Nintendo removes "Trans Flag" Smash stage for being 'political statment'
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ResetERA starting a Nintendo witch hunt this very moment
It’s cause it included the words “rights now” the flag itself is fine
tick tock DK trannies
>"wtf why can't I promote my sexual fetish in a game for kids?"
Clown world
I wonder how much more Japan can take from whining westerners before they take their ball and go home
now you've got sony-california who implemented new standards to explicitly target and curb Japan's lax take on fictional 2D erotica
why would anyone think a stage based on a fucking flag would be good in the first place
Transgender isn't a "sexual fetish", you stupid ass.
>say everything is political to justify shoving their politics into everything
>deplatform and ban people who disagree with them even the smallest amount
>their own icons get removed because they're political
>they complain it's unfair
Like pottery.
Yeah there seems to be a shit ton of stages with the flag still up.
Essentially fake news.
Probably something else going on here.
>Creating a stage is art
>All art is political
>The stage is political
>Stage can be removed
Everything is working according to leftist logic, no issue here.
Never because we still give them loads of money and Japan is basically the Israel of Asian Asia. Japs love money.
wtf, I love nintendo now
Transwoman here, plastering the trans flag everywhere is incredibly obnoxious and people who do it are doing a disservice to trans people everywhere. Nintendo is unironically based for doing this.
Nintendo Corporate says its final decision
Some lower ranking supervisor supposedly breaks protocol and tries to go against corporate.
Social politics is still politics, it doesn't belong in video games.
Only someone who is mentally ill would “ironically” pretend to be mentally ill
You’re more desperate for attention than people who chop their dicks off, that’s pathetic.
yes it is
that's debatable, transvestism is definitely fetishistic and it's at the core of transgenderism
>being this delusional
That's right degenerates, get the fuck out, Nintendo stands for adult women with big tits and sensibly groomed pubic hair.
Jesus i thought you were all meming about Resetera being full of trannies. Wtf is wrong with them?
Japanese gamers have left effective boycotts on Japanese companies before.
Hideo Baba, Producer of Tales Games, got kicked out from the Tales Series due to his shitty Tales Games.
If Japanese game companies banded together and sent a strongly worded letter to Sony's chief CEO, the old Japanese man, who lives in Japan and not California, it could end up very badly for Sony California by making them lose power
They'll just complain it's only them who's politics are being persecuted, even though they've done worse to those who disagree with them.
>zealots who've made politics their new religion
Literal NPCs
It's actually a meme.
You are a male tho
>censoring and not including the source
Kill yourself.
kys faggot, you’re a man
honestly i'd be kind of mad if my identity was considered a political statement
Imagine trying to be a good little lapdog to an entire site that wants to murder you so you don't make too much noise to upset the normies.
>assblasted trannies have been arguing for "rights" for years
>go out of their way to use discrimination for lawsuits and malpractice
>turn normal jobs into hr nightmares from their presence alone
>suddenly they act surprised that a children's game won't allow that sort of stupid shit
It's like they can't realize that their bullshit isn't tolerated somewhere that isn't some social media platform.
Yeah, all of these replies saying "based" are totally different!
>Trans Herobrine
excuse me
Why do trans people make being trans their only identity thing? This sort of thing makes you just realize how fucking crazy they are. Idk about gay people, but God damn why do trans fags feel the need to flaunt that their mentally disabled?
This is a tranny falseflag, I made a stage with a sign called "TRANNIES JOIN THE 40%", which is way more subtle and I still got banned.
It is very clear which side Nintendo is on.
>Fuck NIntendo.
As he continues to buy and use their products. Fuck Nintendo indeed. :^)
I'm guessing the actual problem was the "now" in the title. It comes off as a demand, as a threat. That's what makes it a political statement, as in a literal statement of politics.
resetera tears are delicious
That's what happens when you ingest Soiny.
You're hurting yourself. Please seek help.
Oh fuck boys, basedtendo back on the menu
Unironically buying a switch now.
>Dick wielders with skirts and "supportive" people already getting their skirts ruffled just because Nintendo doesn't help promote a thousand spammed "TRANS FLAGS" any chance they get
I'm all for equality but these are just attention whores using flags for attention.
>This is a tranny falseflag, I made a stage with a sign called "TRANNIES JOIN THE 40%", which is way more subtle and I still got banned.
Lol what the actual fuck
Did you unironically tink nintendo suddently went full /pol/ or something?
It totally is.
Most of the people making those aren't trans.
This shit never stops does it?
That's where you're wrong, I don't want to murder trannies, they already do that job well enough themselves.
Based Japs seeing through the tranny agenda and not tolerating their bullshit. Fucking trannies are unironically ruining the computer game industry. These thin-skinned fags need to grow a pair, not chop them off.
Seethe harder tranny
I agree for the wrong reasons.
It's a sick depravity and mental illness. Rape and scat are fetishes and better than Trans.
Because they don't have an identity, they're walking voids, not humans, no souls, no rights.
Gays are similar but many gays can be based when their identity doesn’t revolve around it. Trannies are all fags and deserve nothing but the worst.
>Retard using my daughter Estelle to spout retarded bullshit
I am angry.
You will never be a real woman
wtf I love /pol/tendo now
Fuck YES
I want this to be the turning point where people stop listening to these fucking freaks.
Coming out as a tranny on a forum is the easiest way to earn pity points, especially since anyone who doubts you gets accused of transphobia. Combine that with how retardera bans people for the pettiest reasons, well the result is self-evident.
I just want to know what will happen when it's literally only trannies posting there. What new petty slight will they start killing each other, next? The trannies who can actually pass vs the ones who just look like dudes in a wig?
Based tranny
How can I contact Nintendo to tell them thank you? What is the best way?
I would rather see Japan go full isolationist once again, than see them become corrupted by western zealotry and dogma.
Cismale here, hang yourself.
Time to hop on 6+2chan, see you over there brothers. The fight begins.
A minor setback. Y'all bigots are still fucked and you know it.
>The trannies who can actually pass vs the ones who just look like dudes in a wig?
I mean take a stroll in /lgbt/ and you'll realize that's literally all they do all day.
I don't even own a Switch and if they don't apologize then for Christmas I'm getting myself one. They earned it.
>Transwoman here
I'm willing to bet you have been X in a lot of theres
Who fucking cares, stop causing a shitstink about it or nintendo will go the other way you retards.
Don’t you have to dox yourself to make a resetranny account? How much info do you have to give and can it be stolen
Easter is coming up so i'm trying to be good for Jesus. :) Not gonna say what I want to say, instead i'll assume this is bait.
>mocking their response with "political" in quotes
HH Borther.
How long until Japan joins California in being a horrible place?
Just call yourself Sonybro, we'll understand.
Actually, why is nobody talking about this? It's a kids game. Nintendo has always wanted to be squeaky clean.
Imagine if there were straight rights sta--...
This. I know a fuck ton of gay people that don't flaunt it. The only ones that ever flaunt that shit are the far left sjw kind. What is wrong with them in the brain?
Because they literally have nothing else going for them. They went trans because it's an easy way to stand out. It's this generation's version of coming out as bisexual in the 90s, or being a goth or scene kid.
At least the bi's, goths, and scene kids didn't encourage taking hormones and mutilating yourself.
