Sony Censorship

We had a relatively civil discussion about this last night, so I'm hoping today's the case as well. So, let's go over what we know
>Sony has decided to censor shit for sexual content
>this has affected games like SK, VNs, etc (weebshit)
>Sony censors shit in DMCV in the States and Europe, but not in Japan
>an update a few days ago removed the censorship in the States, but not in Europe (YOU GOT A LOICENSE TO BE LOOKING AT THAT ASS, M8)?
In Yea Forums, most people are just going around posting "SNOY" and shitposting/pretending to be outraged because a lot of you are board-culture hivemind retards. Then there are the logical fallacists that think that Japanese games are doomed because censorship is a slippery slope and soon enough things non-sexual in nature will be censored, which really doesn't make sense since Sony is the only platform saying that it has new ethical standards. I, personally, don't care because titgames are usually shit, VNs are not games, and if you REALLY need to fap and play something PC usually has you covered, and there is more than likely actual pornographic content involved. Not to mention otaku seem to enjoy gacha more anyways.
What will you do about it? Complain on this basket-weaving forum to a bunch of a faggots that will literally do nothing about it? Advocate or some sort of movement like the Rainfallfags and GR2fags? Recognize that if you feel enraged and so fucking affected by this because weeb games are literally your life, that you have the power to get over it but are just choosing to be miserable? Let's discuss this.

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Hey kids.
Ignore OP, he's a retard.
Buy a switch, shit on it isn't censored on it.
It's the new Vita.
All the weebs, migrate to the Switch.
That is all.

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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a snoyfag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying, subscribing, playing and defending a game console corporation solely so they can go and get your games censored by Californians. All the hard work devs put into their beautiful anime girls - sculpting their bodies, making them wear sports clothes, making sure their breasts jiggle, playing with them. All of it has one simple result: their game is more enjoyable for the men that will buy it on another system. Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random alt-right russian hacker incel who has nothing to do with a Snoy console, who just buys the game on Steam. He gets to virtually pet the anime girl's head every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way the nip devs intended. As a "man" who has a Playstation, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 7 years of your life simply to support games for other men to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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If it's just jap crap I don't care since the sexual content they produce is extreme ultra cringe for manchildren and not actually hot.

OP here.
This is an accurate image of everyone in 2019 that doesn't own both a Switch and a PS4.
That is all.

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Have sex.

this sure is civil

OP, you have said absolutely nothing whilst handwaving Sony's new 90's Nintendo policy due to your extreme Sony fanboyism

Nice try SIFD

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I said I don't care for the games that are getting censored. Sure, I like that now DMCV doesn't have censored asses, but had I played a version that did, it would not have made the experience shit for me. Do I think Sony is right in censoring that shit? I don't agree or disagree with it, I just think that Sony is a company that can hold itself to whatever standard it fucking wants. I see two things happening: a lot of this PS ecchi weebshit games will start to move either to PC or Switch, and Sony will lose a niche market that they've pretty much monopolized for years, OR if enough of you faggots stomp and cry about it Sony is gonna have to face the music and decide: Our consumer base is telling us they want these games the way devs made them. Do we take the "moral" high ground and simply not publish this shit since no is buying it, or do we say fuck it because we are a company and 10k sales is better than no sales?
I do plan on buying a PS5 because Sony's exclusives/timed exclusives are games that I like, but I won't buy it on release. I'll hold on to the Pro and the Switch, and if I see that the games I care about are left intact and still fun, then I will buy it. If not, there's always Xbox or I might just fucking build a PC, whilst praying that I don't fucking fall down the modding rabbit hole.

Glad I don't own any Sony products.
Seems like owning Sony or Apple shit turns you into a mindless drone.
Or maybe it's just all the Eurotards who own both.

>Seems like owning Sony or Apple shit turns you into a mindless drone.
How so?
In hindsight, maybe the threads that aren't fucking cancer are the wojak ones that half-way through turn out all right.

>How so?
Because it produces cucks like the OP who bend over for a corporation trying to tell them what an already-rated game should or should not contain.
Much like with Apple's App Store.

the process behind it is also bad
they're forcing small, non english devs to do specific content reviews in english
this is the one part nobody brings it up

>I can't say anything actually good about it but since there's nothing you poopoo heads can do about it, you should just be silent, take it up the ass and please, PLEASE stop criticizing Sony.
That's the most you can manage in an attempt to defend Sony's decision?
Riddle me this drone: how does this new policy benefit anyone? How is it just not weak virtue signalling depriving customer choice? How is the choice to enforce this sort of policy superior to simply not doing it?

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i thought it was just upskirts of lolis, which I'm fine with. Some gimme a quick rundown of what's actually going on?

There's nothing to discuss. Censorship in UK levels of retarded and it only hurts third party companies

>but nintendo
every time

Personally, the kind of weeb trash that is actually affected by this I really do not care about. Having said that, DMC5, minor as the incident was, is a little much on their end. That censor got removed which is a step in the right direction, but at the end of the day whether I care about the aforementioned weebshit is irrelevant because these new policies are so vague and undefined that it’s only a matter of time before they cause an actual shitstorm over something.

