You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.
You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
It's sad that you don't know the difference.
You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.
You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
It's sad that you don't know the difference.
Other urls found in this thread:
who the fuck gets mad at tetris m8 its just stacking blocks
I'm a brainlet how do you T-Spin consistently?
>not leaving the competitive autists alone and just playing for fun
Playing competitively is fun when you are good
>imagine being such a loser that you get emotionally invested when people have fun the "wrong way"
playing with children's toys is srsbsns for autistic neets
>play tetris like I normally do
>score pretty well
>play tetris like you're supposed to do, eliminate 4 rows at a time
>play and score like complete ass.
How do I get good?
isn't that the joke though
>if i propagate memes about people with hands, me failing at children's toys won't hurt all that much! h-haha! t-take that assholes!
It's okay. You can always play easier games targeted to your demographics.
Then why are you here discussing children's toys? You seem pretty invested in these toys
>sub 1:30 club
hahahaheheheh oooohohohohoho
imagine getting riled up over autists acting like autists
(tip: go to a doctor, they may have some news for you)
>they don't matter at all dude
>that's why i am on the most elitist nihilistic toxic board that specifically discusses videogames
>while i do not care at all about this, i also took the time to avatarfag with a fitting 9gag-tier reaction images, that's how i completely do not care, at all
>i don't, shut up
i can smell you're like dsp: "everyone more invested than me is a loser who cares about toys too much, anyone less invested than me is a noob let's laugh at how shit they are amirite gamerboys"
ITT: /autism awareness general/
getting high score marathon is all about making consecutive t-spins, learn to ST stack or ,even better, Infinite TST if you're a fucking wizard
who said this qoute again
>well in the middle
Who does this shit?
This copypasta was a reply to a guy who wrote an entire article about how people shouldn't bully him, sounds like he was a lot more invested than the guy who wrote 7 short sentences calling him a fag.
kaiji i think
But I recently learned to t-spin and I'm practicing
Why does the word "invested" makes autistic incels rage so much?