It's almost like this thread was intentional because they know Yea Forums can't help themselves.
>unirionically trying to collect good boy points
Globalism is never going to let that happen. It corrupts ultimately.
Time to buy a Switch.
Here i'll fix it for you.
Delusional man that thinks he's a woman here*
Never ever. Japan doesn't tolerate trannies or faggots, and I'm being dead serious.
Gays are exactly the same way. See: pride parades
Why do boys in skirts give me such an erection then?
You need an email that's not gmail or something anyone can sign up for. Then you have to pass an interview. Not like you have to send your photo ID so you can just lie (and get banned the second you post).
'Smash' the trannies
Fags kissing, or trans in general isn't "sexual" a man kissing a woman would be.
Nintendo are just fucking Nazi's desu.
>censoring the name
The queer's handle has already been posted, but this is how you find people fishing for responses on Yea Forums like "all trannies must fucking hang" and "CHADtendo is based and redpilled" and all that. Just FYI.
If anything they should make so many trans flag stages by combining the flag with everything possible to the point where it just loses any value
There is a time and a place for political statements. It is not on the super smash brothers custom stage creator.
Having the phrase "trans rights now" is a reminder of the injustice in the world. People need a safe space from this kind of discussion.
ResetERA is still seething over this btw, which Nintendo still haven't "apologized" for
why do you hate the transes? because they ar eannoying? most of that comes from fellow anons spamposting them. is it because they are degenerate? if so: how are they degenerating society?
Funny how they call Japan "backwards-thinking". Isn't this racism too?
Yes, surely these random faggots on the internet will be able to topple Nintendo.
Why is the term "NPC" even a thing?
Never. Japan continues to be #1 in everything, especially women.
post 'em
resetrannies can't comprehend putting tranny and gay shit in party game for children is just as inappropriate as sexualizing teenagers in porn games, and they're angry because it's a censorship that affects stuff they like
>"b-b-but dicks and nazi flags are allowed, right Nintendo?"
>this is how you find people fishing for responses on Yea Forums like "all trannies must fucking hang" and "CHADtendo is based and redpilled" and all that. Just FYI
Well yeah this entire thread is more fuel for screencaps etc.
god i cant wait until you "whites" are extinct.
Transgenderism is literally you wearing your ideal woman you could never attain as a fucking skin, don't try and fool anybody.
God I wish california would get nuked already
the stage builder seems to be getting used as a miiverse replacement place for art, but even if it wasn't it's not about being a good stage it's about virtue signaling.
It is surreal, literally all of them have the same opinion.
You have to give a "reputable" email to get in, usually a professional or student email. So yeah, you're basically giving a bunch of unhinged radical leftists the info on what school you go to, or where you work on top of your name.
I hope to god they're never dumb enough to actually use that info to go after a wrongthinker. But on the other hand I'd like to see them try just so I can see them get sued.
I mean, Villager aside (since he had his costume changed after E3), the others are a pretty bad look regardless of the reference.
brave and beautiful
For people who do not form their own opinions and just do what they are told. Mindless conforming robots.
Okay some guy there said something about Nintendo having an anti-lgbt rep in there.
What the fuck are they talking about exactly?
ok sir
>Idk about gay people
make no fucking mistake. all LGBTPQ are mentally ill subhumans and should be treated as such.
Won't happen in your lifetime so I hope you got something else to do.
Have you seen how fags are treated in Japan? It's literally never gonna happen. Even the younger kids who hate the boomer salarymen want nothing to do with gays and their shit.
Seeing this type of shit with trans, gays, etc. Can't say I blame you. We really have become a plague to society.
Fug off autogynephile
Tranny Jannies upset their twisted panties are digging into their fanny
You're right it's a mental illness that instead of treating you're enabling
Good now can they do it to splatoon 2 next? Sick of the tranny posts in the plaza.
Seething resetera tranny
keep that tranny, swastika and gommie shit to yourself. dont broadcast it to the world, real humans dont want to be exposed to this nonstop.
so this is the power... of becoming a woman
>muh anime daughter
Fuck off ironic weeb,
Good, I hope this will be like when they tried to go after Reuben Langdon, and all it resulted in was the entire internet laughing at them.
>boys in skirts
It 100% is. Just look TGTF on deviantart. Degenerates quite literally fetishize about being turned into a woman or bimbo.
You can call me a weeb, but I'm not ironic, faggot.
Quit insulting yourself while looking in dat mirror dat forms on my teeth boiii.
God I want to kill all of you.
Both the resetera trannies and the /pol/ incels.
It is most literally a political statement. It's talking about rights, which is fucking political. Even if Nintendo fully agreed with trans rights and was run by a god damn drag queen they would still be correct about it being a political statement.
if transsexuality is a good thing why do half of them commit suicide?
Thank god Nintendo still views video games as video games and not some political statement dispenser.
oh shit they found this thread quickly post cunny
reminder to all discordfags
>constantly argue that everything is political against people that don't want "politics" in games
>get their shit banned for being political
>literally told directly one-to-one by an actual representative of Nintendo that they agree with their statement and they should drum up support on official forums
>wow what the fuck that's so bigoted how is this politics fuck Nintendo
Mentally ill trannies need to sick help yet they want to push their freakshow cock lopping onto everyone else
>People with X or Y can be based when their identity doesn't revolve around their own sexuality and don't parade it as such
Easy way to sum it. The ones I really can't excuse are the ones who actually make it harder despite being oh so supportive when they're just being obnoxious as all hell and attention seeking. Good people don't have the need to parade it, they just support it in silence or better, show complete apathy/equalism towards everyone.
But that's just another way of them saying "I don't give a fuck".
Fuck California (in a bad way)
Fuck lolis (in a good way)
seething and trannypilled
Paranoia goes hand in hand with extremism. The bigots are out to get the trannies as much as the jews are out to get /pol/.
Sick Mrs. Doubtfire cosplay.
Soon the US is going to be the same, I can see next year being the turning point, trans suicides and murders is on the rise here.
Looks like a literal lotr orc
>it's an FFXIV player
Of course.
>frgpfffllpllll i'm centrist ooooooooooo
They fucking destroyed Splatoon with their tranny horse shit. They can fuck off.
depends on the person
For some with actual gender dysphoria, No.
For the tumblr fags that cant get laid and ended up manipulated because they're lonely vulnerable young and ugly, absolutely
Talk about a one sided fight, jeez
It's so prominent because some people still deny their existence and call their choices a sexual fetish.
Trannies are usually goofy looking and way too many of them do it for attention or to be part of a community, but they make cute posts in the Splatoon plaza and piss off a lot of awful people. Overall trannies are cool with me.
>those resetera posters claiming to be expats living in Japan trying to change their problematic culture
My blood would boil if it weren't for the fact that they're more likely to get kicked out if they actually try to start shit. They'll never get any meaningful positions, they'll never marry locally because of their dumb opinions, and they'll never become citizens.
The modern world has destroyed everything that helped build a traditional identity so now they latch on to shit like this.
Same reason why so many people defend corporations now. They view any criticism as a personal attack.
This my fetish is honestly being magically turned into a 10/10 shortstack and being used as a cocksleeve by huge dicks until I'm mind broken but I can separate fetish from reality unlike trannies
>calling for rights for a group isn't a political statement
These "people" are fucking stupid.