This isn’t going to stop me from supporting them currently, but I do voice my concerns when and where possible about the way they’ve been conducting themselves recently. I want to believe they understand how fickle the market can be and would sooner pull back the reigns on their censorship than cause an exodus to other platforms. Look at how far Microsoft fell from the 360 to now over one bad reveal.

You are complaining about people complaining about games on a video game forum, something that has been done by every forum for every hobby since forever. We're not going to picket in front of a gaming company FFS.

>wants civil discussion
>post summed up as "it's ok since I don't play those games anyway"
Basically OP is a faggot, same as always.

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>In Yea Forums, most people are just going around posting "SNOY" and shitposting/pretending to be outraged because a lot of you are board-culture hivemind retards

First off: Kill yourself. We love these fucking games and hate Sony for telling us that 35-year-olds aren't mature enough to handle a flash of a panty or an inch of sideboob.

Secondly: Kill yourself right fucking now.

Thirdly: Sony games are objectively inferior and there is no way to spin this into a positive or a neutral thing, no matter what they pay you. Tell your corporate masters to reverse their idiotic decision and never come back here.

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This sony censorship shit seems to really only target games with an anime artstyle. Its feels like when sony didn't want to publish 2d games during the ps1 era (or was it ps2?)

It's literally fucking anything that might offend an average feminist. Devil May Cry 5 got censored on PS4. That should tell you right away that nothing is safe, except avoiding Playstation entirely until they fire whoever got this bright idea and replace her with a sane person who accepts that videogames are a medium for grownups and have been that since like 1993.

>I don't care about these games
>"Y-you're a cuck! Why don't you care about the shit I care about!?"
As I said, if you two faggots REALLY cared about this, you'd do something for Sony to change their mind. If you can play these games elsewhere, I don't understand the fucking outrage? Sony censors them, but who fucking cares if you can play it on Switch or whatever? I guess shitposting is just too fun to do, like when Steam does it or Nintendo had the Treehouse localizing everything.
What. Got sauce for that my dude?
People are complaining about a company, not really about games. I'm not saying people aren't free to do so, all I'm saying is that it boils down to console warring shit like >since titgames get censored, all of Sony's library is shit!
I don't get the outrage if people can play it on other systems. Like that faggot I just quoted, he can play that shit elsewhere, can he not? What's the big deal? Why react like it's the end of the world, or like you can't do anything about it other than complain to you faggots?

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>Some gimme a quick rundown of what's actually going on?
Sony officially announced tighter content restrictions on sexual content and objectifying women on their platforms. As main reason they said #MeToo movement combined with the fact that streaming services exist, thus everything from Western localizations to even native games meant solely for the Japanese market also need to be censored to meet Sony standards and make sure the company can't be associated with anything risque.

So far it seems to mostly affect anime-type games, but there's also bigger titles like DMC5 that got censored for PS4.

ahh, just looked it up. some character was naked at a pivotal moment? that seems very artistic, bad sign if they're doing that, and of course it's because of the same people who claim "video games are art" lol

Like a broken record. Yeah, you care so little that you feel compelled to create constant Sony defense threads about the matter. You haven't yet managed to mount any sort of defense for why the decision is supposedly good or even acceptable apart from your personal "I don't care". Really nice blogbost dude.

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>People are complaining about a company, not really about games
Jesus Christ what are you going on about. The company that makes the games are related to the game, hence it is relevant. You are free to complain about BMW, UAD, Audio-Technica etc in relation to their products, just like how you are free to complain about EA.

When people don't like what a company does, they stop buying their games. They don't have to prove themselves by forming a picket line in front of their headquarters, you absolute imbecile.

back to reset you go tranny

buying VNs on console is dumb because they were always censored, now they just are even more, PC has always been the home of VNs. As for games with lewd content, just get the games on PC or Switch.

I agree, let's accept that the wii shop is closed and your purchases are null and void, great precedent for everybody else to follow, such a great innovation, thanks nintendo

TLOU is censored in EU too, i dont understand the logics here

Bomb Sony's HQ.

They can censor that they may deem can cause social media outrage. They have 0 written guidelines so devs can submit a game, get it rated and ready for production only for Sony to go "lol nope" then the game goes back and delayed for at least 2 months on all platforms costing thousands while still having the same ESRB rating. It's not targeted at underage girls, it's targeted at anyone who even appears underage. Characters like Miyabi from Senran Kagura, or Vert from Neptunia have been affected by censorship. The censorship in question does nothing to actually stop their claims from happening and it's probably them just trying to get devs off the platform without outright refusing to publish.

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>all of Sony's library is shit!
It actually is shit for a while now and is right

I hope everyone at Sony fucking die an horrible death.

