playing against OP, just let loose a flying fist when things get tough

Post links to what happened before it 404s. You're not actually trying to talk about videogames.

the only based e-celeb is boogie2988. have you guys seen his beautiful new teeth?

All these right wing reactionary fucks somehow duck or get fucked by this little guy

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Every fad on this website is dictated by YouTubers tbqh. Everyone on here gets their movie opinions from RLM, their political talking points from PJW and the latest nerd culture drama from retards like the Qaurtering who go hunting for something to be outraged about since they know that's where the view shekels are.

>Lefty's stealing memes again
>Somehow make them unfunny
The left truly can't meme.

yes. he can now go full onions face without feeling self conscious

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>The left truly can't meme.

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Calm down Andy

It's common knowledge antifa believe in gender and race equality, and that they vigorously apply these principles to their lives by letting their based black friends fuck their girlfriends in open relationship contexts.

This only further proves the point. How embarrassing.

Cringe to the max