I don't think anyone here is from pol. Just rational people that can't stand faggots or trannies. There's tons of us inrl that can't speak out due to fear of being literally killed. Lgbt is the modern religion, speak out against it and be burned like a heretic basically.
>this is not a mental illness
Go back pls. Get out of here.
How often do you pull hair out of your axe wound and does it sting each time you take a piss out of an urethra tube?
user, please tell me this image is fake before I have a fucking aneurysm.
No I mean what character.
I honestly can't think of any character that can be offensive to them.
What rights do trannies not have that I do?
Last I checked they were still allowed to speak, vote, and have a trial by jury.
I guess they would also be okay with posting nazi flags as long as they're messages of "general supportiveness"?
t. tranny
>No politics allowed is a bad thing
No, its a great thing.
Politics never improve anything. I don't want my politics, your politics, or anyone elses politics in my fucking shit.
>tfw I reported it yesterday
Feels good. I'm not going to let these trannies trick (actual) children into mutilating their bodies.
Collecting photos of evil cybertrannies doesn't exactly paint you as a picture of mental health.
I just find it hard to believe trannies these days. The way they make it out, it's like EVERYTHING is trying to kill them. They're so fucking histrionic.
genuine question
why are all trannies white
you should still kill yourself
It's beta orbiters desperate for attention.
>trans fights
Unironically based
oh good something positive for once
Get out of here, and go get yourself in medicine.
The "gender reassignment surgery" currently available is completely unnatural at every level because all natural holes are made with the mucosa skin, a self lubricating, smooth skin made for interiors.
So this is the first thing you need to fix about this.
Because if you're contrarian, you're right.
Nintendo doesn't like politics on their system.
Regardless of who its from. Deal with it.
I don't get trannies.
Why not just work out instead of staying a fat sack of shit, taking hormone pills, and calling yourself a woman in a last-ditch desperate attempt to become attractive, only to realize you look now like an abomination?
>nintendo removes something for being too political
omg i love you nintendo what the fuck literally based and redpilled holy fucking shit
Mario hates gay people.
Nice. I'll just keep reporting this shit.
imagine being this upset over a video game
Because they were brainwashed into thinking that becoming a tranny would stop them from being incels. Mental illnesses often make up the entire personality of the patient.
>haha SEETHING haha, i'm so original and basedpilled xD
and you call leftists NPCs, jesus christ
when will you guys SHUT THE FUCK UP about your trans grievances.
Has anyone noticed /pol/'s influence on Yea Forums getting weaker lately?
Not sure if they're going to stay relevant.
I blame your fucking head for making Monkeys = black
It's hilarious that they fail to see the irony in all of this.
It's like they can't tell reality from fiction.
How will trannies ever recover?
Nah I have a wife with a kid on the way so no can do bro
>yeah stupid trannies kill themselves so often I wonder why god I hate trannies
I can't be excited about this because this is a fucking clown world and somehow trying to keep politics out of apolitical games is going to get someone violently suicided and replaced with someone who will shove their personal politics into everything they touch.
Because they're legitimately fucked in the head.
Every gay person i have met are distinctively in two categories. One where they don't parade it around 24/7 and interact like normal functioning adults and one where its the only thing they ever care about and try to shove it in in every possible scenario and its fucking annoying.
Holy Jewish post Batman
Holy based
Nintendo allowing hentai games and lolis
and BANNING trannyfags
Why aren't you guys Nintendo fans yet?
I've been asking the same question for a while now. What they want are privileges.
check this jawline
fuck trannies
Looking foward towards the next Yea Forums meet up
>Fuck California (in a bad way)
Say no more.
Because it is a fetish?...Have you not heard of transformation fetishes? It's that but in its newest form and SJWs started blindly supporting it.
Alright, Yea Forums's trans obsession is acting up again, just gonna leave this here before jannies delete this thread so at least SOME of you can learn something today.
Stupid newfag. You can link the image and Yea Forums will post it. You don't need to actually save cancer onto your computer. First page of google images is more than enough.
Well at least all of the ones that go to those prides.
>Sony censoring anime games
>Nintendo releasing uncensored anime games AND destroying trannies
It is so based and I love it.
Based. You give degenerates like me hope.
he'd be a pretty cute guy if he'd fix his fucked up hair and lets a bit of beard grow
>Using Estelle to be retarded
Yeah it bothers me too.
There's threads on /trash/ that might be right up your alley, user.
They wont, it's a wound they have to deliberately stop from healing.
These people have to be on the spectrum. I mean, you can't live your life for 20 something years as a male, put on some cheap lipstick from a gas station and expect everyone around you to treat you like a girl. Like how can people even just try to argue this isn't a mental illness? How? These people are so disconnected from reality its not even funny anymore, its straight up scary.
Is this an escaped prototype Bogdanoff Designer Baby?
Inb4 glorious Nippon bombs SanFran
>[Live and Learn earrape version starts playing]
Someone post that screencap of the ResetERA snowflake telling people to come to Japan to try help change their ways of thinking
I physically brought my hand to my face in anguish at this one. Good lord. I'd feel sorry for these people for their mental illness if they weren't such fucking assholes.
Once an incel always an incel no matter what gender they think they are
Just a modern extrapolation of ideas that have persisted for millennia. The Hermetic concept of "hylics", for example, is the same thing.
When I was in first year college there was a tranny in one of the classes, big ugly muscular guy wearing a dress. I'm an open-minded person and for a couple moments in that class I thought "should I be friendly with this person, try to get to know them?" And I was looking at this dude and I'm just like, no, you don't want to associate with them, they have nothing to offer you.
Disingenuous, see
What Japan IS desperate for is population growth, but these creatures don't reproduce, so it's not much of an issue. How they got residency, even a temporary one is beside me, though. It's easy to go to Japan, but it's incredibly difficult to STAY in Japan unless you have strong work ties.
I only work there a few months out of the year, but I always wish I could stay. I love my living conditions here in America, but it's hard to not want to get the fuck out when all you see is leftist outrage over all popular culture.
shut up faggot stop being so dramatic
Based as fuck. Ban all political shit from Vidya that is not designed by the makers.
Nobody denies that you exist, we just generally do not want the world to chance so that it suits you at our expense. There are more important things in everybody else's life than how happy you are with your junk or where you want to put it, the absence of never ending praise and acceptance is not a denial of any rights, deal with your mediocrity and disappointments like literally everybody else on the planet, you dipshit mutant.
>i'm not obsessed you see i found a loophole
Denial. Psychosis. Obsession.
Get help.
>doesn't exactly paint you as a picture of mental health.
Nah, he is alright. He exposes mentally ill subhumans such as yourself. It's a perfectly fine way of documenting and showing normal people how insane you freaks of nature are.
Society needs to stop enabling you Looney Tunes.
>The modern world has destroyed everything that helped build a traditional identity
What do you mean?
fucking faggot
Unforgivable, does Nintendo realize that many trannies all around the world will literally kill themselves over this? Anyone who supports Nintendo after this has blood on their hands
How the FUCK is pepe wearing some clown shit getting with that ultra hoti boi while I cant even find a nice girl. Fuck this gay earth and fuck everyone in this thread.
Some of you guys are all right, DONT come to /r9k/ tomorrow.
