does Yea Forums own a gaming blanket?
Does Yea Forums own a gaming blanket?
>mom found the gaming blanket
no because i have sex
t. virgin
I have a Taz blanket my grandma made when I was a baby and he has video games so I guess I technically do?
nintendo is going to sue the living shit out of him
jesus christ how does that poor girl survive the 10incher?
I want to see
its his ex
>Get a fucking blanket of all things
Gamer collectibles were only fun back when they were hard to acquire. When I was a kid in the 90s and 00s you had to either import or go directly to something like Nintendo World to get something as basic as a Mario plush. Now that I see Nintendo merch everywhere I don't feel the need to own them as much.
Custom blankets are top tier gifts
When's the last time you were this happy?
Got mine
Call this man a cuck, virgin and what not.
Lets be honest, you'd be stocked to receive similiar gift from your second half. or even a friend.
>"hey babe your birthday's coming up soon. What would you like?"
>well I like video games
>That's ok I know just the thing
That looks like it would be a lot of work to do
>having somebody that loves you and cares about you
While that is cringey as fuck, I do still feel bad for the girl because I imagine it took her quite a long time to make.
It's one of those "Bless your heart, but dear lord why?" kind of moments. You have to just smile and accept the gift. As you get older birthdays become less about yourself and what you're getting, and more about the joy other people get exchanging gifts. If it means making your girlfriend smile and have a great day thinking to herself that she totally nailed your birthday gift, wouldn't you do the same?
I want to fuck aqua
Stop role playing faggot.
I have a blanket where i wipe my "games" on. haven't washed it in.. 18 months for sure. Doesn't seem to be rotting or molding. Not growing shrooms on it either. I've left my place for more than a week and after coming back from fresh air I still can't say I feel it smells bad. I masturbate at least twice a day on average. Can someone explain to me how that thing isn't fucking putrid yet?
Found the zoomer
its probably still on the old wardrobe
Bro I have a whole laundry basket full of shirts and socks that I've "gamed" on that have just been sitting there for two whole years. No smell.
That's how you know chicks are fucking nasty. In the same situation their whole house would smell like Surströmming
>wasting precious sperm on a useless goddess
I want a woman who would both gift me a blanket and make that face when looking at my penis.
You have targeted my tastes oddly specifically.
>Get nothing again
Semen dries up pretty quickly so it doesn't have the moisture to support mold or bacteria.
Oh fuck just remembered I have a container full of gamer juice that is incredibly old. Not looking forward to cleaning that shit.
You guys are a bunch of miserable cynical faggots.
That's a very sweet gift and you're all just mad nobody likes you enough to even remember your birthday. I bet the only time your phone rings is your alarm going off in the morning.
I bet they sleep in separate beds
>get money and buy what you want
that's actually a really amazing gift. His girlfriend must be a sweetheart , good for him.
Hey I thought the gift was sweet, and you insult me like that? It's not like I want to live this way, asshole.
She fucks Tyrone while he plays games
[X] Doubt
>Chad "10 inches for the bitches" Matei
>sleeping alone any night
>a "gaming" blanket
That's clearly just a game themed blanket.
A REAL gaming blanket is the slanket.
Matei surpasses all blacks in that regard.
Wouldn't a crocheted blanket of that size take a really, really long time to make?
My aunt has given me a few. Blankets are great.
Not overly long. Each square is one solid colour so it’s a lot quicker. Crocheted shit can “unravel” over time pretty easily though and it’s not as comfy as a homemade quilted blanket.
>it's scratchy as shit
>doesn't retain heat
>hard to clean
>have to keep