When did I ever fucking say that the decision was good? Financially of course it isn't fucking good, it's fucking stupid. If you have nothing to contribute other than made-up nitpicks, why don't you fuck off?
No one said anything about a fucking manifestation you mouth-breather. Emails, twitter trends, voice messages; do you really think that half of the faggots that "care" about this shit are doing anything substantial by shitposting on Yea Forums, rather than actually reaching out to the company? Yeah, if you feel outraged that your titgames aren't on PS, then stop supporting it if that's all you wanted from them. This discussion is about doing shit that's useful, instead of whining endlessly like a faggot about. Because, as I said, if you feel like your life is going to end because you won't play this shit anymore on PS, then you only have yourself to blame for caring about nothing other than some shitty weebgames. You have the power to change that about yourself, you have the power to get the fucking suits to acknowledge your desire about titgames. You can do more other than complain you don't like being in a pool full of piss, yet you refuse to leave. Fucking idiot.

Yes, look at all those uncensored game at Shitch like... uuhh.....

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I own a PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4PRO and sony can suck my medium girth cock.

This is really where it went downhill for me, and FAST.

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I don't like censorship, but I've never played this games. Win me over so I can defend you.

What are the best rape simulator games to play?

If you wanted a discussion, then your OP should have been about the morality of pornography and censorship, not your abject devotion to Sony. I could use your argument to dodge about criticism leveled at any company, hence why your OP has said absolutely nothing of value.

You didn't pick up DMC? What

I recommend the California HQ

You seems like a fucking resetnigger looking at how you truly believe people want cute girls in videogames "just" to fap
I fucking hate retards like you.

Cry me a fucking river, you butt-blasted cock-sucking catamite.
>after however many posts, I still have nothing of worth to contribute, I still have to call you a Sony dick-rider because you are impartial to what they do, I have to make an excuse for my poor lack of literacy, and I sure am bothered by it

You're fucking pathetic, what the point in your thread you ultimate fucktard?

>You're fucking pathetic
The irony, after all of your posts being nothing but trash or made up shit.
>what the point of your thread
I can't believe some mid-level English sentences are so hard for you to fucking parse. Now it's become getting you to at least 8th Grade reading level.

and they say Nintendo is for kids lmao

Apparently in your mind, you are not allowed to have an opinion about a company unless you are certain you can change their other through coercion.

Honestly, the fuck are you on about, I can refuse to buy any company's product for any reason, and I can convince of the people to do the same. I don't have to show my devotion before I can do so.

>This discussion is about doing shit that's useful, instead of whining endlessly like a faggot about.
>You have the power to change that about yourself, you have the power to get the fucking suits to acknowledge your desire about titgames. You can do more other than complain you don't like being in a pool full of piss, yet you refuse to leave. Fucking idiot.
If this really was your original intention and not just backpedaling, your OP was worded very poorly as it comes off as nothing but a shoddy defense of Sony's decision. Besides, discussing the matter here as well is a good way to get the word around among other anons. That's what consumers do. I never understood this retarded "you can do anything except talk about the matter" argument, since silencing ourselves does nothing but benefit people who don't want to see any sort of criticism landed at Sony. Every time something akin to this happens with any company we get morons like you saying "it's not even that bad, I'm not affected and besides there's no way you'll actually do anything about the matter so you might as well stop complaining". That's the reason you come off as a drone.

On the contrary throwing a loud and massive shitfit everywhere you can is the one and best option as has been demonstrated before, though I agree with the sentiment that people should also take it to other venues as well. Aside from talking about it here, people should also speak about the matter on other sites they happen to use and perhaps actually send Sony complaints in an attempt to try to get their voice heard, and of course vote with their wallets. Fan backlash worked for Steam's paid mods and it worked for games containing risque content, so it might at least coin a response from Sony.

>"Let's have a civil chat about Sony's censorship"
>"Except for you permavirgin weeb losers who are upset about it"
Yeah, how dare people be upset that these sudden "standards" are being forced on Japanese devs as well as them being demanded to know English to even read the fucking things.
Let's forget that SK 7Even had to be entirely scrapped for Sony's whims and Takaki left Marvelous due to it.
Let's forget that a bunch of cocky shitheads in California are running the entire division and would look at any type of protest the same way you do, as manchildren crying about their anime titties.

They don't see the consumer as a person, they see it as a walking blowjob machine with a wallet stapled to it, that'll praise their pretentious wank and throw as much money at them as they ask for and as such who cares if these stupid gooks have to conform to proper american sensibilities, who cares about those whiny manchildren decrying them, they rule the hearts and minds of the world so they can shit on the floor, charge $700 and watch people eat it and demand seconds.

You don't want a civil discussion, you want people to agree with you that this is a nonissue, if you want your dick sucked in validation that bad then go on ResetEra who are celebrating it.

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someone post that ex-pat retard from resetera.

Best post ITT. I mean, let's be real, which fucking weeb devs are coming to fucking Yea Forums, the marginalized of the marginalized, to gauge crowd reactions?
This post was mostly shit, but you brought up an important think: SK 7 got scrapped and some nigga left Marvelous. Now that impacts everyone, and is a legitimate reason for the outcry. Any other instances of this, or speculated probability that another semi-notorious studio losses, what I assume to be, an important staff member?