>tfw no bf
>I had no father figure and I'm fine
>Btw at the age of 12 I started taking hormones and got my boobs chopped off, now I pretend to be a guy
d-do i look c-cute?
The fucking Xenomorph head gets me every time
You clearly don't /d/, the appeal is for many degrading others by turning them into a women and then fucking them. Trannies try and infiltrate the fetish threads, but they get called out BECAUSE ITS NOT TRANS PORN BECAUSE THEY'RE TURNING INTO REAL WOMEN.
Giving yourself a dick or a shark mouth doesn't change who you are. So if you were a dick when you had a dick, you'll still be a dick without a dick.
And vice versa.
they are right even if it isn't political you don't want any kind of social statement in this games especially games that are also could be played by kids.
This is what happens when natural selection is put in jeopardy. It allows the weakest of the weak to thrive and spread their shitty genes/ideals
truly amazing and literally the only company to take the absolute best stance possible, keep political activism out of vidya
>Coming out as a tranny on a forum is the easiest way to earn pity points
Wait I thought coming out on social media was the major pity fucking parade? I don't know anymore man who want's their dick and who doesn't.
I read it and I don't believe it.
They ooze sex-appeal
Holy shit lmao
I just want everyone to go away from video games.
Just leave me, and the video games, alone.
>Spend years screeching about how everything is political
>"Oh my GOD, how dare you say that trans "rights" are a political issue??"
Can we gas these people already?
I mean that makes sense, let's just play a game and not add political statements to it
>All this transphobia in 2019
have sex white male incels
Holy fucking based.
Third-world/nigger parenting is innately shit and breeds shitty communities (no shit), yet it's one and only positive is that it promotes masculinity for males so your child is less likely to become an effminate fuck, they're just more likely to be a violent ape
Now Smash knows what Splatoon 2's plaza posts had to deal with ever since release. Getting rid of Miiverse and actual moderation was a fucking huge mistake.
>First they censored the Republicans, and I said nothing because I was not a Republican.......
0% sympathy for these nasty little freaks, they screech for censorship of every fucking thing but the minute they get censored it's pearl-clutching time. Fucking losers, this is exactly why nobody respects them.
Nah I prefer flat chested girls, just my imaginal fetish girl I'd like to be is a shortstack
Tranny bullshit, keep suiciding yourselves, dumb faggot trannies
And here I was thinking I shouldn't get a Switch but Nintendo being this based, I'll get one
I would like to teach over there at some point, but I don't want to be one of stereotypes you hear about in regards to English teachers. Besides, I'm a history teacher, and teaching English would bore me to death. Unless there's some way I could teach history over there, I'd be miserable.
>Rational people
Yet you can't be bothered to google a single study on the topic. If you're gonna stay ignorant than don't talk, simple as that
do trans not have rights?
nah there are plenty of stages with the same flag some dude just clearly fucked up and is about to be necked
feeling SEXY today!
trans shit precedes transformation fetish and shit like that,but yeah is still pretty bad
You know what's interesting? Page 1 of these outrage shit is always the same people.
>Phantom Thief
Like seriously. Every fucking thread it's these people.
Good. All this political garbage, both from the left and the right, needs to stay the fuck outta my vidya.
right on cue, kek
Cool duck.
That is very much a political statement. They're not officially against it, they just don't want these garbage fucking politics in their games. It's supposed to be fun and lgiht hearted, and a form of escapism from trash issues like that, not a medium to push for or against it harder.
tl;dr Nintendo is based for banning your faggot ass too
>pretend to be a minority woman on trannyera
>everyone (white males) is too scared to disagree with you
New Ninty president is a based tranny slayer
To hell with censoring this
Here's the twitter post
Good. Don't care if It's left or right or whatever, keep it away from fucking video games. First they say they're not going to censor third party games now they're doing this. Approaching too good to be true levels of based.
>can't see these people without thinking about Buffalo Bill
>Transgender isn't a "sexual fetish", you stupid ass.
You're almost right. It isn't always a sexual fetish. Most of the time though, it is.
Autogynephilia is a real and dangerous trend among people who are measurably not gender dysphoric.
Source: archive.is
Oh, okay. I misunderstood.
>It's this generation's version of coming out as bisexual in the 90s, or being a goth or scene kid.
I have lived through all of these trends or fads. And honestly I still wanted to keep my dick. I still want to keep my dick now. Why are men throwing their dicks away.
japan will just go 100% westaboo and pander to the west, see: capcom
Holy onto it tight user, maybe it'll become true with a wish in your heart.
Hopefully my stage doesn’t get removed
Defending trannies isn’t rational. You’re a schizophrenic, radicalized, mess.
Jesus christ, so now we literally have to mass email Nintendo Support to tell them to keep this shit out of the game?
>its real
also mirin those shoulders
>all the other ones killed themselves so now the survivors don't kill themselves as much
No matter how many "studies" pull numbers out of their ass trannies will always be suicidal mental cases denied an actual cure by malicious shitheads like you.
this character could not exist nowadays, think about that, it'd get slammed for transphobia
He's right though. You're just as guilty of automated response.
Stop reading after Ooze and it's righr
Phobia is an irrational fear, this is more of a middling disgust.
And to add on to what I posted here The only job I can imagine those people would have is either some google job like moot, or an english teacher.
Yes it is you fucking deviant.
Mario says no to tranny acceptance peer pressure
>get caught fucking a dog
>everyone laughs at you
>kill yourself
>blame everyone for laughing at you for fucking a dog
this is how trannies sound
Japan doesn't want foreign teachers in charge of anything but their native language. Every single opportunity in the country is exclusive in some shape or form.
imagine being this buttblasted that someone is using logic instead of mindlessly following the herd
feeling betrayed, you actual fucking psycho?
No I know about it. It's a mental illness that people choose to not get help for. I don't frown on anyone with a mental disability at all but trans are the only ones who let it be a defining factor of who they are as a person.
Don't you dare drag Tolkien's creations into the same degenerate category as that unholy abomination. Melkor either corrupted Elves into Orcs or corrupted the earth and molded them from mud, but he didn't butcher their genitals and put them in dresses. He wasn't that evil
Oh please let's not go the angle of people that like NTR lying and saying they insert as the one cucking
Most people who look at and watch gender bender stuff self insert as the guy getting turned into a hot girl and getting railed. It's just that most don't delude themselves into bringing their fetish home with them
Time to get this kid banned. Say goodbing to your games, buddy.
You're right, it's a mental illness
This is what I don't understand. I mean they will never be a women neither look like one, but at least they tried. If they lost weight until they were underweight, get a more feminine haircut, clothes that are more on the unisex and things like that. there are a lot of twink looking straight people. But no. These people are overweight, balding, greasy, dress up as 7 year old girls. So fucking creepy
Is Nintendo the 30s to 60s era Disney of video games?
>family friendly
>mindless fun
>traditional values
How can they keep getting away with it?
USS Liberty
Financial institutions
Media institutions
Subjugation of Palestinians
Correct, it's a mental illness.
Why should I believe a field that has done everything to shut down any and all differing opinions?
>sonyfags are mad at Nintendo just being a games company and not a tool for their bullshit politics
Reminder resetera is Sonygaf and has literally always been this shit.
>resettards using my waifu for bitching over trannies
Looks like Nintendo needs to do a little reading.
Holy fucking shit my sides based
So how many time until NoA start the damagecontrol and make some pro trans content?
>Have you seen how fags are treated in Japan?
Yeah. They make porn and VNs and anime about them, and is currently the most prolific producers of gay fanarts in the world.
What do you do?
Remember that respect women meme a few years back? People should do that again but with Trans rights instead
Why would you want to play a stage that's just a tranny flag anyhow, even if you were a tranny? I'm more glad that Nintendo is combing through shit stages than they are deleting this politcal agenda filth.
Look up 'Autogynephilia'
Fucking based and 40 pilled
>marvelfag is retarded
It's probably just someone who made ONE single tweet they didn't like.
So isn't him just agreeing with Nintendo's choice?
We need people to make the video games. Really it’s a problem that a decent chunk of the audience for videgames are loud and they say shit like this. We just need games to be less popular again.
>Putting women up against men who became women who are able to get far much leg strength build in their legs
Fucking unfair to be honest.
I dont see why their surprised. The transflag can be used to mock people like the 40% thing, it was only a matter of time.
theirs no way most of these posts are sincere. right?
Love it, user.
Now to create a Mii called Trannyman and SD half the time
How long until this current wave of annoying ass tranny degenerates all commit suicide?
Getting tired of their idiocy
there already tons of stages with the tranny flag someone did an oopsie that's all
Because they're a bunch of men who think becoming girls will make them happier. They don't have any masculine identity, either through a father figure, or peer bonding group because both are actively demonized. The rate of MtF to FtM is almost 3:1.
>"I don't believe studies because they don't line up with my worldview"
>Doesn't know how these studies even work
Make up whatever you wanna believe, but facts are facts, the sooner mongoloids like you bother to do basic research the lower thsoe rates will go.
>English and British
Be a good nanny, bin that tranny
Shit I was actually thinking of using that name if i ever decided to do competitive vidya again to piss that guy off by appearing normal and not being a furfag. This dumbfuck clearly decided to just be a fag and not funny at all.
What changes are so hard to make? Being trans doesn't make life stop sucking either, just a bit more bearable.
>Sony confirms censorship policy
>liberals are silent
>Nintendo "censors" trannies
>liberals throw a hissy fit
Shoe's on the other foot now, freaks.
retardera is like a bizarre world filled with only SJWs, retards and trannies
I'm sweetie, if cutting off your ear means you're 20% less likely to kill yourself, then we should tell everybody to cut off their ears for the best possible outcome, that's just maths.
Im a spic, and I hate mentally ill trannies.
It half is. The other half is just a manifestation of autism. Look at the correlation rate.
>it's a kike
of course
Reminder, these are the same people that say VIDEO GAMES are a disease.
That’s actually good
I don't believe studies because they try to convince me that trannies are not mentally ill degenerates, in spite of the evidence in front of my fucking face.
Figures. Shit sucks, but hey that's how it is. I don't want to force them to change their culture. Besides, I can always still visit. I'd probably be happier with that.
Yea Forums... learn. I see where you fucked up.
Non-sports games are still a mostly white dominated hobby, so you're going to see mostly white trannies. You can see some real hobgoblins of all colors if you look in different circles or online dating.
i like how you white supremacists call yourself westerners now, and not white.
>all games are political
is literally just code word for
>my shitty cheap anti-fun political activism is acceptable
and it's the fucking opposite
Nope, same for gays, women, and blacks. They actually have zero rights or protections under the Constitution, but with Facebook posts and video game boycotts we hope to change that.
god i wish i had a resetera account just to troll.
Sadly that ain't ever gonna happen. The golden age of games being part mainstream and part hardcore hobby is long gone.
Now EVERYONE is involved with video games and now EVERYONE has a voice, regardless if they should be allowed to or not. It's best to ditch it at this point and come back later when it goes back to being less inclusive.
Also F for Grape-kun.
You think kids growing up seeing these suicidal fucks can actually be convinced it’s normal? It’s not sustainable, which is why they go after kids in the first place
But people do do that with NTR, as the best stuff is when the stud isn't a fat old man. The reason their faces are obscured is to self insert, and the cuck gets backstory so you can fap to his despair like a real man.
>He thinks only white people and men can be transphobic
Um...yikes! sexist and racist much
+1 for sanity and good taste.
So does that mean Bowsette stages are also banned?
It's not real science if it's not based and redpilled.
You don't understand ResetERA do you?
i think this is silly but trans rights really isn't a political statement
Sounds like you need help tranny. I never posted a single one of those pictures.
I'd tell you to get fucked but that will never happen. Stay an incel.
>used to think rainbows were cool but then faggots claimed them for themselves
>then my two favorite colors, blue and pink, were robbed by trannies
Man I really hate LGBT cunts stealing my fucking colors.
You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that anyone on this planet cares that trannies are killing themselves other than other trannies.
So why do leftist activists think you and trannies will hold hands, sing songs, and kill the oppressors together?
>that time NeoFag banned discussion of Iwata's death because it coincided with gay pride month
Amazing how a community so bad can migrate to a new website without changing their ways in the slightest.
If it makes you feel better they are even stronger when it comes to their upper body
>He hasn't seen the Pokemon anime episode where Incineroar torches a gay pride parade
The 4kids localization tried to tone it down but they left in the part where he curb-stomped a child drag queen. They replaced his head with a jelly donut though.
Make one then?
I posted these. lol
Whole prescribing opiates en masse
You think I'm unhappy about 40%? Well you're right, it should be higher
Reclaim it for yourself then.
More proof that trannies are superior to real girl.
You're literally only supporting trans rights by doing this. Any normal person would be appalled by a high suicide rate and in favor of helping those who need it most. You're think you're being edgy and getting on people's nerves but you're doing to most ass-backwards job possible. Thanks.
A lot of these people think they're immune from the rules because they're on the (supposedly) moral side of things. Politics and social issues have no place in video games. Conservative shit included. Unless your game is literally about politics (like Democracy, Civilization, Trump parody games, etc) where people know exactly what they're getting themselves into ahead of time.
Actually to follow up this post I feel bad for transgender people being used as pawns on the politics chessboard for eventual communism.
Life must suck for them.
Oh well.
>Just a bit more bearable
Yeah, like being on the parading side that constantly feels the need to wave their non-existent dicks or non-existent cunts for attention and being more vulnerable for attacks even though you didn't do shit. That seems like so tight shit, about as tight as a trans man's surgical operation.
Daily reminder there is:
>no human right to be liked
>no human right to be addressed with words you choose
>no human right to be happy
>no human right to have people pretend you are a girl
>no human right to a sexual partner
literelly one person says something Yea Forums that means the whole company is like that stfu you will get him fired
I'm a photographer. I started working with my friends' band, and just networked my way after that. If I'm over there it's for a week or two with a band or with a company (usually a hotel) that wants promotional shots.
Yeah, it's a lot better to visit. Like I said, I'd love to live there, but definitely away from Tokyo. The look of complete defeat on a businessman's commute on a late night train is unmistakable.
>"I don't believe studies because"
Stopped reading there
But isn't Nintendo doing exactly what your pic says? The trannies are the one defending that the flag is apolitical
They kill themselves BECAUSE of the mental illness though you retard. They don't get help while everyone encourages them.
Can't. You've got to use a work email address to make an account.
Yea Forums has gone down the shitter
most of you retards are obsessed with politics and resetera to actually talk about games
you'd have to be very clever to not get banned immediately though
How can anyone post on a place where even posting truthfully with politeness will get you banned? Do they really think any meaningful discussion can happen when you always have to watch what you say?
you need a 'private' email, and i dont want to associate my work email with it for obvious reasons
>He thinks it's real
Why the fuck would you ever trust these people?
post more ducks
>Search for trans
>Get trans result
I dunno.
Gays are just as bad as trans. And just as stupid.
Is that Funky Kong on the bottom row?
>anime profile pics
So it's true - anime really does turn men into trannies.
Oh wow, you must be new here
That's fucking crazy.
Holy shit, they are SEETHING
Don't worry I know about John Money and the Reimer brothers.
Why do they call themselves a gaming forum? Resetera is a far leftie forum
lmao saved
>But dicks and nazis are ok, wtf, Nintendo
Somehow, somewhere, the one who had to create software specifically catered to detect phallical shapes weeps somewhere in some corner, not acknowledged in the slightest.
You’re missing the point. It’s a trans boy. So he was originally female.
Basically no matter what happens trannies end up in women’s leagues for reasons I don’t entirely understand
>he bought?
Do they really expect stages about mentally ill people to be accepted by Nintendo? It's a game played by kids for fuck's sake
Stupid people confuse genders and sexual preferences by thinking they're personality traits.
>but dicks and nazis are ok hurrr duurrrrr
No? You get banned for that.
This is what happens when you try to politicize a children’s game company-they fight back.
"The supervisor told me they don't agree and recommended I and others contact"
ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. That would NEVER happen. All those calls are recorded. And that person would lose their job if anyone heard that. They know better than to say things like that to customers where there's a paper trail
Any opinion you voice on how society ought to be is political, you dolt.
Stay the fuck away from children, you disgusting mentally ill degenerates. youtube.com
>Number of children being referred to gender identity clinics has quadrupled in five years
>Investigation as number of girls seeking gender transition treatment rises 4,515 percent
>THE NUMBER of girls seeking “transitioning” gender treatment has skyrocketed in the last eight years, with some girls as young as four wanting to change their gender – and social media may be partly to blame.
>Why are so many teenage girls appearing in gender clinics? A new paper suggests this may be partly a social phenomenon
This thread is shit
>Says fuck Nintendo
>While having an avatar of Kaguya, a series that is entirely about straight people doing straight things
What did they mean by this?
These people are truly disgusting. Look around their forums, some confused 14 year old wanders in who is not sure about anything in his life as a teenager and 100 of them jumps on him trying to convince him to take hormone blockers.
20 years later when these people realize their life have been ruined by other trans people twice their age on the internet, they gonna be seen worse than pedophiles today. These people are predatory
>All stages regardless of content are removed if they make a political statement or are actively harming the brand
It's just a bot everyone
You don't need to. It's literally still in the DSM as a mental illness. There is no evidence whatsoever suggesting transexuality isn't illness.
I immediately thought "NeoGAF" when I read this ... is Resetera a name change or something?
Its hilarious to see them rage about this when they're usually so smug about people getting banned for the slightest perceived """racism""" on basically every social media platform.
this is such an obvious false flag lol
I'm not defending nintendo per se, but:
>Have access to nearly unlimited creativity
>Every fucking tranny makes a stage of their flag, showing how one track minded they are while also injecting their ideals into yet another game
It's one thing for it to be one stage that they all have shared, there are tons of them and they're all the same low quality, uninspired garbage.
It's like mario maker, I know not every stage can be a masterpiece but low quality stages are ass and only people intentionally scraping the bottom of the barrel want to even look at that garbage.
Also, this is just my own prejudice speaking but I'm almost positive every stage in is the only stage any of these people have made, or they've only made stages revolving around transgenderism. Literally malignant cancer.
>drive-by posting
What the fuck is that?
>Phantom Thief
Does this guy ever sleep? He's in 99% of the caps.
That's it, I'm getting a Switch.
Fuck Sony.
Tat's one of them asian ladyboys isn't it?
brb buying a switch
Not really.
Doesn't stop being funny though.
I think it's too gay to catch up but hey, they managed to claim frogs and ok signs so
lol all you do is vindicate them, stop being a fucking faggot /pol/shit retard.
>trans shit precedes transformation fetish and shit like that
Mythology is full of tf shit from Caenis to Narcissus you can find screwy fetishes anywhere there's recorded history
>Literal anecdote suddenly overturns all these studies
In the case you're referring to gender dysphoria was never properly diagnosed. You can't call yourself trans unless you were diagnosed with it, otherwise it's actual abuse. Read up on the topic before you think your opinion on it means anything
We need less tranny flags
And more yuri-posting
Most "trans-women" are just sexual deviants, autogynephiles. Very few men are actually gender dysphoric and typically they handle the process of getting their dick chopped off and turning into hormone goblins pretty well because their brains are structurally more feminine.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and the treatment for it is hormone replacement and cosmetic surgery.
Very few transsexuals actually have this mental illness. It's not really accurate to call them mentally ill when the people who display severely mentally ill behavior simply regret chopping off their cocks to sate their autogynephilia.
This is so funny. On here people think that this feign impartiality and pseudo-levelheadedness is clever and subtle since these incorruptible freethinkers only spout the majority opinion. Then they go on resetera and think they'll pull the same shit because there's like noo way people see right through them and bam banned.
Then it leaves me wondering when they post it on here whether it's dishonesty or stupidity. I tend to think the best of people so I usually go with the former, but in this case I suspect the latter.
Is he right? Does this make Nintendo look bad?
>literally indoctrination children through vidya
muh trannies
Wait. They're bitching that Trans rights isn't political right? But didn't they argue that everything is political?
absolutely based
When they say "girls" do they mean actual girls?
I actually am! No shit. Nintendo has been appealing to me lots lately it seems.
ResetERA is literally where the NeoGAF members went when the mods there got outed as being pedophiles
Studies aren't always reliable or infalliable you moron. Humans are prone to error and bias, and are you really going to pretend studies arent made and paid off to look the other way for desired outcomes?
The tobacco industry did it for decades dude. They LIED about studies for DECADES.
Good, go watch GT again and don't associate with trannies and you'll be fine with everyone
>getting mad
>over a shitpost
Get your priorities in check
>here's the point
>*there was no point*
Good. Now those niggers can play by the same rules everyone else does
Why do Americans do this?
And they come here screeching about how WE are an echo chamber.
I really don't get how this retard resetrannies use so many anime avatars, and then hate how anti politically correct Japan is.
They are just insane. This is the Jussie lynching hoax.
If you simply said, “Let’s wait until we see the evidence” you get banned.
Okay so I'm going to report every single one I see.
It's like they don't even try. Like why even bother?
They never cared about business owner rights, it was always a cheap attempt at a "gotcha moment" they thought would confuse their strawman libertarian opponents.
They have no standards at all, all they care about is trying to win.
The fucking irony on this board I swear. I love you retards.
It is though in the case of autogynephilia
>t. non-delusional autogynephile
That faggot got once permabanned from neogaf and immediatly went namefagging here to cry about it.
And despite that, he still went back to resetera?
Literally stockholm syndrome.
>shaky track record
Seething tranny detected
Join the 40%, rebel against the 60%
Why blur the account? This isn't reddit.
I never understood how being a fag or a tranny has anything to do with communism. Wasn't homosexuals persecuted during USSR? Isn't Venezuela anti-LGBT?
wtf i gonna buy a switch right now
Leftist continuously exploiting little kids who barely know their own name makes my blood boil more than anything else.
They are ready to ruin their entire life to push their agenda. Hopefully a decade later, after many lives ruined, these people finally will be seen in a bad light instead of the media support they receive today. These people are more dangerous than drug dealers on the block around middle school
huh, makes sense if you don't think about it
It's not about seeking attention, just doing what makes life more bearable.
this day just keeps getting better
>censorship and content removal based on politics is totally fine when Nintendo does it
Dropping into a thread to ask some meta question like "why are y'all so mad instead of a based centrist like me (which i totally am not alt-right i promosie)".
But they also deleite the swastikas, so it's balanced
based bing bing wahoos
Like people can have free reign for their shit stages, but this is an entertaining event regardless
The pride flag is now the official clown world flag
Retardera posters are so thin skinned they think that some anonymous poster flaming them that their anonymous post is shit, is the same as a moderator coming in a banning them for saying a wrong opinion.
cool story you subhuman tranny $hill.
absolutely all evidence and statistics prove the opposite of what you claim.
Back to Yea Forums you autistic cucks
It's neo NeoGAF, the scum of that hellhole banded together to make resetera after NeoGAF died a deserved death
Remember when Neogaf refused to put up a banner in honor of Iwata when he died but instantly put one up for some gay pride shit?
They can all go to hell.
History repeats
Don't worry, there is going to be many "anecdotal" stories in the coming years. It's a literal psychological gold mine right now.
Holy shit. S E E T H I N G
Holy fuck I hope this is elaborate bait. I now no longer can tell if it is because it looks like that'd be said unironically in this political climate.
abbyposters are always right
"Seething" has been around for years, too. Normally they move onto something else to say, but not this time. Maybe they like having the convenience of a single word to disregard any and all opposition?
I wonder what other group does that...
The LGBT suicide rate and murders of the LGBT community are rising fast here in the US, do you guys think they will be wiped out both physically and politically by next year in the US?
>THE NUMBER of girls seeking “transitioning” gender treatment has skyrocketed in the last eight years
>with some girls as young as four
... Is there a way to bomb America and just annihilate stupid fucking cunts? At this rate, even cattle will be better at raising our children better.
Anybody on that site complaining about other places moderation is hilarious.
We’ll send them another Thank You card, right?
Alright then, time to blacklist it.
OK this is epic
>why are people suddenly so skeptical over studies regarding trannies
hmm i dont know
No you don't. It just doesn't have to be utterly disposable. Your own domain will work, an email made with your ISP, school or anything that isn't made in 5 minutes by some idiot trying to epicly troll a forum.
Making life just a bit less bearable for everybody else for ed to see ugly, balding men with a clutch tote, thanks for outsourcing your misery to those of us who did nothing to deserve it.
>Not agreeing with far left nutcases makes you alt right
Holy shit you trannies need to stop smoking whatever you're smoking
>Literally still in the DSM as a mental illness
About a year ago the world health organization ruled it wasn't a mental illness anymore, gender dysphoria is still in, something that goes away after transitioning.
Yes, because of dysphoria which causes symptoms similar to that of anxiety, and so far the most effective method of getting rid of those symptoms is transitioning. If you'd actually have bothered to follow this thread you'd know that
Post me a single study then, I'll wait
Hey i'm from /a and i'm agreeing with all of you, fucking goon.
>tranny shill
Did you actually read my post or are you just retarded?
Reminder to report the tranny flag stage on the page for the most popular stages.
But it doesn't, they still thankfully off themselves with a passion. If they just wanted to feel a little better they'd dress androgynous and have long hair, many girls live like that day to day. Instead they are autistic and sexual deviants.
Flags take 1 nano second to complete. There isn't any wonder why people are releasing maps with just flags in the front. Any other day Yea Forums would be posting swastikas because they are simple to make.
You're simply jumping to conclusions here. Transexuals are one track minded for other reasons though.
This makes me want to buy a second switch and get a custom trans flag cover with 40% written on it and post about it on resetera.
So I guess it makes Nintendo look pretty fucking based
Won’t get rid of the (((problem)))
Did some looking into as to why this happened.
The term "transrights" became a meme for some reason on trannies' social media of choice (twitter, tumblr, resetera) and really only circulated there. Yea Forums also hyper focused on this for some reason, which is why you have the stage creator filled with both unironic and ironic depictions of the meme (some were named "40%" with the song being "snake eater," for example).
Reminder that Trannies are a vocal minority, like anything on Yea Forums and that people who don't live on social media are likely to never meet one in their lives.
Based Miyabi poster
Good fucking stop trying to inject this bullshit into fucking VIDEO GAMES. People play games to get away from the reality that the world is fucking shitheap, I don't need/want reminders of that as I play
but it's not based on political bias, it's about all politics which is literally the ideal, keep real world political activism out of vidya, it ruins the fun
sure tranny
How long till nintendo caves to resetera and games journalist screeching? I give it 3-5 days.
This shit happened in the US in 1969 and these fuckers got put back in their caves for 50 years, it's repeating the death toll has returned just like 50 years ago, they will be put back in their caves by either next yer or in 2021.
They should have warned the fucking police instead.
You're right its a mental illness lmao
They are a tool used to destabilize a nation.
Once said nation is destabilized and the revolution completed, they are lined up against a wall alongside their fellow reactionaries (the people who got the communists into power), and shot.
Their bodies are to then be tossed with the garbage.
>Transgender isn't a "sexual fetish", you stupid ass.
what part of "being a woman" includes pretending to be a cute anime girl?
That's fetishistic behavior btw
So crazy that people seem to think they held burnings just because EVIL and BOOK BAD, like it just came out of nowhere.
Prior to these guys there were 16 different categories of prostitute in Berlin, including mother and daughter double acts. They did right by their people getting rid of this shit.
Everything is political except for when it's not.
So how are the "death to trannies" stages? Oh wait.
When I was 5 year old I wanted to paint my nails and liked to wear jewelry.
20 years later I'm a normal person with zero identity issues. Thank fucking god I did not grow up with some nut-job parents who wouldve castrated me before I can have a single sexual thought
I did follow it and I know that's bullshit. You don't help a schizo by telling him the shit he sees and hears is real, right?
No you're right they're just "fetishizing their dysphoria", lmao
Normies don't give a shit about trannies either way, lefty/pol/. Stop existing solely on social media and you'd stop getting so upset about everything.
Imagine your life can be reduced to a bunch of labels, mostly to define yourself as being pro or against something others are doing.
Not poly-atheist, poly atheist, as in an atheist who is polyamorous.
So a cuck.
Are there any rights that trannies don't have? Is the gubmint preventing them from getting trans married or something?
Also, being able to dilate in an establishment's restroom is not a right.
Sounds pretty based to me
>cute anime girl
I wish they were real bro. I'm becoming less and less attracted to 3d women.
>Ben Garrison
every time
No it doesn't. Rates of depression don't change post surgery. Gender dysphoria is just reworded transexuality as lgbt lobby groups keep pressuring the DSM and ICD psychiatrists.
Lol tranny the whole world hates you just go into a diverse area of any inner city and ask the denizens their opinions on trans shit. Tons of trannies are literally murdered in the hood every year, do you think le gaymer nazis are the ones doing it?
You get fucking thrown out of the scientific community for even daring to start a study looking into the opposite of the status quo
The fucking scientist who literally discovered dna had his life destroyed and his Nobel prizes rescinded for saying races are different. Not for saying whites are superior but for an off hand comment in a one on one conversation saying he believed races are different.
The modern scientific community is just political pop science outside of a few fields.
yeah its really fun and eye opening when you realize what books hitler was burning. because they dont teach that at schools.
Makes u think (((who))) could be behind these choices
jesus christ
well, the first from right is kind of cute...
Reality is cute
Some chose to dress androgynously because its their gender identity, why should it be different for mtf trans?
Lol triggered
It's not wrong. My parents warned me to avoid weirdos and creeps all the time when I was growing up.
When I was that age, we were into yo-yos. I guess all kids have hobbies.
Useful idiots to destabilize a society.
> The people who rise to positions of power in leftist movements tend to be leftists of the most power-hungry type, because power-hungry people are those who strive hardest to get into positions of power. Once the power-hungry types have captured control of the movement, there are many leftists of a gentler breed who inwardly disapprove of many of the actions of the leaders, but cannot bring themselves to oppose them. They NEED their faith in the movement, and because they cannot give up this faith they go along with the leaders. True, SOME leftists do have the guts to oppose the totalitarian tendencies that emerge, but they generally lose, because the power-hungry types are better organized, are more ruthless and Machiavellian and have taken care to build themselves a strong power-base.
Kaczynski noticed this decades ago.
>rights aren't political
nigger what
Huh? What is this false equivalency drivel you're spouting? No we don't do that because it doesn't work in that case, but with people who have dysphoria we KNOW it does. Different problems require different solutions. What are you even arguing?
Real question, what's up with all the mental illness these days? It used to be somewhat rare but now literally everyone has some sort of it. Something in the air or food??
wtf i love communism now
>Some girls as young as four
Is there any chance the Pope will call for the 10th Holy Crusade to take America back from mentally ill abominations ruining these children's lives? We land in Commiefornia and Purge the entire state and work our way in land from there
There are a couple like serving in the military and some services and organizations legitimizing their condition, but yeah not really, it's largely a misnomer.
They're not really missing any major rights, at least not worth screaming so much about.
I'll bite. Why is it the same dozen users in every sceencap? How big is Resetera really?
Uh, user...
>fuck Nintendo
is probably grounds for 'drive by posting' and not contributing in a meaningful way to the discussion. I assumed that these posters were banned yeah?
Beware of anyone who believes that their actions are controlled by society, and believes that they can control other actions by controlling society.
You can now see people posting about their lives globally more
>Rates of depression don't change post surgery
Not him but he literally posted an image linking to like a dozen studies that proved exactly that, comment got deleted though, try googling it.
>actually believing in the 'mental illness' model of psychology which only exists to sell pills
I wish everyone would just drop all this shit and do what they want with their bodies. If you really have it in your mind that you want to become a girl then just fucking do it and stop trying to apply diagnoses and labels and shit. What we call gender dysphoria is not some virus that alters the brain, it's a behavior pattern which can be caused by a huge number of factors both internal and external. Same thing with 'clinical depression', it's not an isolated thing that you can just eliminate with drugs and therapy like a tumor.
Why would you want a flag for being a transvestite? Isn't this sort of like how the whole point of make-up is to look like you aren't wearing any? Why would you want to broadcast that your trans instead of doing your best to look like you're a real woman? I mean, doesn't that defeat the purpose of being trans? What the fuck.
>What we CAN do is try to lessen it
They certainly aren't trying that
It's not different. If you were subtle about it you could dress androgynously and no-one would really have to known your brain is falling apart. So the fact that a lot don't means they don't just want to feel a little better, they desire attention.
Kaczynski wasn't a communist though. He's an Anarcho-primitivist.
It's a bigger circlejerk than late neogaf or any board here.
Have to get an invite from what I remember to even make an account
I'm arguing that at least people with schizophrenia are still humans we can help where as trannies are lost causes. Same with suicidal people and people with real anxiety, they can get help.
Keep making up whatever dumbass reason you have for not wanting to take peer-reviewed studies more seriously than your feelings, you're gonna be looked at for the dumbass you are less than a decade from now
So you're telling me, we're supposed to cry about blizzard banning us for saying nigger, but cheer when Nintendo bans tranny flags? I guess it really is okay when Nintendo does it
You cannot fucking medically diagnose dysphoria to a child who hasn't even hit puberty
I wanted to be a dinosaur when I was 6. If a 6 year old boy says they want to be just like Taylor Swift because he likes her music you don't fucking put him on hormones and chop off his dick, that is abuse and you are destroying that child's entire life.
Just be glad you were born in anything but the 00/10's. Back then, people definitely didn't have this much freedom to just mold their child's life up to their taste. It's like children and their beauty pageant moms only seventeen times worse.
Yeah so fuck all science, amirite? This is the same logic used to deny global warming. The existence of bad studies doesn't invalidate all studies. You can read them for yourself and determine if their methods and claims are good.
Yeah it's not even funny anymore how brainwashed some people are, I have seen so many people think Nazis burned books in general. Yeah sure, like they had a vendetta against literature as a whole, what the fuck? How could anyone believe something so retarded.
The book burnings were specifically only of propaganda material like the Communist Manifesto, or complete sicko books like ones about trannies and so on.
Secondly, it wasn't even NSDAP that initiated the book burnings, it was student organizations because a lot of students were enraged when they saw what kind of trash had been pushed to the Germans before.
Drive by posting. Banned.
It might work occasionally because it appeases their delusion. Why should society cater to fantasies instead of accepting reality? The jagged hole between their legs doesn't make them a girl.
When archaeologists dig up their bones in a million years they will look at the structure and go "This was a man".
Imagine a forum where you're free to talk about Nintendo like that. So much freedom it's almost excessive.
Reminder that being "trans", aka having Gender Dysphoria is a serious mental illness
It only makes sense as to why Nintendo would ban stages of it
>all these replies saying seethe proving you right
You will never be a real woman tho desu
The pope is a filthy communist who wants pisslam to take control and simultaneously pushing the gay agenda.
You could since the 90s. It all started happening around 2013+
>things in fiction also exist in reality therefor trashy anti-fun political pandering is not only good but necessary
I've seen people argue that because we can never be 100% objective because of our biases, we shouldn't even try. It's like trying to say because your house will never be 100% clean, you should never even both cleaning.
Besides, anyone who says "everything is political" is almost always a control freak.
do your part
Reassignment literally doesn't work. It has zero impact on depression rates and only slightly reduces suicide, probably not controlled for time with which people have been suffering with the disease for. Current transexuality treatment is basically the Shutter Island plot.
Call me what you like, mutant, it doesn't change anything